LS & BC Health Memoirs – January 28-29, 2022

Jan 28

530 one thing is for certain – pain let’s you know that you’re alive

I’m in great pain this morning. My arms shoulders, neck, and hands throbbing burning stinging pain. Apparently did too much y’day. I hurt so much I don’t want to move.😢

Genesis 43-45

Having difficulty moving this morning. Whole body stiff and throbbing. Chest sore as if I did heavy work out. Whole body for that

After getting up and moving around a little pain eased to 5/6. Managed to push through and get 4 chores on task list today.

Good turn out for teen activity. Think it went well. Had to cut it short. Joe received call that Jordon was in auto accident. Called parents to let them know. Called Mom to ask her to pick us up so Joe could go help Jordon.

Jordon is shook up. No one was injured. No damage to either car though the other guy trying to say there is. I think the other driver was trying to pull a fast one. He made mistake of admitting that he had a break light out. Police took information. Will hear from our insurance adjuster next week to see what’s going to happen.

After getting home and seeing my boy was okay, I started feeling really weird. Don’t know how to explain. Nerves on high alert and feel like I’m on adrenaline overload. Weak like if I try to stand I’d fall. Heart feels like it’s beating hard but can’t tell if it is or not. Nerves stinging burning throughout. Coughing. Bad Headache. Thirsty.

Took tension headache medicine and night vitamins. Drinking water. Scripture Journaling. Reading few pages in book. Deep breaths. Applied immune blend to back of ears, neck, and wrists. Applied Vicks to feet.


Jan 29

100a still wide awake. Body having trouble calming down. Sinus congestion.

Dusted ceiling fan.

200a still awake. Cold tingling sensation in upper back. Post nasal drip causing cough. Took 1/2 benadryl. Pray for everyone that comes to mind.

640a woke to extreme stomach pain. Need to use restroom. Cold tingling sensation in upper back and traveling down spine slowly.

Genesis 46-47; Mark 9:35

710 have to make several trips to bathroom. Have runs now. Ugh

715 sudden severe tingling sensation in left foot and leg as if being woken from sleep.

716 back to bathroom

727 back to bathroom

Psalm 5:3

730 sudden extreme sharp pain in abdomen. I want to cry. back to bathroom. Belch.

744 sudden extreme sharp stabbing pain in abdomen. Back to bathroom.

800 sudden sharp stabbing pain in abdomen. Back to bathroom. I don’t know how people who have diarrhea problems don’t lose weight.

818 sudden sharp stabbing pain in abdomen. Back to bathroom

1000 fell asleep for couple hours.

Back to bathroom. Took a Pepto tablet. Jordon made breakfast – cheesy eggs with bacon bits.

1100 back to bathroom. Sinuses congested. Took 2nd Pepto tablet.

Apple Cider Vinegar Gargle & saline nasal spray help get rid of mucus and congestion. (1 TBS ACV, 1/4 c warm water, and pinch of salt). Helps with sore throats too

1130 promised girls I’d take them to thrift store today to shop for spirit week next week. Joe had some errands for church so he went with. Enjoyed it for most part until I couldn’t. Stomach started hurting really bad. Made three trips to the bathroom while out. Had to ask Joe to go home because I couldn’t take the pain anymore.

Laying down now. Not how I wanted to spend my day. Both ears ringing. Nerves stinging. Low back throbbing. Stomach hurts immensely. Probably need to drink something so I don’t get dehydrated.

Left leg went numb and tingling as if waking from sleep. It hurt something fierce and lasted about 20 minutes.

It wasn’t until after 4pm that I felt like I could try drinking or eating much of anything. Kept to breads and liquids because I didn’t want to start up again.

1000p think it’s about done. Stomach not hurting as much anymore. Exhausted.

1155p nerves stinging. Head aches but not a headache. Hands dry and achy. Low back throbbing. Legs ache deeply. Feet hurt and tingling. Rt hip aches. Tired and wore out. Praying tomorrow is a better day.

God please protect my family and keep us safe from any evil or harmful thing.

Thankful for

1. Understanding husband

2. Daughter willing to cook dinner – White turkey chili. I ate a partial spoon to taste it.

3. My stomach ailment is easing for now



Lightning Strikes – Memoirs 26-27 June 2020

June 26
730 woke from reliving car accident. Arms & hands stinging. Low back throbbing and stinging. Legs ache. Feet hurt. Headache. There was nothing else I could’ve done. I did had I had to to keep my baby girl safe. While I’m saddened that I’m now without a car for the foreseeable future, my heart is thankful my daughter and I are safe and it wasn’t any worse than it was.
900a chiropractic apt. Acupuncture 14 needles – 3 in head, 4 in back of neck, 4 in low back, 2 in ankles. Used table to stretch lower back. Applied pressure to tender points in head, neck, and down spine to lower back. Adjusted neck, hips, legs, and upper back.
Dr said I am looking brighter than even from my first visit and other than the accident. Said this session would be to treat the accident and try to work out the tenderness and vertigo. Dr said that I did really good in my reaction in keeping us safe. Said it wasn’t my normal session only treating for accident. May continue to see symptoms up to couple weeks out.
Points today…
GV20, BL7, BL8/ GB20, BL10, BL28/ GB18, GB17, GB 19, GB21, K13
Treatments: Sympathetic nervous system, headaches, vertigo, pain & stiffness in neck, blurred vision, tinnitus, dizziness, hand pain, mental disorders, neck swelling, nasal congestion, nosebleed, mania and depression, vomiting, swollen neck, back pain, neck muscle stiffness and tension, shoulder & back pain, visual disturbances, sciatica, constipation, leg muscle weakness, lumbosacral pain, incontinence, abdominal distention, hip movement decreased, and all cerebral disorders.
Only felt pressure on most inserts but a few really hurt like the muscles were back in fight or flight mode. Lft arm went numb & tingly while lying on stomach. Upon sitting up, vision in left eye began blurring like tunnel vision. Lasted about 30 minutes.
1100 arrived home and was actually hungry! Jordon air fried burritos. Ate handful of sour grapes. Frozen hot dog. Cooked a pkg of hot dogs but then lost appetite. Guys are them instead. Lol.
1150 tired but awake. Random muscle twitching thru body. Headache. Eyes hurt. Hands ache. Tummy aches. Upper chest & collar bone tight and sore. Lower back aches. Rt hip hurts with pain down leg. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with some numbness & tingling. Neck tight. Feet ache. Toes tingly. Eyes watery. Sinus congestion.
June 27
1049p I ache all over. Left collar bone area very sore, slight headache, upper back stings. Low back hurts. Rt hip aches. Legs ache. Feet & toes sting. Hands & arms ache. Tummy hurts bad.
Asked Joe if it’s possible to have hernia and not know it. He chuckles and said not likely.

Lightning Strikes – Memoirs 24-25 June 2020

June 24
Ok. I need a listening ear. My family has been awesome in helping me post LS but sometimes even they just don’t understand. Mind you I’m just calming down from another traumatic event today and my emotions are all over the place.
My daughter and I were in a car accident today. A fast moving thunderstorm had just passed while we were at the store. The roads were still wet. We were on our way home. A black car turning into a vet clinic. A maroon car following too closely to black car was not paying attention. I foresaw possibility of an accident and decided to slow down making more distance between us and then I moved to left lane. Seconds later maroon car swerved into my lane and almost hit me causing me to apply more breaks and move into turning lane. In doing so, the wet road caused me to hydroplane which caused me to do circles in middle of busy road and next thing I know I’m sliding towards oncoming traffic head on. My car hit the curb and stopped before falling into ditch. I thought for sure the car was going to flip.
I said quick thought prayer, Lord please protect us.
We were quite shaken but not physically hurt. My car may be totaled because back axle is quite bent. Had to have it towed. Police called. Maroon car left the scene after she checked to see if I was hurt.
Some of you know that I have a tbi from my LS. Is it normal to be thankful that I feel God helped me keep my wits enough to keep my baby girl safe?
530 In auto accident. Managed to avoid hitting anyone else but ended up damaging my car pretty bad – had to have it towed. Dezirae & I are all shook up but not hurt. I’m starting to hurt from nerves and muscles tensing up. Able to invite police officer to church. Thankful for God’s protection. My car will be disabled for quite a while if not longer.
I’m quite sore but okay. I feel like I’m still in a daze. I actually foresaw it happening seconds before it happened not thinking it would happen or that I would be the one in it. Dezirae & I had our cries.
Bro Chuck is going to come check my car out tomorrow to see if it can be fixed or needs to be totaled.
It has been such a help and I’ve shared it several times with others. . .
 While sitting on side of a busy road waiting as police officer filed report, I was praying thanking God for His protection and asking Him to help me hold it together as I could feel a melt down oncoming. The verse Proverbs 18:10 – The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe – came to mind. I was able to thank Him for being my strong tower and for my friend that shared the verse just a week before.
830 Told Joe with tears in my eyes that I was thankful that God helped me keep aware enough to steer the car and keep my daughter safe.
1040 going to bed. I hurt something awful from head to toe. Drank chamomile tea, used sleepy time lotion on legs and arms. Applied biofreeze to lower back. Took naproxen. Took night meds. Realized I forgot to take am meds.
June 25
940 not as sore as I thought I’d be today.
Soaked in Epsom Salt bath last night, drank cup of chammolie tea before bed, applied biofreeze to lower back, and used sleepy time lotion on legs and arms. Slept pretty good last night. A bit sore today and low back hurts a bit but I’m not hurting near what I expected.
Headache. Low back throbbing. Bit foggy feeling like in a daze. Low rt abdomen has sharp pain. Stomach cramping, but aunt flo’s in town. Whole body aches like it’s gonna rain again.
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