Who Rules Your Roost – Melissa Bingham

Hello! I hope you had a GREAT weekend!

This week’s devo is “Who Rules Your Roost” written by Melissa Bingham! Please take the time to read as she shares her heart with us today!

I hope you have an awesome week!

Who Rules Your Roost – Melissa Bingham


Remember way back in 2020? When we began our journey through “unprecedented times”? (Whether we wanted to or not!) It was during this time that I began another exciting journey, one tstore. When I came home without eggs, my egg-loving husband asked “Why didn’t you get eggs?? When I explained that there were NO eggs in the grocery store that day, (and after the initial shock wore off) my problem-solving husband announced “Well, maybe it’s time to get chickens!” I replied, “Ok! If YOU really want to!” (insert fist-bump!) And so began the journey to Chicken Mamma! Through the last 5 years The Lord has allowed us to be chicken owners, and it has been a great joy. He has used those beautiful, egg-giving ladies to teach me a lot about His love for me. I honestly do not mean this in any disrespectful way, but there are a lot of comparisons between our relationship with the Lord, and my relationship with my chickens as their “mamma” or ‘Chicken Tender’ for a more generic term. I would like to share those ways with you and hopefully we can all learn more about Who should be ruling our roosts.

We all know and understand the Biblical design for our homes. We (should) accept that the Lord has made the husbands the head of the family, and the wives are commanded to reverence, or respect him. Ultimately, though, the Lord should be the One to rule our lives. He leads our husbands, and then they lead us, and we lead the children and so on. Here are some comparisons that I have noticed that I believe we can all learn from.



The first thing we knew that we needed when we became chicken tenders is a coop. We knew that the chickens would need a safe place to sleep, and a place to get in out of the elements. A coop was essential. But what kind of coop? We built a simple coop that we purchased from Amazon. We currently have two coops, one that was built many years ago and another that we purchased when we moved to Oklahoma 4 years ago. None of these coops have been fancy or elaborate, but each of them has been sufficient. Chickens also need feed and clean water daily. There is no end to the options at the feed store for types of feed – from the very basic layer pellet to the most organic, fancy feed you’ve ever heard of.

I have provided for the chickens what I can, what I deem necessary. I have never had a chicken come to me in the yard and inform me that they have been reading the latest issue of Better Coops and Gardens and that they feel like they deserve an upgrade. Nor has a hen come to me to inform me that layer pellets are upsetting her stomach and that she would prefer a gluten free option, or a more organic route. This sounds ridiculous, of course, and it is – but don’t we do the same thing to our “Chicken Tender”? We should be just as dependent on the Lord for our needs as the chickens are on us. Yet we compare, complain and cry for something more or better. A few verses to help us with this “For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” 2 Corinthians 10:12 Don’t Compare! 1 Timothy 6:8 says “And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.” Be content! And of course, Matthew 6:31-33 “Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? Or, What shall we drink? Or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek: ) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” The Lord knows exactly what we need. Trust HIM to provide. Don’t compare, be thankful and don’t grumble!




Chickens are pretty helpless when left to themselves. Yes, roosters have spurs and can “defend” their ladies – but really and truly a rooster is no match for a wild dog, a raccoon, a possum or a hawk. It is up to the Chicken Tender to make sure that they are safe and protected. Becoming a chicken mamma helped me improve my counting skills for sure – because I am always counting, making sure that they are all present and accounted for. Our chickens are locked up at night so that nothing gets into the coop to devour them while they sleep. We also clip one wing on each of the hens to keep them from flying the coop (sorry – I had to! 😊) That isn’t always pleasant for the chickens, but it is needful. Chickens also need protection from the elements. We lost a hen in TX to extreme heat, and we have had cracked feet and frostbite from icy conditions as well. There are also so many illnesses that a chicken can get! Bumble foot, egg bound, worms, mites, Marek’s disease, Avian flu, wry neck – just to name a few. It is the responsibility of the Chicken Tender to be watchful for these issues and to know how to best care for them. Chickens are dependent for their basic protection, and so are we as humans. We should rely on the Lord to fight our battles and to heal our ailments. He is a good Father and wants to do that! “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:” 1 Peter 5:7-8




One thing I have noticed and I absolutely love is that my chickens know ME. They know my voice. I can call for them, and they come running. They also listen for the back door and can even hear when the curtains on the back door open. It is not unusual for me to open the curtains for the day and see all of them come swooping up to the fence, eagerly anticipating my arrival! They have learned over the years that when the Chicken Mamma (Tender) comes out she is usually bearing goodies! They are eager for what I have, and expect good things from me. Psalm 62:5 says “My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him.” “O taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” Psalm 34:8. And, my personal favorite, “I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt; open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it” Psalm 81:10. God is a wonderful Giver of life and blessings and “treats”. He desires to bless us with good things. John 10:10b tells us “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

I also love that I can pet most of my chickens. There are a few that stay very close, some are even curious enough to hop on my back or peck at my shoes. The ones that receive the personal touch, a pet or a rub, are those that stay close. They have chosen to spend time with the Chicken Mamma while she is there. They choose to stay close. I know that the Lord doesn’t have “Favorites” but I also know that the Lord is able to bless those that stay close to Him in much the same way that I am able to love on those chickens that stay close. “Draw night to God, and he will draw night to you.” James 4:8a




This is probably my favorite comparison between chickens and humans. I love my chickens. I enjoy watching them run around the yard. I enjoy listening to them “laugh” while I am out in the yard with them. I love watching them get excited that I am coming or that they have found a goodie in the yard. Yes, the rewards of having chickens is that we do receive eggs (usually) but, I do believe that if I never received an egg again, that I would still be a chicken owner. I receive great pleasure from just having them in the yard. So also the Lord receives great pleasure just from you (and me) having been created. Revelation 4:11 tells us “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” Yes, there are times when the Lord may not be pleased with the way that we are choosing to live – but I genuinely believe that He loves us no matter what – whether we are producing or not. We exist for HIS Pleasure, and because of the fact that He is a Good Chicken Tender (Father) we “chicks” ought to love Him and do our best to stay close and let Him “Rule our Roost”


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