‘Tis the season for hunting in this household. My husband and children love to hunt. Processing the meat afterwards is a whole different story for another time, but we sure do enjoy the meat it provides.
There are so many different products out there that claim to be the best regarding masking your human scent to hide from the animal one might be hunting. They are just so expensive! Living frugally doesn’t afford us the money to buy all those products and some of them that my husband bought to try out did not even work! Below is a recipe I complied that I make for my family members that hunt.
Homemade Scent Killer
- 2 cups Peroxide
- 2 cups Water (purified is best)
- ¼ cup baking soda
- 2 oz non-scented soap
Mi x ingredients in gallon jug (glass is best). Let sit for several days. Pour into spray bottle and use as needed. *Also, good for removing blood from hands after field dressing your critter.