Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 2019 Feb 1-3

Feb 1

5:00am- gotta take my husband to work. It’s too early. 

6:00a- I already have a headache. 

7:00a- can tell I haven’t driven in a while bc my legs cramped up driving home. Wore me out too. Taking nap. 

Muscles in legs twitching horribly. Need to calm so I can sleep it off.

9:00a- oops! Slept longer than I planned. Need to check on kids. 

10:59p- day got away from me. 

Goals today were: write “thank you” cards, clean window, 

I’m exhausted. Legs cramping, neck & shoulders ache, rt hip hurts, cramping in lower abs especially when I cough, low back throbbing, gas, hands swollen and achy

Writing down daily goals and completing them make me feel better

Feb 2

7:25a- I hurt all over! Head hurts too. Body feels chilled. There are times I get tired of hurting all over all the time.

🎶It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name. 🎶 

*wish I could remember rest of lyrics

8:00a- having a rough morning. I’m a basket case. Tears flowing. 🙁  

Joe trying to get things going this morning but it’s just rubbing me roughly. Trying my best to mind my verbiage so to not cause argument. 

I don’t understand how I can go to bed happy and calm and wake up sad and upset.

Got a sweet message from Emma this morning that’s she’s praying for me.

9:15a- riding with Dad & Mom to visitation this morning. Radio going, Dad talking, Mom talking – I hear it all but none of it is registering. It’s all just scrambled noise – too much going on to focus on one thing. Crazy!

10:00a- chilly tingling sensation in center of chest. Toes tingling and cold with sensation moving slowly to cover whole foot.

🎶Who can cheer the heart like Jesus, by His presence all divine? True and tender, pure and precious, O how blessed to call Him mine! All that thrills my soul is Jesus, He is more than life to me; And the fairest of ten thousand In my blessed Lord I see.🎶

10:33a- gotta get my brain out of fight & flight mode. All my anxieties and fears come flooding to the forefront!!! Praying constantly for protection!!! Beehives (I’m allergic), big dogs (I’ve been attacked -thankful my husband was near to get mean dog to let go of my foot!). Go boldly (I’m a chicken right now). Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world (good thing bc I’m a feeble soul). One possible prospect.

I’m an overcomer. With God’s help I can do this.

12:22p- made pasta salad for lunch. Dezirae helped me cut the black olives up. I’m resting now. Legs throbbing! Neck hurts. I’m tired. 

10:05p- rested by watching a movie after lunch. Spent rest of day doing bulletin, monthly prayer list, printed nursery schedule & procedures list to laminate, made chili & rolls for dinner. 

Legs are throbbing and sore. Two days left of nystatin oral rinse and thrush is still not completely gone. Don’t know what to do. 

I didn’t know that echinacea can keep candida at bay. I need to start that regimen back up – 3 weeks on 1 week off

Feb 3

7:00a- Upon waking, my lower legs throbbing as if I had worked out heavy and hard for a long while. Rt hip throbbing. Hands swollen. 

I’ve forgotten what piece I was gonna play for offeratory today. Know I didn’t write it down. Ugh!

I’m determined it’s still gonna be a good day.  

Tongue feels funny. Check in mirror. Thrush is worse than yday all because I gave in and ate three yeast rolls for dinner! This is ridiculous. I’m tired of not feeling well. I’ll ask my wellness friends for suggestions.

– Oil of Oregano, Echinacea, Grapefruit seed extract, 

9:00a- practicing hymns for today. Ugh three sharps are not my friend. Started trying to play and asked the Lord to help. I cannot explain it but was able to transpose to flats and play that one song.

I think forcing myself to keep playing piano has actually helped my brain. 

Brain feeling foggy and blurry already. Wish I could get someone to explain the how’s and why’s of this injury. I may look normnal but I’m far from it on inside.

Shoes I’m wearing are killing my legs! I may have to be a country chic and go barefoot for services. I can’t torture myself this way. They aren’t even heals. I don’t get it. 

11:00a- checked on food to see how it’s cooking in crocpkot. Discovered that I forgot to plug it in!!! I dislike when I do that. It’s frustrating. Plugged it in and on high. Hope it works but got feeling it won’t be ready.

12:30p-  food is nowhere near ready. Guess we’ll have to back up and punt. Decided to go to store pick up fried chicken & a few groceries. Kids big help getting it done quickly. 

2:15p- I’m exhausted. Need to rest a while. 

9 :57p- cat nap lasted about 15min. Hard to sleep when you hurt so much. Chose to do some work around church. Trimmed up the roses bushes. Typed up some things for Joe. Had Jordon & Dezirae to each help do something too.  Had good services today. 

Had lunch for dinner. Surprised Joe tonight.  Legs still sore and throbbing. Lower back aches. Rt side hurts. Hands swollen and achy. Rt ear hurts. Parts of skin crawling. Feet hurting.

Lightning Strike Memoirs 2019 Jan 11-12

Jan 11

5:45a- woke with sharp pain in rt side of chest thru to back. Tried wriggling to get it to ease to no avail. Applied pain rub once I remembered where it was. Throbbing pain in legs. Stuffy & congested. I’m tired & tired of being in pain. If I could diminish the pain, I might think clearer. Gonna rest until alarm goes off.  

Thankful we can go directly to our Heavenly Father with all our anxieties and all our cares!

12:14p- Not been my day. Got into argument with Joe bc of moving forward in painting Dezirae’s closet. He wants to help and shelf needs to be leveled so she can put things on it. We have entire closet emptied and now have to wait until he gets home to help. 

While typing up info sheet for dr apt, I picked up clipboard to move it. My fingers gave way and I dropped the clipboard. Corner landed on the “T” and broke it off! Letter works, but I don’t know how to fix it.

Dezirae immediately googled how to fix it. Watched a youtube video and followed instructions and was able to put the key back on. PTL!  We have smart kids. 

1:00p- Got Fb notification about “The Doctor is in” live on tv5. Decided to watch is see what type of Dr it was – Dr Lee Ferguson of The Vascular Center of Mobile. Some of the questions the viewers were asking are similar to some of my symptoms…tingling and pain in hands and feet. I just assumed those issues were due to neuropathy. Never crossed my mind that it could be circulation issues. I decided to ask if he had ever treated a lightning survivor. The lady said this is interesting question and asked my question on live tv and mentioned me by name. Cool! The Dr admitted that he hasn’t recalled treating a lightning survivor but was willing to if necessary. I tried to mention my issues but segment ended before I could (I didn’t think to ask when I first asked question. My thought process is still rather slow.) 

5:00p- Dr confirmed thrush. It’s down the back of my throat & said it’s probably in my esophagus too. Prescribed an oral rinse for 10 days to knock it out. I asked about other remedies I could do. Told me that I was already on enough supplements he didn’t want me to add anything else bc it could throw my system more out of wack than it already is from the lightning strike.  

Went to store to get rx filled. Lady said it would be about 45 min. I told her I would wait for it and do some shopping. Did the shopping and put it in car. Went to pick Rx up. It wasn’t even in system. The lady didn’t even give it to pharmacist. Ugh!  I told new lady I had already been waiting about an hour. She apologized and scanned it into system right away. Had to wait 10 more minutes. 

Got home and was wore out. Told kids we would wait a bit for dinner bc I needed to rest. I think I dozed off for a few minutes until phone rang.    

10:14p- It’s gonna be a long 10 days bc the medicine doesn’t taste good. Gotta think positive…I’m gonna feel better on the other side of this. My tongue and throat won’t hurt. I may even have more energy – that’ll be a plus. Haven’t hardly had any pep for couple of months since onset.

I’m exhausted. Center of chest throbbing

Oral thrush/Candida infection symptoms:

White patchy tongue, pain in tongue, difficulty swallowing, sore throat, cotton mouth feeling, taste buds are off, tiredness & fatigue, chronic sinus infections, can cause fever if goes past esophagus, joint pain if left untreated

Treatments can vary depending on severity and length of issues. I’ve tried doubling probiotics, oral rinse, peppermint oil rinse, etc. for couple of months. Home remedies not working…proves to me my immune system is weakened.

Jan 12

6:50a- Ugh! It feels like I just went to sleep. I’m not ready to get up…just a little longer. 

7:00a- Hitting snooze just a little longer. I feel sluggish.

7:45a- Didn’t mean to sleep that long. My legs hurt, headache, tongue hurts. I need to start the day. Bible read. 

Medicine doesn’t taste good. Yuck!

8:30a- Started cooking breakfast. Heating skillet up to cook eggs got distracted and smoked the kitchen up! Ugh! Cooled skillet and started again. Splashed hot oil on arm. Ouch! 

10:00a- It’s amazing how music can soothe the soul. I love playing hymns that speak to your soul. “Thank you, Lord”, and “Springs of Living Water”. 

11:00a- Met an interesting fella while out on visitation today. He asked me what my job was at the church. I replied, “I’m the pastor’s wife.” He chuckled and said, “Ah, the Pastor’s wife.”   I asked my kids what he meant by that. My son replied, “It means your special.” I said,”Nah.” He quickly responded, “Mom, you’re special to me and your special to everyone you meet.” I just said, “Awh.”

2:00p- Completed a labour of love. Dezirae & I painted her closet today.  I loved painting once upon a time, but the pain it causes now. Closet looks good. It’s now time to rest a while. Maybe a cat nap too.

4:50p- muscles in leg keep fluttering

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