Journal Entries 08.12 -08.13,2017

August 12, 2017

11:18am – I’m freezing!!!  It’s 78 degrees.  Can’t move fast or I get dizzy.  My whole body aches.

12:47pm – Praise:  I went to the eye Dr this week.  Dr. was very nice and understanding though I was in pain.  He said that from what he could see I have no permanent eye damage (I even have same script from 5 years ago).  He gave Rx for eye drops to calm my eyes.  Believes my side effects stem from neurological damage.

4:20pm – I hurt all over.  It’s a chore to move.  My heart feels like its beating fast.  I’m tired.

I’m warmed up though.  It took a couple hours with socks on feet and under blanket.

10:22pm – Had to take a pain pill so I could go to church for kids Back 2 School party.  Sat most of the time, but was able to take pictures and be there.  Enjoyed the fellowship.  Don’t like having to wear sunglasses, but it helps me not be so dizzy from lights bothering my eyes.

August 13, 2017

9:23am – Feeling woozy this morning and cold.

1:37pm – Left second toe feels like the tip was ripped off, but there’s nothing wrong with it.  My whole body aches.  Muscle spasms in back are almost too much to handle.

11:02pm – Nausceousness eased about 5pm.  Muscle spasms eased after taking Aleve about 5:30pm.

Topsy Turvy

If I remember correctly, it’s not proper speaking etiquette to begin your speech with an apology, but oh well.   I apologize for not being on lately.  My world has been topsy-turvy the last couple weeks or so.

About two weeks ago I overdid it with my activities including putting up letters on a bulletin board at church.  I was already hurting more than normal, but was by bedtime every inch of me was hurting extremely!!!

When I hurt this bad, I do not sleep well nor do I even feel like eating.  I did manage to drink a smoothie because I know I at least need sustenance.  I do make sure that my kids are taken care of for the most part.  They are such a big help and have been very supportive through this life change.  I thank the Lord for my miracle children every day even on the days that they frustrate me so.

Anyways,  I  when I overdo it  I’m usually down for the count for several days.  When I saw down for the count, I mean chores go undone, kids make the meals, and I am usually in bed or on the couch curled up with a heating pad, a bottle of my homemade pain roller blend, and most likely have to take pain pills more than I would like to just until the pain subsides enough that I can at least ignore it momentarily.

Last week, I attempted to harvest and can pumpkin, but had issues with not only my strength and stamina but also my pressure canner.  What a mess that day turned out to be !!  I’ll share that story later.

I went to a brain injury support group session today so my brain hurts from the extra activity.  I need to rest for now, but I will do my best to update more posts tomorrow.  Until then…

P.S.  Thank you for sticking with me on this journey, I pray that it is not only a blessing to someone else but maybe also helping someone else out along the way.

Journal Enteries August 09 – 11, 2017

August 9, 2017

Did you know?
According to, 80% of lightning strike victims survive, but 25% of them suffer major after effects.

*Been trying to research information about recovering from being struck by lightning on the internet.  Very little information if any.  Why isn’t this phenomenon studied out more?

Symptoms/Happenings today:

Woke up in pain and feel like crying.  My eyes hurt so bad.

Able to be seen by Eye Doctor today.  Thankfully, I have no permanent eye damage.  Doctor says that my vision seems to be the same.  He prescribed eye drops to help calm my eyes some.  He said that he felt that most my symptoms are neurological.

My eyes hurt.  When I close my eyes, it feels like I’m on a boat in the middle of a choppy ocean.  I wished it calm down so I can rest.

August 10, 2017

Did you know?
“Lightning can heat the air it passes through to 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit (5 times hotter than the surface of the sun).”

A good safety tip according to this website, “When thunder roars, go indoors” because there is no safe place outside in a storm.  This site is full of good safety tips about all kinds of weather.

I guess my case is a little more abnormal than usual because it was not storming outside – it was a sunny morning & I was indoors.  :0

Symptoms/Happenings today:

12:35 – Had to balance checkbook today.  Discovered I hadn’t done July’s!  I got confused and temporarily forgot what to do.  I got so worked up that I couldn’t remember what to do that I cried for a while.   (I can’t believe I forgot how to balance a checkbook.  I used to be an accountant for a couple of companies. I was good in math.  How can I not remember?  This is crazy!)  Stopped and asked God to help me remember.

It took me several hours because all the numbers kept blurring and jumbling.  I finally managed to get it balanced.  I have a major headache now though.

3:53pm – Had to cut Joe’s hair for an interview.  Had a dizzy spell afterwards and had to rest a while.  I’ve had a headache most of the day and nothing seems to be touching it.  If only I could get rid of this headache.

10:27pm – Able to play piano for church tonight, but had to wear sunglasses as my eyes were extra sensitive to the lights today.  Headache all day.

Almost fell several times today due to dizziness and feeling unbalanced.  Able to catch myself so as to not actually fall.

August 11, 2017

It’s been a rough day for me.  I’m thankful that our children are old enough to help with the cooking when I am not able.
Teaching your children to learn to love to cook has many future benefits. 😊 Thank you, Lord!

Symptoms/Happenings today:

8:36am – Eyes are little blurry when I awoke, but felt okay until I moved too fast and fell back on the bed.

12:30pm – Mom took me to the P.O., Dollar Tree, & Walmart to get stuff for PABC Back 2 School party.  I sat in Special Needs chair being pushed thru Walmart.  Kids had to do the shopping for me.

Mom saw a couple of paramedics and asked them if they ever dealt with lightning strike victims & what Dr to see.  They said a Neurologist and that I’m lucky to be alive.  I told them I was with God’s help.

Mom insisted I stay in cart to be pushed to the car.  I couldn’t handle it – shaking my head going across the pavement made me feel nauseous!! Had to get out & walk with cane.

4:31pm – Got chilled and goose bumps appeared all over skin.  It’s 87 degrees outside and no air in the car.  Makes no sense.

6:27pm – Muscles in back are aching horribly and twitching like I’ve overdone it today.  I hope not.  Taking a pain rx.

Journal Entries 08.06.2017 – 08.08.2017

August 6, 2017

8:08am – I hate taking so much Rx!  Bp is 137/92.  I don’t like feeling like this…unbalanced, back pain, dizzy, & something’s wrong 🙁

I can only move at a turtle’s pace or I get dizzy.

11:23am – Couldn’t play the piano for church today – too dizzy.  It was nice singing for a change, but some of the music notes made me dizzy.  It was like I could see the notes dancing off the page making me dizzy.  I had to stop.

8:34pm – My eyes are hurting and sensitive to bright lights.  Have to wear sunglasses inside.

For those whose ailments make it difficult to go to church, I understand now. I’m not going to let my current trial keep me from church.
I loved all the (((hugs))) from the kids today. It made my day.  I’m flat wore out, but feel blessed.

August 7, 2107

I love how God puts nuggets of love in His Word for us.

“Zephaniah 3:17 – The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.”

8:38am – Took a little while to fall asleep last night because just as I was drifting off my body would unexpectedly jerk and wake me up.  Did it several times.  Joe sweetly kissed me on my cheek several times made me feel loved and safe.

10:35am- Slept hard last night once I fell asleep.  Woke up with crick in my right neck.  Haven’t slept that hard in a long time.

August 8, 2017

4:05am – Woke up in a lot of pain shortly after 4am.

Took pain pill.  Mind started racing and when I closed my eyes it felt as if I was sitting in front of slot machines.  Too much spinning going on.  It took a long time to fall back to sleep.

4:36pm – Back has been hurting more than normal today.  Now has cooling sensation on left side.

Trouble messing up sayings and word. (ie. thinking outside the bubble)

Figured out the hard way if I try to lift anything it causes much pain in my back later.

9:45pm – Very dizzy today.  Joe’s sick.  Joe had fender bender at work today.  Joe also got call for job interview tomorrow, but he has to run store by himself tomorrow.  Praying hard God makes a way for him to get better paying job.

Joe called me to let me know what happened while I was in line waiting for something. By the time it was my turn, I was balling like a baby.  I couldn’t contain the sorrow.  A nice lady asked was going on and prayed with me.  Said that she would put me on her church’s prayer list.

10.33pm – Random muscle jerking as I’m falling asleep.  This is going to be a long night.

August 6, 2018

August 6, 2018

Heard this song today on the radio today.  It has special meaning to me as I heard it for the first time after we had our first miscarriage back in November of 2000.  It sure was an encouragement to me today.

BETTER THAN I (from: Joseph: King of Dreams)

by David Campbell & John Bucchino

I thought I did what’s right
I thought I had the answers
I thought I chose the surest road
But that road brought me here
So I put up a fight
And told you how to help me
Now just when I have given up
The truth is coming clear

You know better than I
You know the way
I’ve let go the need to know why
For You know better than I

If this has been a test
I cannot see the reason
But maybe knowing
I don’t know is part of getting through
I tried to do what’s best
But faith has made it easy
To see the best thing I can do
Is to put my trust in You.

For, You know better than I
You know the way
I’ve let go the need to know why
For You know better than I

I saw one cloud and thought it was a sky
I saw a bird and thought that I could follow
But it was You who taught that bird to fly
If I let You reach me
Will You teach me.
(Repeat Chorus )

For, You know better than I
You know the way
I’ve let go the need to know why
I’ll take what answers you supply
You know better than I

Journal Entries 08.02.17 – 08.05.17

August 2, 2017

Muscles in my back hurt so bad that I want to cry.   I’m taking muscle relaxer so I can go to sleep.


August 3, 2017

8.52am – Woke up in much pain and my head hurts!

10.58am – Saw my Dr. today.  Dr said I was making small improvements (that’s good). My blood pressure was 171/11 & temperature was 95.  I’m in a lot of pain today.  I may have some nerve damage.  He’s referring me to Neurologist. Given Rx for pain & muscle spasms.  Dr says it’s going to take a while to heal. Nerve damage can take several months to heal.

Thankful that I’m still kicking (not literally).  Going to try to keep pushing forward as I’m able to encourage healing.  God’s got this.   You’re continued prayers are appreciated.

11:00am – Stopped in to see my Mom (she works at Chiropractor’s) to say “Happy Birthday”.   Dr. Shouppe has not treated one (1) lightning strike victim in 31 years of practice (I’ll be his first)!   Dr. said asked me some questions.   My mom has also been talking about me.   Dr said I suffered nerve damage and that takes the longest to heal from several months to more months.

He encouraged me to stay active as I can endure it to encourage healing.  Suggested I play card games and multi-sensory activities.


August 4, 2017

8:48am – Long night.   Woke up feeling like someone punched me in the back.  Left eye is blurry.

2.41pm – Not feeling well.   Feel like I’m gonna hurl.   Left eyes still aches.

6:11pm – Thunderstorm going on.   Laying in bed with my eyes closed. Saw a blue streak of lightning and it scared me!!!   Body immediately tensed up!   This is not fun.   Lord, please help me.

11:13pm – Blood pressure is extremely high.   Took Epsom Salt bath, BC powder, and a second blood pressure pill.


August 5, 2017

10:57am – Cried myself to sleep last night.   I feel a little better than yesterday, but still feel yucky.   Blood pressure is still up 140/95.

6:00pm – Finally got my blood pressure down after eating fruit, taking magnesium 500mg, fruit smoothie with diatomaceous earth, and ¼ aspirin tablet.

Tried to make dinner, but only got half way through before my back pain was too much.  Had to ask for help.

Journal Entries 7.30.17 – 8.01.17

July 30, 2017 – Woke up dizzy and not feeling well.  Got into argument with Joe over the days of us taking Jakob to college.  Began crying because it was all too much.   (Our eldest son, Jakob, was getting ready to leave for college for the first time.  I so was not ready both physically and emotionally, but I knew in my heart that he needed to go.)

I’m getting another headache.  I think I need to find something to balance my hormones.  I don’t understand why my emotions are all over the place.

Noticing that I can do some math problems a little faster in my head, but if I try to think it out I get confused.  Thoughts seem to be sporadic.

I’m wore out and extremely tired.  My neck hurts and muscles are twitching sporadically in my back and legs.

July 31, 2017 – Drank Vera (Yerba) Mate Tea this morning.  Took B-12 & multi-vitamins today.  Seemed to have a little bit more energy than I have been.  Also, a little more clarity of thought.  Back muscles periodically spasm throughout day and muscles ache all over.

Still feel unbalanced.

Have headache at end of day.  Took BC powder.  Also, took magnesium, ginger, and losartan (Blood pressure was extremely high).

August 1, 2018 – 4:00 a.m. – woke a little before 4 am with heartburn and stuffy nose.  Muscles ache and have feeling something was wrong.  Took Tums and Benadryl.  Fell asleep praying.

2:52 p.m. – Tried to help clean Lawana’s (an elderly friend’s house).  Managed to wash dishes.  Helped some with laundry.  Dezirae and Jordon did rest of jobs.  I’m now hurting all over and exhausted.  Muscles in between shoulder blades are burning!

7:40 p.m.  – Joe told me to use heat 20 minutes then ice 20 minutes to ease muscles.

When he got home from work, we put tens units on.  It hurts!  He told me to take it off after 15 minutes.  I thought I was turning it off and accidentally turned it up!!! Now I’m hurting worse.  Ugh!!  I’m not using that again.

8:05 p.m. – Hurting worse.  Took a Lavender Epsom Salt bath.  It helped to ease the pain a smidge.

10.21 p.m. – Muscles between shoulders and lower neck feel like they’re burning.  Took muscle relaxer – hope to be able to go to sleep soon.

At this point, my sleeping patterns were all mixed up.  It was hard to fall asleep at night because of the pain.  I was taking several naps a day as I had no energy and every little thing I did seemed to really wear me out physically and mentally.  I was just thankful to be alive.  I was also thankful because it was summer so school was out, but I knew somehow I was going to have to get school plans prepared soon – but for the grace of God, I was doing much of anything right now.  I was thankful that my kids were older and could help me around the house and help take care of me while Dad was at work.

Journal Entries 7.28 & 7.29, 2017

Apparently, my brain was too foggy to even think about journaling for several days.  I didn’t’ add anything for about a week.  Honestly, I don’t even remember anything during that time except that I was in extreme pain and had no clue what was going on or what to do.

Journal Entry July 28, 2017

I hurt so bad all over…almost like I got beat up within inches of my life.  My head hurts so bad.  Lights and sounds hurt my head.  I’ve lost muscle strength…I can’t even hold a gallon of milk without my muscles going to spams.  Forget even lifting a basket of clothes for washing.  I have no energy at all.  Every little task seems to wear me out quickly.  I’m so dizzy I can hardly walk.  I think I’d rather stay in bed for a while.

What’s going on with me?  Why so much pain?  Why don’t the doctors know how to help?  Kids and husband say I’m slurring my words. I’m having trouble spitting out what I want to say.  I’m so tired.

Dezirae did awesome job cooking dinner (Homemade Pork Stir Fry)!  Joe gave it an A+

Journal Entry July 29, 2017

7:57 a.m. – Woke up hurting all over.  Headache has eased, but it’s not gone all the way.  My comforter feels like lead and it’s hard to move.

9:15a.m.  I’m so sad…just feel like crying and don’t know why.

11:43 p.m. – Headache is finally gone about noonish.  My right thigh hurts like it’s bruised.

Took B-12 (Methylcobalamin) to give me energy.  I have none.  I don’t sleep well at night.

Took Magnesium 500mg to calm my muscle spasms.  Also took Ginger because my stomach is upset.  Took Elderberry because I’m not feeling well. Forgot to take my multivitamins again today.  I’m having trouble with my memory.


Journal Entries 7.19.17

Thankfully I received good advise to journal my symptoms so I’ve been keeping a journal almost since day one of my lightning strike adventure.  I’m still trying to figure out and make sense of this blogging thing.  It’s been 15 months since the actual incident and I cannot figure out how to backdate so I’m going to periodically add entries from my journal with the dates of journal notations until at least I catch up to present date.  I know some of my entries will have misspellings and incorrect grammar, but I want to show how my mind was processing things as I go.

Journal entry July 19, 2017

Today, I still have the side effects and I feel like I’ve been beat up badly.  Praise the Lord I still alive to tell about it.  Definitely a scarey episode that I don’t want to repeat anytime ever!

Side effects include: entire left side is still numb and tingly, my brain hurts, I have a massive headache like I’ve never had before.  My thoughts are scattered.  Why don’t doctors study this out?  The lights are so bright that it’s hurting my eyes must wear sunglasses to shade the light even indoors.  Why is everything so loud?  I’m so tired but I’m having hard time sleeping.  I’m glad my kids are older so I don’t have to worry about bottles and changing diapers.  My muscles are cramping.  Why do I hurt all over?  I feel so weak.  I just need to sleep this off.

Blessings in the small things

I realized that I almost forgot to share a blessing…though it may seem minute to some…my eyelashes are starting to grow back!!!

Right after my being struck by lightning my eyelashes were so brittle that they would break off if I touched them.  My eyelashes are blonde so they are hard to see anyways, but to have them breaking off to where I had none in some sections and very short in other sections was very embarrassing if I dwelt on it very long.  I couldn’t even wear mascara for quite a while.

Well, I remember somewhere reading that coconut oil would help strengthen and grow your eyelashes.  I decided to give it a try.  I took a small amount (a couple of drops), warmed it up, and dropped it into my mascara bottle.  I used the wand to mix it up and then shook it.  I applied the mascara as I normally would.  Nothing more.

I only wear mascara a couple of times a week so I didn’t really think about it much.  As I was getting ready for church this past Sunday, I was applying my mascara and noticed that my lashes were starting to grow!  I was so excited I made sure my whole family knew!

Finding blessings even in the smallest things!  #thankyouLord

“This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.
It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.
They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.
The Lord is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him.” Lamentations 3:21-24

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