LS & BC Memoirs – February 7-9, 2022
LS Memoirs – December 12-13, 2021
Lightning Strikes Memoirs – 16-17 April 2021
April 16
600 slept decent. Woke to lft arm numb and tingly. Whole body stiff and hurting. Vision a bit blurry. Headache. Sinuses congested.
Bible Reading: 1 Kings 10-11; Psalm 119:13-16;
800a chiro appt. Acupuncture – (9 needles ) move the wind? {2 ankles, 2 in back, 2 in hands near thumbs, 1 in back of head top of neck, & 2 on top of shoulders near base of neck}
Adjustments: neck, upper back, lower back, hips, legs
April 17
Slept til 3 then up and down rest of night. Strange dream (same kind of different except I was the one that was different). Woke to whole body stiff and achy. Hurts to move.
Bible Reading 1 Kings 12-14, Psalm 49:1-15
Getting ready for church tomorrow. We’re having a missionary family and we’re feeding them lunch at church. Chicken & Dumplings, salad, veggie, brownies, etc. The family all jumped in to help bc it’d be too much on me physically. Decided to open up lunch to church family and they’re bringing sides as well. I’m thankful for a loving, church family as well.
957 finally in bed. I hurt something awful. Pain is an 8 or so. Headache.
Severe thunderstorm throughout day.
When it cleared a bit we ran to church to get the roaster pan & chicken. On way home, we saw several streaks of lightning. Each one causing my body to tense making me hurt more. I tried to occupy my mind to no avail. Glad to get home.
Night meds taken plus PEA & Tylenol. No migraine today. PtL.
I’m plum wore out, nasty taste in mouth for couple days.
Gouged the skin off knuckle on left thumb putting the dumplings in the fridge. Ouch!
Trouble finding the bandaids I know I bought, but found the windshield repair kit I forgot where I put it. Lol.
Praying for sweet rest and no reciprocal pain in morning.
LS Memoirs – 4-6 March 2021
March 4
500 stinging pain thru body…stronger than usual. Achy and stiff at first. Sinuses congested at times making me nauceous. Headache minor. Neck hurts. Hands ache.
Bible reading: Deut 14-16, Joshua 1:9, Psalm 18:50
♫It’s a good thing to give praise to the Lord and sing praises to His name…♫
650 morning juice – 1 apple, 1 orange, 1/2 lemon, 10 baby carrots
Straighten living room some. Load in washer. Wash hair. Exhausted and out of breath. Need to rest a while. Ears ringing. Hands throbbing. Legs and feet stinging throbbing and icy cold.
Goals today: post to blog, declutter one kitchen cabinet, wash 2 loads clothes, dinner in crockpot, get ready for church
130 oh, boy. Just realized I forgot to eat today.
Tried something new today. Ordered curbside pickup for Chick-fil -A. Rae had to help. Pretty cool.
Info searched:
Taking Niacin (B3)
- Does it cause flushing?
- What are benefits?
Joe informed Rick we would sing without piano tonight bc
Can bloodshot eyes be related to migraines?
Symptoms today: stinging needle pain, headache, rt ear & jaw hurts, hands ache, severe pain from waist to head – I just want to scream!!! Chilling tingling sensation in center of chest, pounding headache – otc not helping. Stabbing Pain in under arms. Neck throbbing. Lights bright. Eyes blood shot and hurting almost burning. Upper back stinging needle pain. Feet freezing.
Taken naproxen, morning meds, 4 ibuprofen, stress relief tea, and relpax
March 5
Headache not as intense as y’day but it could get there if I’m not careful. Eyes still very sensitive to lights and bloodshot.
Lost 4 lbs this week. Yay! Now to pray I keep it off.
Bible reading: Deut 17-20, Ps 78:38, Deut 6:4-10
Juicing – bolthouse blue goodness
Goals today – visit LM, apt with CPA, get food for lunch at church tomorrow
Symptoms: stinging pain thru body. Periodic intense Muscle spasms (st side, under let rib, rt jaw, neck) – had to freeze in place until it eased some then work it out. A bit before dinner eyes started burning more. Burning continued to increase as it did vision bit more blurred. Put eyeglasses on to see if it would help. Didn’t at first. Eyes burned and watered for good 30 minutes a while after dinner. After they watered good burning began to ease but eyes still hurt and bloodshot. Headache intensified as day progresses so does pain in body. Deep stomach pain returns. Sinuses congested. Rt ear hurts. Had trouble swallowing pm meds – capsule got stuck midway in throat. Think it may be food sensitivity.
Had allergic reaction symptoms at lunch time after eating 3 chicken fingers, fries, garlic toast, & 1/2 tea 1/2 lemonade.
Taking Benadryl for allergies.
Skin itchy all over. Quite bothersome at times. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling down leg to toes. Hands throbbing.
March 6
Woke to hands being numb and tingly. Mild stinging thru body. Back itches. Sinuses congested. Lower rt abdomen crampy pain. Tired.
Bible Reading : Ps 51:12-13, Deut 21-23, Isaiah 25:1
Juice: Chocolate milk with ice, chia seeds, & D.E.
Work Day at church.went well. I did more than I was suppose to and and feeling the consequences. They were able to get 3/4 of teen room emptied in SS Bldg. Guys took off 2 truck loads to the dump. Jordon & I took load of cardboard to recycle center and 4 boxes donations to Goodwill. Also 3 trash bags in dumpster.
Once we got home, I crashed for an hour or so. I couldn’t push no more. Worked on bulletins, brunch sign up, & printing Easter Flyers. Rested rest of night.
Symptoms: headache, hands tingly, hands swollen & throbbing, sharp stabbing pain in rt thumb, stomach cramping pain, rt hip throbbing, tingling pain thru body, legs throbbing, low back intense throbbing, skin itches all over, brain fog, exhausted, tired, skin hypersensitivity, sinus congestion, etc.
Took naproxen, 1/2 pill meloxicam, am & pm meds
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 17-19 January 2021
Jan 17
1210p gently trying to stretch out my sciatica pain as I can endure the pain while trying not to cry . Trying to find position I can sleep in.
945 very rough night…hardly slept at all.
1140p tummy gurgling like crazy. Low back & rt hip throbbing but not as bad as yday. Coughing much. Trying to stay hydrated. Continuing to take Vitamin C 4k mg, Echinacea 2 capsules, & zinc 50 mg. Night meds taken.
Diffused thieves oil in house most of day.
Muscles throughout body sting. Stuffy nose. Mild headache. Exhausted. Weak.
Jan 18
1045 woke to both arms severely numb & tingly. Back throbbing. Headache. Still tired. Strange dream. In a strange land searching for something I know not what. Ears ringing. Sinuses congested. Low back throbbing.
Feels like cough is in chest more. Need to up my vitamin C.
1230 Son has problem with history books not matching up. Student book is older than lesson planner. It’s frustrating both of us. Him bc I’m not making sense though it makes common sense in my head. Me bc I’m having difficulty verbalizing the easy fix and Joe has to interpret for me.
Now my brain hurts like crazy. My vision is blurring. Sinuses contesting more making me cough more which in turn make my whole body hurt worse than it already does. Need to go rest a piece so I can attempt Bible Class with the kids.
900 just finished making bed. I’m wore out, hurting, and exhausted. Rt wrist & forearm throbbing with sharp pain shooting up to rt shoulder. Entire back has burning sensation like it’s on fire! Chin feels numb suddenly. Strange. Need to rest awhile.
1000p decided to eat pickle. Burned my tongue. Ouch. Tummy hurting now. Pickles are not my friend right now.
Muscles are twitching randomly through body. Doesn’t feel good.
Jan 19
1200a tummy hurts bad. Bloating.
1220 coughing fit ensues. Feels like I’m trying to cough up a lung. It hurts whole body. Took 2k mg vitamin C and night meds.
1000 woke from strange dreams to feeling like my cover weighed like ton of bricks making moving very difficult. Not good feeling to wake to.
Received phone call from Dr office. Confirmed I have covid too. Not allowed back in Dr’s office until I get a negative test result. Can’t get another test until 14 days from start of symptoms and am symptom free. That’s going to be fun game bc some of my symptoms I had prior to covid due to the LS. I’ll continue he to keep Vitamin C saturation high until I feel better. It seems to be helping with some of nerve pain too bc I haven’t taken much rx pain meds last couple days. We’ll see. God is in control.
650 pushed all I can today. Made Dezirae a birthday cake. Biscuits n gravy for brunch. Ordered pizza for dinner.
Cough seems worse but quiets after I take C
I’ve reached saturation but continue bc of the cough. Don’t want to get pneumonia. Hurt all over. Feet freezing up to chins. Nerves sting.
1150 cough keeping me awake. Took 2 TBS Delsym. Applied Vicks to bottom of feet & chest. Applied Nasonex 1 squirt each nostril. Took zinc 50mg, C 2k mg, & night meds. Sucking on hard candy to soothe cough until rx kicks in. Hopefully, I’ll fall asleep soon.
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 28-29 December 2020
Dec 28
800a woke to horrible pain in low back and rt hip is killing me. Drains me of energy. Trouble moving. No pain in feet. Slow moving today. Hands and arms numbish & tingly. Very thirsty.
1000a need to look for exercises to help with flexibility and tightening core muscles – I mean strengthening.
Found YouTube video about 6 exercises everyone should do
Tone & Tighten
Real fitness for real people
6 exercises you should do daily
- Chin tuck
- Neck & Upper back extension
- Doorway stretches
- Lower back extension stretch (cobra)
10 second hold, repeated 10xs, 2-3xs daily
- Tall knee hip flexor stretch
20 seconds hold, repeat 3xs, 2-3xs daily
Both sides
- Hamstring stretch
20 second hold, 3xs, 2-3 xs daily
1050 TBI coordinator wants to do in home visit tomorrow. At least right now they’re doing outside visits only bc of covid and the social distance rules.
145p burned my index finger on air fryer. Applied mustard to ease pain. Ouch!!! That hurts!!!
315p decided to go to store to get items needed for dinner tomorrow.
600 I’m feeling the exercising in my chest. It’s hurting something fierce. I hope I didn’t agitate the costochondritis. Need to sit still and rest a while.
930 decided to try hoverboard with kids holding each hand. Jordon hollard, “With your balance Mom No!” I told him I just wanted to try but with their help. I couldn’t balance too well and it only wanted to move backwards. I think I ran over his toes. Ouch! If kids weren’t holding my hand I would’ve fell on my face. Epic fail!!! Lol. At least at this moment I know I cannot ride hoverboard.
1000p finally remembered to pay phone bill. It was 6 days late. Ugh! At least there wasn’t a late fee.
1150p low back pain is extremely intense. Upper torso stings mildly. Neck hurts. Brain hurts. Headache. Tummy didn’t hurt as much today but still hurts some. Hands ache.
Dec 29
6a exhausted. Woke feeling as if I walked a marathon without preparing. Ankle to top of head hurts. Arms numbish & tingly. Low back throbbing.
830 having trouble getting moving today. However, I did finish reading my Bible for the year today.
945 exhausted and very lethargic all day. Worked on year end review in segments until brain started fogging and hurting. Sinuses congested headache. Easily agitated. Tired but not falling to sleep yet.