Seasoned with Salt?

Leviticus 2:13 states, “And every oblation of thy meat offering shalt thou season with salt.”  God specifically mentions “season with salt”.   Hmm?

Why mention the minor detail of salt?

Webster’s dictionary states that salt is used to season or preserve.  What is the significance?

In cross-referencing with Numbers 18:18 “it is a covenant of salt for ever before the Lord unto thee and to thy seed with thee”, salt is a symbol of preserving a covenant between the Lord and His people.  God promised David that He would establish the throne of His kingdom forever (2 Samuel 7:12-13).  Salt was a reminder of God’s working in the lives of His people.

In Mark 9:50, God commands us to “have salt in yourselves”.  This salt will help to not only preserve us from the evil of this present world but also will help us to make a difference in the world around us. The salt in our lives should cause others to desire a change of flavor in their own lives.  This will glorify Christ.

“Salt is good: but if the salt have lost his saltness, wherewith will ye season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another.”  Mark 9:50

“Let your speech be alway with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man”.  Colossians 4:6

Journal Entries 7.30.17 – 8.01.17

July 30, 2017 – Woke up dizzy and not feeling well.  Got into argument with Joe over the days of us taking Jakob to college.  Began crying because it was all too much.   (Our eldest son, Jakob, was getting ready to leave for college for the first time.  I so was not ready both physically and emotionally, but I knew in my heart that he needed to go.)

I’m getting another headache.  I think I need to find something to balance my hormones.  I don’t understand why my emotions are all over the place.

Noticing that I can do some math problems a little faster in my head, but if I try to think it out I get confused.  Thoughts seem to be sporadic.

I’m wore out and extremely tired.  My neck hurts and muscles are twitching sporadically in my back and legs.

July 31, 2017 – Drank Vera (Yerba) Mate Tea this morning.  Took B-12 & multi-vitamins today.  Seemed to have a little bit more energy than I have been.  Also, a little more clarity of thought.  Back muscles periodically spasm throughout day and muscles ache all over.

Still feel unbalanced.

Have headache at end of day.  Took BC powder.  Also, took magnesium, ginger, and losartan (Blood pressure was extremely high).

August 1, 2018 – 4:00 a.m. – woke a little before 4 am with heartburn and stuffy nose.  Muscles ache and have feeling something was wrong.  Took Tums and Benadryl.  Fell asleep praying.

2:52 p.m. – Tried to help clean Lawana’s (an elderly friend’s house).  Managed to wash dishes.  Helped some with laundry.  Dezirae and Jordon did rest of jobs.  I’m now hurting all over and exhausted.  Muscles in between shoulder blades are burning!

7:40 p.m.  – Joe told me to use heat 20 minutes then ice 20 minutes to ease muscles.

When he got home from work, we put tens units on.  It hurts!  He told me to take it off after 15 minutes.  I thought I was turning it off and accidentally turned it up!!! Now I’m hurting worse.  Ugh!!  I’m not using that again.

8:05 p.m. – Hurting worse.  Took a Lavender Epsom Salt bath.  It helped to ease the pain a smidge.

10.21 p.m. – Muscles between shoulders and lower neck feel like they’re burning.  Took muscle relaxer – hope to be able to go to sleep soon.

At this point, my sleeping patterns were all mixed up.  It was hard to fall asleep at night because of the pain.  I was taking several naps a day as I had no energy and every little thing I did seemed to really wear me out physically and mentally.  I was just thankful to be alive.  I was also thankful because it was summer so school was out, but I knew somehow I was going to have to get school plans prepared soon – but for the grace of God, I was doing much of anything right now.  I was thankful that my kids were older and could help me around the house and help take care of me while Dad was at work.

Journal Entries 7.28 & 7.29, 2017

Apparently, my brain was too foggy to even think about journaling for several days.  I didn’t’ add anything for about a week.  Honestly, I don’t even remember anything during that time except that I was in extreme pain and had no clue what was going on or what to do.

Journal Entry July 28, 2017

I hurt so bad all over…almost like I got beat up within inches of my life.  My head hurts so bad.  Lights and sounds hurt my head.  I’ve lost muscle strength…I can’t even hold a gallon of milk without my muscles going to spams.  Forget even lifting a basket of clothes for washing.  I have no energy at all.  Every little task seems to wear me out quickly.  I’m so dizzy I can hardly walk.  I think I’d rather stay in bed for a while.

What’s going on with me?  Why so much pain?  Why don’t the doctors know how to help?  Kids and husband say I’m slurring my words. I’m having trouble spitting out what I want to say.  I’m so tired.

Dezirae did awesome job cooking dinner (Homemade Pork Stir Fry)!  Joe gave it an A+

Journal Entry July 29, 2017

7:57 a.m. – Woke up hurting all over.  Headache has eased, but it’s not gone all the way.  My comforter feels like lead and it’s hard to move.

9:15a.m.  I’m so sad…just feel like crying and don’t know why.

11:43 p.m. – Headache is finally gone about noonish.  My right thigh hurts like it’s bruised.

Took B-12 (Methylcobalamin) to give me energy.  I have none.  I don’t sleep well at night.

Took Magnesium 500mg to calm my muscle spasms.  Also took Ginger because my stomach is upset.  Took Elderberry because I’m not feeling well. Forgot to take my multivitamins again today.  I’m having trouble with my memory.


Journal Entries 7.19.17

Thankfully I received good advise to journal my symptoms so I’ve been keeping a journal almost since day one of my lightning strike adventure.  I’m still trying to figure out and make sense of this blogging thing.  It’s been 15 months since the actual incident and I cannot figure out how to backdate so I’m going to periodically add entries from my journal with the dates of journal notations until at least I catch up to present date.  I know some of my entries will have misspellings and incorrect grammar, but I want to show how my mind was processing things as I go.

Journal entry July 19, 2017

Today, I still have the side effects and I feel like I’ve been beat up badly.  Praise the Lord I still alive to tell about it.  Definitely a scarey episode that I don’t want to repeat anytime ever!

Side effects include: entire left side is still numb and tingly, my brain hurts, I have a massive headache like I’ve never had before.  My thoughts are scattered.  Why don’t doctors study this out?  The lights are so bright that it’s hurting my eyes must wear sunglasses to shade the light even indoors.  Why is everything so loud?  I’m so tired but I’m having hard time sleeping.  I’m glad my kids are older so I don’t have to worry about bottles and changing diapers.  My muscles are cramping.  Why do I hurt all over?  I feel so weak.  I just need to sleep this off.

Purposeful Prayers

Matthew 6:5-6
And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

“In prayer it is better to have a heart without words than wprds without a heart.” – John Bunyan

Our prayer time must be a purposeful matter of our heart. God does not want a nonchalant attitude or fluffy words to make it sound good. The model prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 is an example to show us how to acknowledge His presence, declare His sovereignty, submit our needs, ask forgiveness, forgive others, and ask for protection and deliverance from evil. He never expected us to vainly repeat His prayer example. He wants a sincere heart.

There may be even times when your heart is so burdened and laden with the cares of this world that you don’t even know what to say. That is when the Holy Spirit intercedes on our behalf. He prays for what we do not even know how to express (Romans 8:26-27). God loves and cares for you. Remember to take time each day to spend with the Lord. He loves you!

Blessings in the small things

I realized that I almost forgot to share a blessing…though it may seem minute to some…my eyelashes are starting to grow back!!!

Right after my being struck by lightning my eyelashes were so brittle that they would break off if I touched them.  My eyelashes are blonde so they are hard to see anyways, but to have them breaking off to where I had none in some sections and very short in other sections was very embarrassing if I dwelt on it very long.  I couldn’t even wear mascara for quite a while.

Well, I remember somewhere reading that coconut oil would help strengthen and grow your eyelashes.  I decided to give it a try.  I took a small amount (a couple of drops), warmed it up, and dropped it into my mascara bottle.  I used the wand to mix it up and then shook it.  I applied the mascara as I normally would.  Nothing more.

I only wear mascara a couple of times a week so I didn’t really think about it much.  As I was getting ready for church this past Sunday, I was applying my mascara and noticed that my lashes were starting to grow!  I was so excited I made sure my whole family knew!

Finding blessings even in the smallest things!  #thankyouLord

“This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.
It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.” Lamentations 3:21-24

A peek into my world

A peek in the window of a lightning survivor….

I have memory loss and have forgotten how to do many things. Knowing that I should know how and forgot is frustrating at times. And there’s no rhyme or reason as to things I can and cannot remember.

For example… I planned a simple dinner meal for tonight – Chicken Veggie Stir Fried Rice. I’ve made it more than a dozen times, yet I simply have forgotten how to do it. Thankfully, there’s the internet & Pintrest that I can quickly look it up.

Then there’s the issue that my upper body strength and stamina have dimishished so much that I have to ask for help stirring after a while because my arms wear out and I start hurting more than I can bear. Or I get side tracked easily and end of forgetting to add certain ingredients or mixing up the directions.

I’m not complaining in the least. Life has been much harder since the anomoly.  I am thankful for God’s faithfulness and that His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23).

I just figure since my type of injury isn’t studied enough because doctors don’t think it happens enough that maybe allowing others to take a peek at some of my struggles may help others know how to be more supportive with those who struggle with the same type of injuries as I do.

…now if I could only figure out how to publish this to share…

Daily Dose of Vitamins

1 Peter 1:7-9                                                That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.

Did you know that spending time in the Word, prayer, and fellowship with your Saviour is like making sure you get your daily dose of vitamins? Those of us who try to focus on being healthy make sure we are trying to get our daily dose of vitamins whether through eating the right foods or taking vitamin supplements.

Sometimes that healthy exercise can be tough and quite a struggle, but the end results are satisfactory & rewarding.

The only way that we can truly endure the trials of this life is through a firm foundation in Jesus Christ.  While our salvation guarantees heaven, it doesn’t warrant a healthy, spiritual life.  Our spiritual life is determined by our searching the Scriptures diligently and constant fellowship with the Saviour.

Another important healthy part is to make sure our lives are filled with joy.  What is joy?  Webster’s dictionary defines joy as “a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.”

How do I have joy in the midst of trials?  Sometimes it’s not easy, but it’s through determination to have a merry heart (Proverbs 11:22). Trails are to strengthen our faith. We receive our strength through having joy in the Lord (Nehemiah 8:10).

I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes I just don’t want to be tested or endure one more trial.  At times, I do find myself getting weary in well doing.  BUT it is in that moment that I realize I need to take time to meditate (think) upon Scripture and get alone with God in order to not stay down-in-the-dumps.  It also helps me to listen to God-honoring music to help lift my soul from the miry (very muddy) clay.

In order to have more of God’s power in our lives, we must cast-off the negatives and embrace the positives.  When we allow the presence of God in our lives, we will experience more peace and joy (Psalm 16:11).

One of the nine (9) Fruits of the Spirit is Joy (Galatians 5:22-23).  Harvested fruit tastes delicious, but trying to eat it before its ready can taste horrible.  It must be cultivated through planting, weeding, and watering.  When it’s time, it can be picked for the enjoyment of eating.  The same is true in our lives.  In order for our spiritual fruits to grow and mature over time, they need to be nourished.

The “Fruit” of Joy doesn’t happen overnight.  Not only must we work at it, but we must choose to add it to our lives.  Don’t forget to add the important vitamin of Joy to your daily dose of vitamins.  You’ll be glad you did!


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