Lightning Strike Journal Entries: 18-19 April 2021
April 18
700a Woke late. Forgot to set alarm. Whole body feels like I was beat up badly. It hurts to move. Moving slowly.
Bible Reading: 1Kings 15-17
910 realized we forget the vegetables. Ugh. Have to run back home.
1129a sharp paying in lft shoulder blade. Center of chest aches.
Mom told me she was talking to chiropractor about me the other day. He told her that it was good to see my progress. When I first started seeing him, my speech was slurred and thought process was slow. I’m speaking more clear now and am looking better. Good news to hear.
Need to rest my brain a bit in order to function through tonight’s service. Listening to wholetones music to help calm and quiet my brain.
Center of chest feels like I pulled a muscle and bruised it too.
300 can tell I forgot to take the PEA supplement. My brain having hard time quieting. Head hurts more.
Lft knee bothering me making walking difficult.
April 19
500 woke tired and aching all over. Feet feel like I’m stepping on needles when I first stand. Hands throbbing. Thirsty. Tongue coated in white again with lesions. Think I need to perdue food allergens testing in near future. Slight headache.
Bible Reading: 1 Kings 18-20
600 remembered that I’m supposed to go renew license today and I haven’t gathered all the information yet. Have to get star on ID and need specific info. Ugh!
Transfer towels to dryer. Start another load laundry. Print list if required documents. Double check time office opens. Business hours still aren’t what they’re posted due to covid. Have to be there at 8am. Praying it won’t take long.
Info gathered. Have time for short nap. Praying all goes smoothly and quickly (well not too quick so I have time to process info thrown at me and I can respond accordingly.
Got in trouble y’day bc Joe asked me two questions during his sermon. One right after the other. I was attempting to answer first question but by time I could spit it out he asked second question. And it sounded as if I was arguing with him. Ugh! Frustrating and embarrassing. At least, I made people laugh. Don’t remember the questions, but later when we were talking about the day something that was said reminded me and I let him know about it.
I may not sound or look like I’m struggling or in pain from the outside, but I do so on a daily basis. It’s frustrating to tears at times, but I remind myself that God is with me and He us my refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1).
Feet freezing. Tourniquet tightening feeling in both legs from mid calf down to feet. Putting on socks to warm up feet.
545 burnt index knuckle on left hand getting dinner out of oven. My hand jerked hitting top burner in oven. Ouch!
600p sharp stabbing shooting pain in lower back right quadrant of head. I’m exhausted and done for the day.
1030 whole body hurts something fierce. Exhausted. Brain hurts and is foggy. Tourniquet tightening feeling in lower lft leg with tingling in left foot. Toes tingly. Bad taste in mouth. Tongue coated with white patches. Rt hip throbbing.