One of my favorite parts of Christmas is wrapping the gifts. I like to pick a theme each year. One year I used rolls of white craft paper, markers, and embellishments to turn the presents into snowmen. Another year the packages were all wrapped in Disney themed papers. Other years have been color combos like blue and silver or purple and gold.
This year as I was thinking about what theme I want to use and searching Pinterest for ideas there was something that jumped out at me. There are basically three words we use interchangeably to describe what we are giving someone: gift, present, and package.
While I know these words are synonyms, I also wondered as to the definition of each and if there was much variation in definitions. That is where this devotional formed.
As Christian ladies, we know “Jesus is the reason for the season”, if you will. However, I wanted to delve deeper into the gift, the present, the package of Jesus.
The definition of gift is “something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation”. Romans 6:23 tells us “the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”. Just as we don’t expect the recipient of our gift to pay us for the price we already paid, neither does God expect payment from us.
Can you imagine giving your child or grandchild a gift, holding out your hand, then saying., “Okay, honey. That’ll be $19.99!”. That seems ridiculous because they most likely couldn’t pay, but also because we give it to them out of love. Just as God gives us eternal life through His Son. He’s not holding out his hand for payment. Jesus already paid it on the cross. Ephesians 2:8 & 9″… it is the gift of God: not of works…”. Think John 3:16!
Next, is the definition of present: “a thing presented as a gift”. God’s present was wrapped in the form of a baby (Luke 2:7 & 12). His only begotten Son was immaculately conceived to live a sinless life. A life that would offer a present for everyone.
For the most part, we can’t get each person on our Christmas list the exact same present. My grandson loves monster trucks. That’s all he wants right now!
However, my daughters would be less than thrilled if I bought them monster trucks. God in his infinite wisdom gave mankind one present that is a fit for all. He didn’t have to send multiple presents that night in Bethlehem in order for everyone to have something to receive. Luke 2:10-11
Finally, we have the definition of package: “something conceived of as a compact unit having particular charcteristics”. The package of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, is the ultimate package. It is perfection.
I’m sure you ladies are like me always looking for that perfect gift for each person on your list. Yet, as my children have grown into adults and as my husband and I add years to our marriage, I find it harder and harder to buy gifts for them. They definitely don’t receive that perfect gift from me!
However, the perfect package of our Saviour is holy(Lu. 1:35), righteous(Is. 53:11), just(Zec. 8:9), guileless(1 Pet. 2:22), sinless(2 Cor. 5:21), spotless(1 Pet. 1:19), innocent(Matt. 27:4),. The list could go on and on in describing this perfect package for there is nothing lacking. This is the package I want for my loved ones!
So, this year as I’m wrapping gifts, presents, and packages I’m keeping the theme focused on Jesus. I’m keeping my heart and mind focused on Jesus for I’ve already received the perfect gift. I need nothing more.