Two Journeys: One Heart – Memoirs from May 4-5, 2022
LS & BC Health Memoirs – January 21-23, 2022
Lightning Strike Journal Entries – July 25-31, 2021
Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 24-25 March 2020
March 24
1159 had to break down an get the chemical lice treatment knowing full well its make me sick – I’m allergic to pestacides – natural treatments not working. Not sure how I got them. Ugh! I just hope it doesn’t set me back especially with the covid going around.
Got sick to stomach half way through treatment and puked in garbage can. Stomach upset. Took vitamin C in addition to night rx plus a Benadryl. Headache. Center chest stabbing, throbbing. Throat swollen a bit. Had trouble swallowing pills. A wee nauseous. Low back throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Toes tingle. Hands ache. Tired.
March 25
730 it’s amazing how quickly fake news spreads
1230p Every time I hold the phone to my ear my arm and hand goes numb.
145 people keep asking me health questions as if I’m a doctor or something. No, I’m no expert but am more than willing to share what has helped me endure through the physical ailments and limitations.
- How much magnesium do I need to take to stop muscle cramping?
Answer: It varies from person to person. When I started taking magnesium for cramping, I had to take 1,000mg magnesium a day for a little while. I was able to decrease dosage and am taking 500mg daily now.
Other things that help with muscle cramps: stretching, massaging, apply ice or heat, & hydration (goal should be to drink half your weight in water daily).
- A friend is having significant trouble with constipation. What should he take?
Answer: Have he discussed this with his doctor? Yes. Doctor just suggested over the counter stool softener.
Things I use to help me have regular bowel movements:
Eating lots of fruits and vegetables is ideal, but when you are unable.
* Magnesium 500mg daily
* 1 heaping tbs diatomaceous earth (for me it works within couple hours. It has alot of health benefits too.
* Increase your fiber intake
* Vitamin C – daily intake should be around 500mg to 2,000mg (depends on your deficiency)
* Vitamin D3 – between 2,000 IUs – 4,000 IUs daily
* Vitamin B12 – dosage depends in individual. One of the Dr’s I saw suggested I take 2 mg daily.
700 crashed in chair in livingroom for over an hour. Woken by phone call.
Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 6-8 March 2020
March 6
0900 overslept. I guess I must have turned my alarm off without knowing I did. I’m hurting so much. Did way too much for my body to handle yday. It was such a blessed day serving others and hearing the Word preached.
Kind of makes me think that my traumatic event triggered a fibro reaction. But is that even possible? I’m going to save up money to go to a functional medicine Dr. At least there I’d get better answers hopefully than a regular Dr.
1000 need to work on inputing grades. Hard to believe that 3rd quarter is almost over. Only able to work on one child’s grades. Getting headache. It’s difficult for me focused let alone organized. Just takes longer ans and determintation. Brain needs a break.
Rae needs help with English & spelling test. Grading Jordon’s Math. I’m so thankful for Teaching Textbooks. I used to be good in math. I know how other moms feel now that have no idea how to do the higher math. Frustrating. I figure the knowledge has to be in my brain still but I have no clue how to retrieve it. It’s like having to relearn many things all over again.
Brings back memories of how when I was attending New Freedom and not understanding how to do Algebra 1. I studied so hard trying to figure it out but couldn’t. Mr Favor (sp) was so gracious because it was BJ curriculum which I had never used prior. I cried when I got my first failing grade. I was honor roll student. But happy was the day I finally understood and got the A+ I knew I should get.
Oh bother, I misplaced the test/quiz flashdrive. Need to print out some tests & quizzes. Lord help me find it.
0633 Plastic is a hormone killer. Microbiome.
0650 muscles randomly spazzing thru body especially in legs.
0725p feels like something is stabbing me under right armpit. Nothing there. Pain is quite bothersome. Sharp stabbing pain in fingers on rt hand especially in index and middle finger. Rt hip aches. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingling…been there most of day.
March 7
0700 Thank you Lord for another day. Please make me a blessing to someone today.
Moving slow today. I hurt so. Upper chest and back throbbing sharply. Hands swollen and achy. Headache has eased…not a migraine anymore…but still there. Muscles randomly twitching in legs. Feet tingly. Rt hip aches. Center of back down spine chilling pain. Tired. Woke several times in night. Bad dreams. Slight bloody nose. Congested.
0950 ugh oh! Bloody nose.
0450 Bloody nose again. Lasted couple minutes. Headache’s back.
0518 pulled weeds in flower bed at church. I know I’ll feel it later but it needs done. Need to figure out how to simplify weeding without chemicals? Feels good to be outside in sunshine.
0519 hands swollen and throbbing. Upper shoulders and neck hurts.
0730 slight bloody nose
0805 nose started bleeding just as I was to start playing invitational. Ugh! Asked God to have preacher pray long so I could pinch my nose long enough to stop bleeding. Feeling week and embarrassed. Thankfully he prayed long.
Ways to relieve muscle cramps…
- Chamomile Tea
- Vitamin D3
- Magnesium
- Rest
- Apply heat or ice
- Massage the muscle
- Hydrate – Dehydration can increase likelihood of muscle cramps. Goal: Drink half your body weight in water daily.
- Stretch – Gently stretch the muscle to your tolerance.
1153p washed hair with tea tree peppermint shampoo. It smells good. Feels refreshing on scalp too. Quite wore out and out of breath afterwards. Lower back throbbing with pain shooting down both legs. Rested a moment. Decided to try to braid hair. Arms throbbing and cramping. Chest center really hurting. Neck hurts too.
Upper shoulders and back stinging. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing with pain shooting down rt leg. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness.. Toes tingling. Exhausted. Tired. Headache. Nose hurts from bleeding several times today. Nerves feel jittering. Feet freezing.
March 8
0800 Excited about the day. Nerves screaming they hurt. Slight bloody nose.
1100 my head is pounding
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