Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 26-27 May 2021
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 13-14 May 2021
May 13
Broken sleep. Woke with both arms and hands numbish and tingling. Sinuses congested. Thirsty. Whole body stiff and achy. Legs throbbing. Tired. Surface of mid and upper back stinging. Low back throbbing.
Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 9-22, Proverbs 31:30
Interesting tidbit Solomon’s downfall possibly began when he started multiplying 666 pieces of gold in a year (9:13). Did the $ or the women turn his heart from God?
Slow moving today. Sorted pots and pans to take some to church to use there.
Decided I was hungry for Raisin Bran. Used 1% milk. Instant sinus congestion. Hope I can get this under control soon.
Try to work on blog and can’t find Joe’s laptop. I need it for the PowerPoint program. Ugh.
Legs hurt so bad they feel like they’re about to fall off.
300p taking 30 minute nap. I’m tired. Center of chest starting to throb with sharp pains keeping me awake. Remembered that I forgot to take ibuprofen today. Took some.
500 dinner didn’t cook right. Ugh. Have to cook the meatballs in microwave.
600 scatterbrained and having difficulty understand what people are saying. Having to make them repeat it several times.
700p rt hip throbbing. Head hurts.
Managed to get pkg in mail (which mailman didn’t bother to pick up. Grr!), & Homecoming postcards labeled and stamped.
1109o sharp pains in chest again. I’ve got to figure out how to remember to take the ibuprofen regimen consistently so I don’t have to go to Drs.
May 14
600 woke momentarily not knowing were I was nor what day it was. Center of chest sharp pain. Took Naproxen.
Whole body sharp achy pain. Sinuses congested. Arms throbbing like I worked out. Eyes watery. Headache. Very tired. Hands swollen and achy. Mouth dry and thirsty. Rt hip aches. Toes tingly.
Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 13-17, Psalm 139:13-14
400p put tea on to make sweet tea for company, but forgot about it. I burned the water. So embarrassed. Lol. It was funny though bc Joe said he smelled bread. I said I wasn’t making bread. Then I smelled something burning.
930p neck popped. Rt ear clogged and ringing instantly.