Woke at 2:20am with severe stomach cramping and diahrea.
Exhausted. Burning aching pain all over body. Tummy hurts and feels little bloated.. Arms ache. Rt hand and wrist swollen and feel sprained. Sinuses slightly congested. Feet tingle and burn. Legs throbbing.
♫I will cling to the Old Rugged Cross and exchange it some day for a crown.♫
Got dizzy getting ready for church. Had to sit a bit. Out of breath.
By end of music service my head is pounding, hands throbbing, legs burning throbbing, feet chilly, brain fogging, rt hip throbbing
Not feeling well. Joe sweet to order pizza for dinner bc I’m not up to cooking.
Symptoms: feet freezing, lft leg tingling, headache, low back throbbing, very sleepy, Charlie horse cramping in abdomen – ouch!!!
Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling. Legs pounding throbbing. Upper back and hands stinging. Brain foggy and blurry. Distracted easily. Body having trouble regulating temperature – cold then warm then freezing all the while skin cool to the touch.
March 8
500 decent nights sleep. Weird dreams.
Arms & hands go numb while reading Bible. Severe stomach cramping, rt ear hurt, sinuses congested, post nasal drip tastes aweful.
Goals today: wash linens, straighten & declutter pantry, help Jordon file taxes, plan meals for week.
Symptoms: dizzy at times – must stop and focus on specific thing until it eased or close eyes momentarily, stabbing, low back pain – must lay on belly until it eased before can do something else, took rx for pain, hands throbbing, brain blurry, headache, slight stuffy nose, severe abdominal cramping pain periodically, rt ear hurts, back itches
March 9
445 woke to muscle spasms and being hot. Didn’t take pm meds. Exhausted and irritable. Nerves twitching thru body and skin itchy all over.
Goals today: plant tomato seeds, hang mini blind, take care of sick son, Ladies Bible Study tonight.
Planted tomato and pepper seeds, mini blind too short, difficulty getting Jordon Dr apt but God directed steps to new Dr who saw him today. Confirmed sinus infection and ear infection. Antibiotic called into pharmacy quickly. Bible study went well. Ladies excited about Secret Sister Ministry.
Symptoms: muscle spasms, temperature fluctuating, nerves twitching, headache, sinuses congested, exhausted, low back throbbing, brain foggy, vision blurry, dizzy, lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness and tingling to toes, feet freezing and icy cold, rt ear aches, skin itchy, whole body aches, nerves feel like their crawling, shoulders ache.
Drank sleepy time tea.
Three things I’m thankful for…
Able to get Jordon seen at Dr’s and diagnosis confirmed
God’s protection on highway
My Mom understands what I’m going thru and experience with the TBI part of my injuries.
Woke to extreme pain! Whole body stings. All muscles and joints stiff like they’re rusting. Low back throbbing. Hands and arms numbish and tingling. Massive headache. Lights bothersome.
Need to stretch it out to get moving.
Decided to take most of day to rest. Much pain today so not able to do much today anyways.
Washer quit working altogether. Appliance store won’t have any more until Monday afternoon. Can’t afford a brand new one. Praying for God to provide.
Center of chest has been popping off and on all day. Now it hurts horribly. Need to take anti inflammatory. I’m limited in my function so I don’t get what’s triggering it. Maybe changing dryer vent to indoors yday but I didn’t do any lifting or lift arms above head. ???
Headache moderate. Hands swollen and throbbing. Shoulders ache. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Legs ache. Feet freezing.
Trimmed two inches off my hair before showering. Couldn’t stand it anymore. Showering still a chore. Arms cramping. Slight dizzy spell. Legs felt weak. Need socks on feet. Sharp pains in tummy area periodically today. Tummy muscles spasming.
Dec 20
Woke tired and hurting. Bad headache. Tummy hurts. Feels very bloated. Ugh.
Had fun helping in nursery today. Trying to teach little one to use ASL for please and thank you. He’s slowly getting it.
Trouble following music today. Brain/ vision feel blurry and swirly.
1215 Joe says my face is flushed & red. Felt forehead to see if I had fever. No.
Left side of chest hurting. Exhausted. Feet freezing. Nerves sting. Sinuses congested. Face starting to feel like it’s on fire.
Took two hour afternoon nap. Could’ve slept longer but pain was too much. Sharp pain in left side chest starting to concern me. Tried to tell Joe but it didn’t I come out right. He in mtgs for couple hours. Feeling worse. +
Dec 21
Woke at 6am from strange dream. Dreamt I was getting a strange deep tissue massage on lft side. Woke during dream feeling like I was sleeping on fluffy cloud and felt rested and relaxed.
Whole body aches and stings. Both arms numbish and tingling.
Decided to put up some canning jars. Ended up cleaning out fridge. Wrapped 90% of presents. Need couple more presents and all will be well.
800p went outside to look for the “Bethlehem Star” with family. Two hands width away from partial moon. It’s in our southwest sky. It’s been 800 years since it was last seen!
Tickles my funny bone bc in Bible the Wise men looked for star in the East, but it’s in our southwest sky.
1030 trying to finish reading bible passage for today – Revelation 12-17. Page on Bible app looks as if page is rippling as I scroll up making it difficult to read. Making me dizzy.
Have bad headache. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Neck hurts. Muscle spasms in tummy. Legs ache. Feet hurt. Exhausted. Hands swollen and throbbing. Skin itchy. Back feels clammy yet chilly freezing sensation. Lft chest hurts..
3am woke to severe cramping in lft side…had to try to move to get it to ease up.
6.30 woke to severe cramping in lft side. This is nuts. Why am I cramping so bad again?
7.55 dinner in crockpot. I’m exhausted. Laying down for a piece. Head hurts. Whole body aches. Rt jaw aches.
10.00 went to look for keys to go to TBI mtg. Couldn’t find my car keys.
1.40p took me all day to this point to cut out letters for bulletin board. My brain hurts, headache, neck hurts, eyes hurt. Whole body aches, stinging needle pain in hand, arms, and parts of torso. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling. Ears ringing. Need to lay down a while.
4.30 wasn’t planning on sleeping that long. Had trouble waking…so groggy. Woke to answer phone from Joe. Picking up items I needed bc I was grounded. Accidentally dropped my keys in his car and couldn’t go anywhere. When I first realized it, I was upset. Looked for short while, but couldn’t find them anywhere. I guess God helped me stay out of accident. Thank you, Lord!
Whole body has stinging needle prickly pain. Hard to focus on tasks. Corn bread in oven. I depend on timer a lot now or I forget items are in oven. Easily distracted. Gotta make strawberry mix for shortcake. Yum!
10.30 deep muscle and bone pain thru body. Hands swollen and throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Low back throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingling. Toes tingling. Rt ear & jaw throbbing. Skin itchy. Sinuses congested. Coughing little. Legs achy and tingly. Pins and needles sensation in legs & feet. Head hurts. Very tired.
Night rx taken including muscle relaxer and pain rx. Maybe I’ll get some sleep tonight.
Not one of my better days, but wasn’t a worse day either. Struggled thru PT exercises but pushed thru. Muscles in rt side twitching.
Joe asked me what I thought about a tranquility weighted blanket. Told him I’d thought about it, but I’m not sure how I would handle the weight. Sometimes my comforter feels like a lead balloon and I feel like I’m suffocating and can’t get it out fast enough. Not sure the concept behind it plus they’re expensive on a low budget income. Maybe I’ll check it out at later date and blog about it. Right now added weight to my hurting bones hurts to think about.
Dec 11
8.00 slept decently aside from nightmares. It hurts to move. Extreme pain. Whole body throbbing pain. Slight headache.
8.30 bible app gave me present…C.H. Surgeons Morning & Evening Devotions. Cool.
10.40 this is how I know my peripheral vision is off. In making a heating pad, I’m attemping to fill the heating pad and missed the funnel dumping rice everywhere! Ugh! Lol!
2.30 finally sitting down for lunch. Brain is fogging up. Vision blurred. Body still throbbing. I’m exhausted. Managed to make 2 heating pads with matching covers. Fixed crotch in pants. Stitched two ties.
10.45p loud noises put me in anxious mode. Dezirae popped bag of ramen next to me. Jumped & screamed. Jordon slammed mircowave door causing seeds I was drying to fly everywhere. Few minutes later Jordon accidentally dropped his spoon dropping it on ceramic bowl making loud high pitched noise. It not only scared me but also hurt my ears & brain. They’re only being kids but boy do the loud noises put me on edge and make me jumpy. Took me several hours to get nerves to start calming down.
I hurt something aweful all over!!! Bad headache. Sharp shooting stabbing pain in rt hip! I need a calgon moment or something. Deep breaths. Deep breaths.
Just discovered I forgot to take morning meds. Ugh!
The body feels like toothache. Taking muscle relaxer and pain rx and going to bed.
*It rained off and on most of morning then got colder. It’s 45°
7.30 having trouble waking. Groggy. Whole body in much pain. Hurts to move.
3.00 having trouble holding things in lft hand…keep dropping items unintentionally. 68° inside. Bones & muscles ache. Able to get bills allocated for thru til next pay period. Have a little bit for Christmas. Thank you, Lord.
One of my packages have been delayed. Fedex misplaced it for several days. Called company. They assured me I’d get them next week. Expressed kindly my discontent bc now I would have to figure something else out for Christmas presents.
4.30 pain increaseth. Sharp stabbing pain in rt hip. Low back intense throbbing. Pain rx taken in order to get thru tonight. Hurts to walk.
5.00 ugh! Realized I forgot the letters for bulletin board. I forgot the bread for biscuits and chicken gravy for dinner. Wish my short term memory was better. Leraning if I allow myself to stress I’m essentially hurting myself bc my nerves tense inflicting bodily harm. We used baguette bread for the gravy. Bulletin board will go up on Saturday.
7.30 skin and face feels flushed
Extremely tired all of sudden. Feel like crashing soon.
10.00p today’s cramping episodes are my right side if I move wrong.
Can tell my brain was over stimulated today. Not making sense in my speech. Words either coming out jumbled or completely wrong. My wandering Jew plant died. I tried to say I can’t believe I killed it. When I actually said I can’t even keep the Jews alive. I’m sad. The boys chuckled at that one. I wasn’t laughing. Told them it came out wrong. The more I tried to correct it the more I fumbled. I ended up resting my head on my husband’s chest and sighed. He patted my head and said he understood what I meant. After that all was okay.
11.52 I hurt from head to toe. Rt hip intense sharp pain. Rt shoulder throbbing. If I move wrong, muscles cramp. Involuntary muscle twitching randomly thru body. Took muscle relaxer and pain rx. Sometimes I think they just make it worse in long run. Yet when I hurt this bad it takes seemingly forever to fall asleep
11:25a- two loads of clothes (folded but not put away), 2 spelling tests generated, history test given – my brain and eyes beginning to feel scrambled
1:00- drop pkg for Jakob at PO. My Grandma treating us to lunch. Stopped at Mission Thrift store. Only able to walk outer paramater. Legs throbbing, hands and arms aching, feel like I’m about to crash. Need to rest a while.
4:30p- slept little over an hour. Wow! Could sleep longer so tired. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Bruise on lft leg is healing but still swollen
6:00p- went to Mom’s to help my Grandma with her quilt. She’s suppose to be showing us but she keeps nodding off even though she took a nap. Think she’s eating to much carbs and sugars. Only about to complete one square until my rt hand swells to double in size and hurts too bad. If I decide to quilt on my own I’d use sewing machine instead of by hand.
11:12p- I hurt something aweful. Neck hurts to move. Whole body feels swollen. Ugh! Feet are cold actually I’m freezing. Don’t get it. Wish I could get some one to explain the science of it all to me. Maybe it’d help me accept it better.
Lord, You know better than I. You know the way.
April 24
8:00a-Had headache so I checked my bp. It’s not that. Bp 105/72 hr 70 Middle of back stinging. Hands and wrists swollen and achy.
8:30a- ?
10:30- working on grading tests for school. It’s almost summer break time. I am so ready. My brain hurts and feels foggy.
2:00p- eating late lunch while watching movie. Do some movies kind of make you feel dizzy at times? Backgrounds that move too fast mess with my balance. What’s worse is I’m sitting.
4:00- trying to work on quilt. My hand eye coordination is way off today. Frustrating. Just gotta keep trying. Managed to get another square down.
6:00p- left leg from middle lower to foot feels weird again. It’s knid of numb but feels like it’s being choked. Not sure how to explain. Probably need to prop it up. Feet are getting cold.
7:00p- talking to Joe I open my mouth to answer him and in flies a gnatt! Yuck!! Now I’m choking!!! Not staying outside. Ugh! Feet are freezing. Under blankets I go.
10:23p- neck is throbbing like toothache. Low back throbbing. Rt hip hurts. Feet freezing. Socks put on. Hands and wrists swollen and achy especially rt one. Left foot stingy tingles. Weird. Calves ache.
Need to email Neuro PT person about apt in May. Praying they can help me even a little.
7:30a – woke with calves throbbing and feeling like I got beat up
10:00a- It’s apparent that we’re going to have to get our dog put down Gracie is very sick and suffering. Family had a boohoo moment. Will take her within next week.
11:25a- Joe not work today. Decided for us to turn in taxes to cpa. Though I’ve been slowly working on them since December, I’m not ready yet. Took morning to try to finish up. Feel like I’m forgetting something but don’t know what. Dropped off at cpa. Explained I think it’s all there but not 100% sure. Stressing out! Will call if they have questions.
11:55a- Headache. Brain fogging over and feels scrambled. Tailbone throbbing.
2:15p- really need to lay down a while but have to run to store to pick up Dezirae’s curtains & one of my meds.
Tongue looks a little better this morning. Discovered the gluten free bread I’ve been eating sparingly has yeast in it. Ugh!
4:00p- decided I better take some D.E. so I’ll have energy for tonight. Invited to revival services at three different churches going on this week. Feels oddly nice to be invited places for a change. Doesn’t all make sense to me, but I’ll go with the flow. I trust my husband’s judgement.
11:00p- attended revival services at another local church. Guest preacher is Andy Gleiser. Name sounds familiar but I can’t place it. It was nice visiting with people we knew. Felt like the popular kid for a change -odd but nice.
My legs are aching. Calves throbbing. Tailbone swollen and throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Brain foggy. Toes hurt. Upper back aches.
I enjoyed having Joe home today for a change. Even though I’m in pain and waiting to take next pain rx it’s been a good day. I’m glad my faith doesn’t depend on what kind of day my God is having. Whew!
Feb 26
7;00a- finally fell asleep shortly after 2am woke at 4:30 back awake at 7a
Rt hip & low back throbbing
10:30p- went to food pantry today to get a little food to hold us over until payday. When we got home, we were getting food out of trunk. I forgot trunk didn’t stay up on it’s own. Dezirae let go as I leaned forward and the trunk came crashing down on my head!! Ouch!! I cried instantly. Went to bathroom to see if it made a mark. No thankfully. I just want to go to sleep but know I can’t. Have to give quizzes.
12:45p-Heading pounding. Need to lay down for a piece. Calves throbbing and legs feel extra heavy.
5:23p- think I’ll be okay eventually. Muscles twitching randomly throughout body. Calves ache. Back throbbing. Laying down to rest it momentarily. I’m so tired.
I can feel my muscles tensing up in thru my body. It doesn’t feel good. I can feel my.energy draining. It hurts so to lift my arms to do my hair usually have to ask Dezirae to help.
6:00p- need energy to attend revival services at another church in town. Not drinking D.E. because I was up til after 2am! Drank cup of coffee.
10:21p- enjoyed services. Guest Pastor was R. Ouellette (sp?). Revelations 3 not being lukewarm Christian. Went forward to altar to pray. Didn’t think it through. Knelt down to pray. It hurt to kneel so I ended up sitting on my butt. When it was time to get up, I thought to myself shoot didn’t think this through how am I gonna get up without making a spectacle of myself. Lord, please help. Thankfully, as I was getting up my precious husband swooped in and leant a helping hand. Brownie points for sure. Whew!
Tired but wide awake. Chest hurting, rt hip throbbing, feet and toes ache, suppose to eat lots of yogurt. Head hurts. Took muscle relaxer. Hopefully I’ll fall asleep soon. Hips hurt. Figure if I’m gonna hurt all the time I can hurt at church just as well as at home. Might as well enjoy the company of others while the pain isn’t too bad and I’m not so grouchy. I love singing. It encourages my heart so. I’m not able to sing much at our church bc of playing the piano. It’s okay cuz music sets the tone of service. I like hearing the people sing too. shoulders ache
6:15p- very rough night. Fell asleep out of pure exhaustion after midnight. Woke at 2:30 in xtreme pain. Ended up in Embryo pose to try to relieve the lower back pain.
Woke again shortly after 6 burning up but freezing. Need to get potatoes on. I hurt all over. Legs are throbbing. Low back rt side aches.
8:12a- put potato casserole in slow cooker and went back to bed. I hurt so much & so tired. Phone is grand central station this morning. Pain intense but I need to function. Will probably take rx.
10:00a- Co-op Valentine’s Party. Kids had fun. Able to help fellow co-op mom with Abeka 2nd grade reader book. Relearned one friend works at one of local hospitals. Told me to call her if I ever need to go to ER again. She will call ahead for me to get me through faster. Pretty neat though I hope I don’t have to.
Another friend’s husband works at local paint store. His store sells miscolored paint for three dollars a gallon. Wow!
Another friend brought me TT Algebra DVDs to check out for son next year. Gonna let me get them for very affordable price. Thank you , Lord.
Another friend impromptu invited us over to her house for fellowship for couple hours after party. Our sons are friends at co-op. I gladly accepted because we don’t get invited to people’s homes much. It’s nice having friends that accept you at face value.
2:30p- Got home and crashed for a while. I’m exhausted. Dezirae even took nap. Joe snoozed a little bit. He’s been working long hours past couple weeks.
3:30p- Had potatoes leftover from Valentine’s Party so I added ingredients to make soup. Let it stew for while while I relaxed a bit.
4:00p- Asked Joe to feel my rt hip where it was throbbing. Says I have a knot in the muscle. Don’t know how it got there or what causes it.
4:30p- Went with Joe to run errands for church plus pick up few additional items for dinner. Bump into church couple. Chit chat for few minutes. Boots no grip I turned corner while walking behind buggy and slid almost fell. Ouch! Stopped in tracks for while now I hurt worse. Just want to get done and go home. Place is much busier than my comfort zone.
6:30p- Discover that I somehow managed to ruin the potato soup the milk curddled. Ugh! Family gracious bc we’re also having BLTs. Joe & kids serve me bx I’m hurting so bad.
9:00p- Decide to soak in Epsom Salt Bath. It helps itchy skin but rt hip is still throbbing.
11:14p- I’m exhausted but still awake. Stomach aching. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Feet hurting. Hands achy. Neck aches. Head hurts little. Brain foggy and swimmerish.
Took stabilized liquid oxygen treatment twice today
Feb 14
7:30a- I actually slept 7 straight hours last night. It felt good to sleep that long. I hurt all over. Don’t feel like getting up but know I need to. Need to get food ready for dinner at church tonight.
John 13:34-35 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.
10:00a- Dezirae helped me make the brownies. I decided to double the box by using my penny pincher recipe.
I started putting the rigatoni together to cook in crockpot, but ended up splitting the skin under my nail when I accidentally jammed my finger on the pyrex measuring cup. Ouch! Dezirae came to the rescue and finished putting it together while I told her what needed to be done. We washed up the dishes we dirtied so we don’t have to do it later. My back is now throbbing so I need to rest a bit.
Joe came inside after helping my Dad finish cleaning his roof. I heard him talking to Jordon but was finishing up at kitchen sink (I’m praying for a working dishwasher). He started to talk to me and scared me to death! I screamed!!! Now my nerves are jumpy and I hurt more. Joe gave me hug and apologized while chuckling. I’m sure normally it’d be funny but not when I hurt.
1:30p- both kids have dentist apt today. Sitting while they’re getting cavities filled. My upper back is stinging & throbbing. Headache. Neck hurts. Lights are too bright. Hands throbbing. I just realized I forgot to eat anything so far today. I think I’ve only drank 16oz of fluid. Gotta work on that. I’m rarely hungry anymore.
Can hear woman’s phone vibrating in her purse from across the room.
My eyes hurt. Center of chest now hurting.
2:03p- my lft thumb has finally healed from burn but it’s left a scar.
2:40p- I can tell school is just letting out. Waiting room is starting to fill up. It’s getting noisy. Sadly, most adults are staring at their phones or talking on them. I find it humorous that a dad can scold his son in a foreign language for throwing a toy after he was told not to do it again while keeping a calm tone and none of the other English speaking adults have a clue what’s he’s doing. Makes the child sit a while then gives him a kiss on head and tells him he loves him. Morayah
3:05p- starting to get nervous. I have three hours to get ready for banquet tonight and kids are still not done. Can feel my face getting flushed.
3:15p- kids finally done. Now to rush home to change pick up food and head to church.
10:48p- overall tonight went well. I started to feel a little week in knees around 4:30. realized still hadn’t eaten. Joe made me eat some pretzels. Dezirae took pics for me. Ladies all jumped in and helped with food set up and clean up. Several of the girls gave me Valentine’s cards. It was so sweet. I wasn’t even expecting it.
I’m exhausted. Feet throbbing. Rt hip hurts. Hands tingly. Headache. Toes freezing. Upper back pins and needles. Thirsty. Ankles ache. Can’t think straight. Center of chest hurts. Rt arm aches. Legs hurt.
Mrs. Sooter was telling us about keifer. Suppose to be easy and very healthy for you. I’ll have to check it out.
Wow! The exact moment lightning strikes water.
Feb 15
Treating Candidiasis…
*Sleep 8-10 hours nightly
*Take 1000 mg Vitamin C 2x daily
*Drink water with lemon juice(1TBS) – 4-6oz every 45 minutes to stay well hydrated
*Take Epsom Salt Bath (3-4 cups) nightly
*Take 1 t Diatomaceous Earth 3x daily just before meals
*Rotate between herbs: grapefruit seed extract, zinc, biotin, oregano oil, olive leaf extract, GI Microbe X, and undecylenic acid. Take herbs 3xs daily for 1 to 2 weeks then rotate.
*Sinus Issues: Oil pulling (2 TBS coconut oil with 1 drop Frankincense or lemon oil)
*Headaches: Rub Frankincense oil on temples, forehead, and back of neck
*Skin Rashes: Make Skin Rescue Cream with almond oil, coconut oil, and tea tree oil. Bentonite Clay Mask (1 t Bentonite Clay, 1/4 t Apple Cider Vinegar, 1 t raw honey, 2 drops Lavendar oil, and little water). Apply mask to face. Allow to dry for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Pat face dry.
9:00a- I guess ydays events wore me out. I slept until 7am. Having trouble waking up. Hands numbish & tingly, low rt hip aches, skin itches
11:00a- trying to cut up green apple for snack cut two fingers on lft hand when rt hand jerked and I missed the apple! Kids to rescue. Both told me that I didn’t need to be cutting things. That’s the third cut this week. Dezirae finished cutting up apple. Sweet.
Thankful they’re homeschooling to help me out.
1:30p- Spent time this morning trying work on getting taxes ready to take to CPA. All the numbers blurr after while. Redoing calculations multiple times even though using computer. Typing numbers and letters flipped or backwards making at times frustrating. If I look at negative, I get upset bc I used to do this for companies before you could punch info into online system. If I look at postive, I’m thankful to be able to at least prepare and gather info though not without struggles for our CPA to do it. Too much stress now. Anxiouses me out!
Anyhow, even in the valley God is good.
Have to rest my brain for a while. My brain is a bit blurry and spinning. Upper body aches and pains. Rt hip aches. Headache coming on.
Told kids they were on their own for lunch. Both agreed that was fine bc plenty of leftovers in fridge.
2:30p- recvd call from sweet friend I haven’t talked to in a while. I enjoyed the phone call. Got my mind off in another direction for a change. Refreshing.
5:50p- just finished up painting Dezirae’s room. Looks pretty good though I know I’ll have few touch ups later. Struggled a bit today pushing roller. Glad this part is finally done.
I’m ready for my house to look halfway decent. It’s a mess! Dezirae keeps thanking me. I’ve been talking about it for over a year now. Pushing myself to keep a promise. Next step is to get new comforter & curtains. Actually, it’s put her room back together & get it out of livingroom.
I’m exhausted and really hurting all over. Hands swollen and achy. Low back throbbing. Arms hurt. Feet freezing & throbbing. Skin itches. Eyes blurry. Upper back pins and needles. Muscles sore all over. Headache.
Yea, I know. If you know you’re gonna hurt afterwards why do it? Because I love my kids! A promise made is a promise kept. We’ve struggled since the strike, but I think it’s brought our family once again closer.
11:14p- I’m exhausted and really hurting, but not like I thought I would. Might hurt more before night’s over, but I feel like I finally got a big task accomplished! Thank you, Lord!
6:49a- woke thinking I was late. Upper chest tight muscles, legs throbbing, low back throbbing, rt hip aches, rt ear hurts, hands swollen and achy, lft hand numbish. Tired and feel worn out.
I will meet you in the morning over there
7:30a- Dezirae came to tell me that she thinks she found lice in her hair. I’m not up to this.
8:00a- spent 30 minutes or so trying to find/remember where I put the fine tooth comb. Can’t find it. Ugh!
12:00p- spent most morning checking her hair and treating with tea tree, lavender, and peppermint spray. I cut 6″ off her hair it was so long! My head started itching too so I had her check my hair too. Nothing. Thank the Lord!
Put dinner (ham & scalloped potatoes) in slow cooker.
All my nerve fiber endings are pulsating!!! I hurt all over. I’m exhausted!! Time for lunch and a break.
2:52p- decided to try to dust bookshlef in my room. Only able to dust and declutter 2 shelves. Whole upper body throbbing. Need to rest. It looks like a year’s worth of dust! Oh, wait I haven’t been able to do this since I was struck that’s 18 months ago!!
2:53p- mom called to see if I was up to going to produce stand. Told her to give me 5 minutes. I need potatoes.
4:25p- Got home just before Joe text me he was on his way home. Kids helped put food way. I had to repkg chicken to meal size. Time to finish up for dinner.
6:00p- sitting with heating pad on back and shoulders. They’re throbbing.
7:00p- tried to watch some TV but it’s nothing but trash
Feb 5
Scripture Valentine for today: Jeremiah 31:3
Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
Wonder if stabilized liquid oxygen could work instead? Must research it out.
Talked with Bo’s Aunt. Don’t remember her name. Able to share some of information.
2:00p- brain overloaded & foggy feeling, slightly dizzy, headache, body hurts. Need to rest a while – laying down on bed
3:00p- Mom picked Dezirae & I up to go with her to run errands.
7:53p- Dezirae cooked dinner – tacos. Yum! Tried to ask for spoon for the sour cream instead it came out need a fork for the mayonnaise.
9:46p- think I need to pick another day to post my brain is crossed. Words aren’t coming out right.
I’m exhausted.
Joe came to give me kiss goodnight. Said my forehead was warm like I have a fever. My head was feeling warm, but my feet are freezing. I think it’s time to go to bed and try again tomorrow.
Asked Jordon to close the walls instead of close up and turn off lights.
Oh, co-op tomorrow.
Temp is 99. I wonder why?
Symptoms: headache, center of chest hurts, upper back aches, indigestion, periodic ears ringing, rt ear hurts, cough, feet freezing, skin sensitive to touch, uncomfortable, rt hip aches, low back aches, exhausted, stuffy nose, still dealing with thrush (last dose of 2nd round tonight), nasal discharge, itchy skin, calves cramping pain in center of back.
Fork for the mayonnaise instead of spoon for the sour cream? (Oh the mixed up sayings that come out of my mouth sometimes. LOL!)
Feb 6
7:00a- rough night up at 2:30 & 5:30
Rt hip throbbing, legs ache, muscles in rt arm twitching, low back throbbing, hands swollen and achy
9:05a- tailbone down to feet are throbbing!
10:50a- Jordon came to give me a hug. Told me he loved me. Then he told me, “You don’t look to good.” Thanks.
10:55a- Dezirae came and gave me hug & kiss on cheek. Sweet kids.
11:00a- itching is fierce today. Forgot my orange for a snack (not hungry though). Lft eye looks droopy to me today. Middle of back has icy sensation giving me cold chills and headache.
11:28a- Joe working lots of hours next two weeks. It’s frustrating bc of juggling the car with co-op & Dr apts. Need to remind myself that this too shall pass and the extra money is needed.
1152a Oil of Oregano
Now trying Oil of Oregano to get rid of thrush
Morning – 1 tsp coconut oil & 1 drop oil of oregano. Swish in mouth and spit out.
3:00p- crashed couldn’t keep eyes open anymore slept for an hour
4:00p- still tired having trouble getting motivated to get up
5:00p- decided I needed to figure out dinner. Got really hot & opened kitchen window & door. Couldn’t remember how to bake oven fried chicken had to look up recipe.
6:00p- attempted to plug in box fan in kitchen to circulate air. Bent over to plug in fan. Holy cow! I about fell over in pain. Had to sit a minute to catch my breath. Extreme pain in center of chest!!! Costochondritis flairs up if I overdo in slightest amount. This has been one of the frustrating parts of this endeavor. Learning what my limits are quite challenging especially when I want to improve and get better but my Dr’s just tell me to live everyday life.
8:00p- finally remembered to pay phone bill online. One day I’ll get better at juggling everything.
10:29p- breathing sounds funny not sure how to explain. Three doses of coconut oil & oil of oregano swish today. Tongue already looking better. I don’t remember last time I saw a pink tongue. Taking Bio-Cleanse & Echinacea as well. Also, have been limiting my gluten & sugar intake. Doing this for 11 days now.
Trying to drink lots of purified water (goal is one gallon daily but I’m only half way there). One glass of hot decaffeinated green tea in am. Water during day. Cold decaffeinated green tea at dinner. I’m a southern gal. Gotta have my tea.
Symptoms: headache, low back throbbing, skin touchy, center of chest hurts, hands swollen and achy, eyes watery, tired but awake, rt hip hurts, brain hurts from todays activities
11:16p- feet throbbing, legs cramping, upper shoulders stinging