Lightning Strikes Memoirs – 10-11 April 2021

April 10

330a severe thunderstorm woke me again. Nerves on fire. Thunder & lightning making me jump.

400 woken by severe thunderstorm. Nerves are very tight through body causing extreme pain!!! Trying prayer and hymns in my head

600a finally fell back to sleep for half hour then alarm went off ugh.

Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 19-21; Psalm 80

900a thunderstorm suppose to ease by 10 or 10.30a. Men have prayer breakfast today. Mom, Dezirae, & I going out for girl’s day.

300p I decided to push myself while out shopping with Mom & Dezirae instead of using wheelchair. Wanted to see how it’d effect me. I’m exhausted and getting sleepy.

400p came home and went straight to bed. Set alarm for one hour but apparently I shut it off bc next thing I know Joe’s waking me for supper at 7pm. Not feeling too well… grouchy and hurting. Indigestion is horrible.

Pushing myself that much is not good idea. I’m hurting much all over, groggy, exhausted, grouchy, miserable.

724 Holly calls to chat. I’m still trying to wake up. I chat the best I can but not doing so hot. I hand phone over to Joe. She agrees with Joe I did too much today.

1100 gone to bed but still awake. Indigestion is horrible. Took gerd rx, tums, and ginger chew over last few hours. Finally easing up. I feel like I was beat up. Will definitely be using wheelchair on our trip to see Jakob. Took night meds plus pain rx.

Center of chest sharp throbbing pain.


April 11

500a woke to nerves in body screaming in pain! Center of chest throbbing. I think why’s the costo flaring up? Then I remember that I worked in garden couple days ago. Ugh. Did too much walking y’day and I’m paying the price.

Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 22-24; Psalm 77:13-15;

600 wish I knew how to turn off the alarm on the clock. I goes off just as I’m dozing back to sleep and wakes me all over again.

1100 sharp shooting throbbing pain in forearms to elbows while playing piano. It’s bad enough I want to quit playing but I continue bc I know that music is important in worship.

Brain is getting blurry and aching. Makes it difficult to focus and coordinate my eyes, brain, and hands. Feels like brain is starting to swim in a myriad of numbers and letters trying to figure out which way is up. Momentarily forget tune of song and make mistakes. My flesh wants to throw my hands in the air and quit, but my spirit is willing to keep trying. I say quick prayer saying “Lord help.” Quickly the fog begins to fade away and I remember tune and am able to correct myself though I still fumble in spots through music. Thank you Lord.

530 choir practice was a chore. Brain blurry and I feel cross-eyed. Balance is off. Unable to focus enough to do word find in bulletin presently.

600p Joe told me to take break from playing

Had difficulty singing hymns at first. I couldn’t find the right note. Closed my eyes to visualize the correct note but not working well. Looked up to see Joe signing to me to sit down. Apparently I started wavering when my eyes were closed and didn’t realize it. Once I sat down and gained stability, I was able to hit the right notes. Hmm? Wonder if there’s any correlation?

After church, Joe picked up dinner from Zaxby’s so I wouldn’t have to cook. I adore his thoughtfulness sometimes.

Brain hurts. Headache. Whole body aches deeply. Hands swollen and throbbing. Nose itches. Rt ear aches. Sinus drainage. Back aches and stings. Low back throbbing. Rt hip hurts. Legs ache with periodic stinging and itching. Feet cold. Toes icy. Joe’s arm feels like lead balloon. Tummy bloated and hurting.


Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 30-31 March 2020

March 30

3:30a woke think I was late and back throbbing

800 back throbbing & I’m tired.

810 Decided to take a shower. It’s like a work out for me now. Arms cramp and burn when I try to wash my hair. I have to take multiple breaks just to get that done. Low back starts hurting more by time I get finished with shower. Out of breath and need to rest for a while before tackling next task. Hopefully one day this task won’t be such a challenge. But thank God I can still do it.

1043 feel like I’m about to pass out. Ugh! Why am I so tired? How can I fix this? Feet freezing. Under blanket but need to put socks on. Going to lay down for 30 minutes or so.

5:30 very tired. Fell asleep in chair in Lr for 30 minutes or so.

900 figured out partly why I’m tired. Been working on next month’s scripture journaling and devotional. Not finding much commentaries on gentleness. Harder than I expected. Wears my brain and back out quickly.

Thinking and focusing tasks make my head hurt. It’s like it takes all my energy to try to get a task done. Hopefully I’ll be able to finish tomorrow. Worked on it in spurts off and on all day.

1050 Decided to braid my hair. Whew! Not quite ready to do that yet again. Out of breath. Arms burning & cramping. Hands & fingers burning, throbbing. Upper back throbbing. Stinging in lower back. Wore out.


March 31

745 very rough night. Fell asleep sometime after 1am the woke around 3am with legs cramping and throbbing. I hurt so bad all over.

Slept till 7:45a.

820a Jakob having trouble calling in for classes. Something about being charged for conference call. Joe called carrier. Told most carriers don’t have contracts with them anymore so you’ll get charged. Ugh. Took a bit but he finally figured it out.

In midst of this upheaval, Joe discovered I forgot to pay phone bill. Ugh! I thought for sure I did. Frustrated. Spent next while trying to locate receipt to no avail. At least I had it already deducted in checkbook.

No energy today. Fleeting thoughts to do stuff but no motivation or ump to move. Seasonal allergies kicking my butt.

Joe getting on my nerves being home with this quarantine.

My cough is getting more frequent. It’s annoying more than anything. Trying to keep hydrated to keep mouth moist. Lots of post nasal drip due to seasonal allergies. Pollen bad this year.

1000p wrote character trait devotional. Finished chowing verses for scripture journaling. Hopefully will work on putting it all together tomorrow.

1138p whole body aches. Low back throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Exhausted. Praying I fall asleep soon.

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