Lightning Strikes Memoirs – 4-6 April 2021
April 4
430a whole body stiff and achy. Headache. Eyes watery. Lights bothersome.
438a bloody nose
Bible Reading: Psalm 55:6-10; 1 Samuel 28-31;
800a morning meds & 1/2 dropper of cbd oil. Morning meds currently consist of 1/2 Edarbyclor 40/20mg tab, Propranolol 20mg, Dexilant 60mg, vitamin C 1k mg, b12, b3, fish oil
830 I think everything is ready for today. Praying for visitors.
I’m ready for a nap. Low back throbbing. Rt hand ad wrist swollen and throbbing.
348 I flat exhausted and can’t go anymore. Taking a nap. Tummy bloated. Sinuses congested. Post nasal drip. Slight bloody nose. Lft nostril partially blocked. Stinging thru whole body.
600p Joe woke me so I’d sleep tonight. Whole body stinging and I’m still tired.
1000p stinging thru whole body with increased stinging and tingling in toes, feet, & ankles. Sinuses congested. Tired but awake.
Fell into closet. Mostly a soft landing though side hit plastic drawer thing. Had to have help to get up.
April 5
500 woke to both hands and arms numb and tingly.
Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 1-3; Psalm 119:93-96
242 Muscles in legs spasming/twitching randomly…more so in left thigh area. Hands sting and throb. Toes tingling. Headache.
412p rt toes on fire. Someone spilt bleach on floor in laundry room and I stepped in it. Rinsed feet with cold water. Ugh! Dezirae graciously offered to clean it up
1036 exhausted and hurting all over but wide awake. Muscles randomly spasming thru body. Bad headache. Toes tingly and cold. Lower left leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling. Low back throbbing. Neck hurts.
It’s been weird, stressful day. Trying to figure out how to get Jakob home for funeral on Wednesday. Flights cost $600. Rental car $400 plus gas. Ugh. Guy we bought car from had to apply for lost tag which will take two weeks.
Bouts of grieving over loss of loved one. Washed three loads clothes. Folded 2 loads from days earlier. 2 loads today not folded yet.
Whole body throbbing and stinging. Sinuses congested bc I was craving milk and drank whole milk. Tongue is looking better. Forgot to take morning meds. Took night meds plus Excedrin Migraine.
Positive Praise:
- Photographer is going to allow us to get family photo with Jordon’s Senior photos at no extra charge.
- Going to get to see Jakob for couple days this week.
- We have good report established with the family.
- Even though our family is grieving we are working through it together in our own ways.
April 6
330a woke to burning fire throbbing pain in legs just below knees to feet. Bad headache with stabbing pain at my 4 oclock back side of head almost like I’m being shocked!!
Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 4-7; Psalm 72;
612 bloody nose. I’m beginning to think they are associated with my migraines.
330 sat to rest a while bc back is throbbing. The longer I sit the more I hurt and the more I feel the exhaustion setting in. Need to lay down before I faint.
430 woken to a phone call. Feels like I could sleep longer. Legs below knees still stinging burning throbbing.
938 going to bed. Exhausted and hurting from head to toes. Headache. Sinuses congested and sinus pressure in face. Eyes hurt and sensitive to lights. Neck aches. Back aches. Tummy hurts. Lft arm stinging pain. Hands swollen and achy. Legs throbbing stinging burning. Feet tingling. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Tired. Skin sensitive to touch. Rt hip aches.
Long day ahead tomorrow and I need my beauty rest. Attending funeral.
947p extreme sharp stabbing pain in rt center of chest.