Lightning Strike Journal Entries: 23-24 April 2021

April 23

700 broken sleep all night. Stinging pain thru body is great. Headache very slight. Eyes blurry and feel like they’re filled with mucus.

Sinuses congested. Hands and arms stinging throbbing and swollen. Legs throbbing stinging. Feet sting the most.  Low back throbbing. Neck hurts with chilling sensation down spine.

Bible Reading: 2 Kings 6-8; Romans 14:11, John 3:14-17

Went to college to see Jakob. Given tour of college. Chapel with Jakob. Guys got pretty loud so I had to put my ear plugs in to muffle sound in order to not get a migraine.

Ate lunch with Jakob at the college.

Dropped sister & kids off at hotel. Taking Jakob to get a car. I forgot how long the process takes. I’m so exhausted and hurting all over.  Almost came close to starting all over – payments higher than they expected bc they forgot about interest rate.  Jakob proud owner of 2013 Chevy Equinox.

Dinner at Cheddar’s restaurant. While waiting to get called in, stepped one step backwards not realizing there was dip in sidewalk lost balance and almost fell. Thankfully Joe caught me. Made rt hip hurt exponentially. Had to sit.

Took seemingly forever to get our food and I’m draining quickly. Let everyone know that I wasn’t mad at anyone I’m just hurting and pushed to max on my goings. Need to go back to hotel room and crash.

Slight headache. Neck hurts. Whole body aches. Legs & feet sting. Rt hip throbbing. Lft hip aches. Sinuses congested. Hands swollen and throbbing. Feet freezing. Exhausted. Starting to slur words and stutter. Difficulty thinking straight. Low back throbbing. Severe pain in lower rt abdomen. Stinging pain from low back to feet.

Thankful for precious time with family.  Jakob got a dependable car. Joe & I are having fun picking on each other and he still treats me like a queen.

April 24

700 slept fairly good. Dreams but don’t recall details. Whole body aches deeply and fiercely. Sinuses congested. Tummy hurts.

Bible Reading 2 Kings 9-11, Psalm 60:20

Going to the Ark Encounter today with Uncle Dale and Aunt Annabelle.

7:42 back in hotel room. I’m exhausted, face is hot, whole body hurting, low back throbbing, feet are freezing. Laying down to rest a bit.

1130 crashed for about hour or so. Woke in time to get ready for bed.

I’m exhausted and hurting from head to toes. Feet freezing. Stinging burning pain throughout body. Lower back and hips intensely throbbing. Sharp pain in lower rt abdomen. Sinuses congested slightly. Headache, but not a migraine.

Thankful for the blessed day and amazing adventure.

Enjoyed spending the day at the Ark Encounter. I was awestruck to see the life-sized replication of Noah’s Ark.

It was encouraging and thought-provoking to see and hear not only of the amount of Noah’s faith, but also of all the people involved in the coming together of this exhibit.

I even enjoyed challenging a random teenager to a race while I was in the electric scooter (I won ). We all had a great laugh.

I’m exhausted and hurting, but thankful for this wonderful opportunity!

Lightning Strike Journal Entries: 20-22 April 2021

April 20

Woke from strange dreams to whole body hurting. Feels like I was beat up. Hurts to move.

Bible Reading: John 14:16-18, 1 Kings 21-22,

700a text received stating it was my turn at tag office. I’m not there yet. Ugh!

730a lady being nit picky about bill of sale and title. Affidavit for both.

Thankfully able to get in contact with buyer and get them signed. Tag acquired.

2:30 finally home. Need nap.

Sleep for 30 minutes then Dezirae needing help with math. I’m tired of Geometry. It’s like Greek to me with only few rays of light here and there.

600 bday party for Tara. Family helps pick up prior. Glad Mom’s making the lasagna. I have very little energy left in me.

930p I’m exhausted and hurting all over. Going to bed. Praying I feel better in morning.

April 21

340 woke abruptly to severe stinging pain throughout body. Looked at clock and thought it was 6:40 forgetting that the power was out for while y’day. Scared Joe awake. He wasn’t to thrilled when he learned time was 3:40.

Trying to fall asleep, but pain is too loud.

Bible Reading 2 Kings 1-2,

April 22

4:30a I’m not ready to get up. It’s too early.

Woke feeling like I broke a fever. Whole body hurts. Stinging pain in legs and feet.

Bible Reading: 2 Kings 4-5

756 took me a while to figure out how to sign up for roadside assistance on my phone. Tried to apply a discount code but it doubled the price. Ugh! Had to keep starting over. Took me almost an hour. Head pounding by time I was done.

Tried to close my eyes to rest brain, bit the flashing through the passing trees is making it worse. Closing eyes makes it worse. Nose starts bleeding and I forgot to pack my natural supplements to help. Ugh

Trouble with lower back cramping about half way through trip to see Jakob. Tired but trouble falling asleep. Very jumpy. Joe keeps telling me to hush. Brain starting to feel like it’s out to sea – not good. Stinging pain thru body. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with some numbness to foot.

Lost balance and fell backwards into car.

Lightning Strikes Memoirs – 12-13 April 2021

April 12

5a Woke a little groggy and disoriented. Sinuses congested. Feel drained of all energy. Headache. Tummy bloated and aches. Whole body aches and burning throbbing. Hurts to move like Tinman trying to move for first time in ages and needs oil bc he’s too rusty.

Jordon has horrible indigestion and says he feels like crap. Lost his cookies few times. Called in sick. Guess I need to purify the air in house today.

Bible Reading: 1 Kings 1-2

Took Advil congestion. Laying back down for a bit. Hopefully I won’t hurt as much after some more rest.

645a laying here I just hurt more… stinging is getting sharper. Going to get up for a little bit and do some chores.

1226 decided to work on deep cleaning my room. Dust everywhere! Had to have Rae help me move bookshelf. Found mold. Wiped it down with theives cleaner. Sneezing. Doing little at a time to not overdo it.

Stopping to check on Jordon. Tummy still bothering him, but he asked for Sprite and soup. Gave him vitamins too. Reminds me I need to eat. I’m getting sleepy and hurting more. Think I’ll lay down a while.

That didn’t go as planned. Just as I was dozing off my phone blew up with msgs, texts, and phone calls. It’s okay all of them needed to be answered.

Decided to pick up livingroom some and attempt to vacuum. Wore me out, out of breath, exhausted, and every fiber throbbing greatly! But I did it. Haven’t vacuumed in over three years…at least I don’t recall I have.

530 Joe sweet enough to offer to cook burgers on the grill if I picked some up. Jordon requested they have cheese chunks. Told them I’d look. Good thing bc I had to walk behind buggy no wheelchairs available. Discovered I’m unable to talk on phone and shop too…miss too many items and have to double back. Rae getting tired of being in store.

My lft knee throbs immensely by time we get home. I look to check knee to find it swollen. Joe tells me to sit and rest my knee. Rae gets me some ibuprofen.

730 Rae & I take a surprise over to Dad to cheer him up. He wanted an Alabama t-shirt. I found a couple his size and saved it for him. It put a smile on his face. Dr thinks it might be his rxs that are messing him up. Blood work Thursday then they’ll go from there. He has us concerned. Praying God helps them get to bottom of his symptoms so he can get better.

918 going to bed early. I’m tuckered out. I hurt miserably from head to toe. Headache won’t quit. Neck hurts. Back stings and itches. Hands itchy, swollen, and throbbing. Legs ache horribly with periodic muscle spasms. Feet chilly and throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling and stinging to toes.

April 13

Bible Reading: 1Kings 3-5

I forgot to write today. Paying bills I remember that I needed to renew license. Tried to schedule appointment online but schedule said that it was booked for rest of year for our county and next doors county. I ended up calling baldwin county bc mobile wouldn’t answer. Nice lady explained that I’ll have to do walk in during week. Took me quite a while to get things figured out. Ugh.

Didn’t even get to work on school grades till just before dinner which was what I intended to do this morning.

Lightning Strikes Memoirs – 1-3 April 2021

April. 1

4:30 woke to whole body stiff, achy, and in much stringing. Both hands tingling and stinging. Tummy insides cramping. Sinuses congested. Tinny taste in mouth.

Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 18-20;

Juicing: V8 Splash Island Strawberry, 1 tbs chia seeds, 1/2 cup frozen blueberries

Cooked 4lbs sausage in crockpot over night. Broke it up fine and put in ziplock bag in fridge. Cooked 4 lbs bacon and put in container for Sunday. Friend stopped by to deliver Color Street nails I requested. Visited with her for little while. Got Easter baskets out and put in them what I gave so far. Worked on blog for little bit.

Exhausted and nerves are burning throbbing thru body. Low back throbbing. Eyes getting heavy. Need a nap. Listening to Open Door.

Fell asleep for about 20 minutes. Having bad dream…dreamt that a semi truck rear-ended us and was pushing us into the back of a grey vehicle. As we were about to hit vehicle, I jerk awake at same time receiving text notification sound from Jakob. Whew!

It’s been a good day. I’m exhausted. Hurting all over. Low back throbbing. Tummy aches. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling to toes. Mild headache. Post nasal drip. Yuck. Skin sensitive.

On the way home from church, Joe asked me if I remember something ___ on Sunday to remind him. I said okay. Sitting in chair in Living room, I remember I’m supposed to remind him but forgot what. I was going to set reminder in my phone so I asked him what I was supposed to remind him. He got upset and said nevermind I’m not going there. That in turn upset me because I was trying to do better but I honestly don’t remember what it was he asked me to remember. Eyes getting heavy. I’m exhausted. Decided to go to bed. I’ll probably be sleeping before he comes to be. Having trouble even now keeping eyes open.


April 2

630 fell asleep quickly last night. Low back throbbing intensely.

Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 22-24; Psalm 34:6-8;

800 decided to work on my blog a little. Able to finish March 2019.

Joe decided for us to go look at a car.

Lunch date at Jereusalem Cafe. Started with Lentil Soup sprinkled with sumac. Soup was creamy with robust flavor. Delicious!

Beef Shawarmah – Grilled cubes of spiced and marinated tender beef topped with cucumber yogurt sauce. Plate came with a scoop of yellow rice. Rice was cooked to perfection and moist.

Joe wants to look at more cars. I’m done.

We ended up at 4 or 5 different lots. Much more than my brain or legs could handle. In much pain and brain is overload with too much information. Brain in shut down mode and I am now grumpy and angry.

I wanted to get little candy for kids easter baskets. Stores are too full of people for my liking. Trying to explain and it comes out all wrong. Upset Joe so he decided to go home without which makes more angry.

Once home Joe wants to talk it out but I don’t bc I need time to process and let brain rest. I end up saying I’m vacating premises because I need a break from you. Not what I wanted to say but instead of trying to explain I just walk out side and sit in sun for few minutes.

Whole body stings, low back & rt hip throbbing, legs stinging burning throb, feet tingle, post nasal drip tastes nasty in my mouth. Exhausted. Having trouble keeping eyes


April 3

700a lft arm sore, low back hurts, whole body stiff and achy, eyes blurry, neck hurts, hands throbbing and swollen. Strange uncomfortable dream…Joe finally appeared towards end so I reached out to him for comfort and protection. Still very tired.

Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 25-27; Hebrews 12:2; Psalm 54:4;

My legs, feet, butt, and lower back are throbbing. Headache moderate. Took Naproxen for pain, Advil sinus for sinuses, & 1/2 dropper cbd.

Today has been a roller coaster of emotions day. We purchased a 2nd vehicle. Family we purchased from asked us to come back at 3pm to give them time to clean it out, etc. As we left, we received phone call that a friend was being taken to ER unresponsive. Prepping things for Easter tomorrow. Picked up new to us vehicle. Took some stuff to church. Delivered food to a friend. Received word that friend passed. Finished picking stuff up for tomorrow. Several phone calls letting us know of her passing. Decided to let Rae know tonight.

I’m past exhausted and hurting.

LS Memoirs – 26-27 March 2021

March 26

700 woke to nerves twitching randomly thru body quickly…felt weird. Did some deep breaths to get them to calm down. In doing so I fell back to sleep until alarm went off.

Whole body stiff and achy. Hands and feet throbbing. Rt hip aches. Stinging pain is mild.

Bible Reading: Ruth; Psalm 43:3

900 Chiropractor appointment. Dr did master points reset for accupuncture. Couple of needles hurt going in with one shooting pain to toes lft side. Another tickled so I burst out laughing. Dr asked if I was ticklish. Told him I didn’t know I was there.

16 needles (1 in top of head, 2 in back of neck either side, 1 in center of shoulders, 4 in back -2 mid way & 2 lower, 2 at outer back of knees, 2 above inner ankles, 2 at inner wrists, 2 in hand between thumb and index)

130 back home and exhausted. Need nap.

Homemade pizza for dinner. Used bread machine for one crust. Back severe throbbing by time done with pizzas. Had to sit a while.

650 went for walk in neighborhood with Rae & mom. Made it to Sassy (neighbors horse up the end of the road) and back home. I was done for sure after that but I did it.

Tummy feels really bloated and hurting.

Low back throbbing, hands ache, rt wrist swollen and achy, headache, rt hip aches, feet ache, stinging needle pain just in upper body region. Improvement is good.

Checked my tongue in mirror after I brushed my teeth. My tongue almost looks normal…just a small patch of white in middle.

March 27

650 woke to agonizing pain in hands, arms, and back, and bad headache. Feels like I was beat up bad.

Joe sweet enough to massage areas with eo pain relief rub. It helps take edge off.

Bible Reading: 1Samuel 1-3; Psalm 43:3;

Weather – raining off and on all day

Exercise – decided to go do some Easter shopping. One child had bad attitude so that child didn’t get anything. Another child found shoes finally. All the walking wore me out and made legs throb exponentially. Ended up sitting on part of store’s furniture bc I couldn’t stand any more. It led to a lady asking why I was hurting. Was able to give my lightning testimony. Lady said it gave her the chills. Invited them to church. One of Ladies, Christy, works in Grand Bay Pharmacy. Said I should stop in and say hi some time. Told her I would.

Watched movie called Walk By Faith. It’s about a young man with Sickle Cell Disease. He embarrassed and gets tired of having disease. Made to do report in school on the disease and paired with guy he doesn’t like.

Took Epsom Salt bath to ease pain in legs ended up out if breath. Had to rest a while afterwards.

Feet feel like their frost bitten frozen but Joe says their not that cold yet. Whole body hurts. Hands throbbing. Lower left leg from chin to toes tourniquet tightening feeling squeezing hard with tingling sensation. Low back aches. Random muscles twitching thru body today. Skin itchy. Sneezing. Headache.


LS Memoirs – 22-23 March 2021

March 22

Bible Reading: Judges 10-12;

Rough night. Woke several times. Woke to arms and hands numb. Forgot to set alarm. Center of chest aches. Skin sensitive. Back stings. I’ve learned to tolerate the daily pain to a degree, but the stinging pain is not tolerable.

Stinging pain is now thru whole body. Taking tramadol to see if that’ll help.

Juicing: 3 handfuls of spinach, 1/4 lemon, 1 apple. It’s delicious!

Trying to clean ice build up out of deep freezer. Finger tips frozen and stinging. Had to ask Dezirae to help. Ouch! Sitting on hands to warm them up.

Center chest stabbing pains! Had Dezirae press on my back. She barely touched it and it popped several times. Oh, boy! Definitely time for visit to Chiropractor.

Extreme sharp pains in center of chest & lft torso!!! As if the stinging needle pain wasn’t enough. Ugh! Headache. Hands swollen and throbbing. Ankles swollen. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling to toes. Eyes are heavy. Calves throbbing. Exhausted. Rt hip throbbing.

Took pm meds, 1/2 Benadryl, Aleve, & applying heating pad to chest.

Things make you feel terrible:

  • Extreme sharp stabbing pain in chest & left torso.
  • Did too much between yesterday pulling dead leaves and today cleaning out freezer.
  • Also, bad weather coming.

Anything else that is worth noting today?

Stinging needle pain thru body not helping either.

March 23

5:00 having trouble waking. Head pounding. Sinuses congested. Arms & hands numbish and tingling. Center chest aches.

Bible Reading: Judges 13-15; James 1:12

Juicing: 3 handfuls of spinach, 1/4 lemon, & 1 apple

Exhausted. Head pounding. Lights bothersome. Took Excedrin Migraine and laying down to see if I can get headache to ease. Listening to wholetones music – Open Door & The Majestic.

Started to rain on way to pick Jordon up. Forecast is severe thunderstorm next couple days. Decided for Rae & I to get our haircut today. Don’t want to be out in it tomorrow if possible.

On way to pick up Joe, semi truck scared me because he was going so fast on the on ramp to interstate. I slowed down to avoid being hit only to have a rock thrown at my windshield. I hollered bc I wanted to duck and cover but knew I couldn’t. Rae giggled saying Mom yelling isn’t going to help. To which I replied, it’s helping me. With spurts of moderately heavy rain, I was almost hit a couple times by other drivers. This put my defenses and nerves on edge increasing my pain. Then all of sudden had to slam on breaks praying I wouldn’t slide bc of accident causing back up. Tried to get Rae to have google tell us an alternate route but google being stubborn. I prayed asking God for protection and guidance. One google finally gave alternate route, I almost got hit by semi trying to pull off exit. By time we reached Joe my legs were throbbing and felt like jello so I scooted over instead of walking around car.

900 heading to bed. Pain increases and I’m feeling grumpy. Head pounding.

Is it possible to weather related migraines? Nose starting to be slightly bloody. Not a good sign.

Forgot to take morning meds and to prep them for week. Indigestion starting to show ugly head. Ugh.

Took night meds plus xtra C, pain rx,& migraine rx pill. Drinking stress relief tea.

Symptoms: pounding headache, nerves stringing, center of chest & left torso throbbing, feet tingling, sinus congested, rt ear hurts, feet cold -put socks on

LS Memoirs – 20-21 March 2021

March 20

Rough night. Kept fighting with the covers. Temperature kept fluctuating. Exhausted. Rt hip throbbing. Stinging pain thru body moderate.

Bible Reading: Judges 6-7;

Trying to get ready for activity at church. Bulletins printed – had to have Rae help me. Salad made. Joe put beef brisket on in crockpot. Jordon hung new mini blind.

Arms fatigued out while curling bangs. Completely wore out putting make up on. Ugh. Need a nap.

700 Joe woke with migraine. He’s been getting them alot lately. Told him he’s missing a mineral.

950 migraine oncoming. Worked on bulletins, answering bible scavenger question, worked on blog a little. Need to pack for weekend.

Head blurring and starting to swirl. Head hurts. Eyes watery. Exhausted.

Bible Reading: Judges 6-7

Need to lay down a piece to ease headache.

No juice today, but drank chocolate milk with chia seeds & D.E.

1200 Joe decided to get to church early. Got things set up. He realized we hadn’t eaten lunch. Ran to DG to get hot pockets. I was appreciative. Wearing out quickly. Had to go lay down for while to have energy for teen activity.

Symptoms: headache, stinging needle pain, lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness to feet, legs throbbing greatly, hands swollen and achy, exhausted, thirsty, body aches from head to toes, center of chest hurting – did too much today.

Took aleve to ease pain. 1/2 Benadryl for sinus issues.

March 21

Bible Reading: Jeremiah 17:7-8; Judges 8-9;

Very rough night. Severe pain in center of chest kept waking me. At one point, I had to get up to see if I could get chest to pop. It popped slightly but not enough. Ended up applying essential oil pain roller to center of chest to get it to ease enough so I could go back to sleep. Low back & rt hip throbbing severely.

700a I’m exhausted and very sleepy. Sinuses congested. Sneezing – I can tell it’s spring time. Eyes watery. Back throbbing. Head hurts. Bad dream. . .

Woke to lft arm and hands pins and needles with tingling sensation. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Chest pain has eased to mild pain. Shoulders ache. Headache. Tired.

Song: ♫ It’s a good day to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name. In the morning we will…♫

Riddle me this? Why does trying to focus on sheet music to play the piano cause such struggle with coordination, blurring of brain and vision, increased headache, etc?

Interesting thought…human trafficking occured in Bible times. Joseph was sold for 20 pieces of silver. Jesus was betrayed for 30pcs of silver. Hmm? Nothing is new under the sun.

Not sure if it’s a big deal but just noticed that for distance without glasses on I not only lose clarity but also lose color. The 11 on my phone is red with glasses on but off the number is pink and white.

Coordination disorders often result from malfunction of the cerebellum, the part of the brain that coordinates voluntary movements and controls balance.,-spinal-cord,-and-nerve-disorders/movement-disorders/coordination-disorders#:~:text=Coordination%20disorders%20often%20result%20from,malfunctions%2C%20causing%20loss%20of%20coordination


After church, feel like I’m going to faint. Need to ask Dr why that happens. Need to lay down a while. Decide to listen to wholetones music while laying down. Need to send them a review.

Woke from nap to both arms and hands numbish, tingling, and stinging. Not a good feeling. Still very tired.

I sit in bed for a while hoping to wake up, yet I feel drained of all energy.

Decided to push myself and clean up dead leaves around flower bush in yard. Can’t do them all at once, but one at a time makes a difference as I go. Excited to see the flowers blooming soon.

Symptoms: low back throbbing, hands swollen and achy, slight headache, legs throbbing, stinging nerve pain thru body, toes cold like ice

My chronic nerve pain has been flaring up, but being around friends & family help keep me enouraged

Thankful for?

  • Talked with son in college today.
  • Church family loved on my kids by bringing them candy & cookies today.
  • My husband bought dinner so I didn’t have to cook.

LS Memoirs – 17-19 March 2021

March 17

445 woke in great pain all over!!! Hurts to move. Sinuses congested. Took pain rx & Advil sinus.

Bible Reading: Joshua 22-24,

635 center of chest throbbing

720 having trouble seeing straight, feel wobbly. Feel crash oncoming. Exhausted. Need a nap

310p crash oncoming. Need cat nap before picking up Joe.

335 need to stop at grocery store on way to pick up Joe. It’s very crowded. Woah!

600 crashed again in recliner in livingroom. Not sure how long I was out. Had difficulty keeping awake. Pain increases and it wears me out. Pastor wife friend admitted to hospital with respiratory failure, double pneumonia , and covid. Praying she gets better soon.

924 been in bed since 9p. It’s been a frustrating exhausting day.

Friend still in hospital. She’s eating soft foods. She has to have her liquids thickened bc she chokes otherwise. IF & I helped feed her her dinner.

Drama involved with people trying to take matter into their own hands about how to take care of her house. Frustration I don’t need. The stress just adds to my pain. Ugh!

Decided to check on my ladies tonight. They’re good. Have to call one in the morning.  Worked little on my blog today. Wrote little more of the devotional and later posted LS memoir to blog.

Symptoms: stinging burning pain through body. Only able to ignore for short periods. Legs throbbing as if I ran a 5k without preparation. Feel like I’ve been beat up and can barely pick myself up. Headache. Periodic sharp jabbin pains randomly in body. Left three little toes cramping something aweful while driving today.

March 18

500 really bad charlie horse cramp in rt calf woke me abruptly around 2:30am. Had to walk on it to ease some. Severe thunderstorms passed thru in middle of night.

Bible Reading: Judges 1-2; Romans 15:13; Psalm 144:1-2;

Reading difficult this morning. Eyes are blurry. Whole body throbbing. Rt leg cramping and very stiff. Rt hip throbbing. Hands swollen & achy. Moderate headache.

Rae & I stopped at LMs house to clean a little after taking guys to work. Tried to do it yday but couldn’t.

Whole body stings. Pain increases. Headache intensified -7/8.

Listening to wholetones music & deep breathing while resting. Need to notate which track is for which ailment. Difficulty remembering. Open Door & The Bridge

Tried to do few chores around house. No energy and dragging. Head pounding & body still stinging. Decided to lay back down hoping to ease headache some. Ended up crashing again for another hour.

Hand and eye coordination is way off tonight.  Royally messed up. Some parts I couldn’t even play one note correctly.

Symptoms: Legs burning throbbing. Neck hurts. Head pounding. Whole body stinging. Hands throbbing and swollen. Exhausted. Extreme pain is wearing me out. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness & tingling. Lower back throbbing. Dr hip aches. Sinuses congested. Skin sensitive to touch.

March 19

Woke to body stinging, stiff, and achy. Achy pain I can handle but stinging pain can drive me nuts. Need to get more veggies and fruits to juice again. I didn’t sting as much. I suppose the juicing has a specific vitamin that I don’t regularly take with my meds and supplements. May need to figure that one out.

Bible Reading: Judges 3-5; Galatians 5:22-23; Lamentations 3: 23-26; Psalm 16:1-3

Sinuses congested, thirsty,

Juice: decided to try celery juice. 4 stalks celery, 1/2 lemon, & 1 orange. It tasted awful!!!! Joe took sip and spit it out. I forced myself to get most of it down. Yuck! Won’t try that again.

LS Memoirs – 15-16 March 2021

March 15

500 woke burning up but no fever. Dr hip throbbing. Mild headache.

Bible Reading: Joshua 16-18, Psalm 7:11, Psalm 73:25-28,

Wore out after burning papers, and putting load of clothes in washer – laid down to rest a while. Listen to wholetones music while resting. It helps me relax. Music is soothing to my brain and being.

Research: benefits of collagen

Collagen is most abundant protein in body. Reduce joint pain (10grams daily)

Digestive aid

Realized I hadn’t balanced checkbook this month yet and decided to do it. After 4 hours checking & rechecking 10xs & using computer to help calculate. I’m down to $.10 off. I quit!!! My eyes and brain are blurred and hurt. Found several mistakes I was able to fix though. I hate when I can’t find error.

Symptoms: low back throbbing, multiple muscle spasms in legs simultaneously, whole body stiff and achy, center chest throbbing with mild icy feeling, arms ache, hands throbbing, tired, mild sinus congestion, stinging pain in arms, hands, torso, & feet-ugh!, brain & vision blurred, headache worsens, irritable and on edge, exhausted, lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling as if someone/thing was squeezing my leg, stinging, burning, throbbing pain in legs.

Took Tylenol for headache in am. Sleepytime tea, benadryl, & naproxen at bedtime and pm meds. Forgot to take am meds.

March 16

Joe woke me out of deep sleep. I haven’t slept hard like that in long time. Still tired. Legs still throbbing. Hands and fingers numb and tingly. Headache. Lights bothersome.

Fog very thick making it more difficult to see with all the bright headlights. Can’t get over how much traffic is on roads at 6:30 am. Seems to have tripled overnight in last few days. Road work people took stop sign down at end of our street making it difficult for me to see our road. Missed my road and had to turn at next road 2nd day in row. Ugh! Kid waiting for bus is going to get hit if he’s not more careful. At least I.could see his red jacket today.

Bible Reading: Joshua 19-21, Psalm 143:1-5,

Listen to wholetones while taking nap.

Breakfast: Ate scrambled eggs for breakfast.

Worked on writing devotional for my blog. Worked on cleaning out closets. Lost track of time. Hospital visit. Friend making progress in stroke recovery. Forgot to text TBI coordinator back to confirm visit for tomorrow so not sure if she’s coming or not.

In much pain today but able to ignore for short periods but very scatter brained. I don’t like it one bit.

While I was preparing meds for week, realized I misplaced my migraine prevention rx I just had refilled last week. I remember taking rx bag out of car but I cannot for life of me remember what I did with it. I start to panic bc it’s not cheap rx. I stop to pray and text Joe to pray as well. I text my daughter to ask if she recalled. She does not but offers to pray as well. I try to retrace steps I could remember – nothing. I call pharmacy and they confirm I did pick it up. Ugh! I pray again. I look everywhere in house I think I may have put them. I begin to scold myself but them Holy Spirit gently reminds me that won’t help. After 30 minutes or so, I choose to give up momentarily to finish prepping meds I do have. While doing so, I look over on night stand. Lo and behold they are sitting on night stand! Hiding in plain sight. I feel sheepish. Thank the Lord for His help.

Symptoms: headache, sinuses congested, stinging needle pain in legs, hands throbbing, muscle spasms random thru body, low back throbbing, lower legs tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness & tingling to toes, moderate to severe pain in center of chest, legs ache, severe indigestion. Severe pain must be indication of bad storm in next day or so. In exhausted.

LS Memoirs – 13-14 March 2021

March 13

545 woke with “God of the mountain” song on my mind. Feet & toes stinging burning. Sinuses congested. Headache – head feels like top is in vice grip and sharp stabbing pain at 4 o’clock. Whole body stiff and achy. A bit dizzy upon sitting up. Had to sit upright momentarily till spinningveased to use restroom. Joe rubbing my back feels wonderful. Lights bothersome.

Bible Reading: Joshua 9-11, Ephesians 6:10-19, Psalm 37:3-5, Joshua 1:9, 2 Timothy 2:15, Matthew 18:10

Breakfast: bowl of cereal

Used whole milk and within 30 minutes my sinuses congested severely. Had to take Tylenol sinus

Goals: prep for church tomorrow, bulletins, make muffins for SS, hospital visit

Making muffins wore me out. Single batch made two less of four dozen. Feel crash oncoming. Need to rest a while.

Symptoms: headache, muscle cramping/ spasming on rt side, whole body stiff and achy, stinging needle burning pain in feet & back, low back throbbing, sharp stabbing pain in my head at my 7 o’clock – only lasted a minute or so, blurry vision, brain fog, exhausted, sinuses congested, legs burning, rt hip throbbing, rt ear hurts.

Meds taken. Took 1/2 Benadryl & naproxen

Psalm 127:1-5 –  Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.  It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep.  Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.  As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.  Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.

Thankful:      I am thankful for the children that God allowed me to be a mother to especially when doctor’s told me that I couldn’t have children. I claimed Psalm 37:3-5 trusting God would give me the desires of my heart. And He Did!

Striving to raise your children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4) is a difficult task. It is also a very rewarding one.

*Teach your children to love the Lord with all their being and to respect His house and His Holy Word (Deut 6:4-9, Proverbs 22:6).

*Help them hide God’s Word in their hearts (Psalm 119:11, Joshua 1:9).

*Show them how to study and apply His precepts to every day life (2 Timothy 2:15, Psalm 19:7-10).

*Pray for God to surround them with angels to protect them from harm (Psalm 91:11, Matthew 18:10).

*Encourage them to climb every obstacle and become courageous followers of truth (Joshua 1:9, Ephesians 6:10-20).

*Motivate them to live lives of purity, kindness, and compassion that they may shine as bright lights in the world (Matthew 5:13-16, Philippians 4:8, 1 Timothy 4:12).

March 14

Woke momentarily not know where I was or what day it was. Kind of scared out of sleep but I don’t know what startled me.

I heard Joe say my name but he’s asleep. Woke with thoughts of needing to read scripture to LM when I visit her next but I’m not sure which to read. Prayed for her and all those God brought to mind.

Sinuses congested, tired, whole body stiff, achy, and throbbing. Headache. Skin hypersensitive – hair on face feels like razor blades.

Bible Reading: Joshua 12-15, Psalm 23

Feel so exhausted and lethargic today having hard time pushing myself.

Laid down after lunch to take nap. Crashed quickly. Alarm set for 2:30. Slept til 3.50. Had trouble mustering strength to get up.

Symptoms: whole body stiff and achy upon waking, sinuse congested, headache, brain fog, blurry vision, hands swollen & throbbing, stinging nerve pain through body, inner ears itch, lethargic, exhausted, stomach hurts, rt hip aches, Feeling of stabbing knife pain under rt arm but nothing is there, got cold suddenly…feet now freezing. Low back throbbing.

HK got excited when she saw in the Kids Corner of the bulletin the activity was about God’s Adopted Children. She exclaimed I’m adopted! My daughter quickly interjected, ” You’re adopted in God’s family too.”

I added “You’re adopted 2xs so you are chosen and loved” HK with grin from ear to ear emphatically shook her head yes.

Gave lady in church a birthday gift and placed it in her seat so she would see it when came in. She immediately came and found me to thank me. She made comment that I had given her a coloring book few years ago and she’s almost finished it. I totally forgot I had.

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