Dec 4
300 woke in extreme pain!!! Sharp stabbing pain in center of chest generates thru to back. Arms & hands burning throbbing.
Applied Vicks to chest & pain eo roller. Took pain rx. I just want to cry loudly :(.
Heated up heating pad to apply to chest. It hurts worse to lie down.
Sinuses acting up too. Took Tylenol sinus. Rt ear throbbing. Thunderstorm not helping either.
Took me over an hour for pain to ease enough that I could get comfortable to lay flat on belly to fall back asleep.
830 overslept but needed the sleep. Low grade fever gone. 98.3
1100p had decent day as long as I didn’t try to lift my hands/arms above my heart. Back on anti-inflammatory meds to ease Costochondritis again. Guess it’s going to take longer than I thought this time. So not the direction I want to be going in.
Started feeling hot around 6pm. Took temp around 8p. It’s. 99.7 – low grade for me.
Could stress be a factor?
Headache, neck aches, back aches, mid back rt side feels seized up and crampy, st hip throbbing, legs ache, legs keep moving, skin itches, hands swollen and throbbing, feet tingling and throbbing. Tired. Upper back stinging. Muscles in back randomly jumping/spasming.
Dec 5
900a our family delivered blessing bags to our local police & fire dpts. Have to make 12 or 14 more bc the one fire dept much bigger than last year. The last we delivered to was also hosting a car show and bbq plate fundraiser for a local resident that has cancer. We walked around looking at the cars, talking with the people, and passing out tracts. Joe did most of talking.
12p Wore me out. Thankful we could buy bbq plates bc I was exhausted and hurting.
Lazy day mostly rest of say. Did manage to jell my marmalade and can it. Tastes scrumptious.
600p bout of runs with tummy hurting. Not sure what caused it.
11p exhausted, tired, and hurting all over. Had to be careful to not move upper body too much or it’d hurt worse. Rest is important but so hard when my mind says I have too much to do.
Let’s just say I hurt from head to toes. Headache, neck hurts, rt ear hurts, hands swollen & throbbing, back stinging throbbing, chest hurts – mostly deep pain with periodic sharp stabbing pain, legs ache, muscle spasms randomly, feet stinging throbbing.
Dec 6
700 woke from strange dream but I can’t seem to recall details. Slight headache. Neck hurts. Whole body aches. Feel blah be humbug today. Need to shake it off.
Joe offered to get lunch prepared for today. Thankful bc I’m moving slow today.
Decided to curl my hair. Had to ask Dezirae for help about 3/4 way through bc my arms tuckered out. That’s progress.
115 lunch was delicious. Ate one plate and I’m stuffed. Tummy feels overfilled. Exhausted and chilly. Feet cold. Put socks on.
300p have lots to do but I’m so tired. Need energy.
Had Jordon help me hang the garland around baptistry & put poinsettias on corners.
430 choir practice made my brain and vision start to go blurry and almost double. Bad headache.
1100 in lots of pain and exhausted