Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 22-23 January 2021

Jan 22

100 coughing fits hurt my body…not my chest, but rather send sharp electrifying pains down legs to toes. I’ve taken delsym, C, & zinc. Applied Vicks to bottom of feet & chest.

2:09 wide awake. Can’t sleep. Decided to pray for everyone who comes to mind.

700 not sure how long I prayed before falling asleep but got through bunch of people. Woke to use restroom. Whole body stings and aches. Temp 99.1

845 fell back asleep for little over an hour. Body still stings. Funny smell in my nose. Skin sensitive – hair on neck and fave feels like insects crawling on me – unnerving. Vision blurry like there’s a mucus film over eyes. Had to rub eyes to help it clear. Sinuses congested. Woke from strange dream (seeking out Dr’s who might care to help me heal while in midst of a war. Realize I need a new goal – finish college for one but also determine something I want to do (purpose in life). Yet I’m conflicted bc I don’t know what I want to do. Don’t know what I’m good at with my current limitations.

Tongue still covered white and small lesions all over. It hurts today.

1040 showers are such a chore. Worn out and must rest a bit to catch my breath and easy fatigue arms. Coughed up a bunch of phlem. Thankfully it’s clear for most part.

100 spent half hour working on blog. Exhausted. Headache. Need to rest a while.

Feet are freezing. Chilling sensation gradually moving up legs – up to mid chin.

300p apparently I fell asleep in chair. family surprised me. Told me that they were cooking dinner for me as their way of showing appreciation for me taking care of sick family even while I was sick. It’s nice to be appreciated.

600 funky smell stuck in my nose. Can’t figure it out.

900p temp 99.7. I feel hotter than that.

1030 decided to pick up a textbook to work towards finishing my bachelors degree. Took me a bit to find book. Found Christmas present I forgot about. Still have birthday upcoming. Lol. I could literally hide my own Easter eggs. Lol.

Able to read for about 30 minutes before my eyes started hurting and blurring. Discovered I have about 5 classes left to finish. It’s doable at slow pace.

Headache. Brain/vision blurry. Funky smell in nose. Fever. Cough. Post nasal drip. Low back aches. Head itches. Lower let leg tourniquet tightening feeling from calf down with numbnish & tingling.

I’ll have to try to remember to brew some thyme & oil of oregano peppermint tea tomorrow

Jan 23

1130 trouble waking. Extremely tired today.
230 multiple hiccup burps.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 17-19 January 2021

Jan 17

1210p gently trying to stretch out my sciatica pain as I can endure the pain while trying not to cry . Trying to find position I can sleep in.

945 very rough night…hardly slept at all.

1140p tummy gurgling like crazy. Low back & rt hip throbbing but not as bad as yday. Coughing much. Trying to stay hydrated. Continuing to take Vitamin C 4k mg, Echinacea 2 capsules, & zinc 50 mg. Night meds taken.

Diffused thieves oil in house most of day.

Muscles throughout body sting. Stuffy nose. Mild headache. Exhausted. Weak.

Jan 18

1045 woke to both arms severely numb & tingly. Back throbbing. Headache. Still tired. Strange dream. In a strange land searching for something I know not what. Ears ringing.  Sinuses congested. Low back throbbing.

Feels like cough is in chest more. Need to up my vitamin C.

1230 Son has problem with history books not matching up. Student book is older than lesson planner. It’s frustrating both of us. Him bc I’m not making sense though it makes common sense in my head. Me bc I’m having difficulty verbalizing the easy fix and Joe has to interpret for me.

Now my brain hurts like crazy. My vision is blurring. Sinuses contesting more making me cough more which in turn make my whole body hurt worse than it already does. Need to go rest a piece so I can attempt Bible Class with the kids.

900 just finished making bed. I’m wore out, hurting, and exhausted. Rt wrist & forearm throbbing with sharp pain shooting up to rt shoulder. Entire back has burning sensation like it’s on fire!  Chin feels numb suddenly. Strange. Need to rest awhile.

1000p decided to eat pickle. Burned my tongue. Ouch. Tummy hurting now. Pickles are not my friend right now.

Muscles are twitching randomly through body. Doesn’t feel good.

Jan 19

1200a tummy hurts bad. Bloating.

1220 coughing fit ensues. Feels like I’m trying to cough up a lung. It hurts whole body. Took 2k mg vitamin C and night meds.

1000 woke from strange dreams to feeling like my cover weighed like ton of bricks making moving very difficult. Not good feeling to wake to.

Received phone call from Dr office. Confirmed I have covid too. Not allowed back in Dr’s office until I get a negative test result. Can’t get another test until 14 days from start of symptoms and am symptom free. That’s going to be fun game bc some of my symptoms I had prior to covid due to the LS. I’ll continue he to keep Vitamin C saturation high until I feel better. It seems to be helping with some of nerve pain too bc I haven’t taken much rx pain meds last couple days. We’ll see. God is in control.

650 pushed all I can today. Made Dezirae a birthday cake. Biscuits n gravy for brunch. Ordered pizza for dinner.

Cough seems worse but quiets after I take C

I’ve reached saturation but continue bc of the cough. Don’t want to get pneumonia. Hurt all over. Feet freezing up to chins. Nerves sting.

1150 cough keeping me awake. Took 2 TBS Delsym. Applied Vicks to bottom of feet & chest. Applied Nasonex 1 squirt each nostril. Took zinc 50mg, C 2k mg, & night meds. Sucking on hard candy to soothe cough until rx kicks in. Hopefully, I’ll fall asleep soon.

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