Lightning Strikes Memoirs – January 9-10, 2022
Lightning Strikes Memoirs 10-12 October 2021
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries: August 10-11, 2021
Lightning Strike Journal Entries – July 18-24, 2021
Lighting Strikes Journal Entries June 27-30, 2021
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 19-20 May 2021
LS Journal Entries: 28-30 April 2021
April 28
Bible Reading: 2 Kings 20-22
Woke to much pain throughout body.
April 29
300 woken by intense burning pain in arms, hands, legs, and feet. Sinuses severely congested. Bad headache. Had to take tylenol and 1/2 Benadryl to get some relief.
Took couple hours to fall back to sleep.
700 woke thinking I overslept. Still in much pain. At least headache has eased a little.
Bible Reading 2 Kings 23-25, Psalm 51
1200 worked on completing Jordon’s grades and submitting them for graduation. Brain is tired, legs below knees tingling and burning, feet & ankles freezing. Need to rest.
Just went on trip last weekend and haven’t been able to rest and recoup. I’m hurting quite a bit, but praise I’ve not had a migraine since I started taking a Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) supplement.
Dezirae and I finished up at Lawana’s house for her daughter, Gaynor, this week. The Estate Sales people take over now. It’s seams surreal and bittersweet.
We were able to lead a teenager boy to the Lord during counseling last night. Praise the Lord! I’m hoping he will ring the bell in church tonight.
Today devil is fighting thru some people that know better. The natural man wants to reach out and touch someone, but I know I can’t.
It’s all just catching up and hitting me at the same time. Lol. I’ll be okay just need a day to rest and relax.
Was supposed to attend another funeral tomorrow, but Joe is letting me off hook and will take Jordon with him instead so I can rest. He’s even going to cook dinner for me tomorrow
11:00p Praise! The young man that got saved rang the bell in church tonight.
April 30
700 saw Dezirae off on her trip with Grandma, cousin, & aunt to see her Great Grandma.
Legs below knees to ankles burning, stinging, throbbing pain. Feet cold and tingling. Eyes watery. Sinuses congested.
Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 1-2
In much pain and feeling very lethargic today. Thankful to be able to rest today.
Went back to bed until 10am. Probably could sleep longer but won’t.
Thunderstorm began about 11am. Glad we postponed Jordon’s pics.
500 Joe cooked Bbq ribs , mixed veggies, and tator tots.
723 researching benefits of Gaba
“various lifestyle and genetic factors can throw GABA out of whack” what about traumatic experiences like a lightning strike? Hehe.
930 going to bed. Exhausted and did hardly anything today.
In so much pain, stinging burning throbbing pain throughout body. Low back throbbing burning. Took Gaba – 1 capsule – to calm brain and nerves. Hoping it helps.
Taking tylenol to ease pain so I can get some sleep.
Tummy hurts from eating sugary foods today. Ugh! They are not my friend.
Thankful for…
- A caring, loving family
- To be alive
- Even on bad days, I can put my trust in Him.
Lightning Memoirs – 7-9 April 2021
April 7
700 bloody nose is precursor for a migraine?. Woke with migraine! Took relpax. Laid back down.
Whole body stiff and achy. Sinuses congested. Lft hand numb and tingly. Low back throbbing. Calves ache like I worked out too much. Feet hurt and tingly. Thighs ache. Vision blurry.
Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 8-12;
7:40 applying ice to back of head for migraine relief.
757a Taking 1 ginger capsule.
Migraine began easing within 20 minutes of taking ginger. Thank the Lord.
1000 attending funeral today have mixed emotions…sad because I’ll miss her…peace knowing she’s not going to suffer anymore and I’ll see her again someday. Frustrated bc of certain people’s fake facades knowing how they’ve been acting behind the scenes. Honored that the family wanted us to take part in the services. Anxious yet happy bc I’ll be seeing people we’ve not seen in a while.
Moderate headache. Neck hurts. Lights bothersome. Hands throbbing. Low back throbbing. Rt hip aches. Legs mid-calf and lower feel like they’re wrapped up tightly in barbed wire. Legs pulsating stinging throbbing pain. Eyes hurt. Tired. Brain is mush. Not speaking right…
April 8
330a woke with brain going 100 miles per hour. Keep trying to pray but my thoughts are too loud in my head. Head hurts.
My body stinging throbbing. When ever I heard the rumbling of the thunder it makes my nerves tense up and the pain increases.
Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 13-15;
4:18 electricity flickered just before lightning
700 finally fell back to sleep. Slept about an hour.
1200 took me over two hours to balance checkbook even with computer help.
530p headache increases and nose hurting then all of a sudden it starts bleeding
600 vision feels like it’s getting blurry and I’m getting really sleepy.
750 I’m having hard time keeping awake. Eyes are heavy. Head hurts.
April 9
500 woke to a migraine and a thunderstorm.
Took relpax. Can’t sleep. Whole body stinging.
Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 16-18
600 still wide awake. The pain is relentless and will not be ignored.
900a Dr apt. Computers are down. They’re having to do things old school – write it down on paper. Lol.
Bp 115/74 w211. Drs scale registering that I’ve lost 9 lbs. Yay!
Dr slowly coming around. Glad to hear of my improvements. Is okay with my experimenting with PEA and CBD oil w/out hemp. Blood work drawn and urinalysis. Rxs refilled. Says she’ll reduce the Dexilant from 60mg to 30mg. Follow-up in 6 months unless something comes up with labs.
350 homeschool Mtg with new cover school for next year went well. Dezirae excited. Ran errands for church. Stopped for treat at Marble Slab. Allergy symptoms as soon as I finished my ice cream. Definitely a milk intolerance. Still a nice treat.
Home and exhausted. Jordon sweet to help me out of vehicle so I don’t twist my knee again.
Lft knee hurts on top of everything else hurting. Migraine has eased but still have slight headache. Need a nap.
Laid down for about an hour. Didn’t fall asleep for long maybe 20 minutes.
Dezirae made dinner clam chowder and grilled cheese. Probably not a good choice with all that dairy products but it tasted good.
800 decided to take hot Epsom Salt bath. Soaked for an hour. Tired and ready for bed but indigestion is horrible and tummy hurts on top of everything else. Ugh.
♫ In the dark of the midnight have I oft hid my face
While the storm howls above me, and there’s no hiding place
‘Mid the crash of the thunder, Precious Lord, hear my cry
Keep me safe till the storm passes by
Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand
Keep me safe till the storm passes by ♫
As the thunder roars this morning, this song comes to mind and I’m thankful that my Lord keeps me safe amidst the storms in life.
LS Memoirs – 20-21 March 2021
March 20
Rough night. Kept fighting with the covers. Temperature kept fluctuating. Exhausted. Rt hip throbbing. Stinging pain thru body moderate.
Bible Reading: Judges 6-7;
Trying to get ready for activity at church. Bulletins printed – had to have Rae help me. Salad made. Joe put beef brisket on in crockpot. Jordon hung new mini blind.
Arms fatigued out while curling bangs. Completely wore out putting make up on. Ugh. Need a nap.
700 Joe woke with migraine. He’s been getting them alot lately. Told him he’s missing a mineral.
950 migraine oncoming. Worked on bulletins, answering bible scavenger question, worked on blog a little. Need to pack for weekend.
Head blurring and starting to swirl. Head hurts. Eyes watery. Exhausted.
Bible Reading: Judges 6-7
Need to lay down a piece to ease headache.
No juice today, but drank chocolate milk with chia seeds & D.E.
1200 Joe decided to get to church early. Got things set up. He realized we hadn’t eaten lunch. Ran to DG to get hot pockets. I was appreciative. Wearing out quickly. Had to go lay down for while to have energy for teen activity.
Symptoms: headache, stinging needle pain, lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness to feet, legs throbbing greatly, hands swollen and achy, exhausted, thirsty, body aches from head to toes, center of chest hurting – did too much today.
Took aleve to ease pain. 1/2 Benadryl for sinus issues.
March 21
Bible Reading: Jeremiah 17:7-8; Judges 8-9;
Very rough night. Severe pain in center of chest kept waking me. At one point, I had to get up to see if I could get chest to pop. It popped slightly but not enough. Ended up applying essential oil pain roller to center of chest to get it to ease enough so I could go back to sleep. Low back & rt hip throbbing severely.
700a I’m exhausted and very sleepy. Sinuses congested. Sneezing – I can tell it’s spring time. Eyes watery. Back throbbing. Head hurts. Bad dream. . .
Woke to lft arm and hands pins and needles with tingling sensation. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Chest pain has eased to mild pain. Shoulders ache. Headache. Tired.
Song: ♫ It’s a good day to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name. In the morning we will…♫
Riddle me this? Why does trying to focus on sheet music to play the piano cause such struggle with coordination, blurring of brain and vision, increased headache, etc?
Interesting thought…human trafficking occured in Bible times. Joseph was sold for 20 pieces of silver. Jesus was betrayed for 30pcs of silver. Hmm? Nothing is new under the sun.
Not sure if it’s a big deal but just noticed that for distance without glasses on I not only lose clarity but also lose color. The 11 on my phone is red with glasses on but off the number is pink and white.
Coordination disorders often result from malfunction of the cerebellum, the part of the brain that coordinates voluntary movements and controls balance.
After church, feel like I’m going to faint. Need to ask Dr why that happens. Need to lay down a while. Decide to listen to wholetones music while laying down. Need to send them a review.
Woke from nap to both arms and hands numbish, tingling, and stinging. Not a good feeling. Still very tired.
I sit in bed for a while hoping to wake up, yet I feel drained of all energy.
Decided to push myself and clean up dead leaves around flower bush in yard. Can’t do them all at once, but one at a time makes a difference as I go. Excited to see the flowers blooming soon.
Symptoms: low back throbbing, hands swollen and achy, slight headache, legs throbbing, stinging nerve pain thru body, toes cold like ice
My chronic nerve pain has been flaring up, but being around friends & family help keep me enouraged
Thankful for?
- Talked with son in college today.
- Church family loved on my kids by bringing them candy & cookies today.
- My husband bought dinner so I didn’t have to cook.