Lightning Strike Journal Entries: 23-24 April 2021
April 23
700 broken sleep all night. Stinging pain thru body is great. Headache very slight. Eyes blurry and feel like they’re filled with mucus.
Sinuses congested. Hands and arms stinging throbbing and swollen. Legs throbbing stinging. Feet sting the most. Low back throbbing. Neck hurts with chilling sensation down spine.
Bible Reading: 2 Kings 6-8; Romans 14:11, John 3:14-17
Went to college to see Jakob. Given tour of college. Chapel with Jakob. Guys got pretty loud so I had to put my ear plugs in to muffle sound in order to not get a migraine.
Ate lunch with Jakob at the college.
Dropped sister & kids off at hotel. Taking Jakob to get a car. I forgot how long the process takes. I’m so exhausted and hurting all over. Almost came close to starting all over – payments higher than they expected bc they forgot about interest rate. Jakob proud owner of 2013 Chevy Equinox.
Dinner at Cheddar’s restaurant. While waiting to get called in, stepped one step backwards not realizing there was dip in sidewalk lost balance and almost fell. Thankfully Joe caught me. Made rt hip hurt exponentially. Had to sit.
Took seemingly forever to get our food and I’m draining quickly. Let everyone know that I wasn’t mad at anyone I’m just hurting and pushed to max on my goings. Need to go back to hotel room and crash.
Slight headache. Neck hurts. Whole body aches. Legs & feet sting. Rt hip throbbing. Lft hip aches. Sinuses congested. Hands swollen and throbbing. Feet freezing. Exhausted. Starting to slur words and stutter. Difficulty thinking straight. Low back throbbing. Severe pain in lower rt abdomen. Stinging pain from low back to feet.
Thankful for precious time with family. Jakob got a dependable car. Joe & I are having fun picking on each other and he still treats me like a queen.
April 24
700 slept fairly good. Dreams but don’t recall details. Whole body aches deeply and fiercely. Sinuses congested. Tummy hurts.
Bible Reading 2 Kings 9-11, Psalm 60:20
Going to the Ark Encounter today with Uncle Dale and Aunt Annabelle.
7:42 back in hotel room. I’m exhausted, face is hot, whole body hurting, low back throbbing, feet are freezing. Laying down to rest a bit.
1130 crashed for about hour or so. Woke in time to get ready for bed.
I’m exhausted and hurting from head to toes. Feet freezing. Stinging burning pain throughout body. Lower back and hips intensely throbbing. Sharp pain in lower rt abdomen. Sinuses congested slightly. Headache, but not a migraine.
Thankful for the blessed day and amazing adventure.
Enjoyed spending the day at the Ark Encounter. I was awestruck to see the life-sized replication of Noah’s Ark.
It was encouraging and thought-provoking to see and hear not only of the amount of Noah’s faith, but also of all the people involved in the coming together of this exhibit.
I even enjoyed challenging a random teenager to a race while I was in the electric scooter (I won ). We all had a great laugh.
I’m exhausted and hurting, but thankful for this wonderful opportunity!