Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 17-19 January 2021

Jan 17

1210p gently trying to stretch out my sciatica pain as I can endure the pain while trying not to cry . Trying to find position I can sleep in.

945 very rough night…hardly slept at all.

1140p tummy gurgling like crazy. Low back & rt hip throbbing but not as bad as yday. Coughing much. Trying to stay hydrated. Continuing to take Vitamin C 4k mg, Echinacea 2 capsules, & zinc 50 mg. Night meds taken.

Diffused thieves oil in house most of day.

Muscles throughout body sting. Stuffy nose. Mild headache. Exhausted. Weak.

Jan 18

1045 woke to both arms severely numb & tingly. Back throbbing. Headache. Still tired. Strange dream. In a strange land searching for something I know not what. Ears ringing.  Sinuses congested. Low back throbbing.

Feels like cough is in chest more. Need to up my vitamin C.

1230 Son has problem with history books not matching up. Student book is older than lesson planner. It’s frustrating both of us. Him bc I’m not making sense though it makes common sense in my head. Me bc I’m having difficulty verbalizing the easy fix and Joe has to interpret for me.

Now my brain hurts like crazy. My vision is blurring. Sinuses contesting more making me cough more which in turn make my whole body hurt worse than it already does. Need to go rest a piece so I can attempt Bible Class with the kids.

900 just finished making bed. I’m wore out, hurting, and exhausted. Rt wrist & forearm throbbing with sharp pain shooting up to rt shoulder. Entire back has burning sensation like it’s on fire!  Chin feels numb suddenly. Strange. Need to rest awhile.

1000p decided to eat pickle. Burned my tongue. Ouch. Tummy hurting now. Pickles are not my friend right now.

Muscles are twitching randomly through body. Doesn’t feel good.

Jan 19

1200a tummy hurts bad. Bloating.

1220 coughing fit ensues. Feels like I’m trying to cough up a lung. It hurts whole body. Took 2k mg vitamin C and night meds.

1000 woke from strange dreams to feeling like my cover weighed like ton of bricks making moving very difficult. Not good feeling to wake to.

Received phone call from Dr office. Confirmed I have covid too. Not allowed back in Dr’s office until I get a negative test result. Can’t get another test until 14 days from start of symptoms and am symptom free. That’s going to be fun game bc some of my symptoms I had prior to covid due to the LS. I’ll continue he to keep Vitamin C saturation high until I feel better. It seems to be helping with some of nerve pain too bc I haven’t taken much rx pain meds last couple days. We’ll see. God is in control.

650 pushed all I can today. Made Dezirae a birthday cake. Biscuits n gravy for brunch. Ordered pizza for dinner.

Cough seems worse but quiets after I take C

I’ve reached saturation but continue bc of the cough. Don’t want to get pneumonia. Hurt all over. Feet freezing up to chins. Nerves sting.

1150 cough keeping me awake. Took 2 TBS Delsym. Applied Vicks to bottom of feet & chest. Applied Nasonex 1 squirt each nostril. Took zinc 50mg, C 2k mg, & night meds. Sucking on hard candy to soothe cough until rx kicks in. Hopefully, I’ll fall asleep soon.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 01-03 Jan 2021

Jan 1

100a arms and hands stinging burning. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Need some rest.

700a woke from weird dream and exhausted. Trying to escape something?

Whole body stiff and achy.

800a I get to wash clothes today. That is my goal for today.

430 info was posted on support group page today –

930 exhausted and hurting all over. Overdid it, but it was so worth working towards getting caught up on wash today. Sudden feeling of allergy attack. I’m beginning to wonder if I’m becoming lactose intolerant again. Tummy feels bloated and hurts. Took Tylenol sinus and going to bed. I have bad headache.

Dezirae & I worked little on planning her sweet 16th bday party.

Feel like I’m about to crash.


Jan 2

155a woke in severe pain!! Also feel like I broke a fever.

600a it hurts to move so much I just moan but I really want to cry

Joe gently rubs my back. It feels good.

830 body feels weird…my back feels like it has a fever, my feet are freezing, my head feels chilly, low back throbbing aweful, tailbone feels out of place and bruised.

Strange – went to use restroom and low back popped. It hurt but low back pain not as intense though it’s still throbbing maybe 8 instead of 9.



Jan 3

1215a finally going to bed. About choked on my night meds. Feel like one is stuck in throat. Ouch! Sinuses acting up all of a sudden.

130a awake to use restroom. It hurts to move. Applied pain rub to lower rt back region.

330a pain awakens me. I’m so tired.

530a must have been moaning in my sleep. Joe starts rubbing my back but even that hurts. I’m not telling him bc I don’t want to hurt his feelings.

630a alarm frightens me awake as I just fell back to sleep. I want to throw it across room. Today would be a day I’d be highly tempted to stay in bed. I will take pain pill and push on through Christ alone.

730 Joe sweet being by gathering items for lunch.

900 on way to church, Joe remembers we are having missionary today. Ugh! I didn’t remember nor prepared. Positive note we will take them out for lunch and I not have to cook. Thank you, Lord.

230p back at church I need nap feel crash in coming. Tummy hurts. It always hurts after I eat. Has to be a reason but I don’t know why.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 13-15 December 2020

a woke in extreme pain!!! It hurts to think about moving. Woke to Joe rubbing my back. It feels good. Joe kindly gave me a massage with pain relief rub. It eased pain slightly.

Joe kindly gathered everything together for taking to church for our church family Christmas dinner. I’m moving slowly today. Joe had Dezirae help me roll my hair. I was in a hurry so after my arms rested a little. I told her to go get ready and I’ll finish. Took morning meds & pain rx.

200 morning services went well. I’m exhausted and wore out. Body is stinging throbbing. I need to crash.

500 Joe woke me from nap. Could’ve slept longer. I feel so weak, exhausted, and hurting.

1030 watched couple movies with family. Hardly moved. Headache. Extremely fatigued. Whole body throbbing pain.

Night meds taken, cbd capsule, and pain rx.

Night meds include: propranolol, magnesium, turmeric, zyrtec, fish oil, & vitamin c

Dec 14

600a woke to sharp stabbing pain in chest!! Applied pain roller liberally to cover chest. Laid back down. Eyes heavy and having hard time keeping them open. Fell back asleep.

As eo pain rub began working it almost felt like menthol working…like when you suck on menthol cough drop except in my chest. Weird but felt good.

700a chest pain has eased but whole body hurts and it’s hard to move. Standing feels like walking on egg shells. Ouch!

Read Revelation 7-11.

Washed three loads clothes. Had kids carry basket to clothes line and I hung two loads.

Decided to order 4×6 family photos to put in Christmas cards. Found 50% off coupon. Yay! Love finding deals.

Messaged Joe’s siblings to verify their addresses. Quickly learned that I’ve been out of the loop for the past three years. Kind of frustrating but funny too. I thought his one brother was still working on his house. Learned he’s been done for four years. Ouch!

600p took kids Christmas shopping. Store didn’t have what I wanted to get my person. Bummer. Had to look for something else. Had fun spending time with Joe. Had to get his input for 2nd gift for kids. Still have no idea what I’m getting him for Christmas. What he really wants is out of our budget. Also got the food items I needed for finger foods for our church family Christmas party on Wednesday. Want to attempt making Sausage Pepper Wontons. Looks simple. We’ll see.

830 I’m wore out. Legs are wobbly and throbbing. Walked behind buggy in store. Periodic sharp shooting pains in legs.

1030 remembered I was suppose to work on Christmas cards to put in mail tomorrow. Started working on them. Getting sleepy. Whole body aches moderately fierce. Only got 1 load clothes folded.

Night meds taken, pain rx taken, cbd capsule taken, eo pain roller applied to chest.

Dec 15

Joe called out today due to migraine. Whole body stiff and achy upon waking. Feet hurt to stand on at first.

Busy day. Dezirae had dentist apt. Next she treated us to get our nails done. Saw that Coffee monster was practically next door so I treated us to drinks. Stopped at Dollar Tree on way home.

Exhausted and hurting from running around decided to rest while watching movie. Only I had trouble sitting still bc of caffiene. Chose to work on cutting out thank you notes and bookmakers. Decided to make homemade breads

In much pain. Past. wore out.+

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 2019 Feb 7-9

Feb 7

Today’s Scripture Valentine: Psalm 119:11

Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

11:38a- Trying to balance checkbook. Not balancing. What a chore! Needed to refer back to last month’s statement and discovered that I apparently threw it away. Now I have to reprint it. Ugh! 

12:10a- been working at it for almost an hour brain is blurring eyes too. Need to take a break.

3:00p- finally got checkbook balanced. It was matter of subtraction error along with inverting numbers. Very frustrating, but glad I figured it out. Didn’t plan on it taking most of day. Also, trying to get taxes gathered & ready for CPA. 

7:00p- seeing things backwards. Tink I taxed my brain a bit much today.

7:30p- enjoyed getting hugs from several of the kids tonight at church. I look forward to the hugs. They make my day. ☺ got a sharp stabbing pain in my back while sitting at the piano had to move to pew during announcements to rest back momentarily.  

10:30p- trying something new this year for Valentine’s with my kids – Scripture Valentines. I figure it will challenge my brain and be fun at same time. I’m cutting hearts out of construction paper and writing Bible verses on them and then taping to bedroom doors. I haven’t quite gotten one a day down bc I tend to forget but when I see door and realize the date I check to see how many I need. Spent time catching up tonight so in morning I’ll be on target. I’m even making pkg for son at college and will ship it few days before Valentine’s day as a surprise. Benefits: writing helps with hand eye coordination and focus,  scripture help teach truths of God’s word but helps me recall in mind those I previously memorized but have forgotten, and it shows my kids I love them.

10:53p- wide awake but starting to get sleepy, low back pain, rt hip throbbing, feet freezing, hands ache, rt ear achy, headache, top of head hurts where cyst burst recently (using Frankincense oil), tongue more clear today, but still have ways to go. Think I’ve made more progress in last two days than in whole 20 days of taking Nystatin. Center of chest hurting.

Feb 8

Today’s Scripture Valentine: 1 John 3:1

Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

3:30a- woke up with tummy hurting, rt hip aching, hot, trouble holding things

Trouble falling back to sleep until I was able to play soothing music on a timer. 

7:00a- so exhausted hit snooze 3 times. 

9:00a- coconut oregano swish, ate gluten free cereal with milk, orange on side. Sneezed hard now I’m not feeling too good. Feeling very weak. Sitting and sipping hot green decaf tea with peppermint and copaiba oil.  Wonder if I’ve developed an intolerance to milk. Ugh! I hurt all over. Gotta call Lowes. 

Daughter decided to take my temp. It’s 99.5.

9:15a- She proceeds to bring me Vicks and socks. Echinacea, Vitamin C, and zinc. She says, “I’m only doing what you would do for us when we don’t feel good.” What a sweetie. 😊

Told her to give me until 10 am bc I just took my morning meds and almost choked on them. She said ok. 

3:00p- Dezirae & I began painting her room today. Able to get one wall and part of another.  Just want to keep a promise I haven’t been able to do. Told her it’ll have to be in stages as I can endure. She says she’s just happy it’s finally getting done.

4:08p – The upgrading Dezirae’s room continues…

She is so excited! Can only do it in stages, but I plan to keep a promise. 1 1/2 walls painted today.

7:00p- stinging needle pain

8:00p- it just dawned on me I’m supposed to take the car tomorrow to get errands done for church. I haven’t driven the car since it’s been fixed. Joe says it drives different. I’m skittish to drive interstate let alone with a standard. Ugh! Joe calls Mom to ask for me to borrow car. I don’t want to go to Sam’s on a busy day. I don’t do well in crowds. 

10:00p- I’m in so much pain right now. I don’t want to move.

10:35p- took vitamins plus pain rx & melatonin. Headache. Back and arms throbbing. Legs cramping and twitching. I’m exhausted and freezing – under extra blankets though it was a warm day. Dezirae said she was sorry I was hurting, but thankful we are finally painting her room. 


Feb 9

7:00a- Been awake since 5am. Heard a very loud knock in my dream. It was so loud I thought it was real. Once I came to I waz hit with realization of severe pain! Tried going back to sleep but not working. Read Bible instead.  

9:00a- I’m exhausted if only I could get some more sleep. Took pain rx hopefully it will at least dull the pain.

10:30a – How often do you come across a guard duck while out on visitation? It quacked me up! LOL!

1:00p- went on visitation today out in country a guard duck? It quacked me up! Lol! Walked too much got to not feeling well as if I were getting dizzy and nauceous. 

Back at church Mom & Dezirae helped me change out the flowers by entrance before we left to go home. I was so wore out that I fell asleep in car on way home. Got home and crashed in my chair for about an hour!

When I awoke made lunch for me a kids.

3:00p- Mom came to pick me up to help run errands for church. Took three stores to find everything we needed. Ended up in wheelchair at Wal-Mart bc legs were give out.

5:00p- Once we got home, I crashed on my chair again. Woke at 5:30 to start dinner. 

6:00p- once dinner was cooking I started working on bulletin for tomorrow. Had to make list so I wouldn’t forget things tomorrow.

11:00p- I’m exhausted and freezing. Whole body aches. Low back throbbing. Rt side hurts. Brain foggy & tired. Head itches and tender. I’m not thinking strsight. Writing leyyers backwards etc. Tummy fluttering. Words keep disappearing that I just type not sure how that happens. Leg muscles cramping and twitching randomly. Toes frozen. Feet ice cold. It’s 68 inside

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