Plan A by Robin Ogle

Happy January 10th!

We are 10 days in! Are you still on track with all of your “goals” for 2022??? This week’s devo is “Plan A” written by Robin Ogle! God always has a plan! Please take the time to read as Robin shares her heart with us today!  

Plan A – Robin Ogle

Have you ever made a plan? Was there a time you organized an event and it didn’t happen according to your check list? Have you ever face a disappointment after anticipating something? In the middle of the day did circumstance cause you to instantly have to regroup, redirect, and rethink?


In the past I tackled these with a sigh and a “OK, let’s go to Plan B”. Sometimes I found by sunset I was looking at Plan W and wondering what I would do next. With each change I pulled up my boot straps, acknowledged this was how God wanted it, and forge ahead with a forced smile, and a deflated, frustrated, tired heart. “What’s gonna happen next? ”, became the big question.


Recently, my thinking was adjusted. MY PLAN, ideas, event, or schedule may have be altered- but I realized it was changed to line up with GOD’S PLAN A. Now when there is a snafu, my heart is joyful and excited that NOW the day is going as HE PLANNED. I can embrace the reconfigurations of my life because my great God is constantly revealing His Plan A. No longer do I drudge through Plan C,D, or E. With thankfulness, contentment and peace, I choose to dwell on Plan A.


Here are trues to meditate on in order to keep your “Plan A” spirit on track:


God meets our needs.

Philippians 4:13,19; Matthew 6:31-33


God does what’s best.

Jeremiah 29:11;Romans 8:26-34



God has control over every situation.

Psalm 103:19; Isaiah 14:27; Isaiah 46:9,10



God is trustworthy.

2 Timothy 2:13; Psalm 36:5; Numbers 23:19; Deuteronomy 31:8




Ask, Seek, Knock

Ask, Seek, Knock

Matthew 7:7-8 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.


Have you ever sat and pondered why we ask, seek, and knock?

Perhaps we ask for what we want, seek for what we’ve don’t have, and knock on the door that we feel we have no access to. Why? Because our faith isn’t a strong as it should be.


Interesting that God repeats these words again in verse 8. His instructions are to ask in faith (James 1:5-8) with the right purpose (James 4:3). When we do, He will open the door.


Because we are surrounded by so many distractions in this world, we need to determine to seek God.  When we earnestly pray and seek God’s face according to His will (Deuteronomy 4:29; Jeremiah 29:13), He will hear our pleas and answer our petitions (1 John 5:14).


Everyone has the desire to be known and loved.  God also desires to be known and loved by His creation and He richly blesses those who desire a personal relationship with Him.


May we sincerely have a desire for a deeper relationship with the Lord this year through fervent prayer and regular seeking the scriptures.  We will not be disappointed. ❄️☃️

Storms of Life by Beth Palmani

Happy first Monday of 2022!! This week’s devo is “Storms of Life” written by Beth Palmani!

Please take the time to read as she shares this devo with us today! Let’s make 2022 the best year EVER!!

Storms of Life – Beth Palmani

This past summer we were able to visit family who had rented a beach house. I absolutely love to look at and listen to the sounds of the ocean. One of the things I was looking forward to, was watching the sunrise and the sunset over the water. I packed my fancy camera and lenses, and was eager to get the “perfect” photo of our girls with the breathtaking sunset in the background! When we arrived to the area, the weather was warm, but so cloudy and gloomy.

I got up early to walk on the beach to take pictures and look for seashells. Much to my disappointment, the spectacular sight I was anticipating, simply wasn’t there. The sky was filled with “grumpy” looking clouds and not one single shell! The water was “yucky” looking and was filled with seaweed and so much gunk. I had expected crystal clear water that I could dip my toes in while still being able to make sure no SHARKS would bite my toes off! 🙂 The sunset was much the same way – no sun to be seen! On the last day of our trip, a huge storm rolled in. You could see it coming in the distance. The lightning in the clouds could be seen so far off, and you could even see the rain pouring on the ocean in the distance.

We watched from the deck of the house until the storm got a little too close for comfort, then retreated inside. It was a night filled with thunder, lightning and lots of rain, but we were warm and safe inside the house. The next morning, I didn’t get up early to go out and get my sunrise shot, since I knew it wouldn’t be there. Instead, slept in a bit until my daughter came in, begging to go out to the water. She pulled back the curtain, and WOOSH, there it was! The SUNLIGHT I had been wishing for! The storm had come and gone and left the most spectacular sight I’ve ever seen! Even now, it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it! I jumped out of bed, quickly grabbed the camera and we ran to the water! Oh what a time we had! The water was so clean and clear, you could walk around and see straight to the bottom! And as for shells? Too many to count! We even found full size silver dollars, which I’ve only ever seen in the store! The sunshine made the water glisten and shine like I never knew possible. To be honest, the camera just couldn’t capture the sight I was seeing, but those images are forever etched in my mind. I couldn’t help but think of the song, “Till the Storm Passes By.” Life can get so dark and gloomy and yes, even be filled with “gunk” at times, yet, we have a Heavenly Father who loves us so deeply and helps us through each “storm” so that we can have something truly spectacular on the other side. I love the verses in Psalm 91 that remind me that, much like the house kept us safe and warm that night, Jesus is my refuge in the storms of life. I can stay snuggled in his wings, safe and warm. And, just like on that day this summer, Joy truly does come in the morning! (Ps 30:5)

As I get older, I can see that there are stormy times, but there are also times of sunshine!

If things in your life right now are dark and gloomy, just keep pressing on, right through that storm, because on the other side, is beautiful sunshine!

Mighty Miracles by Sandy Noonan

Happy last Monday of 2021! Let’s make it the best week EVER! This weeks devo is “Mighty Miracles” written by Sandra Noonan! Please take the time to read as she shares her heart with us today! I hope you have the best week of 2021 yet!!



Mighty Miracles – Sandy Noonan


Luke 4:16-30.


I love this passage as Jesus goes back to his home town.


I love the way Jesus read from Isaiah with such authority.


I love how he closed the book and gave it back to the minister and then sat down.


I love how all the people kept their eyes on him.


I love how he said who He was looking straight into their Eyes, knowing they didn’t believe him.


Then I remember he left Nazareth without doing the miracles he did in other cities because of their unbelief.


As I let this passage sink into my heart my thoughts turn to my own family. Am I stopping God from doing miracles in my family because of unbelief? God show me some lessons I need to learn from this passage.


1. Be filled with the Spirit and not with selfish desires. Gal 5:22-26


2. Keep prayer as the first “go to”, not as our last resort in a world that attempts to find answers with a punch of a button.       Ps. 143:1, Pro. 15:8, Ps. 141:2


3. Rejoice for the answered prayer. Ps 20:5


4. Lift up the God of righteous people not the people themselves. God uses ordinary people for His glory. I Sam 18:18-19


5. Let my family see I need God in my life just as much as other family members. Rom 10:11.


6. Don’t just talk about spiritual things at church but let it be a habit at home.


7. Be consistent at home and in church and at work and at play.


8. Be genuine, putting on masks to let other people think we are good will only cultivate unbelief in our children.


These are just some lessons God taught me from this passage. Let’s us have homes that resonate faith and belief in God because he is ready to show us his mighty miracles.

Jesus – Redeemer

Jesus – Redeemer

Job had a personal relationship with the Redeemer.  Though Job had lost much, he never lost hope in God.  He had the assurance that no matter what happened to him on earth one day he would be united with Christ in Heaven.

Job had no idea why his life was falling apart.  His faith in Christ was firm and he was confident that his Redeemer would deliver him.  He believed in a living Redeemer and looked forward for the blessed hope that and the glorious appearing of Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13).

Used by God by Angey Nelson

Happy December 20th! I hope everyone is feeling blessed and happy from the weekend! This week’s devo is “Used by God” written by Angey Nelson!  Have you ever felt USED?? This is a devo that you need to read! It was a help to me! I hope you have the best of the best weeks ever!

USED by God – Angey Nelson

When Mary said to the angel, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word,” do you think she really knew what she was getting herself into? I’m sure she grew up learning that a virgin would bring forth the Messiah, but do you really think she realized what was ahead for her? Afterall, she was facing ridicule, false accusation, and the possibility of being stoned to death. Not to mention the ultimate sacrifice….  the Son she would carry in her body would be crucified for sins He never committed. If you ask me, Mary was just being USED.

In human terms, being USED is not something to be desired. Use: to take or consume from a limited supply; to exploit in order to gain advantage.

May 2015 o July 2016 was a time of great loss for our family. In that short period, I miscarried two children, my Dad died of a brain tumor, and our Pastor died of a heart attack. Through it all, we felt the presence of the Lord more than ever before. Just a couple months later, my husband felt burdened of the Lord to take a big step in our life of ministry. After much prayer, fasting, and counsel, we proceeded ahead by faith on the path that God had shown him. Without going into detail, I will say that the loneliness and pain of the next year was even harder than what we had just come through. In truth, I felt USED… by friends, by coworkers, by strangers, and even…. by God. 


There, I said it! As much as I tried to ignore it, I knew that bitterness (believing that God got it wrong) was trying to take root. Why would God so clearly lead my husband to do something that He knew would not take place? Why would He purposely put us into a situation that seemed to only have a hurtful outcome? If you ask me, we were just USED.


Deep down, I knew that if my thoughts were true, then Romans 8:28 was a lie. If I was right about God USING me, then every verse that says He loves me, holds me, strengthens me, was wrong. So, I asked the Lord for help; He took me to Mary.


Yes, Mary was USED by God but in such a way that the angels declared, “Glory to God in the highest.” God’s kind of USED isn’t the same as mine. Mary wasn’t a doormat that God walked over or a rag that He USED and then threw away. Rather, God needed Mary to be USED as His vessel for His purpose. Did she decline because it was too much to bear? Did she say, “I didn’t sign up for this”? No, Mary became like a vase that is USED to hold beautiful flowers; it isn’t the vase that is important, but that the flowers are lifted up and magnified.


Recently I heard a preacher say something like this, “When you hear an offertory played at church, do you think, ‘Wow! That sure is a great piano.’ No! It’s the pianist that is awesome!” A piano isn’t anything but wood and strings until it gets USED. I decided that if I get USED and someone sees how awesome God is, then amen! Isn’t that what life is supposed to be about?! If God chooses to USE me, then it is my job to see that He gets all the glory.


You know, since that difficult time, God has grown our church in such an amazing way! We have seen Him do marvelous things we never thought possible in the lives of our family and teen group. Glory to God in the highest! Let God USE your life for His glory.

Jesus – High Priest

Jesus – High Priest

Hebrews 4:14 Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.


Levitical priests had to be holy men of God, but they also had to make sure their hearts and lives were cleansed before offering sacrifices on behalf of others. .

Because Jesus is ”holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens” (Hebrews 7:26), He is the only one who could possibly approach the heavenly throne on behalf of others as He is. Jesus is rightly called the High Priest.

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