April 16
600 slept decent. Woke to lft arm numb and tingly. Whole body stiff and hurting. Vision a bit blurry. Headache. Sinuses congested.
Bible Reading: 1 Kings 10-11; Psalm 119:13-16;
800a chiro appt. Acupuncture – (9 needles ) move the wind? {2 ankles, 2 in back, 2 in hands near thumbs, 1 in back of head top of neck, & 2 on top of shoulders near base of neck}
Adjustments: neck, upper back, lower back, hips, legs
April 17
Slept til 3 then up and down rest of night. Strange dream (same kind of different except I was the one that was different). Woke to whole body stiff and achy. Hurts to move.
Bible Reading 1 Kings 12-14, Psalm 49:1-15
Getting ready for church tomorrow. We’re having a missionary family and we’re feeding them lunch at church. Chicken & Dumplings, salad, veggie, brownies, etc. The family all jumped in to help bc it’d be too much on me physically. Decided to open up lunch to church family and they’re bringing sides as well. I’m thankful for a loving, church family as well.
957 finally in bed. I hurt something awful. Pain is an 8 or so. Headache.
Severe thunderstorm throughout day.
When it cleared a bit we ran to church to get the roaster pan & chicken. On way home, we saw several streaks of lightning. Each one causing my body to tense making me hurt more. I tried to occupy my mind to no avail. Glad to get home.
Night meds taken plus PEA & Tylenol. No migraine today. PtL.
I’m plum wore out, nasty taste in mouth for couple days.
Gouged the skin off knuckle on left thumb putting the dumplings in the fridge. Ouch!
Trouble finding the bandaids I know I bought, but found the windshield repair kit I forgot where I put it. Lol.
Praying for sweet rest and no reciprocal pain in morning.