Lightning Strike Memoirs 17-19 October 2021
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries – Sept 15-18, 2021
LS Journal Entries: 28-30 April 2021
April 28
Bible Reading: 2 Kings 20-22
Woke to much pain throughout body.
April 29
300 woken by intense burning pain in arms, hands, legs, and feet. Sinuses severely congested. Bad headache. Had to take tylenol and 1/2 Benadryl to get some relief.
Took couple hours to fall back to sleep.
700 woke thinking I overslept. Still in much pain. At least headache has eased a little.
Bible Reading 2 Kings 23-25, Psalm 51
1200 worked on completing Jordon’s grades and submitting them for graduation. Brain is tired, legs below knees tingling and burning, feet & ankles freezing. Need to rest.
Just went on trip last weekend and haven’t been able to rest and recoup. I’m hurting quite a bit, but praise I’ve not had a migraine since I started taking a Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) supplement.
Dezirae and I finished up at Lawana’s house for her daughter, Gaynor, this week. The Estate Sales people take over now. It’s seams surreal and bittersweet.
We were able to lead a teenager boy to the Lord during counseling last night. Praise the Lord! I’m hoping he will ring the bell in church tonight.
Today devil is fighting thru some people that know better. The natural man wants to reach out and touch someone, but I know I can’t.
It’s all just catching up and hitting me at the same time. Lol. I’ll be okay just need a day to rest and relax.
Was supposed to attend another funeral tomorrow, but Joe is letting me off hook and will take Jordon with him instead so I can rest. He’s even going to cook dinner for me tomorrow
11:00p Praise! The young man that got saved rang the bell in church tonight.
April 30
700 saw Dezirae off on her trip with Grandma, cousin, & aunt to see her Great Grandma.
Legs below knees to ankles burning, stinging, throbbing pain. Feet cold and tingling. Eyes watery. Sinuses congested.
Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 1-2
In much pain and feeling very lethargic today. Thankful to be able to rest today.
Went back to bed until 10am. Probably could sleep longer but won’t.
Thunderstorm began about 11am. Glad we postponed Jordon’s pics.
500 Joe cooked Bbq ribs , mixed veggies, and tator tots.
723 researching benefits of Gaba
“various lifestyle and genetic factors can throw GABA out of whack” what about traumatic experiences like a lightning strike? Hehe.
930 going to bed. Exhausted and did hardly anything today.
In so much pain, stinging burning throbbing pain throughout body. Low back throbbing burning. Took Gaba – 1 capsule – to calm brain and nerves. Hoping it helps.
Taking tylenol to ease pain so I can get some sleep.
Tummy hurts from eating sugary foods today. Ugh! They are not my friend.
Thankful for…
- A caring, loving family
- To be alive
- Even on bad days, I can put my trust in Him.
LS Memoirs – 7-9 March 2021
March 7
Woke at 2:20am with severe stomach cramping and diahrea.
Exhausted. Burning aching pain all over body. Tummy hurts and feels little bloated.. Arms ache. Rt hand and wrist swollen and feel sprained. Sinuses slightly congested. Feet tingle and burn. Legs throbbing.
♫I will cling to the Old Rugged Cross and exchange it some day for a crown.♫
Bible Reading: Psalm 139:23-24, Deut 24-27, Psalm 77:6-15
Breakfast: 3 oatmeal energy balls, Apple juice
Got dizzy getting ready for church. Had to sit a bit. Out of breath.
By end of music service my head is pounding, hands throbbing, legs burning throbbing, feet chilly, brain fogging, rt hip throbbing
Not feeling well. Joe sweet to order pizza for dinner bc I’m not up to cooking.
Symptoms: feet freezing, lft leg tingling, headache, low back throbbing, very sleepy, Charlie horse cramping in abdomen – ouch!!!
Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling. Legs pounding throbbing. Upper back and hands stinging. Brain foggy and blurry. Distracted easily. Body having trouble regulating temperature – cold then warm then freezing all the while skin cool to the touch.
March 8
500 decent nights sleep. Weird dreams.
Arms & hands go numb while reading Bible. Severe stomach cramping, rt ear hurt, sinuses congested, post nasal drip tastes aweful.
Bible reading: Deut 28-29, Ps 50:6, 2 Cor 1:3-4, Philippians 4:12-13
Goals today: wash linens, straighten & declutter pantry, help Jordon file taxes, plan meals for week.
Symptoms: dizzy at times – must stop and focus on specific thing until it eased or close eyes momentarily, stabbing, low back pain – must lay on belly until it eased before can do something else, took rx for pain, hands throbbing, brain blurry, headache, slight stuffy nose, severe abdominal cramping pain periodically, rt ear hurts, back itches
March 9
445 woke to muscle spasms and being hot. Didn’t take pm meds. Exhausted and irritable. Nerves twitching thru body and skin itchy all over.
Bible reading: Deut 30-31, Ps 40:11-12, 2 Timothy 1:9-12, Acts 16:12-16, 40
Goals today: plant tomato seeds, hang mini blind, take care of sick son, Ladies Bible Study tonight.
Planted tomato and pepper seeds, mini blind too short, difficulty getting Jordon Dr apt but God directed steps to new Dr who saw him today. Confirmed sinus infection and ear infection. Antibiotic called into pharmacy quickly. Bible study went well. Ladies excited about Secret Sister Ministry.
Symptoms: muscle spasms, temperature fluctuating, nerves twitching, headache, sinuses congested, exhausted, low back throbbing, brain foggy, vision blurry, dizzy, lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness and tingling to toes, feet freezing and icy cold, rt ear aches, skin itchy, whole body aches, nerves feel like their crawling, shoulders ache.
Drank sleepy time tea.
Three things I’m thankful for…
- Able to get Jordon seen at Dr’s and diagnosis confirmed
- God’s protection on highway
- My Mom understands what I’m going thru and experience with the TBI part of my injuries.
Lightning Strikes Memoirs 14 – 16 August 2020
Aug 14
630 woke from horrible nightmares and in severe pain thru body. Arms & hands numb & tingly. Rt hip throbbing. Whole back throbbing. Legs stinging. Toes tingly. Head hurts.
700 Read Bible Daniel 1-4; Rev 3:19-20; Acts 16:30-31
If only we as Christians would collectively have the boldness to take a stand as Daniel, Shadrach, Meshack, & Abednigo did.
730 started straightening the living room & kitchen area. Carpets dirty…put them to wash.
800 pain level 7/8 today. Laying down to rest a bit.
1100 Mom asked us to check out Ollies with her. We agreed. Found Cmas present for Jordon. Hide in room only to hope I remember where I put it later. Lol.
12:45 Stopped at grocery store to get the ribs & cheesecake for dinner. Found BOGO deal on ribs but forgot the cheesecake 🤦.
2:00 Jakob said Dad forgot the cameras. Ugh. He was asked to bring them to them. Asked Jakob to get the cheesecake for me. Whew! Almost blew that one. Celebrating Joe’s SP Bday. It’s hard to be excited when you’re hurting.
Friend was suppose to stop by to pick up books but she explained she was having high pain day. I completely understand.
Naproxen hasn’t touched it.
230 severe thunderstorm ensues. Keeping myself preoccupied with movies I haven’t seen before.
930 going to bed. Hurt from head to toes. Headache. Severe pain in low back. Rt hip aches. Throat feels like I have frog stuck and it won’t clear. Lower legs throbbing. Toes & feet tingling & stinging. Hands swollen and throbbing. Lft collar bone area throbbing. Sinuses congested.
Hopefully, Joe’s paycheck will be fixed come Tuesday. Thankful we had $ saved to be able to pay mtg in Nick of time but will have to replace it come Tuesday. Lord willing.
Vitamins/Rx taken:
Magnesium Complex, Propanolol, Turmeric, Zyrtec, Vitamin C.
Drinking Chamomile Tea to help me sleep.
Aug 15
745 horrible thunderstorm during night woke me out of sleep. Body tensed causing more than than I was in. Kept me awake for little while. Joe started rubbing my back to help.
When will thunderstorms stop inflicting so much more pain in my body? I just so bad I just want to cry.
1145 didn’t do much of anything today. I hurt so bad. Able to do some things to keep mind off but it only worked for short while.
Aug 16
6am woke sometime in middle of night freezing to death. Got frustrated trying to find covers. Joe helped. Later told me as he tried helping me cover up his hand touched my body and it felt like ice! Took bit to warm up to fall back to sleep.
I hurt so bad it hurts to move. Rt hip throbbing. Both hands and arms numb & tingling. Whole body deep stinging pain. Headache. Grumpy.
Not looking forward to starting school Monday. Had a certain way it was going to go bit
345 got up from resting. Hurt worse than before laying down. Pins & needles feeling in legs and feet making it painful to walk.
400 I’m freezing again. Put sweater on til I warmed up.
Not sure if hormones are out of balance or its a nerve issue or both
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 23-24 April 2019
April 23
11:25a- two loads of clothes (folded but not put away), 2 spelling tests generated, history test given – my brain and eyes beginning to feel scrambled
1:00- drop pkg for Jakob at PO. My Grandma treating us to lunch. Stopped at Mission Thrift store. Only able to walk outer paramater. Legs throbbing, hands and arms aching, feel like I’m about to crash. Need to rest a while.
4:30p- slept little over an hour. Wow! Could sleep longer so tired. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Bruise on lft leg is healing but still swollen
6:00p- went to Mom’s to help my Grandma with her quilt. She’s suppose to be showing us but she keeps nodding off even though she took a nap. Think she’s eating to much carbs and sugars. Only about to complete one square until my rt hand swells to double in size and hurts too bad. If I decide to quilt on my own I’d use sewing machine instead of by hand.
11:12p- I hurt something aweful. Neck hurts to move. Whole body feels swollen. Ugh! Feet are cold actually I’m freezing. Don’t get it. Wish I could get some one to explain the science of it all to me. Maybe it’d help me accept it better.
Lord, You know better than I. You know the way.
April 24
8:00a-Had headache so I checked my bp. It’s not that. Bp 105/72 hr 70 Middle of back stinging. Hands and wrists swollen and achy.
8:30a- ?
10:30- working on grading tests for school. It’s almost summer break time. I am so ready. My brain hurts and feels foggy.
2:00p- eating late lunch while watching movie. Do some movies kind of make you feel dizzy at times? Backgrounds that move too fast mess with my balance. What’s worse is I’m sitting.
4:00- trying to work on quilt. My hand eye coordination is way off today. Frustrating. Just gotta keep trying. Managed to get another square down.
6:00p- left leg from middle lower to foot feels weird again. It’s knid of numb but feels like it’s being choked. Not sure how to explain. Probably need to prop it up. Feet are getting cold.
7:00p- talking to Joe I open my mouth to answer him and in flies a gnatt! Yuck!! Now I’m choking!!! Not staying outside. Ugh! Feet are freezing. Under blankets I go.
10:23p- neck is throbbing like toothache. Low back throbbing. Rt hip hurts. Feet freezing. Socks put on. Hands and wrists swollen and achy especially rt one. Left foot stingy tingles. Weird. Calves ache.
Need to email Neuro PT person about apt in May. Praying they can help me even a little.
Lighting Survivor Journal Entries 10-12 Dec 2018
Dec 10
6:32p doing too much today. Can feel my face turning red. Walmart doesn’t have enough wheelchairs. Managed to walk behind buggy but it was a bit much. I hurt all over. Headache. Skin is flushing. Chilling sensation at base of neck. Hands swollen. Brain foggy. Face hurts. Need to rest quite a while.
Sipping peppermint tea to help with easing pain.
8:00p so congested and face hurts. Decided to do nasal cleanse. Now my nasal passages and eyes are burning!!!!
9.24p It’s funny when your son actually asks for coal for Christmas (not because he was naughty). LOL!
Dec 11
12:26a still wide awake. Left leg muscles cramping. Neck hurts. Toes cold. Just read disheartening email that Jordon’s basketball season has been cancelled. He’s gonna be heartbroken. I just wanna cry that’s the biggest reason we chose that co-op. I’ll have to have Joe call to see what’s up.
11:45a – attended funeral today. Met another person that was struck by lightning (Pastor Williams). I knew he looked familiar but not know why. He was Pastor in Ocala Fl while my Dad was in Dunnellon, Fl. He was struck while talking on phone (Shockley).
1:04p unexpected stinging sharp pain in lip like it was being tazzed. Ugh!
6:15p wasn’t feeling well at store. Had to lay down for a while ended up sleeping for about 2 hours
7:00p decided to string popcorn for tree tonight…tree needs to be finished. Only able to get bout dozen pieces on before back started throbbing and stinging. Dezirae took over for a while.
10:30 decided to clean up kitchen a little and work on blog. Back began feeling icy. Rt ear hurts. Sniffles. Headache. Legs cramping. Face hurts. Taking antibiotics for sinus infection – not that I really want to but I do want to feel better than I have been. Tired but still awake.
Dec 12
6:30a – woke but don’t want to get up or out from under covers. I’m freezing!
Hands swollen and achy. Eyes blurry. Toes freezing. Legs cramping. Loud noises bothersome. Bright lights bothersome. I carry sunglasses everywhere now to give eyes a break.
10:53a – at Dr with son for blackout episodes. Bp fine. Temp fine. Did EKG. EKG looks gorgeous. Bloodwork.
11:12a- center of chest hurting. Lights bright & bothersome.
*Nurse’s aunt was struck by lightning several years ago. She has no lasting side effects.
Referral for MRI & echocardiogram. Referral apt to pediatric cardiologist.
That’s enough to wear anyone out. He has to limit sports activity & no driving. Bummer.
7:00p – made batch of Grinch Christmas cookies. We were invited to friends home for lunch after The Nutcracker on Friday. I’m looking forward to it.
10:00p- ‘twas gonna diffuse lavendar, but cord to diffuser missing. Made kids help look for it – after a few moments told them to go to bed and we’ll look for it in morning. I can feel my nerves tensing bc I’m upset not being able to use diffuser. Ugh!
Gonna use pain roller blend on chest. Back is throbbing too.
10:36p – I’m a hurting for sure too much activity today. Center of chest throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Neck hurts to move. I’ve taken my pain rx (thankfully I have a spare in purse bc I’m not sure where script is I just got filled…strange) & melatonin. Hopefully it’ll help me go to sleep. I think to myself though I may be suffering so there are others worse off than me. Haven’t done much research lately. My schedule is all out of whack and it’s throwing me off.
I think to myself I see eyes of blue and red roses too what a wonderful world. Thank you Lord for another day. Please heal my son. My heart bleeds for him as he is so disappointed in not being able to play basketball this year. I just want to cry for him. Thank you Lord for directing our paths even when we don’t understand what’s going on.
Lightning Survivor Journal Entries 4-6 Dec 2018
Dec 4
10:00 tbi mtg (therapeutic recreation svc- Suzie , Bunny, Misty)
Played apples 2 apples
1:00p – recvd upsetting letter from mtg co. Joe trying to get me to make decision about going to Jackson with him. It’s stressing me out.
2:11p – my brain hurts. I’m exhausted.
2:50p – weird icy sensation inside both ears and head
6:22p- its 72 degrees inside but I’m freezing!!! Not feeling very well.
10:00p – Joe came home gave me kiss said that I feel warm and look like I don’t feel good. Told him I didn’t.
Dec 5
10:30a- not feeling well. Muscles twitching randomly thru body. Fingers throb and tingly. Legs ache.
If I turn too far to the right or left too far my sides cramp up painfully.
1:00p- Joe was sweet and stopped by store on his way home from hunting. He got sprite and ramen soup for me. He got a deer. Yeah!
7:50pm – starting to feel like I’m freezing again!!! Must have a virus or something. Not done much of anything today. Goose bumps everywhere. I’m still in my pj pants, fuzzy socks, & a sweater – still freezing.
10:23pm – painful chilling sensation in center of chest – weird bc I’ve done nothing today. Second thought the only productive thing I’ve done was print and cut letters for bulletin board.
Decided to post to blog today. Every time I work on it my eyes get blurry and I get a headache.
I have mixed emotions looking back. I’m glad I heed advise to journal my days bc I don’t remember alot of things. I’m sad because I wish I could remember without the journal. I’m thankful for the support my family has been to me.
Current medications/supplements:
Propranolol, Zyrtec, Calcium, Magnesium, Probiotic, Turmeric, Naproxen, Flexeril, Melatonin, Edarbyclor, Alpha Lipoc Acid, B Complex, MSM, B12 melt tabs.
11:33p- still awake-even after taking Melatonin. Center of chest throbbing. Headache. Body aches. Fingers hurts. Low back aches. Rt hip aches. Shoulders hurt. Trouble getting comfortable.
Dec 6
8:48a – rough night woke every couple hours. Dream of lost things…last lost thing was my keys. I just had them to open trunk of car, but when I was done they were no where to be found!
Joe woke me up at 5am because he couldn’t find his uniform pants. I wrote note and put it by coffee pot. He didn’t see it yet. Didn’t know it’d take an hour for them to dry. Ugh! So much for trying to be nice. I think he thanked me for trying to take care of him.
Woke to feeling like my skin was crawling with ants on top of head. Not a good feeling. Whole body stiff and hurts. Neck aches. Headache. Stuffy nose. Face hurts. Muscles in legs twitching.
5:00p asked family to help with decor at church. Joe helped me with taking bulletin board down. He also help me put up red foil for backdrop. Traced manger silhouette onto poster board and cut it out. Bulletin board finished just in time for church to start.
7:23p- I am hurting!! Center of chest throbbing pain with center tingling. Neck throbbing and tense. Eyes blurry. Brain foggy. Chest feeling icy. Exhausted.
10:43pm – skin itches all over almost feels like ants crawling all over me. I hurt all over
Lightning Survivor Journal Entries 1-3 Dec 2018
Dec 1
7:45am – couldn’t fall asleep until after 2am. Woke at 7am thinking I was late.
11:15am – I’m exhausted. Can’t keep my eyes open. Gonna lay down for a bit.
12:45pm fell asleep for 1.5 hours
6:00pm – made dinner (cheesy beef empanadas) my back is throbbin like a toothache now. Joe cooked the veggie. Had trouble grabbing things & ended up dropping things. Ugh!
6:45pm – nosebleed
9:30pm finally finished bulletins for tomorrow. Head hurts. Had to keep taking breaks bc my eyes felt crossing
9:51pm decided to change nail color on toes. Had trouble reaching toes to do so. Toes are freezing! Lower back still throbbing. Need to figure out stretch exercises to strength core. Tire but wide awake.
10:20pm cramping in left feett & toes ouch!
10:34pm crampung in rt butt cheek area. Tingling sensation in hands.
Dec 2
7:09am very rough night…up every hour or so. So tired. Ears ringing. Nose itches. Neck hurts. Hands tingly. Eyes crusty. In bad mood…not good today is church.
11:00am getting hugs & kisses from the kids at church brighten my day especially when one of them says, “You’re my favorite.”
2:49pm musclez twitching in buttocks area. Toes freezing
3:35pm decided to make majority of Christmas gifts this year. Neighbor gave me a large bag of materials. Started with making coasters. I have ring marks on my table. Like having ice in my cold drinks. To combat I’m making coasters. Decided to make them into presents for Christmas. Have made 4 sets so far. Figured out how to recover potholders. Now making my Mom matching potholders
Dec 3
12:55am still awake. I’m tired of journaling my symptoms but I know I need to. Headache. Rt hip hurts. Periodic muscles twitching throughout body. Need some sleep. Low back hurting.
2:30am woke in a sweat. Had bad dream. Head hurts.
8:00am woke every couple hours. Bad dreams. Low back throbbing. Hands ache and tingly. Eyes blurry. Neck throbbing.
10:00 went to try to see white pelicans at langan park. It was a chore but worth every step. Upper back stinging needle pain. Rt hip hurts. Low back aches. Legs feel heavy. Slight headache.
11:35pm feet went numb. Low back throbbing. head hurts. Fingers hurt. Legs ache.