The Power of Encouragement
LS & BC Health Memoirs – February 1-2, 2022
Let God Rule Your Garden by Kristie Valentin
Falling in Love – Amy Sapp
The Promises of God for September
Finding Peace in the Storm
Faith Trumps Fear by Virginia Harris
Happy April 18th! It is a great day to have a great day! Today’s devo is “Faith Trumps Fear” written by Virginia Harris! Please take the time to read as she shares her heart with us today! Make today an awesome day!

Faith Trumps Fear – Virginia Harris
II Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
According to my online dictionary, the definition of fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.
Fear is a very common human emotion. We can be happily going along our way when all of a sudden….Wham! Something happens, or a thought pops up in our mind, or we hear something…and instantly that spirit of fear grips our heart. Although, this is a very common emotion, this spirit is not of the Lord. I pray that these thoughts that have helped me when I am fearful will be a help to you.
1. Fight fear with truth. Psalm 53:5 “There were they in great fear, where no fear was:…” How many times do we worry and fear the unknown? We fear what might happen. We ask, “What if…?”
Understandably we cannot go through life throwing all caution to the wind and never planning or thinking about the future. We must, however, trust that unknown future to the One who knows and sees all things. When those fearful thoughts invade our minds, we must run to Scripture to remind us of our all-powerful, all-knowing God who loves and cares for us individually.
If you fear being alone, go to Hebrews 13:5 “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”
If you fear persecution, go to Psalms 18:2 “The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.”
If you fear sickness or death, go to Psalm 23:4 “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.”
2. Look to be a help to someone else who might be struggling.
Galatians 6:10 “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.”
Not only is it helpful in getting our minds focused on the needs of others and off of our fears, it is actually a sin to not do good when we are able.
James 4:17 “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.”
When those thoughts of fear and doubt begin to plague our minds, make a conscious decision to refocus our attention on encouraging others. If you like to cook or bake, head to the kitchen and get busy making something delicious to share. If your skills lie elsewhere, maybe sit down and write a note or letter to someone who is in need of encouragement. How special a hand written note is these days. I thoroughly enjoy and appreciate the convenience of texting, but sometimes I miss the frequent hand-written notes of days gone by. I often think I need to do better in this area. I know how much it means to me to receive such a note. In whatever way that is comfortable to you, reach out and show that you care. You’ll quickly find that your fear has faded some.
3. Saturate yourself with good, godly, uplifting Christian music and Scripture. Music has SUCH power. Ephesians 5:19 “Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;” With the modern convenience of smartphones with Scripture and music apps available for no cost, avail yourself of these tools in uplifting your spirit and keeping your thoughts positive and God-centered. If those around you prefer quiet to constant music playing or other noise, use some wireless ear pods so you can put one in one ear and still hear if someone needs you. Find some Christian podcasts to enjoy. Two that I enjoy regularly are the Friend to Friend podcast hosted by Jessica Smallwood and Pastor’s Morning Musings hosted by my wonderful husband, Pastor Jeff Harris. There are so many avenues where we can feast our minds on God’s Word and things that will help us in our Christian life.
Growing and strengthening our faith is the key to fighting fear. No matter how strong our faith, we are still human and will still fear at times. Through the truth of God’s Word, purposing to focus on encouraging others, and completely enveloping ourselves in godly music, Scripture, and other godly influences, we will be able to lessen the grip of fear in our lives.
Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 29-30 April 2020
April 29
845 woke from a very strange dream. [I was in search for finding myself – I was looking for me. I found myself at a conference of some sort sitting at a table with an army recruiter. I had just taken the entrance exam and they were revealing my score. I had scored in one of the highest percentile and excelled in the computer knowledge aspect. The news was shocking and exciting. They wanted me to start right away. I told them I’d have to pray about it and discuss it with my husband because I had a family it would affect also.
I immediately shared the good news with “-” (blonde girl we were houseparents to at Hope – her name escapes me presently). She was so excited for me. I sadly told her I probably won’t be able to walk that path because it would affect my husband’s pastorship and I couldn’t take that away from him but there had to be a way I could do something similar instead. Maybe I could pursue getting a degree in computers via help thru a retrain program or something. I cried. ]
1100 Decided to open the wholetones chroma DVD and listen/watch on my laptop while working on few things. Started listening but only hearing music. My vcl player needed to be updated. Ugh. Always something.
At first the videos were a little hard for me to watch. All the movement is hard for me to follow (mind you that I’m working thru a brain injury). I decided to watch the “How to use Chroma” session. I just wanted to cry. Hearing and seeing what the healing frequencies are suppose to work towards healing. I’ve read the book but I cannot remember what I read. I struggle with memory and comprehension. This in and of itself is bothersome, but a peace comes over me when I recall the Scripture and hymns I memorized as a teen.
I never thought about the possibility of people not feeling worthy of receiving healing. Why would someone not feel worthy? Why would they feel shame? Do I feel that way? No! I want to be healed. I just don’t know how.
900 fear is the hardest to overcome. It is a stronghold that can govern our lives if we let it.
1159 moderate pain. Headache minimal about 4. Neck hurts. Shoulders ache. Bloody nose though not streaming just when blowing nose. Sinuses congested. Hands swollen and achy. Low back aches. Rt hip throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Legs ache.
April 30
128 still wide awake
530 woke when Joe gave me kiss to go to work. Couldn’t go back to sleep. Purposely stayed in bed and tried to no avail.
600a have nosebleed. Took few minutes to get it to subside. Feeling weak and lousy.
715 Decided to get up after reading my Bible. No sense waiting time.
730 Rae left for work. I’m by myself for few hours. Ah Peace and quiet. I put on Wholetones Chroma but only listen to first one Open Door. Fiddled around doing little chores I haven’t been able to do. Took couple hours to find right size box to ship a pkg.
1000 my where has time gone? Still have lots to do. Need to figure out classes for next year and order books. Finally have Jordon’s classes figured out. Placed one order today for Math & Home Ec. Still need to nail down Raes classes. I’m so perplexed. Ugh.
Recvd email bank statement was available.
1230 Raes home from work. Ugh. I didn’t get near as much as I wanted to. I’m tired. Decided to take lunch. Ate lunch and began balancing checkbook asking God to help me not take as long as last time. I have to go through it few times because I’m missing something. Several errors. Took me 2.5 hours to balance checkbook. My head is throbbing and I’m exhausted.
300 I feel a crash oncoming. I try to get comfortable. I’m hurting. Rt hip & low back throbbing something aweful. Feel myself about to crash and lay head down. Next thing I know it’s 4pm and I’m coming to. I’m so tired still if only I could sleep longer.
415 gotta get up to get ready for church. Joe picking us up tonight. Glad he’s driving.
AHIF posted…
Interesting read…would you say that you still feel fatigued years after your injury?
I answered…
Yes. I’m 3 years out this July. Though I’m doing better I get so wore out especially when needing to use my brain for thinking and processing for lengths of time. Wish I could get someone to understand it and explain it to me.
They replied…
Hi Melissa! Here is an article about fatigue…
1159 I’m exhausted by awake. Rt hip & low back intense throbbing as if caught in horrific knot. Cramping in rt side. Legs ache & random twitching. Neck hurts. Bad headache. Feet tingling. Hands achy & swollen. Lft knee is looking better but hurts. Applied frankinsense oil roll on to knee to aid in healing. Also taking 2-3,000 mg Vitamin C. Random sharp stabbing pains through body.
Taking pain rx & muscle relaxer or I won’t get any sleep.