Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 17-18 May 2021
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 15-16 May 2021
May 15
600 – woke to muscles spasming in torso mostly on lft side. Whole body stiff and achy. Eyes watery. Sinuses congested. Tired.
Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 18-20, Ecclesiastes 11:5, Psalm 81:16
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There’s just something about that name
Master, Savior, Jesus
Like the fragrance after the rain
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Let all Heaven and earth proclaim
Kings and kingdoms will all pass away
But there’s something about that name
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There’s just something about that name
Master, Savior, Jesus
Like the fragrance after the rain
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Let all Heaven and earth proclaim
Kings and kingdoms will all pass away
But there’s something about that name
230 came home exhausted from teen Car Wash. Everyone pitched in and helped and had fun too. Raised almost enough for three campers. Praise the Lord.
Couldn’t push myself anymore. Had to lay down to nap. Felt myself passing out. Fell asleep until 5pm
Think I found a meal planning system that’s working for me. Thankful I already had an easy dinner planned. Tuna casserole with butter beans.
Finished bulletins about 10:30p. Took shower. Arms fatigued out while washing my hair.
Lord, I need wisdom on what type Dr. treatment to seek out next.
May 16
630a took while to fall asleep. Strange dream. Whole body stiff and achy. Hot but clammy feeling. Arms numbish. Rt hip throbbing. Sinuses congested. Fingers tingling.
Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 21-24, Psalm 89:24-37
Brain feels weird. Vision off. Peripheral vision off. Brain hurts. Headache.
I asked Joe a question (rationality of addictions). It didn’t come out right and made him extremely mad. Guess I’ll keep my distance til he calms down.
Later apologized for upsetting him it wasn’t my intention. I just don’t understand. Still don’t.
Purposely drank a soda for lunch to see if off feeling will improve. It didn’t. Not my sugar.
Search internet for possible answers…blood sugar…stroke
Go to CVS to use bp machine. Not allowed to use it. Tell pharm tech that I need to check bp to see if I need to go to hospital. He offers no help. Go to car to search other pharmacy in area that’s open. Called Walgreens. Talk with pharmacist. She gladly offers to take bp for me.
Allows me to sit 5 minutes to get accurate reading. Bp is 122/86. Pharmacist suggests I call my Dr to let them know what’s going on.
I ask question on support group if others have same issues. Several say they do.
654 sharp stabbing pain in rt temple for a minute. Hands stinging.
1050 exhausted. Sinuses congested. Headache. Brain still hurts and body off. Nerves sting thru body. Skin itchy. Neck hurts. Ears popping. Rt ear hurts. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling. Rt temple throbbing. Low back aches. Rt hip aches. Toes tingling. Lights bothersome. Muscles randomly spasming thru body
Lightning Strike Journal Entries – 9-10 May 2021
May 9, 2021
5:30a it’s too early to wake up. Pictures in brain going 100 mph. My whole body stinging throbbing pain.
Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 25-27
Song – It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord
It hurts to move. I feel like I’ve been beaten horribly. I would stay in bed all day if it were up to me. Bad headache.
6am Joe gave me bouquet flowers & card, Jordon gave me an encased glass light up rose, dk chocolates, & card, Dezirae gave me plaque, dk chocolate covered almonds, bracelet, & card. Sweet.
640 took pain rx to take edge off. Laying back down til 7am to see if it’ll help.
7:20 headache eased. Pain still much.
900 head is swimming. Eyes hurt. Lights bothersome. Whole body aches from top of head to tippee toes.
3:30pm decided to try to trim up the azalea bush out by road. Got maybe 1/3 done and noticed bunch of dogs wandering across property. Bull dog noticed me and started to run towards me growling. I screamed bloody murder!!! Dog stopped in his tracks. Decided to pick up my cane laying near me so I’d have some defense. As I did he began running towards me growling again. I screamed bloody murder again causing him to stop. When I stopped for a breath he came towards me. I chose to scream until someone came out. Joe came running. I told him what was up. Joe got between me and the dog. The movement startled the dog causing him to lose his focus off me.
When Joe reached me, I told him I was done for today. I don’t want to get attacked by no dog. Besides my back is killing me.
Once back inside and things put away, I sat for few moments to rest and remembered that I was supposed to be working on the banners for homecoming. It didn’t take long. Makes me want a circuit so I can do the vinyl myself.
1000p it’s been a full day. Services were great today. I was even able to sing with a few of the songs though not very long. It’s challenging enough to play piano with nystagmus (it severely hinders the eye hand coordination) let alone try to sing at same time. I’m always glad when I can sing.
May 10, 2021
520a tummy tore up. Up and down several times since about 2:30a. Woken by thunderstorm around 4:30. Strange dream.
Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 28-2 Chronicles 1
Whole body hurts. Sinuses congested. Tummy tore up. Exhausted.
2pm went shopping at thrift stores.
Had to put earplugs in while at 1st thrift store bc the music was too loud and hurting my nerves and ears.
500p while in grocery store my costochondritis started flaring up. Hurt so bad I had to grab my chest and hunch over cart for a bit. All I could do was moan for the pain. Dezirae, Tara, & Holly helped with the shopping to get it done quicker. Tara was hurting too. Pain was a 9.75!! I just wanted to sit on floor and cry. I’ve overdone too much.
600p glad dinner was in crockpot – potato corn chowder. Sat to rest for quite a while.
1030 going to bed in much pain. Using heating pad & took Naproxen. Every inch of me throbbing pain. Hope GABA kicks in quick so I can fall asleep.
Headache. Sinuses congested immediately after eating dinner. Stinging pain thru body. Gassy. Tummy feels bloated. Scalp itches. Skin itchy most of day. Hands swollen and throbbing. Arms ache deeply. Severe pain in chest area. Back stinging. Stinging pain in lower and middle back. Legs throbbing. Lower left leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Feet hurt & chilly. Tingling in feet. Vision blurring. I want to scream!
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 7-8 May 2021
May 7
700 woke in much pain – stinging needle pain thru body. Moderate headache. Neck hurts. Shoulders ache. Low back throbbing. Tired. Legs ache. Sinuses congested. Feet hurt.
Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 18-21, Psalm 18:46
Song on mind: Bless the Lord Oh my soul…
Psalm 18:3 & 46
Have lots to do today…prepare graduation invitations to mail out, homecoming invitations, newsletter, bulletin, guy coming to fix the a/c, termite inspector coming, care pkg for Jakob, etc. It’s a bit overwhelming to say the least, but I’ll do what I can as I can.
Brain fried and vision blurring by noon, but not stop to eat lunch until about 1:30. Headache. Not hungry just eating for sustenance.
Went on walk with sister around 11am. Made it about 1/2 mile which is little farther than last time.
Dezirae helped label and stamp invitation envelopes. Trouble staying focused on one task.
1100m going to bed. Headache. Brain hurts. Neck hurts. Shoulders & chest ache. Hands swollen and throbbing. Back stings. Low back throbbing intensely. Rt hip hurts. Legs burn and throb. Stinging burning pain from calves to feet. Feet ice cold & tingling. Exhausted. Muscles randomly spasming in legs
May 8
600 woke thinking I overslept. Woke several times in the night. One time I sat up too fast I suppose and got dizzy. Had to hold on to furniture to get to the bathroom without falling.
Enjoyed chatting about this & that with Joe for little while.
Bible Reading: Psalm 37:3, 1 Chronicles 22-24
Song: Psalm 18:3 & 46
Arms and hands ache like I did rigorous workout. Only thing I did yday was cut gift tags and postcard invites with paper cutter. Ugh! Sinuses congested. Took nasal spray and Tylenol sinus. Morning meds taken.
730 Mother/Daughter outing today. I’m not feeling up to it but will push myself so others can have a good time.
330 exhausted when we got home.
450 Joe said he’d cook dinner. Went to room to use restroom. Bed inviting so I laid down to rest head a moment ended up falling asleep. Next thing I know Joe’s waking me letting me know it’s time for dinner.
630 time to clean up from dinner. Wish we had a dishwasher. Can only stand for maybe 5 minutes at sink before back is hurting so bad that I can not stand back pain anymore. Need to sit & rest before I can do more.
Feel like I could crash again…so exhausted.
930 took me three attempts to get dishes washed. Dezirae dry and put away.
Girls helped with assembling mother’s day gifts.
Headache moderate. Hands and arms ache. Sinuses congested. Chest hurts. Back throbbing like toothache. Skin itchy. Legs ache. Feet cold and tingling. Exhausted. Going to bed.
Night meds taken plus Gaba, PEA, & 1 tsp Colloidal Silver in 8oz water. Also swished a tsp Colloidal Silver in mouth for a minute and spit out.
Colloidal Silver benefits:
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 4-6 May 2021
May 4
Broken sleep. Woke at 3 to use restroom
5am, 7:15a, 7:35a
Still feeling weird and stinging needle burning throbbing pain increases. Eyes hurt. Headache. Sciatica pain eased some. Going back to bed. Ears hear sound of ocean like I’m holding conch shell up to them but I’m not. Sinuses congested. Sneezing.
Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 9-11, Psalm 30
Weather aware day… thunderstorming pretty bad. Under flash flood advisory.
Took night meds plus PEA & Gaba. Helps relax and keep migrai at bay.
May 5
600a woken by thunderstorm. Nerves are screaming thru body. Woke from pleasant dream with song on mind (The Way of the Cross Leads Home).
720 had to wake Dezirae to go babysitting with Grandma. She overslept.
Sat in recliner looking up curriculum possibilities for Dezirae in fall.
Nerves stinging greatly thru pbody. Rt hip throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Cotton mouth. Skin sensitive to touch. Lower abdomen aches thru to back. Low back throbbing. Headache. Feet & legs ache.
Put load of clothes in wash.
Bible Reading: Psalm 32:8-10, 1 Chronicles 12-14
Worked on planning meals for week, chat with my sister, printed cards for Mother’s day.& Laminated them, washed few dishes, meandered through house doing odd chores picking up here and there (I know I did it but I couldn’t tell you what they were).
Had house to myself until around 3pm. It was nice and quiet – except I had radio on most of day.
Joe rubbing me wrong way today. Nothing he’s doing wrong in particular. I dislike when I get in this mood. Ugh! Lord, please help me think lovely thoughts.
Psalms 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
A/C is freezing up. Had to turn it off. I’m hot so it’s going to take a bit to fall asleep.
1030 don’t know where I put my charger for my tablet, but found different way to charge keyboard 4 tablet. I hurt all over. Center of chest hurts. Headache not so bad. Extremely tired. Stinging needles feeling randomly thru body. Periodic muscles spasming thru body. Low back throbbing. Arms tingly.
May 6
Didn’t sleep very well at all. I hurt all over. Headache mild. Feet feel like I’m stepping on broken glass. Stinging pain thru body. Lower abdomen hurts.
Song on mind: “In Christ I Am Forgiven”.
Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 15-17, Psalm 34:8, Proverbs 23:15-21
Sinuses congested. Tongue more covered in lesions.
Can’t find my flash drives. It’s hindering me know getting things done. Ugh. Frustrating. Later discovered that I mistakenly put them in SS teaching bag.
Tired. Hurting all over.
Lightning Strike Journal Entries: 20-22 April 2021
April 20
Woke from strange dreams to whole body hurting. Feels like I was beat up. Hurts to move.
Bible Reading: John 14:16-18, 1 Kings 21-22,
700a text received stating it was my turn at tag office. I’m not there yet. Ugh!
730a lady being nit picky about bill of sale and title. Affidavit for both.
Thankfully able to get in contact with buyer and get them signed. Tag acquired.
2:30 finally home. Need nap.
Sleep for 30 minutes then Dezirae needing help with math. I’m tired of Geometry. It’s like Greek to me with only few rays of light here and there.
600 bday party for Tara. Family helps pick up prior. Glad Mom’s making the lasagna. I have very little energy left in me.
930p I’m exhausted and hurting all over. Going to bed. Praying I feel better in morning.
April 21
340 woke abruptly to severe stinging pain throughout body. Looked at clock and thought it was 6:40 forgetting that the power was out for while y’day. Scared Joe awake. He wasn’t to thrilled when he learned time was 3:40.
Trying to fall asleep, but pain is too loud.
Bible Reading 2 Kings 1-2,
April 22
4:30a I’m not ready to get up. It’s too early.
Woke feeling like I broke a fever. Whole body hurts. Stinging pain in legs and feet.
Bible Reading: 2 Kings 4-5
756 took me a while to figure out how to sign up for roadside assistance on my phone. Tried to apply a discount code but it doubled the price. Ugh! Had to keep starting over. Took me almost an hour. Head pounding by time I was done.
Tried to close my eyes to rest brain, bit the flashing through the passing trees is making it worse. Closing eyes makes it worse. Nose starts bleeding and I forgot to pack my natural supplements to help. Ugh
Trouble with lower back cramping about half way through trip to see Jakob. Tired but trouble falling asleep. Very jumpy. Joe keeps telling me to hush. Brain starting to feel like it’s out to sea – not good. Stinging pain thru body. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with some numbness to foot.
Lost balance and fell backwards into car.
Lightning Strikes Memoirs – 16-17 April 2021
April 16
600 slept decent. Woke to lft arm numb and tingly. Whole body stiff and hurting. Vision a bit blurry. Headache. Sinuses congested.
Bible Reading: 1 Kings 10-11; Psalm 119:13-16;
800a chiro appt. Acupuncture – (9 needles ) move the wind? {2 ankles, 2 in back, 2 in hands near thumbs, 1 in back of head top of neck, & 2 on top of shoulders near base of neck}
Adjustments: neck, upper back, lower back, hips, legs
April 17
Slept til 3 then up and down rest of night. Strange dream (same kind of different except I was the one that was different). Woke to whole body stiff and achy. Hurts to move.
Bible Reading 1 Kings 12-14, Psalm 49:1-15
Getting ready for church tomorrow. We’re having a missionary family and we’re feeding them lunch at church. Chicken & Dumplings, salad, veggie, brownies, etc. The family all jumped in to help bc it’d be too much on me physically. Decided to open up lunch to church family and they’re bringing sides as well. I’m thankful for a loving, church family as well.
957 finally in bed. I hurt something awful. Pain is an 8 or so. Headache.
Severe thunderstorm throughout day.
When it cleared a bit we ran to church to get the roaster pan & chicken. On way home, we saw several streaks of lightning. Each one causing my body to tense making me hurt more. I tried to occupy my mind to no avail. Glad to get home.
Night meds taken plus PEA & Tylenol. No migraine today. PtL.
I’m plum wore out, nasty taste in mouth for couple days.
Gouged the skin off knuckle on left thumb putting the dumplings in the fridge. Ouch!
Trouble finding the bandaids I know I bought, but found the windshield repair kit I forgot where I put it. Lol.
Praying for sweet rest and no reciprocal pain in morning.
Lightning Strikes Memoirs – 4-6 April 2021
April 4
430a whole body stiff and achy. Headache. Eyes watery. Lights bothersome.
438a bloody nose
Bible Reading: Psalm 55:6-10; 1 Samuel 28-31;
800a morning meds & 1/2 dropper of cbd oil. Morning meds currently consist of 1/2 Edarbyclor 40/20mg tab, Propranolol 20mg, Dexilant 60mg, vitamin C 1k mg, b12, b3, fish oil
830 I think everything is ready for today. Praying for visitors.
I’m ready for a nap. Low back throbbing. Rt hand ad wrist swollen and throbbing.
348 I flat exhausted and can’t go anymore. Taking a nap. Tummy bloated. Sinuses congested. Post nasal drip. Slight bloody nose. Lft nostril partially blocked. Stinging thru whole body.
600p Joe woke me so I’d sleep tonight. Whole body stinging and I’m still tired.
1000p stinging thru whole body with increased stinging and tingling in toes, feet, & ankles. Sinuses congested. Tired but awake.
Fell into closet. Mostly a soft landing though side hit plastic drawer thing. Had to have help to get up.
April 5
500 woke to both hands and arms numb and tingly.
Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 1-3; Psalm 119:93-96
242 Muscles in legs spasming/twitching randomly…more so in left thigh area. Hands sting and throb. Toes tingling. Headache.
412p rt toes on fire. Someone spilt bleach on floor in laundry room and I stepped in it. Rinsed feet with cold water. Ugh! Dezirae graciously offered to clean it up
1036 exhausted and hurting all over but wide awake. Muscles randomly spasming thru body. Bad headache. Toes tingly and cold. Lower left leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling. Low back throbbing. Neck hurts.
It’s been weird, stressful day. Trying to figure out how to get Jakob home for funeral on Wednesday. Flights cost $600. Rental car $400 plus gas. Ugh. Guy we bought car from had to apply for lost tag which will take two weeks.
Bouts of grieving over loss of loved one. Washed three loads clothes. Folded 2 loads from days earlier. 2 loads today not folded yet.
Whole body throbbing and stinging. Sinuses congested bc I was craving milk and drank whole milk. Tongue is looking better. Forgot to take morning meds. Took night meds plus Excedrin Migraine.
Positive Praise:
- Photographer is going to allow us to get family photo with Jordon’s Senior photos at no extra charge.
- Going to get to see Jakob for couple days this week.
- We have good report established with the family.
- Even though our family is grieving we are working through it together in our own ways.
April 6
330a woke to burning fire throbbing pain in legs just below knees to feet. Bad headache with stabbing pain at my 4 oclock back side of head almost like I’m being shocked!!
Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 4-7; Psalm 72;
612 bloody nose. I’m beginning to think they are associated with my migraines.
330 sat to rest a while bc back is throbbing. The longer I sit the more I hurt and the more I feel the exhaustion setting in. Need to lay down before I faint.
430 woken to a phone call. Feels like I could sleep longer. Legs below knees still stinging burning throbbing.
938 going to bed. Exhausted and hurting from head to toes. Headache. Sinuses congested and sinus pressure in face. Eyes hurt and sensitive to lights. Neck aches. Back aches. Tummy hurts. Lft arm stinging pain. Hands swollen and achy. Legs throbbing stinging burning. Feet tingling. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Tired. Skin sensitive to touch. Rt hip aches.
Long day ahead tomorrow and I need my beauty rest. Attending funeral.
947p extreme sharp stabbing pain in rt center of chest.
LS Memoirs – 30-31 March 2021
March 30
450 woke to both arms & hands numb and tingly, headache with sharp stabbing pains, nose stuffy
Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 13-14; Psalm 74:19; Isaiah 53:1-4
Juicing: 2 oranges, 1 apple, 1/4 lemon, 1/4 tsp ginger, 1/4 tsp turmeric
Thunderstorm this afternoon.
Got caught in the rain going to post office. Ugh. Not able to visit Lawana bc of rain. Must make point tomorrow to visit. Long talk with Gaynor and Dale. I think it went well. Joe not sure about my helping her. It’s all kind of strange.
Jordon lost keys at work today. We searched car and cleaned it out. Took him back to store. 5 managers helping him search. I was impressed. Didn’t find. Praying for God’s help. Severely hours later he got call that they finally found them. Thank You, Lord.
Felt well enough to walk neighborhood to Sassy (a horse) and back. It’s .40 miles round trip. According to google, it’s a 6 minute walk. It takes me much longer to walk it than google suggests, but at least I’m making an effort. Keep moving forward.
Symptoms: Nerves are stinging. Low back throbbing. Rt hip hurts. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Feet burning throbbing and icy frozen feeling. Toes tingling. Hands throbbing and achy. Can’t seem to get comfortable. Feet cold. Headache mildly moderate. Joe’s arm across my low back feels like lead balloon.
March 31
500 woke at 1am with extreme tummy pain. Had to use restroom. Took me a while to get somewhat comfortable enough to fall back to sleep.
Whole body screams with pain. Sinuses congested. Legs and feet screaming stinging. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Hands swollen and throbbing. Eyes watery.
Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 15-17; Isaiah 53:5
649 muscles in legs are rapidly and randomly spasming/twitching all over. It hurts. Headache increases from 3 to 5. Eyes hurt.
Need to research info for migraine relief.
I’m taking rx preventative, and have emergency relief and still getting them regularly.
Naturopathic Doctor suggested Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) supplement.
He gave links for reading up on…
He suggests people take 2 pills twice daily. It can take about 3-4 weeks for it to work.
1000a extreme sharp pain in center of chest, muscles spasms in torso lft side and cramping on right side. Tried to bend over to touch toes to get chest to pop but almost fell over due to getting dizzy. Had Rae step on my back which popped quickly without much effort. Serious sharp pain eased, but still hurting. Laid on floor for a bit.
1100a A/C making funny sound and then quit working. We tried several things to no avail. Had to ride with windows partially down. It irritates me to have hair blowing in face while driving. Temp to go up to 84• today. At least it’s not raining right now. It’s suppose to thunderstorm this afternoon. Rae & I ask God to hold it off while I’m driving until after we pick up Dad.
200p had fun passing out goodie bags with church tracts. Each one we passed out put smiles on people’s faces. One girl got so excited she was telling all her coworkers! She even told Jordon. Jordon told her he knew who gave it to her and let her know it was his Mom. She then comes trotting to our car and replied I had no clue you were Jordon’s mom and thanked me again for her Easter gift. I love putting smiles on people’s faces even when I’m in pain.
400p on way to pick up Joe, my lft ankle nerves start going into hyperdrive or something. My ankle and foot feel like they’re covered in mad fire ants – burning, stinging, itching!!!
Joe sweet enough to make dinner tonight. He knows I’m in great pain.
Pain level at an 8. Surprisingly my headache is only minor at the moment. Everywhere else stings and burning greatly. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing. Hands swollen and hurting. Legs ache. Feet tingling and burning. Toes feel like skin was ripped off suddenly. I just want to cry. Sneezing. Skin itches. Joe’s arm feels like a lead balloon. Tired but having difficulty falling asleep.
Benadryl taken. 1/2 dropper cbd oil taken. Pain rx taken. Night meds taken.