Lightning Strikes Journal Entries – August 5-7, 2021
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 13-19 June 2021
Lightning Strikes Memoirs – 1-3 April 2021
April. 1
4:30 woke to whole body stiff, achy, and in much stringing. Both hands tingling and stinging. Tummy insides cramping. Sinuses congested. Tinny taste in mouth.
Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 18-20;
Juicing: V8 Splash Island Strawberry, 1 tbs chia seeds, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
Cooked 4lbs sausage in crockpot over night. Broke it up fine and put in ziplock bag in fridge. Cooked 4 lbs bacon and put in container for Sunday. Friend stopped by to deliver Color Street nails I requested. Visited with her for little while. Got Easter baskets out and put in them what I gave so far. Worked on blog for little bit.
Exhausted and nerves are burning throbbing thru body. Low back throbbing. Eyes getting heavy. Need a nap. Listening to Open Door.
Fell asleep for about 20 minutes. Having bad dream…dreamt that a semi truck rear-ended us and was pushing us into the back of a grey vehicle. As we were about to hit vehicle, I jerk awake at same time receiving text notification sound from Jakob. Whew!
It’s been a good day. I’m exhausted. Hurting all over. Low back throbbing. Tummy aches. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling to toes. Mild headache. Post nasal drip. Yuck. Skin sensitive.
On the way home from church, Joe asked me if I remember something ___ on Sunday to remind him. I said okay. Sitting in chair in Living room, I remember I’m supposed to remind him but forgot what. I was going to set reminder in my phone so I asked him what I was supposed to remind him. He got upset and said nevermind I’m not going there. That in turn upset me because I was trying to do better but I honestly don’t remember what it was he asked me to remember. Eyes getting heavy. I’m exhausted. Decided to go to bed. I’ll probably be sleeping before he comes to be. Having trouble even now keeping eyes open.
April 2
630 fell asleep quickly last night. Low back throbbing intensely.
Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 22-24; Psalm 34:6-8;
800 decided to work on my blog a little. Able to finish March 2019.
Joe decided for us to go look at a car.
Lunch date at Jereusalem Cafe. Started with Lentil Soup sprinkled with sumac. Soup was creamy with robust flavor. Delicious!
Beef Shawarmah – Grilled cubes of spiced and marinated tender beef topped with cucumber yogurt sauce. Plate came with a scoop of yellow rice. Rice was cooked to perfection and moist.
Joe wants to look at more cars. I’m done.
We ended up at 4 or 5 different lots. Much more than my brain or legs could handle. In much pain and brain is overload with too much information. Brain in shut down mode and I am now grumpy and angry.
I wanted to get little candy for kids easter baskets. Stores are too full of people for my liking. Trying to explain and it comes out all wrong. Upset Joe so he decided to go home without which makes more angry.
Once home Joe wants to talk it out but I don’t bc I need time to process and let brain rest. I end up saying I’m vacating premises because I need a break from you. Not what I wanted to say but instead of trying to explain I just walk out side and sit in sun for few minutes.
Whole body stings, low back & rt hip throbbing, legs stinging burning throb, feet tingle, post nasal drip tastes nasty in my mouth. Exhausted. Having trouble keeping eyes
April 3
700a lft arm sore, low back hurts, whole body stiff and achy, eyes blurry, neck hurts, hands throbbing and swollen. Strange uncomfortable dream…Joe finally appeared towards end so I reached out to him for comfort and protection. Still very tired.
Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 25-27; Hebrews 12:2; Psalm 54:4;
My legs, feet, butt, and lower back are throbbing. Headache moderate. Took Naproxen for pain, Advil sinus for sinuses, & 1/2 dropper cbd.
Today has been a roller coaster of emotions day. We purchased a 2nd vehicle. Family we purchased from asked us to come back at 3pm to give them time to clean it out, etc. As we left, we received phone call that a friend was being taken to ER unresponsive. Prepping things for Easter tomorrow. Picked up new to us vehicle. Took some stuff to church. Delivered food to a friend. Received word that friend passed. Finished picking stuff up for tomorrow. Several phone calls letting us know of her passing. Decided to let Rae know tonight.
I’m past exhausted and hurting.
LS Memoirs – 17-19 March 2021
March 17
445 woke in great pain all over!!! Hurts to move. Sinuses congested. Took pain rx & Advil sinus.
Bible Reading: Joshua 22-24,
635 center of chest throbbing
720 having trouble seeing straight, feel wobbly. Feel crash oncoming. Exhausted. Need a nap
310p crash oncoming. Need cat nap before picking up Joe.
335 need to stop at grocery store on way to pick up Joe. It’s very crowded. Woah!
600 crashed again in recliner in livingroom. Not sure how long I was out. Had difficulty keeping awake. Pain increases and it wears me out. Pastor wife friend admitted to hospital with respiratory failure, double pneumonia , and covid. Praying she gets better soon.
924 been in bed since 9p. It’s been a frustrating exhausting day.
Friend still in hospital. She’s eating soft foods. She has to have her liquids thickened bc she chokes otherwise. IF & I helped feed her her dinner.
Drama involved with people trying to take matter into their own hands about how to take care of her house. Frustration I don’t need. The stress just adds to my pain. Ugh!
Decided to check on my ladies tonight. They’re good. Have to call one in the morning. Worked little on my blog today. Wrote little more of the devotional and later posted LS memoir to blog.
Symptoms: stinging burning pain through body. Only able to ignore for short periods. Legs throbbing as if I ran a 5k without preparation. Feel like I’ve been beat up and can barely pick myself up. Headache. Periodic sharp jabbin pains randomly in body. Left three little toes cramping something aweful while driving today.
March 18
500 really bad charlie horse cramp in rt calf woke me abruptly around 2:30am. Had to walk on it to ease some. Severe thunderstorms passed thru in middle of night.
Bible Reading: Judges 1-2; Romans 15:13; Psalm 144:1-2;
Reading difficult this morning. Eyes are blurry. Whole body throbbing. Rt leg cramping and very stiff. Rt hip throbbing. Hands swollen & achy. Moderate headache.
Rae & I stopped at LMs house to clean a little after taking guys to work. Tried to do it yday but couldn’t.
Whole body stings. Pain increases. Headache intensified -7/8.
Listening to wholetones music & deep breathing while resting. Need to notate which track is for which ailment. Difficulty remembering. Open Door & The Bridge
Tried to do few chores around house. No energy and dragging. Head pounding & body still stinging. Decided to lay back down hoping to ease headache some. Ended up crashing again for another hour.
Hand and eye coordination is way off tonight. Royally messed up. Some parts I couldn’t even play one note correctly.
Symptoms: Legs burning throbbing. Neck hurts. Head pounding. Whole body stinging. Hands throbbing and swollen. Exhausted. Extreme pain is wearing me out. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness & tingling. Lower back throbbing. Dr hip aches. Sinuses congested. Skin sensitive to touch.
March 19
Woke to body stinging, stiff, and achy. Achy pain I can handle but stinging pain can drive me nuts. Need to get more veggies and fruits to juice again. I didn’t sting as much. I suppose the juicing has a specific vitamin that I don’t regularly take with my meds and supplements. May need to figure that one out.
Bible Reading: Judges 3-5; Galatians 5:22-23; Lamentations 3: 23-26; Psalm 16:1-3
Sinuses congested, thirsty,
Juice: decided to try celery juice. 4 stalks celery, 1/2 lemon, & 1 orange. It tasted awful!!!! Joe took sip and spit it out. I forced myself to get most of it down. Yuck! Won’t try that again.
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 5-7 September 2019
Sept 5
8:30a- feel a little better but still very weak and lightheaded. Slightest wrong move my muscles cramp/spasm bad. Ugh!
Asked God for extra strength today bc I don’t feel like getting out of bed. Prayed for church family, and hurricane victims.
9:00a- decided to take a shower. Turned to turn shower on and muscles cramped so bad I had to stop. Head hurts. Neck & shoulders hurt & tightened muscles. Wore me out. I’m about to where I don’t look forward to bathing bc it’s such a challenge.
9:30a- need to rest a bit then start working on stuff for appreciation Sunday.
10:00a- finally getting around to eating breakfast. Not hungry but know I need something in belly. Kids started schoolwork on their own.
Don’t recall where I put my lists. Starting new ones. It can get so overwhelming at times. Choose to recruit help from older son and church family.
12:27p- Jordon asks what’s for lunch. Dezirae reminded him of meal menu on fridge. Jordon asks for soup instead. Makes me a bowl. I’m actually hungry for change eat burger & hot dog.
4:40p- found out we are having missionaries tonight. Joe asked their daughter to play piano tonight to give me a break. Blessing because I was going to let him know I needed a break. God knows!
5:00p- realized I forgot to print rest of items for bulletin board. Have to put it on my to do list. Finally have a binder I can put it in to not loose it, hopefully.
6:45- Bro Jerry asked me how I was doing. I hesitated then told him fair bc last couple of days have been tough. He let me know he’s been praying for me. That was an encouragement.
7:45p- realized I forgot to print prayer list for September. I dislike forgetting things so much.
11:20p- not able to fall asleep due to much pain. Scrolling on Facebook momentarily friend in NC posts that they are currently facing effects from Hurricane Dorian. Able to share comforting words and spend time praying for them for a while. Also prayed for missionary in Honduras that had to be rescued from their home bc of Dorian…prayed for their recovery efforts and strength in rebuilding process.
Sept 6
1:18a- still wide awake…getting sleepy…funny how praying can have that affect on you.
Whole body hurts from head to toes – headache, lightheaded, neck hurts, shoulders hurt, back aches, rt hip throbbing, legs ache, lower lft leg from middle to toes numbish & tingling, heels & toes ache, muscles tight, hands swollen and achy, brain foggish, random muscles twitching thru body
5:30a- woken out of sleep abruptly by stomach cramping pain & severe low back pain. If only I could get the sleep I need, I might feel some better. Got the runs. 🙁
6:30a- taking Jordon to work. Forgot where I was going made wrong turn. Had to turn around. Need gas in car. Jordon filled her up.
12:30p- we dropped Dezirae off for her away vball game. Headed to Mostellar to check on medical records for atty. Had wrong fax # will resend.
Asked about making apt bc Costocondritis flare up isn’t letting up. Informed Dr I was seeing isn’t there anymore. New Dr won’t start until later this month. Ugh! Triaged with nurse. Spoke w/ nurse practitioner. They’re calling in steroid rx if not better to call for work in apt. Hope this works. I need to get better asap.
4:00p- Finally home again. I’m exhausted. Mind going 100 miles a minute. Decided to watch a mystery movie.
5:17p- Dad called to check on me. I had just fallen asleep. I’m exhausted not feeling too good.
6:00p- ask guys to cook dinner bc I’m not feeling up to it. They graciously started it while I finished it up. Had them clean up too.
9:00p- I’m exhausted and hurting all over. Don’t feel good either. Major headache.
Sept 7
12:00a- woke around midnight hurting. Not sure how to explain but like you ache all over when you have flu but with pins and needles at my joints and I don’t have the flu. Kept me awake for some time before I could fall back to sleep. Had migraine and had to take rx.
7:30a- feel like I broke a sweat last night. Joe says it’s just hot in our room. Think I’m going thru premenopause on top of everything else.
Positive note my migraine is gone for now. I hurt all over. Chest too. Finding the right balance is hard to do sometimes.
8:00a- Joe told me to stay home and rest.
5:30p- chest really hurting sharp pain rt side thru to back. Icing my chest, took pain rx to ease pain. Ache from head to toe.
7:00p- horrible hiccups!! Hiccupped consistently for about 10 min.
11:30p- back 2 gargling with Maalox and Benadryl to keep pain & swelling down in tongue. Sores showing up again especially on right side of tongue.
Sharp pain in chest and back easing but chilling burning sensation replaced it. I guess the prednisone is working. Sneezed hard now nose is dripping blood (bled for 5 min). Wish I could figure out connection. Frustrating.
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 27-28 April 2019
April 27
12:10a- not sure what’s going on, but I’m hurting more than I have in a while (I think). Just took rx pain & muscle relaxer. Hopefully, that’ll help me sleep. Calf muscles cramping, neck throbbing, noticed lft side of chest is swollen and upper torso throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Eyes sensitive to lights. Rt ear aches. Rt toothaches. Low back aches.
Please, Lord, provide for our needs. Car broken down and not enough $ to fix.
Lost my craft needle and not sure where to find it. Good news is I finally found Joe’s Valentine’s gift but it won’t do him any good til he finds his keys. lol
4:30a- sore throat and still hurting all over. Muscles twitching throughout body. Feel like I’m burning up!
7:30a- I’m exhausted. Still hurt all over. Hard to get moving…everything’s stiff, swollen, and more than achy.
8:00a- while putting make up on I accidentally poked myself in the eye with the mascara wand. I didn’t even feel it! Only way I knew I did so was the black dot on white of my eye. Scarey! Joe says I was a hot box last night bc when he went to rub my back this morning it was clammy.
10:12a- felt scab on top of head rt. 2nd spot on head keeps oozing yellowish gunk and bleeds periodically. Guess I’ll have to use frankincense until I can get to dr. Not sure when I’ll be able to afford it since our car is broke down again. God sees the need. I’m trusting Him to supply.
1:00- picked up rx from pharmacy. While waiting I asked for pharmacist opinion about my “thrush” issue. She suggested I see an ENT bc it’s quite possible I have infection stuck in tonsils. Lymph nodes swollen in neck, rt ear ache, tooth pain, headache, neck hurts, sore throat, periodic chills.
In thinking about what was said, I don’t think the Dr’s once checked for strep or tonsillitis. I so need second opinion.
3:15p- strawberries on dehydrator trays, pork chops divided and put away, food from lunch put away. I’m exhausted. Need to rest a while.
7:28z sharp pain in rt side of lip. Felt like I waz being zapped. Ouch!
11:59p- whole body still hurts but pain is subsiding some. Rt ear hurts. Rt toothache. Sore throat. Lumps on back of throat. Tongue coated white. Headache. Hands swollen and achy and tingly. Feet ache. Muscle spams randomly throughout body all day.
Found out that the previous pastor of the church passed away this morning. Mixed emotions sad bc I know his wife will miss him but glad he’s no longer suffering and know he’s in a better place.
April 28
7:00a- calves cramping
9:15a- Bro Billy brought lg box of assorted greeting cards for me to use at church. What a sweet surprise!
11:35a- rt hip throbbing, muscles spasming in legs, cramping in stomach, slight headache, rt ear hurts
3:00p- working on next Scripture Journaling theme. Decided to double check verses chosen. Glad I did. Had to make a few changes. Now to remember how I saved it last time to post on blog as pdf.
5:59p- rt hip hurts, rt ear throbbing & intermittent ringing, feet freezing – I’ve had socks on all afternoon
Stomach cramping
11:10p- feet finally warmed up, rt ear throbbing, rt toothache stabbing, low back throbbing feels like I was punched in back low blow on both sides, stomach cramping, esophagus feels like pills got stuck, rt side of face hurts, hands achy and swollen, feel bloated, legs hurt like I walked 5k without training. Rt ear feels like I need to sleep on a warm cabbage leaf.
Overall it was a good day.
Lighting Survivor Journal Entries 10-12 Dec 2018
Dec 10
6:32p doing too much today. Can feel my face turning red. Walmart doesn’t have enough wheelchairs. Managed to walk behind buggy but it was a bit much. I hurt all over. Headache. Skin is flushing. Chilling sensation at base of neck. Hands swollen. Brain foggy. Face hurts. Need to rest quite a while.
Sipping peppermint tea to help with easing pain.
8:00p so congested and face hurts. Decided to do nasal cleanse. Now my nasal passages and eyes are burning!!!!
9.24p It’s funny when your son actually asks for coal for Christmas (not because he was naughty). LOL!
Dec 11
12:26a still wide awake. Left leg muscles cramping. Neck hurts. Toes cold. Just read disheartening email that Jordon’s basketball season has been cancelled. He’s gonna be heartbroken. I just wanna cry that’s the biggest reason we chose that co-op. I’ll have to have Joe call to see what’s up.
11:45a – attended funeral today. Met another person that was struck by lightning (Pastor Williams). I knew he looked familiar but not know why. He was Pastor in Ocala Fl while my Dad was in Dunnellon, Fl. He was struck while talking on phone (Shockley).
1:04p unexpected stinging sharp pain in lip like it was being tazzed. Ugh!
6:15p wasn’t feeling well at store. Had to lay down for a while ended up sleeping for about 2 hours
7:00p decided to string popcorn for tree tonight…tree needs to be finished. Only able to get bout dozen pieces on before back started throbbing and stinging. Dezirae took over for a while.
10:30 decided to clean up kitchen a little and work on blog. Back began feeling icy. Rt ear hurts. Sniffles. Headache. Legs cramping. Face hurts. Taking antibiotics for sinus infection – not that I really want to but I do want to feel better than I have been. Tired but still awake.
Dec 12
6:30a – woke but don’t want to get up or out from under covers. I’m freezing!
Hands swollen and achy. Eyes blurry. Toes freezing. Legs cramping. Loud noises bothersome. Bright lights bothersome. I carry sunglasses everywhere now to give eyes a break.
10:53a – at Dr with son for blackout episodes. Bp fine. Temp fine. Did EKG. EKG looks gorgeous. Bloodwork.
11:12a- center of chest hurting. Lights bright & bothersome.
*Nurse’s aunt was struck by lightning several years ago. She has no lasting side effects.
Referral for MRI & echocardiogram. Referral apt to pediatric cardiologist.
That’s enough to wear anyone out. He has to limit sports activity & no driving. Bummer.
7:00p – made batch of Grinch Christmas cookies. We were invited to friends home for lunch after The Nutcracker on Friday. I’m looking forward to it.
10:00p- ‘twas gonna diffuse lavendar, but cord to diffuser missing. Made kids help look for it – after a few moments told them to go to bed and we’ll look for it in morning. I can feel my nerves tensing bc I’m upset not being able to use diffuser. Ugh!
Gonna use pain roller blend on chest. Back is throbbing too.
10:36p – I’m a hurting for sure too much activity today. Center of chest throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Neck hurts to move. I’ve taken my pain rx (thankfully I have a spare in purse bc I’m not sure where script is I just got filled…strange) & melatonin. Hopefully it’ll help me go to sleep. I think to myself though I may be suffering so there are others worse off than me. Haven’t done much research lately. My schedule is all out of whack and it’s throwing me off.
I think to myself I see eyes of blue and red roses too what a wonderful world. Thank you Lord for another day. Please heal my son. My heart bleeds for him as he is so disappointed in not being able to play basketball this year. I just want to cry for him. Thank you Lord for directing our paths even when we don’t understand what’s going on.
Lightning Survivor Journal Entries 7-9 Dec 2018
Dec 7
7:00am -Joe scared me awake around 6:30. Woke me up from bad dream…
Chest hurts, rt side cramping, headache (wish I could get rid of them for good). Muscles twitching in left side.
11:30a- got stressed over typing up Dezirae’s Bible quiz & both kids needing my help at the same time. Needed to pick up my rx at pharmacy. Told Joe I needed some therapy & I’m going to the Thrift store. Found a few Christmas presents. Rx ended up being more than I expected. Back home before Joe had to leave for work.
1:42p- getting chilling sensation at base of brain down back of neck & left ear – second time today
11:50p- had a decent day not too much pain unless I was doing too much. Vaccumed under part of bed. Had to have Jordon move bed back even though it was on wheels bc my back was hurting. Hurt my rt arm trying to reach object under bed. Had to have Dezirae get it out for me. Frustrating bc I used to be able to rearrange & deep clean my room in one day. Not anymore. It’s been over a year since my room was deep cleaned. Now I have to do it in spurts. Oh bother.
Headache. Stuffy nose. Muscles randomly twitching in legs. Skin itches. Eyes watery. Tailbone just popped. Low back aches. Rt hip hurts. Feet freezing though I have socks on. Neck aches. Upper back stinging needle pain. Wide awake. Ringing in ears.
Dec 8
12:11a- stabbing pain in center of rt thigh. I need a new doctor specialist. Need one that cares enough to learn with me or try to research answers.
1:57 still wide awake
9:20a- so much pain!!! Rt arm & hand numb but tingly, swollen hands & pain. Upper back stinging needle pain. Low back throbbing. Feet tingly and pain. Upper arms ache. Stuffy nose..trouble breathing. It’s raining outside so I’m sure that’s part of it. At least my toes are warm. Oh, the pain.
2:27p neck is all knotted and hurting. Headache won’t go away. Bp is 100/73 at least that’s good. Last time I remember seeing it that low was before children. Yes!
11:30p turned in bed caused extreme painful cramp in right side couldn’t move for a few minutes
Dec 9
8:00a woke with headache. Neck hurts to turn. Tired of headaches
9:30- having trouble playing Christmas hymns today. They’re gonna be the death of me so frustrating. Lord, please send us a pianist that can play better than me. Eyes blurry. Toes freezing.
2:00p took kids to Bayou la Batre Christmas parade. Went into store while waiting for parade to start. Parade was kind of cute and short. Been a rainy month so all others had been rained out.
3:30p – sharp stabbing pain in center of chest. Tensed up and wanted to hunch over from the pain but knew I couldn’t bc iz driving. Oh in need of neck massage. Neck muscles so tight shoots pain down neck and body. I’m so tired.
9:18p – center of chest stabbing pain. Chilling sensation at base of neck and shoulders area.
Lightning Survivor Journal Entries 1-3 Dec 2018
Dec 1
7:45am – couldn’t fall asleep until after 2am. Woke at 7am thinking I was late.
11:15am – I’m exhausted. Can’t keep my eyes open. Gonna lay down for a bit.
12:45pm fell asleep for 1.5 hours
6:00pm – made dinner (cheesy beef empanadas) my back is throbbin like a toothache now. Joe cooked the veggie. Had trouble grabbing things & ended up dropping things. Ugh!
6:45pm – nosebleed
9:30pm finally finished bulletins for tomorrow. Head hurts. Had to keep taking breaks bc my eyes felt crossing
9:51pm decided to change nail color on toes. Had trouble reaching toes to do so. Toes are freezing! Lower back still throbbing. Need to figure out stretch exercises to strength core. Tire but wide awake.
10:20pm cramping in left feett & toes ouch!
10:34pm crampung in rt butt cheek area. Tingling sensation in hands.
Dec 2
7:09am very rough night…up every hour or so. So tired. Ears ringing. Nose itches. Neck hurts. Hands tingly. Eyes crusty. In bad mood…not good today is church.
11:00am getting hugs & kisses from the kids at church brighten my day especially when one of them says, “You’re my favorite.”
2:49pm musclez twitching in buttocks area. Toes freezing
3:35pm decided to make majority of Christmas gifts this year. Neighbor gave me a large bag of materials. Started with making coasters. I have ring marks on my table. Like having ice in my cold drinks. To combat I’m making coasters. Decided to make them into presents for Christmas. Have made 4 sets so far. Figured out how to recover potholders. Now making my Mom matching potholders
Dec 3
12:55am still awake. I’m tired of journaling my symptoms but I know I need to. Headache. Rt hip hurts. Periodic muscles twitching throughout body. Need some sleep. Low back hurting.
2:30am woke in a sweat. Had bad dream. Head hurts.
8:00am woke every couple hours. Bad dreams. Low back throbbing. Hands ache and tingly. Eyes blurry. Neck throbbing.
10:00 went to try to see white pelicans at langan park. It was a chore but worth every step. Upper back stinging needle pain. Rt hip hurts. Low back aches. Legs feel heavy. Slight headache.
11:35pm feet went numb. Low back throbbing. head hurts. Fingers hurt. Legs ache.