Two Journeys: One Heart Memoirs from April 21-22, 2022
LS & BC Health Memoirs – February 12-13, 2022
February 12
7:00 had decent night’s sleep, but I’m still tired. Strange dreams. Hot and clammy. Stomach hurts and feels bloated. Thirsty. Eyes watery. Rt ear aches. Whole body stiff and achy. Nerves in arms tingly. Face and scalp itches. Low back aches. Left arm hurting and feels swollen. Yucky taste in mouth.
1 Corinthians 13:6-7; Proverbs 11-12; Mark 4-5;
Had to get Joe to help me put on the compression sleeve. It’s quite uncomfortable. . Brain is not all here today. Forgot my secret sisters gift. Joe turned around so we could get them. Didn’t realize until we got to church that the main dish for lunch wasn’t packed. Called Mom to ask her to grab the lasagna out of the fridge. Invited her and Dad to stay for lunch with us.
Dezirae helped me get the theme posters put in the frames for church today. Apparently I cut my rt ring finger and didn’t feel it. Had to go put a bandaid on. They look good. I’m excited particularly because I designed them this year using Canva. Dezirae gave a few critique’s but we’ll know for next time. Can’t wait to see auditorium get painted. I’ll make goals to get done before May.
Difficulty playing piano partly due to the compression sleeve feels like it’s making my hand swell. It’s uncomfortable and distracting. It pinches inside my elbow when I bend my arm. Ugh. Joe said that he can tell that my left arm is swollen and that’s why. Asked him to help me take it off for a bit. .
Lunch was great. Mom was very appreciative of the invite. Dad was too in his own way. She liked her secret sister gift. Said she needed a new pair of slippers. Cool.
Jordon changed out the mini blind for me. Thankfully even though I somehow measured wrong it still worked in another window. Need four more mini blinds.
I’m exhausted and feel a crash oncoming. Need to take a nap.
Left arm is throbbing and tingling. Feels swollen. Back of left arm feels numbish and tingling more than normal. .
How long does chemotherapy stay in the body? Most are cleared through your body in about two days while some can take up to seven to ten days. .
Ways to manage lymphedema
February 13
6:40 rough night. Woken suddenly from nightmare.
Song: 🎶Look and Live🎶 started playing in mind.
Trouble with being hot then cold and getting comfortable. Woke with bad headache. Exhausted and having trouble waking.
Stomach hurts with sharp stabbing pains. Left wrist and arm throbbing. Whole body stiff and achy.
John 3:16; Mark 6-7; Deuteronomy 28:1-3;
Force myself to get up with Dezirae. I’m not feeling so good. Stomach hurts. I guess weekends wear me out a lot.
Tasks: wash clothes, can cubed potatoes, work on yard sale items, rest
Inundated with phone calls this afternoon. I have a pounding headache. Dinner stinks to me, but Joe says it is tastes good just missing something. Joe asked about my headache symptoms. He says I have a migraine. I took 4 ibuprofen.
My stomach hurts 😩 especially after I eat anything. I don’t know why. It feels bloated and gasy.
I’ve drank Essiac Tea, drank fresh veggie juice, ate oatmeal with chia seeds, ate large salad for lunch, drank lactose free chocolate milk with Diatomaceous Earth to help with constipation, only been passing small turds. I guess I should be thankful I’m even passing that but I think my stomach would feel much better if it were more. Ate popcorn for a snack after dinner to add fiber.
Night vitamins taken, which included 4,000 mg of C.
I’m exhausted and ready to go to sleep. Thankful that the Lord’s mercies are new every morning.
Lightning Strikes Memoirs – 12-13 April 2021
April 12
5a Woke a little groggy and disoriented. Sinuses congested. Feel drained of all energy. Headache. Tummy bloated and aches. Whole body aches and burning throbbing. Hurts to move like Tinman trying to move for first time in ages and needs oil bc he’s too rusty.
Jordon has horrible indigestion and says he feels like crap. Lost his cookies few times. Called in sick. Guess I need to purify the air in house today.
Bible Reading: 1 Kings 1-2
Took Advil congestion. Laying back down for a bit. Hopefully I won’t hurt as much after some more rest.
645a laying here I just hurt more… stinging is getting sharper. Going to get up for a little bit and do some chores.
1226 decided to work on deep cleaning my room. Dust everywhere! Had to have Rae help me move bookshelf. Found mold. Wiped it down with theives cleaner. Sneezing. Doing little at a time to not overdo it.
Stopping to check on Jordon. Tummy still bothering him, but he asked for Sprite and soup. Gave him vitamins too. Reminds me I need to eat. I’m getting sleepy and hurting more. Think I’ll lay down a while.
That didn’t go as planned. Just as I was dozing off my phone blew up with msgs, texts, and phone calls. It’s okay all of them needed to be answered.
Decided to pick up livingroom some and attempt to vacuum. Wore me out, out of breath, exhausted, and every fiber throbbing greatly! But I did it. Haven’t vacuumed in over three years…at least I don’t recall I have.
530 Joe sweet enough to offer to cook burgers on the grill if I picked some up. Jordon requested they have cheese chunks. Told them I’d look. Good thing bc I had to walk behind buggy no wheelchairs available. Discovered I’m unable to talk on phone and shop too…miss too many items and have to double back. Rae getting tired of being in store.
My lft knee throbs immensely by time we get home. I look to check knee to find it swollen. Joe tells me to sit and rest my knee. Rae gets me some ibuprofen.
730 Rae & I take a surprise over to Dad to cheer him up. He wanted an Alabama t-shirt. I found a couple his size and saved it for him. It put a smile on his face. Dr thinks it might be his rxs that are messing him up. Blood work Thursday then they’ll go from there. He has us concerned. Praying God helps them get to bottom of his symptoms so he can get better.
918 going to bed early. I’m tuckered out. I hurt miserably from head to toe. Headache won’t quit. Neck hurts. Back stings and itches. Hands itchy, swollen, and throbbing. Legs ache horribly with periodic muscle spasms. Feet chilly and throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling and stinging to toes.
April 13
Bible Reading: 1Kings 3-5
I forgot to write today. Paying bills I remember that I needed to renew license. Tried to schedule appointment online but schedule said that it was booked for rest of year for our county and next doors county. I ended up calling baldwin county bc mobile wouldn’t answer. Nice lady explained that I’ll have to do walk in during week. Took me quite a while to get things figured out. Ugh.
Didn’t even get to work on school grades till just before dinner which was what I intended to do this morning.
Journal Entries 12-15 Nov 2018
Nov 12
7:00am- woke to notification sound on phone forgot to put it on silent. Ugh! Muscles in legs fluttering. Upper chest throbbing. Put phone on silent.
8:30am- woke again muscles in legs still randomly fluttering. Upper chest and back throbbing. Neck hurts. Headache. Hands & fingers ache. Stuffy nose. I haven’t even gotten up and I’m already tired. Eyes watery.
10:30pm- kind of lazy today…upper chest & back still hurting. Any movement using upper body makes it hurt worse. Used heating pad several times to ease pain. Headache twice today. Rainy most of day.
Nov 13
6 a.m. fell asleep around 2 a.m. woke at 6 a.m. an hour for the alarm. stomach hurting couldn’t go back to sleep
12noon fell asleep on the chair while waiting for Jordon to cook lunch. 1 p.m. no energy today feel like being a bum
10 p.m. started not feeling good all of a sudden stupid voice to text isn’t working it’s irritating me I just want to go to sleep have a headache. head hurts. Necks hurts… still can only move it so far without causing neck muscle pain. Low back throbbing. Feet hurt. Random periodic stinging needle pain in back and front upper chest. Stuffy nose. Eyes watery. Indigestion. Post nasal drip. Rt hip hurts. Hands swollen and achy. Very tired. If only I could get inflammation gone. Red dry patch on left hand and parts of face. Not retaining what I read for long. Memory issues. Feel like I’m forgetting something but can’t remember what it is. Lord we need you to provide our needs. I am but dust you are the Potter. Please mold me and use me for Your will alone. I know I cannot fix my brokenness. Please give me a song. Amen.
Nov 14
Only got 4 hours of sleep last night. Trying not to stress out over lack of income. Joe not getting 40hrs yet. Can’t pay bills this way. Bible study went well with friend. She had car trouble today…think it’s dead battery. At least she made it to co-op. Chapter 3 is about worry & trusting Lord. Proverbs 3:5-6
Nov 15
Scatter brained today. Started several things without completing them to start with. Dezirae giggled bc I kept saying “Oh my, I forgot I was doing…” (homemade chicken noodle soup, wash clothes, wash hair, pack things for church, can’t remember the other things). While She was doing school at kitchen table, she began reminding me what I was doing. Chest feels tight and achy today. Entire back aches. Pack computer, sewing items to work on Christmas gifts, decided what to have for supper & pack items to make it at church, Joe’s clothes, get ready for church, leave by 3pm to pick Joe up for work. I loathe driving on interstate even more so since my trauma. It cause great anxiety. Lots of traffic!! Boxed in by trucks!! By time we arrived at church I was broke out in hives from neck up. It was hot and itchy too. Husband says that I’m scared of things a lot more since lightning strike.
10:00p- saw on news tonight lots of people hearx to loud “boom” noise this afternoon. Speculations of sonic boom. Low back throbbing, upper back aches, hands achy, feet ache & freezing, neck hurts especially if I bow it too low or turn too far sends shooting pain down back, sensitive to bright lights & loud noises, messing out sayings & using wrong words in sentences (used a boat term where it didn’t apply for traffic), tired but wide awake
838p Chest feels heavy and heart beating hard. Feel like I’m out of breath. Headsche. Hands swollen and tingly. Tired. Necks hurts. Turned neck & it popped loudly. Ouchy! Headache now worse.