LS Journal Entries: 25-27 April 2021

April 25

I so hurt all over. It hurts to move. It lacks my motivation to move at all. Rt side of tongue feels swollen making swallowing difficult and painful.

Bible Reading: 2 Kings 12-14,

200p kids surprised me with Iris’s, card, & “hope” ornament for Mother’s day early. Ate at Mod Pizza after trying two other restaurants who had a problem sitting 8 people.

300 taking nap for an hour.

400 Joe wow me to get ready for church. I’m hurting horrible and exhausted.

Joe said I could stay back to rest for trip back home tomorrow.

Worked on devotional for a bit then laid down. Fell back to sleep and woke when they got back.

April 26

600a alarm sings. My body hurts and I don’t want to move. Snoozed alarm.

Bible Reading: 2 Kings 15-17

500 did fairly well with my anxiety while traveling until Jordon took over. Accelerating to quickly for my liking and having to apply the break often due to heavy traffic caused my anxiety to rise and yelling to ensue. Joe ended up telling me to be quite. I tried hard but it still came out some. Joe did coach Jordon with his driving.

530p made it home safe from KY. Every inch of me is stinging throbbing

April 27

In great deep pain to bones from head to toes raging! It hurts to move. Oh, if I could only snuggle in His everlasting arms of grace to soothe the pain while I cry a while.

Thankful that I can lay my anxieties and cares at His feet and leave them there.

Bible Reading: 2 Kings 18-19, Psalm 55:22,

Pain eased a little as I forced myself to get up and moving a little. Washed couple loads. Hung one load on line.

Juicing: Spinach, apple, mango smoothie. It was disgusting.  Forced myself to drink most of it. Cooked two scrambled eggs to get rid of yucky after taste.

Few chores at home: auto ins change, submit proof of income for Jakob’s loan. Gave me a bad headache. Had to rest my brain a bit.

Joe informed me of funeral to attend Friday. Now have to reschedule Jordon’s Senior photos again. Plus it’s suppose to rain all day Friday. Ugh .

Got excited when I saw how many blooms the rose bushes had. It’s taken 5 1/2 yrs to get pink roses to bloom that much.

930 horrible indigestion. Took 2 ginger capsules. Had indigestion after lunch too. Need to call pharmacy to check on rx.

Hurt from head to toe. Exhausted. Indigestion making it difficult to lie down. Sucking on ginger chew. Eyes watery. Sinuses acting up as if allergic to something I came in contact with or I ate. Low back throbbing. Rt hip hurts. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Stinging burning pain all thru legs and feet. Parts of skin itchy. Slight headache. Toes chilly and tingling. Hands swollen and throbbing. Neck hurts. Tummy hurts and feels bloated. Balance bit off today. Peripheral vision off a little too.

Thankful for…

  1. Roses blooming bountifully
  2. A loving family
  3. Jakob able to get a dependable car

LS Memoirs – 4-6 March 2021

March 4

500 stinging pain thru body…stronger than usual. Achy and stiff at first. Sinuses congested at times making me nauceous. Headache minor. Neck hurts. Hands ache.

Bible reading: Deut 14-16, Joshua 1:9, Psalm 18:50

♫It’s a good thing to give praise to the Lord and sing praises to His name…♫

650 morning juice – 1 apple, 1 orange, 1/2 lemon, 10 baby carrots

Straighten living room some. Load in washer. Wash hair. Exhausted and out of breath. Need to rest a while. Ears ringing. Hands throbbing. Legs and feet stinging throbbing and icy cold.

Goals today: post to blog, declutter one kitchen cabinet, wash 2 loads clothes, dinner in crockpot, get ready for church

130 oh, boy. Just realized I forgot to eat today.

Tried something new today. Ordered curbside pickup for Chick-fil -A. Rae had to help. Pretty cool.

Info searched:

Taking Niacin (B3)

  1. Does it cause flushing?
  2. What are benefits?


Joe informed Rick we would sing without piano tonight bc

Can bloodshot eyes be related to migraines?

Symptoms today: stinging needle pain, headache, rt ear & jaw hurts, hands ache, severe pain from waist to head – I just want to scream!!! Chilling tingling sensation in center of chest, pounding headache – otc not helping. Stabbing Pain in under arms. Neck throbbing. Lights bright. Eyes blood shot and hurting almost burning. Upper back stinging needle pain. Feet freezing.

Taken naproxen, morning meds, 4 ibuprofen, stress relief tea, and relpax

March 5

Headache not as intense as y’day but it could get there if I’m not careful. Eyes still very sensitive to lights and bloodshot.

Lost 4 lbs this week. Yay! Now to pray I keep it off.

Bible reading: Deut 17-20, Ps 78:38, Deut 6:4-10

Juicing – bolthouse blue goodness

Goals today – visit LM, apt with CPA, get food for lunch at church tomorrow

Symptoms: stinging pain thru body. Periodic intense Muscle spasms (st side, under let rib, rt jaw, neck) – had to freeze in place until it eased some then work it out. A bit before dinner eyes started burning more. Burning continued to increase as it did vision bit more blurred. Put eyeglasses on to see if it would help. Didn’t at first. Eyes burned and watered for good 30 minutes a while after dinner. After they watered good burning began to ease but eyes still hurt and bloodshot. Headache intensified as day progresses so does pain in body. Deep stomach pain returns. Sinuses congested. Rt ear hurts. Had trouble swallowing pm meds – capsule got stuck midway in throat. Think it may be food sensitivity.

Had allergic reaction symptoms at lunch time after eating 3 chicken fingers, fries, garlic toast, & 1/2 tea 1/2 lemonade.

Taking Benadryl for allergies.

Skin itchy all over. Quite bothersome at times. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling down leg to toes. Hands throbbing.

March 6

Woke to hands being numb and tingly. Mild stinging thru body. Back itches. Sinuses congested. Lower rt abdomen crampy pain. Tired.

Bible Reading : Ps 51:12-13, Deut 21-23, Isaiah 25:1

Juice: Chocolate milk with ice, chia seeds, & D.E.

Work Day at church.went well. I did more than I was suppose to and and feeling the consequences. They were able to get 3/4 of teen room emptied in SS Bldg. Guys took off 2 truck loads to the dump. Jordon & I took load of cardboard to recycle center and 4 boxes donations to Goodwill. Also 3 trash bags in dumpster.

Once we got home, I crashed for an hour or so. I couldn’t push no more. Worked on bulletins, brunch sign up, & printing Easter Flyers. Rested rest of night.

Symptoms: headache, hands tingly, hands swollen & throbbing, sharp stabbing pain in rt thumb, stomach cramping pain, rt hip throbbing, tingling pain thru body, legs throbbing, low back intense throbbing, skin itches all over, brain fog, exhausted, tired, skin hypersensitivity, sinus congestion, etc.

Took naproxen, 1/2 pill meloxicam, am & pm meds

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 16-18 December 2020

Dec 16

Slept pretty good though had several weird dreams

Can’t seem to keep my days straight lately. Prepping for church Christmas party but randomly thought today was Tuesday instead.

Need to help Dezirae with Math. I do not like math anymore. That makes me sad and frustrated. Gonna have to slow down the lessons bc she’s not getting it. She really needs a tutor.  Two math lessons has given me a headache, blurred vision, and made me very tired.

1200p retrograde amnesia?  Center of chest lft side burning and aches through to left shoulder and upper back.

800 Christmas party went well. My sausage peppers wontons were a hit. Out of 58 there’s only 13 left. I’m exhausted. Back & upper shoulders stinging. Body aches.

822 I’m done for the day

1030 exhausted and hurting all over. It’s chilly in house. 39° outside. Shivering in my skin. Neck hurts. Congested. Eyes watery. Head hurts with throbbing pain on rt side. Low back throbbing. Tummy aches. Feet throbbing. Muscles randomly spasming through body.

Dec 17

800 slept hard. Several strange dreams I couldn’t get out of. Whole body fiercely aches deep to bones. It hurts to move. I could sleep longer.

Read Deuteronomy 29-31

Hands and arms keep going numb and tingling. Low back throbbing. Sinuses congested.

930 took morning meds and 1/2 dropper cbd oil subliminally. Decided to wash boys clothes. Ended up trying to clean up their room a bit in hopes that Jakob will be able to come home for Christmas.

1030 Mom came over to help me pick up the house some. I was grateful.

1200 exhausted and ready to rest a while.

200 decided to work on blog a little while. Bad headache ensues. Neck hurts. Low back throbbing. Thinking feels blurry & foggy. Put dinner on in Instapot. Laying down for little while to rest back and brain.

530 face feels flushed and hot. Neck hurts. Headache moderate.

700p face feels like it’s on fire. Mentioned it to Joe. Joe says it looks like it feels hot bc it’s really red. Trouble focusing playing piano. Hands throbbing and starting to feel hot.

Exhausted. Trouble thinking straight. Whole body stings and burns with pain. Skin itchy all over. Crashing.

Dec 18

3a woke tired and exhausted. Tossing and turning. In much pain and can’t seem to get comfortable.

7a woke to use restroom. Exhausted. Whole body throbbing in pain. Eyes leaking .

8a need to get out of bed and heat the house up to take chill off. It’s 57° inside/and 39° outside currently. Will turn venting around on dryer to help heat inside. Ended up cleaning behind dryer. Took me longer than expected. Putting purification oil in the water base to purify air and make house smell good.

1100a chest and body hurting strongly. Overdid it.

1120a temp now 63° inside. Mid & Low back icy burning sensation.

430 exhausted. Need to rest a while.

1050 night times are tough. Just as I’m laying in bed and beginning to relax my nerve start hurting worse to sometimes almost makes me want to scream.

Bad headache most of day. Seen few pictures of what a migraine sufferer may see. It was weird to see bc that is what I try to explain when I say my brain and vision feels like it’s blurring. Apparently, I’m having migraines more often than I thought.

Whole body itches. Tummy feels so bloated it might explode. Gas bubbles keep moving back up my esophagus. It feels really weird but funny sounding too. Not sure how to explain the nerve pain tonight…l I e a million nerve fiber endings are exploding and shooting sharp needles thru my skin from inside out. It’s rather unnerving (not correct verbage but the correct word escapes me right now). Rt hip throbbing. Random muscle spasms thru body mostly legs and sides. Hands swollen and throbbing. Congested. Chest center aches.

Night meds taken. CBD 25mg sublingually.

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