LS Journal Entries: 25-27 April 2021
April 25
I so hurt all over. It hurts to move. It lacks my motivation to move at all. Rt side of tongue feels swollen making swallowing difficult and painful.
Bible Reading: 2 Kings 12-14,
200p kids surprised me with Iris’s, card, & “hope” ornament for Mother’s day early. Ate at Mod Pizza after trying two other restaurants who had a problem sitting 8 people.
300 taking nap for an hour.
400 Joe wow me to get ready for church. I’m hurting horrible and exhausted.
Joe said I could stay back to rest for trip back home tomorrow.
Worked on devotional for a bit then laid down. Fell back to sleep and woke when they got back.
April 26
600a alarm sings. My body hurts and I don’t want to move. Snoozed alarm.
Bible Reading: 2 Kings 15-17
500 did fairly well with my anxiety while traveling until Jordon took over. Accelerating to quickly for my liking and having to apply the break often due to heavy traffic caused my anxiety to rise and yelling to ensue. Joe ended up telling me to be quite. I tried hard but it still came out some. Joe did coach Jordon with his driving.
530p made it home safe from KY. Every inch of me is stinging throbbing
April 27
In great deep pain to bones from head to toes raging! It hurts to move. Oh, if I could only snuggle in His everlasting arms of grace to soothe the pain while I cry a while.
Thankful that I can lay my anxieties and cares at His feet and leave them there.
Bible Reading: 2 Kings 18-19, Psalm 55:22,
Pain eased a little as I forced myself to get up and moving a little. Washed couple loads. Hung one load on line.
Juicing: Spinach, apple, mango smoothie. It was disgusting. Forced myself to drink most of it. Cooked two scrambled eggs to get rid of yucky after taste.
Few chores at home: auto ins change, submit proof of income for Jakob’s loan. Gave me a bad headache. Had to rest my brain a bit.
Joe informed me of funeral to attend Friday. Now have to reschedule Jordon’s Senior photos again. Plus it’s suppose to rain all day Friday. Ugh .
Got excited when I saw how many blooms the rose bushes had. It’s taken 5 1/2 yrs to get pink roses to bloom that much.
930 horrible indigestion. Took 2 ginger capsules. Had indigestion after lunch too. Need to call pharmacy to check on rx.
Hurt from head to toe. Exhausted. Indigestion making it difficult to lie down. Sucking on ginger chew. Eyes watery. Sinuses acting up as if allergic to something I came in contact with or I ate. Low back throbbing. Rt hip hurts. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Stinging burning pain all thru legs and feet. Parts of skin itchy. Slight headache. Toes chilly and tingling. Hands swollen and throbbing. Neck hurts. Tummy hurts and feels bloated. Balance bit off today. Peripheral vision off a little too.
Thankful for…
- Roses blooming bountifully
- A loving family
- Jakob able to get a dependable car
Lightning Strike Journal Entries: 23-24 April 2021
April 23
700 broken sleep all night. Stinging pain thru body is great. Headache very slight. Eyes blurry and feel like they’re filled with mucus.
Sinuses congested. Hands and arms stinging throbbing and swollen. Legs throbbing stinging. Feet sting the most. Low back throbbing. Neck hurts with chilling sensation down spine.
Bible Reading: 2 Kings 6-8; Romans 14:11, John 3:14-17
Went to college to see Jakob. Given tour of college. Chapel with Jakob. Guys got pretty loud so I had to put my ear plugs in to muffle sound in order to not get a migraine.
Ate lunch with Jakob at the college.
Dropped sister & kids off at hotel. Taking Jakob to get a car. I forgot how long the process takes. I’m so exhausted and hurting all over. Almost came close to starting all over – payments higher than they expected bc they forgot about interest rate. Jakob proud owner of 2013 Chevy Equinox.
Dinner at Cheddar’s restaurant. While waiting to get called in, stepped one step backwards not realizing there was dip in sidewalk lost balance and almost fell. Thankfully Joe caught me. Made rt hip hurt exponentially. Had to sit.
Took seemingly forever to get our food and I’m draining quickly. Let everyone know that I wasn’t mad at anyone I’m just hurting and pushed to max on my goings. Need to go back to hotel room and crash.
Slight headache. Neck hurts. Whole body aches. Legs & feet sting. Rt hip throbbing. Lft hip aches. Sinuses congested. Hands swollen and throbbing. Feet freezing. Exhausted. Starting to slur words and stutter. Difficulty thinking straight. Low back throbbing. Severe pain in lower rt abdomen. Stinging pain from low back to feet.
Thankful for precious time with family. Jakob got a dependable car. Joe & I are having fun picking on each other and he still treats me like a queen.
April 24
700 slept fairly good. Dreams but don’t recall details. Whole body aches deeply and fiercely. Sinuses congested. Tummy hurts.
Bible Reading 2 Kings 9-11, Psalm 60:20
Going to the Ark Encounter today with Uncle Dale and Aunt Annabelle.
7:42 back in hotel room. I’m exhausted, face is hot, whole body hurting, low back throbbing, feet are freezing. Laying down to rest a bit.
1130 crashed for about hour or so. Woke in time to get ready for bed.
I’m exhausted and hurting from head to toes. Feet freezing. Stinging burning pain throughout body. Lower back and hips intensely throbbing. Sharp pain in lower rt abdomen. Sinuses congested slightly. Headache, but not a migraine.
Thankful for the blessed day and amazing adventure.
Enjoyed spending the day at the Ark Encounter. I was awestruck to see the life-sized replication of Noah’s Ark.
It was encouraging and thought-provoking to see and hear not only of the amount of Noah’s faith, but also of all the people involved in the coming together of this exhibit.
I even enjoyed challenging a random teenager to a race while I was in the electric scooter (I won ). We all had a great laugh.
I’m exhausted and hurting, but thankful for this wonderful opportunity!
Lightning Strike Journal Entries: 20-22 April 2021
April 20
Woke from strange dreams to whole body hurting. Feels like I was beat up. Hurts to move.
Bible Reading: John 14:16-18, 1 Kings 21-22,
700a text received stating it was my turn at tag office. I’m not there yet. Ugh!
730a lady being nit picky about bill of sale and title. Affidavit for both.
Thankfully able to get in contact with buyer and get them signed. Tag acquired.
2:30 finally home. Need nap.
Sleep for 30 minutes then Dezirae needing help with math. I’m tired of Geometry. It’s like Greek to me with only few rays of light here and there.
600 bday party for Tara. Family helps pick up prior. Glad Mom’s making the lasagna. I have very little energy left in me.
930p I’m exhausted and hurting all over. Going to bed. Praying I feel better in morning.
April 21
340 woke abruptly to severe stinging pain throughout body. Looked at clock and thought it was 6:40 forgetting that the power was out for while y’day. Scared Joe awake. He wasn’t to thrilled when he learned time was 3:40.
Trying to fall asleep, but pain is too loud.
Bible Reading 2 Kings 1-2,
April 22
4:30a I’m not ready to get up. It’s too early.
Woke feeling like I broke a fever. Whole body hurts. Stinging pain in legs and feet.
Bible Reading: 2 Kings 4-5
756 took me a while to figure out how to sign up for roadside assistance on my phone. Tried to apply a discount code but it doubled the price. Ugh! Had to keep starting over. Took me almost an hour. Head pounding by time I was done.
Tried to close my eyes to rest brain, bit the flashing through the passing trees is making it worse. Closing eyes makes it worse. Nose starts bleeding and I forgot to pack my natural supplements to help. Ugh
Trouble with lower back cramping about half way through trip to see Jakob. Tired but trouble falling asleep. Very jumpy. Joe keeps telling me to hush. Brain starting to feel like it’s out to sea – not good. Stinging pain thru body. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with some numbness to foot.
Lost balance and fell backwards into car.