Two Journeys: One Heart Memoirs from April 17-18, 2022
LS Memoirs – 22-23 March 2021
March 22
Bible Reading: Judges 10-12;
Rough night. Woke several times. Woke to arms and hands numb. Forgot to set alarm. Center of chest aches. Skin sensitive. Back stings. I’ve learned to tolerate the daily pain to a degree, but the stinging pain is not tolerable.
Stinging pain is now thru whole body. Taking tramadol to see if that’ll help.
Juicing: 3 handfuls of spinach, 1/4 lemon, 1 apple. It’s delicious!
Trying to clean ice build up out of deep freezer. Finger tips frozen and stinging. Had to ask Dezirae to help. Ouch! Sitting on hands to warm them up.
Center chest stabbing pains! Had Dezirae press on my back. She barely touched it and it popped several times. Oh, boy! Definitely time for visit to Chiropractor.
Extreme sharp pains in center of chest & lft torso!!! As if the stinging needle pain wasn’t enough. Ugh! Headache. Hands swollen and throbbing. Ankles swollen. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling to toes. Eyes are heavy. Calves throbbing. Exhausted. Rt hip throbbing.
Took pm meds, 1/2 Benadryl, Aleve, & applying heating pad to chest.
Things make you feel terrible:
- Extreme sharp stabbing pain in chest & left torso.
- Did too much between yesterday pulling dead leaves and today cleaning out freezer.
- Also, bad weather coming.
Anything else that is worth noting today?
Stinging needle pain thru body not helping either.
March 23
5:00 having trouble waking. Head pounding. Sinuses congested. Arms & hands numbish and tingling. Center chest aches.
Bible Reading: Judges 13-15; James 1:12
Juicing: 3 handfuls of spinach, 1/4 lemon, & 1 apple
Exhausted. Head pounding. Lights bothersome. Took Excedrin Migraine and laying down to see if I can get headache to ease. Listening to wholetones music – Open Door & The Majestic.
Started to rain on way to pick Jordon up. Forecast is severe thunderstorm next couple days. Decided for Rae & I to get our haircut today. Don’t want to be out in it tomorrow if possible.
On way to pick up Joe, semi truck scared me because he was going so fast on the on ramp to interstate. I slowed down to avoid being hit only to have a rock thrown at my windshield. I hollered bc I wanted to duck and cover but knew I couldn’t. Rae giggled saying Mom yelling isn’t going to help. To which I replied, it’s helping me. With spurts of moderately heavy rain, I was almost hit a couple times by other drivers. This put my defenses and nerves on edge increasing my pain. Then all of sudden had to slam on breaks praying I wouldn’t slide bc of accident causing back up. Tried to get Rae to have google tell us an alternate route but google being stubborn. I prayed asking God for protection and guidance. One google finally gave alternate route, I almost got hit by semi trying to pull off exit. By time we reached Joe my legs were throbbing and felt like jello so I scooted over instead of walking around car.
900 heading to bed. Pain increases and I’m feeling grumpy. Head pounding.
Is it possible to weather related migraines? Nose starting to be slightly bloody. Not a good sign.
Forgot to take morning meds and to prep them for week. Indigestion starting to show ugly head. Ugh.
Took night meds plus xtra C, pain rx,& migraine rx pill. Drinking stress relief tea.
Symptoms: pounding headache, nerves stringing, center of chest & left torso throbbing, feet tingling, sinus congested, rt ear hurts, feet cold -put socks on
Lightning Strikes – November 7-8, 2020
Nov 7
630 woke in extreme pain all over. Hands and arms sharp tingling pain. Back has sharp knife stabbing pains all over. Low back throbbing. Legs throbbing. Feet sting. When I stand feels like standing on broken glass. I just want to cry out in pain, but I know that won’t ease it. Headache.
Woke from nightmare.
740 sneezing causes stinging needle pain thru body
1020 feel like I’m about to pass out.
1030 told Joe how I was feeling. Told me to go lay down and he would pick up lunch.
630 my back is screaming pain. My tummy sorely hurts in muscle region. I’m getting grumpy. Going to lay down a piece.
1049 body screaming pain has eased slightly but still bothersome.
Headache. Eyes watery. Face itchy. Shoulders ache. Arms & hands stinging burning pain. Lower back throbbing. Thirsty. Ears itch inside. Legs ache. Feet tingle. Very tired but awake.
Had much trouble with verbage today. About half my conversations or more I had to repeat or reword what I was trying to say. Frustrating.
Nov 8
630 woke to arms & hands stinging & tingling. whole body aches. Hurts to move. Joe rubbed my back for a bit and massaged my feet. Massage on feet hurt but it helped to not hurt as much standing. Lost balance and started to fall. Joe caught me.
800am had to get Dezirae to help finish curling my hair. My arms fatigued out and started cramping.
1000 feeling bit dizzy.
1120 lower back chilling stinging burning pain – started at sides and moved to center of back.
1205 lft eye burning.
140 pulsating puffing windy feeling in left ear for 30 seconds. Felt weird. Craving stuffing.
330 had to run to store for few church items needed. Decided to take few goodie bags to give out. Everyone we gave them too said thank you.
620p lower back chilling stinging burning pain – started at sides and moved to center of back again. Very weird.
1000 skin hypersensitive. Hair keeps falling out of sloppy bun. It feels like sharp tacks scratching my skin. Hurts. Exhausted. Need sleep.
Nov 9
500 woke from strange dream to all my extremities in burning stinging pain.
630 washed load of clothes. Headache. Need to rest.
650 calves throbbing burning. Stinging needle pain in back
425 had to lay flat for couple hours bc entire back was stinging chilling burning pain and whole body throbbing. Couldn’t sleep but laying flat and resting helped.
430 realized that the info I had about new dentist & the text message to confirm was conflicting informatiom. Tried for 30 minutes calling dentist office to get info straight but couldn’t get an answer. Left msg. About to have panic attack bc I didn’t know where to take them in am.
500 Joe home. Explained situation. He helped me talk it out to calm me down. He recognized that voice mail had after hours number I could text. Took little bit but they replied with correct address which helped ease me.
It took me several months to get this appointment. I didn’t want to mess it up.
1030 stinging pain is back fiercely in back and in legs , hands, & feet. Exhausted. Face itches. Headache.
Took night meds & pain rx.
Tasks completed today: washed three loads clothes (two I had to hand wring bc washer only spins them out tempramentally. It causes much main though). Ran some errands for LM. Ordered checks. Balanced checkbook. Picked out activity for Ladies Mtg. Printed invitations for next month’s mtg.