Lightning Strike Journal Entries – 9-10 May 2021
May 9, 2021
5:30a it’s too early to wake up. Pictures in brain going 100 mph. My whole body stinging throbbing pain.
Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 25-27
Song – It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord
It hurts to move. I feel like I’ve been beaten horribly. I would stay in bed all day if it were up to me. Bad headache.
6am Joe gave me bouquet flowers & card, Jordon gave me an encased glass light up rose, dk chocolates, & card, Dezirae gave me plaque, dk chocolate covered almonds, bracelet, & card. Sweet.
640 took pain rx to take edge off. Laying back down til 7am to see if it’ll help.
7:20 headache eased. Pain still much.
900 head is swimming. Eyes hurt. Lights bothersome. Whole body aches from top of head to tippee toes.
3:30pm decided to try to trim up the azalea bush out by road. Got maybe 1/3 done and noticed bunch of dogs wandering across property. Bull dog noticed me and started to run towards me growling. I screamed bloody murder!!! Dog stopped in his tracks. Decided to pick up my cane laying near me so I’d have some defense. As I did he began running towards me growling again. I screamed bloody murder again causing him to stop. When I stopped for a breath he came towards me. I chose to scream until someone came out. Joe came running. I told him what was up. Joe got between me and the dog. The movement startled the dog causing him to lose his focus off me.
When Joe reached me, I told him I was done for today. I don’t want to get attacked by no dog. Besides my back is killing me.
Once back inside and things put away, I sat for few moments to rest and remembered that I was supposed to be working on the banners for homecoming. It didn’t take long. Makes me want a circuit so I can do the vinyl myself.
1000p it’s been a full day. Services were great today. I was even able to sing with a few of the songs though not very long. It’s challenging enough to play piano with nystagmus (it severely hinders the eye hand coordination) let alone try to sing at same time. I’m always glad when I can sing.
May 10, 2021
520a tummy tore up. Up and down several times since about 2:30a. Woken by thunderstorm around 4:30. Strange dream.
Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 28-2 Chronicles 1
Whole body hurts. Sinuses congested. Tummy tore up. Exhausted.
2pm went shopping at thrift stores.
Had to put earplugs in while at 1st thrift store bc the music was too loud and hurting my nerves and ears.
500p while in grocery store my costochondritis started flaring up. Hurt so bad I had to grab my chest and hunch over cart for a bit. All I could do was moan for the pain. Dezirae, Tara, & Holly helped with the shopping to get it done quicker. Tara was hurting too. Pain was a 9.75!! I just wanted to sit on floor and cry. I’ve overdone too much.
600p glad dinner was in crockpot – potato corn chowder. Sat to rest for quite a while.
1030 going to bed in much pain. Using heating pad & took Naproxen. Every inch of me throbbing pain. Hope GABA kicks in quick so I can fall asleep.
Headache. Sinuses congested immediately after eating dinner. Stinging pain thru body. Gassy. Tummy feels bloated. Scalp itches. Skin itchy most of day. Hands swollen and throbbing. Arms ache deeply. Severe pain in chest area. Back stinging. Stinging pain in lower and middle back. Legs throbbing. Lower left leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Feet hurt & chilly. Tingling in feet. Vision blurring. I want to scream!
Lightning Strikes Memoirs 27-28 February 2021
Feb 27
700 woke burning up feeling like I’m on fire. Entire body stinging!!! Not today.
900 on way to church. Car behind us decides to pass us on right almost hitting us!!! Scared me so bad I screamed!!! It was so close I could have reached out window and touch it from inside car. Nerves are tensed up. Ugh! Thank Lord for safety.
I am so stressed and feel cranky. Joe kind enough to say we’ll just go home tonight for me to not he more stressed thsn I am. Too many things for me to focus on right now.
1200p I’m exhausted and need a nap. Nerves stinging in upper back. Headache. Feel like I’m going to crash.
500 birthday party went well though I forgot how to do a snowball fight. Made rules up as I went. Kids had fun.
900 bulletin done but I don’t have energy to print them tonight. Feel like in gonna crash again. Need rest.
Whole body hurts. Eyes watery. Headache slight. Hands ache. Fingers sting. Lower let leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Feet nunb & tingly. Brain feels like mush. Vision tunneling and blurred. How is it that my vocabulary is superior but my comprehension is below normal? That’s mind baffling.
Feb 28
600 woke to severe pain in upper body. Entire back throbbing. Both arms and hands numb and tingling. Lights bothersome. Neck throbbing. Feet nunb and tingly. Stinging pain in back and arms. Muscles in legs , ankles, and feet feel like they’re wound tight as a rubber band. Headache mild.
Joe decided to rub my back which feels relaxing.
100 found my clipboard. Left it in mission house. Had my Scripture journaling notes on it too.
600 brain hurts. Eyes blurry. Headache moderate. Hands swollen and throbbing.
Ring finger on rt hand feels like ants are crawling all over it. Keep trying to wipe them off but there’s nothing there. Ugh.
Center of chest hurting. Can tell I quite taking the naproxen.
1000p learned for definite sure that I’m allergic or sensitive to whole milk. Been drinking 1% milk and seem to do okay with it. Decided to drink glass of whole milk tonight. After drinking about half the glass I began choking like my throat was swelling. Sinuses instantly severely congested and sinus cavities hurt. Belly feels swollen and bloated as well. Headache intensified. Drinking water to flush it out.
Took night meds plus 1/2 Benadryl and naproxen rx. Bummer but good to know.
Toes and feet tingly. Eyes watery. Rt ear hurts. Exhausted. Lower let leg tourniquet tightening feeling from mid chin down to ankle. Legs ache. Severely congested. Center of chest throbbing.
Lightning Strikes Memoirs 25-26 February 2021
Feb 25
Woke with both arms & hands severely numb and tingly.
Very exhausted. I need a day to rest. Taking the guys back and forth to work is wearing me out. Having trouble waking up. Whole body aches. Center of chest burning. Back of head tingling burning. Neck hurts. Legs and feet throbbing.
♫It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name♫
900 this morning’s juice is Strawberry Juice. Ingredients: 1/2 cup strawberries & 2 apples. No sweetener needed. Tasted sweet. Think I’d rather just eat the strawberries whole. Looked like a lot of pulp wasted in canister.
Strawberries are high in potassium? Who knew?
1000 attempted to start exercising via a Pilates for beginners via YouTube. Couldn’t even complete the first exercise. Did what I could and will try again tomorrow.
200 decided to go to thrift store before picking up Jordon. Walking towards back rows lft eye suddenly became very blurry – like a film was covering eye and I couldn’t see out of it. Scary. Rubbed eye little bit and after a moment it cleared and I could see again. Then got dizzy amd had to stand still for minute or two.
Not able to look through bins like I usually do bc my arms gave out quickly and started burning.
545 can’t push any more need to take a nap to report.
Feb 26
500a woke in extreme pain. Burning pins and needles pain all over with deep bone throbbing as well. Low back throbbing. Skin hypersensitive. Tinny taste in mouth. Bad headache.
700 turned to adjust body rt side went into severe spasm stopping me instantly. Had to readjust to get it to start easing. Extreme sharp stabbing burning pain through body. Taking pain rx and laying down for bit.
Played wholetones music on phone while taking morning nap. It seems to calm my nerves and helps me sleep peacefully. I wonder if there’s a way to play music on phone on a timer?
Starting day off late. Positive note…stepped on scale. I’ve lost 2lbs this week. Yay!
This morning’s juice is Carrot Juice. Ingredients: 3 carrots, 1 apple, 1/2 lemon, & 1/4 tsp ground ginger. Tastes good.
Son called into work. Whole day thrown off now. Have to leave in 30 minutes.
No time for exercise this morning. Don’t like being in a rush. Puts my nerves on edge.
Received blessing of unexpected money given to me today. Thank you, Lord.
1041 Drinking Extra Sleepytime Tea before bed. Whole body stinging.