Lightning Strikes Memoirs 25-26 February 2021

Feb 25

Woke with both arms & hands severely numb and tingly.

Very exhausted. I need a day to rest. Taking the guys back and forth to work is wearing me out. Having trouble waking up. Whole body aches. Center of chest burning. Back of head tingling burning. Neck hurts. Legs and feet throbbing.

♫It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name♫

900 this morning’s juice is Strawberry Juice. Ingredients: 1/2 cup strawberries & 2 apples. No sweetener needed. Tasted sweet. Think I’d rather just eat the strawberries whole. Looked like a lot of pulp wasted in canister.

Strawberries are high in potassium? Who knew?

1000 attempted to start exercising via a Pilates for beginners via YouTube. Couldn’t even complete the first exercise. Did what I could and will try again tomorrow.

200 decided to go to thrift store before picking up Jordon. Walking towards back rows lft eye suddenly became very blurry – like a film was covering eye and I couldn’t see out of it. Scary. Rubbed eye little bit and after a moment it cleared and I could see again. Then got dizzy amd had to stand still for minute or two.

Not able to look through bins like I usually do bc my arms gave out quickly and started burning.

545 can’t push any more need to take a nap to report.

Feb 26

500a woke in extreme pain. Burning pins and needles pain all over with deep bone throbbing as well. Low back throbbing. Skin hypersensitive. Tinny taste in mouth. Bad headache.

700 turned to adjust body rt side went into severe spasm stopping me instantly. Had to readjust to get it to start easing. Extreme sharp stabbing burning pain through body. Taking pain rx and laying down for bit.

Played wholetones music on phone while taking morning nap. It seems to calm my nerves and helps me sleep peacefully. I wonder if there’s a way to play music on phone on a timer?

Starting day off late. Positive note…stepped on scale. I’ve lost 2lbs this week. Yay!

This morning’s juice is Carrot Juice. Ingredients: 3 carrots, 1 apple, 1/2 lemon, & 1/4 tsp ground ginger. Tastes good.

Son called into work. Whole day thrown off now. Have to leave in 30 minutes.

No time for exercise this morning. Don’t like being in a rush. Puts my nerves on edge.

Received blessing of unexpected money given to me today. Thank you, Lord.

1041 Drinking Extra Sleepytime Tea before bed. Whole body stinging.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 22-24 December 2020

Dec 22

Tummy hurts, urine darkening, low grade fever, general feeling of unwellness. Think I may have start of uti. Indigestion.

Headache, eyes watery, sinus congestion, random numbness and tingling in arms & legs, muscles ache, nerve pain, feet chilly. Going to bed early 930

Dec 23

Crazy day. Joe got off work early so he and Dezirae could leave sooner to go pick up Jakob & Bri for Christmas at our house.

Shortly after they left I went to pick up Jordon from work and do the grocery shopping. Took about hour and half even with Jordon helping. Walked behind buggy bc no wheelchairs. My rt hip is killing me!

I’m exhausted and in much pain. Suppose to be a thunderstorm some time after midnight. Nerves sting thru body. Nerves in legs also feel like on fire! Skin itches. Headache. Neck hurts. Lights bothersome. Low back throbbing. Feet sting.

Took night meds and naproxen 500mg.

Dec 24

245a woke to strange noise. Soon learned it was thunder and lightning. Nerves jumped into fight or flight mode. Emergency notice on phone indicates we are under tornado watch until 11am. Make me feel uneasy. Got up and checked house from inside. Praying for God’s safety. “What time I am afraid I will trust in thee” begins to repeat in my head.

I’m so tired. Think I’ll try to fall back asleep. Rt hip screaming pain. Lft arm & hand numbish & tingly.

Rain eased around 8 or 9am. Whole body throbs.

Took shower and noticed some how I skinned my knee recently and don’t remember doing so?? It’s bleeding and needs a bandaid. Made it longer in shower before arms started cramping and giving out. Progress is good. Still wore out after shower. Have to rest a bit before moving on to next project.

Enjoying being home alone today. Pacing myself so I can enjoy Christmas day. Finished the Hawaiian.salad. worked on picking up house more. Made pumpkin cheesecake. Dinner in crockpot. Worked on bulletin some. Listen/ watch Christmas movies. All of that wore me out to near passing out. Laid down about 230.

Joe & gang arrived home around 3pm.

755 trouble keeping place while playing Christmas hymns. Frustrating. Face feels flushed and hot. Headache.

1157 in bed before midnight save three minutes. Haha. I’m exhausted and hurting from head to toe. Cinnamon rolls in fridge for morning. Plan on getting up around 7am to do personal devos before activities begin. I forgot to grab the manners and customs book at church for my Bathsheba study. Did remember everything else though. Back stinging. Head pounding. Hands & rt hip throbbing. Random muscle spasms in tummy. Tummy not hurting as bad. Started taking AZO cranberry & C capsules for possible UTI. Already starting to feel better.

Discovered that three of my prescription meds cause weight gain. I’m tripled wammied. Ugh

Thank you, Lord, for Your sacrificial gift.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 16-18 December 2020

Dec 16

Slept pretty good though had several weird dreams

Can’t seem to keep my days straight lately. Prepping for church Christmas party but randomly thought today was Tuesday instead.

Need to help Dezirae with Math. I do not like math anymore. That makes me sad and frustrated. Gonna have to slow down the lessons bc she’s not getting it. She really needs a tutor.  Two math lessons has given me a headache, blurred vision, and made me very tired.

1200p retrograde amnesia?  Center of chest lft side burning and aches through to left shoulder and upper back.

800 Christmas party went well. My sausage peppers wontons were a hit. Out of 58 there’s only 13 left. I’m exhausted. Back & upper shoulders stinging. Body aches.

822 I’m done for the day

1030 exhausted and hurting all over. It’s chilly in house. 39° outside. Shivering in my skin. Neck hurts. Congested. Eyes watery. Head hurts with throbbing pain on rt side. Low back throbbing. Tummy aches. Feet throbbing. Muscles randomly spasming through body.

Dec 17

800 slept hard. Several strange dreams I couldn’t get out of. Whole body fiercely aches deep to bones. It hurts to move. I could sleep longer.

Read Deuteronomy 29-31

Hands and arms keep going numb and tingling. Low back throbbing. Sinuses congested.

930 took morning meds and 1/2 dropper cbd oil subliminally. Decided to wash boys clothes. Ended up trying to clean up their room a bit in hopes that Jakob will be able to come home for Christmas.

1030 Mom came over to help me pick up the house some. I was grateful.

1200 exhausted and ready to rest a while.

200 decided to work on blog a little while. Bad headache ensues. Neck hurts. Low back throbbing. Thinking feels blurry & foggy. Put dinner on in Instapot. Laying down for little while to rest back and brain.

530 face feels flushed and hot. Neck hurts. Headache moderate.

700p face feels like it’s on fire. Mentioned it to Joe. Joe says it looks like it feels hot bc it’s really red. Trouble focusing playing piano. Hands throbbing and starting to feel hot.

Exhausted. Trouble thinking straight. Whole body stings and burns with pain. Skin itchy all over. Crashing.

Dec 18

3a woke tired and exhausted. Tossing and turning. In much pain and can’t seem to get comfortable.

7a woke to use restroom. Exhausted. Whole body throbbing in pain. Eyes leaking .

8a need to get out of bed and heat the house up to take chill off. It’s 57° inside/and 39° outside currently. Will turn venting around on dryer to help heat inside. Ended up cleaning behind dryer. Took me longer than expected. Putting purification oil in the water base to purify air and make house smell good.

1100a chest and body hurting strongly. Overdid it.

1120a temp now 63° inside. Mid & Low back icy burning sensation.

430 exhausted. Need to rest a while.

1050 night times are tough. Just as I’m laying in bed and beginning to relax my nerve start hurting worse to sometimes almost makes me want to scream.

Bad headache most of day. Seen few pictures of what a migraine sufferer may see. It was weird to see bc that is what I try to explain when I say my brain and vision feels like it’s blurring. Apparently, I’m having migraines more often than I thought.

Whole body itches. Tummy feels so bloated it might explode. Gas bubbles keep moving back up my esophagus. It feels really weird but funny sounding too. Not sure how to explain the nerve pain tonight…l I e a million nerve fiber endings are exploding and shooting sharp needles thru my skin from inside out. It’s rather unnerving (not correct verbage but the correct word escapes me right now). Rt hip throbbing. Random muscle spasms thru body mostly legs and sides. Hands swollen and throbbing. Congested. Chest center aches.

Night meds taken. CBD 25mg sublingually.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 28-30 June 2019

June 28

8:00a- acutually had a pleasant dream first time in I can’t remember how long. Woke  two muscle spasming randomly in body, headache. I think my muscles are stuck in the state of spasm

845a-  folded two loads of clothes that have been sitting for 2 days.  Why do my arm muscles have to burn so much when folding clothes,  upper back muscles throbbing,  headache more intense.  Need to lay and rest until burning subsides. Going  to work  on my PT exercises.

5:14p- PT went well. Blair encouraged we’re moving in rt direction. Stopped at Walmart to get few things but they’re remodeling dairy section. Frustrating! Decided to go to Rouses. Severe thunderstorm rolled in. Now stuck at store. Tried to warn people it wasn’t safe to be near the windows while it’s lightning. I know first hand bc I was struck by lightning. They paid me no mind. Ugh!  Called Jordon to make sure he’s ok. Told him to unplug computers. Trying not to freak out. I need to go to my safe place. Muscles tense. Back muscles burning. Legs and feet throbbing. Muscles in legs spazzing. Rt hip throbbing. 

Texted Joe to let him know what was going on. Told me to stay safe. He texted several times to check on me.

My phone started acting up and wouldn’t send textes back to him. He started getting nervous if I was safe.

He called once off work to check on me. Tried turning phone off and on twice to no avail. Deleted last two apps downloaded – no avail. Finally updated apps (hadn’t thought to do that in a while). Finally texts went through. 

6:00p – When he got home, he gently scolded me telling me I needed to overcome my fears of storms. I can’t let them control my feelings. Not exactly what I wanted to hear but knew it was true. I used to be the strong one. I used to be fearless knowing Christ was by my side, but now I have allowed fear to overcome me. He suggested I start quoting scripture when I get scared. He then gave me big hug and kiss and told me he loves me.

I on the other hand just wanted to be held and assured that everything was going to be okay. I did not like hearing the truth bc it hurt. But I know I need to get a grip. The struggle is real. How does one overcome? By leaning on the everlasting arms of Jesus and allowing Him to be your shelter in times of storms. I know all of this. Relearning how to practice and apply it in daily life is what I must do.

June 29

7:00 scared myself awake in midst of nightmare – dreamt something was ripping my big toe off – I jerked awake b/c I literally felt sharp pain in rt toe like it was being ripped off.  Severe pain in toe for several minutes after waking.  

After came aware of surroundings, noticed Joe was holding me. I felt relieved and sense of peace knowing he was near me.  Thanked the Lord for him.

7:45a- soulwinning cancelled due to thunderstorm

8:00a- morning PT exercises

8:26a- headache, watery eyes, sensitive to lights, whole body aches, hands swollen and achy, muscles randomly twitching thru body, neck hurts. Need to get up. Need to figure out breakfast. 

8:45a- getting up for day lost my balance and fell into dresser. Hit my left arm. That’s going to be a bruse.

9:23a- strawberry lemon coffee cake in oven. I’m exhausted. Rt elbow throbbing. 

12:56p- cut my rt ankle and don’t know how. It hurts & burns. Hmm?

3:50p- wore out. Laying down a piece. Keep jerking myself awake.

8:00p- apparently when I tripped earlier kicking the step stool in kitchen (peripheral vision not quite right yet) I sprained my rt foot…now it’s little swollen and throbbing like toothache. Propping it while working on bulletin.

11:59p- intense pain thru body. Stinging sharp pain in rt hand and wrist. Low back & neck throbbing. Eyes watery. Sneezing. Left lower leg slight tourniquit feeling with some numbness. Rt hip throbbing intensely. Trouble getting comfortable. Taking muscle relaxer. 

This might help you understand what’s going on or possibilities to expect since your strike. Read it at your own pace. Don’t try to tax your brain too much right now. Rest is important for recovery.

June 30

7:00a- woke thinking we overslept. Trouble getting moving…whole body aches.

I can hear birds singing in the tree tops in the distance outside. They sound wonderful.  

♫ It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and give prasies to His name in the morning we will shew His love…♫

1:28p- my brain feels like it’s being tossed to and fro on a stormy sea – really hard to focus.  I’m exhausted and hurting. Need to take nap.

4:00p- laid down for over an hour never fell asleep but rest was helpful. 

Hung 2 tapestries in fellowship hall. Began decorating for 4th July. Worked on scripture journaling theme for July and posted.

8:00p- Reni tickled me so today. She wanted to sit with me in church tonight again. I was holding hands in lap. She looked at them and told me I looked just like her Mom. I chuckled (we look nothing a like) and asked her why she thought so. She replied “Cuz of your hands. They look like my mom’s.” I said, Ok. Thank you and love you too. She made my day. 

11:25p- I’m exhausted and hurting. Hands tingly and numbish. I’m freezing. Joe said my hands feel like ice. Pain rx wearing off and it doesn’t feel good. Brain feels taxed. Feel like I spent all my energy plus some today. It wasx good day though.

Lower left leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingling. Low back hurting. Neck hurts. Noises irritating. Lights bothersome.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 15-16 May 2019

May 15

6:30a- muscles in rt leg twitching woke me, low back throbbing, lower lft leg numbish, rt hip throbbing, lft hand tingly

*I’ll have to think on that one for a bit, but it certainly would be nice to only have to take one pill a day rather than many $35.40/60 capsules.

7:36a- yawned and stretched caused cramping in left side. Ouch!

11:00a- hanging clothes on the line hurts my arms something fierce, it wears me out to near exhaustion. Not feeling my best today.

Upper shoulders and neck burning pain. Need to lay down a piece.

30 min cat nap.

2:29- sewed binding back on Jordon’s blanket. Took a while to figure out. 

Folded load of clothes. My hands and arms are throbbing! Not put away yet. Need to rest before I can do something else.

9:48a- upper back stinging needle pain, thighs ache, tourniquit feeling on lft leg just above ankle, very tired

10:07a- apparently I fell asleep on chair…Joe woke me up to go to bed. I’m freezing. Rt hip throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Upper back stinging. Lft lower leg tourniquit tightening feeling stronger. Still have lump just above ankle. Center of chest hurts like I lifted too much today. Headache. 

Periods of trouble remembering what I’m suppose to be doing, starting several projects but finishing few…actually not sure if I finished any. Only one load put away others still in basket waiting for me to fold. Tomorrow’s another day. Feel like I’m forgetting something but don’t know what.  

Shoulder hurting, neck throbbing, muscle randomly spasming/twitching throughout body. Feet freezing. Hurting all over. Took pain rx. Took night vitamins/meds. Bright lights bothering me.

May 16

5:30a- woke in intense pain all over! Skin oversensitive. Everything touching it hurts. Feel like I must of broke fever over night. Remember freezing and having all covers on me next thing I know I’m burning up and only have top sheet on me. It’s a burning stabbing pain all over body. I dislike hurting this bad. Can I sleep it away? Took 800mg ibuprofuen hopefully that helps. Don’t want ta move.

8:40a- Jordon surprised us with breakfast in bed. He’s such a sweetie. I still hurt but not as intense as earlier. Guess hanging 3 loads of clothes was too much work for my nerves. They’re revolting (Don’t think that’s right word but not thinking what word should be). Wish I knew how to get past this. 

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

John 16:33
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Even when we are in the middle of a storm God can give us peace. We all have struggles in our lives that cause us to worry or fear. The best way to combat that is to pray with thanksgiving unto the Lord (Philippians 4:6-7).

Go ahead – tell the Lord what burdens your heart and mind. God cares about you.

Real peace comes when we trust that God knows what’s best and has everything under control. When you start to worry, stop and pray. 

7:00p- our family went to church to work on preparing bldg and grounds for Homecoming Sunday. We got a lot done but still a lot to do. I’m exhausted and really hurting but feel like we got things accomplished. Headache. Lots of trouble with speech today – thoughts to words mixed up, saying wrong words, stuttering, etc.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 27-28 April 2019

April 27

12:10a- not sure what’s going on, but I’m hurting more than I have in a while (I think). Just took rx pain & muscle relaxer. Hopefully, that’ll help me sleep. Calf muscles cramping, neck throbbing, noticed lft side of chest is swollen and upper torso throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Eyes sensitive to lights. Rt ear aches. Rt toothaches. Low back aches. 

Please, Lord, provide for our needs. Car broken down and not enough $ to fix. 

Lost my craft needle and not sure where to find it. Good news is I finally found Joe’s Valentine’s gift but it won’t do him any good til he finds his keys. lol

4:30a- sore throat and still hurting all over. Muscles twitching throughout body. Feel like I’m burning up!

7:30a- I’m exhausted. Still hurt all over. Hard to get moving…everything’s stiff, swollen, and more than achy.

8:00a- while putting make up on I accidentally poked myself in the eye with the mascara wand. I didn’t even feel it! Only way I knew I did so was the black dot on white of my eye. Scarey! Joe says I was a hot box last night bc when he went to rub my back this morning it was clammy. 

10:12a- felt scab on top of head rt. 2nd spot on head keeps oozing yellowish gunk and bleeds periodically.  Guess I’ll have to use frankincense until I can get to dr. Not sure when I’ll be able to afford it since our car is broke down again. God sees the need. I’m trusting Him to supply.

1:00- picked up rx from pharmacy. While waiting I asked for pharmacist opinion about my “thrush” issue. She suggested I see an ENT bc it’s quite possible I have infection stuck in tonsils. Lymph nodes swollen in neck, rt ear ache, tooth pain, headache, neck hurts, sore throat, periodic chills. 

In thinking about what was said, I don’t think the Dr’s once checked for strep or tonsillitis. I so need second opinion.

3:15p- strawberries on dehydrator trays, pork chops divided and put away, food from lunch put away. I’m exhausted. Need to rest a while. 

7:28z sharp pain in rt side of lip. Felt like I waz being zapped. Ouch!

11:59p- whole body still hurts but pain is subsiding some. Rt ear hurts. Rt toothache. Sore throat. Lumps on back of throat. Tongue coated white. Headache. Hands swollen and achy and tingly. Feet ache. Muscle spams randomly throughout body all day.   

Found out that the previous pastor of the church passed away this morning. Mixed emotions sad bc I know his wife will miss him but glad he’s no longer suffering and know he’s in a better place. 

April 28

7:00a- calves cramping

9:15a- Bro Billy brought lg box of assorted greeting cards for me to use at church. What a sweet surprise!

11:35a- rt hip throbbing, muscles spasming in legs, cramping in stomach, slight headache, rt ear hurts

3:00p- working on next Scripture Journaling theme. Decided to double check verses chosen. Glad I did. Had to make a few changes. Now to remember how I saved it last time to post on blog as pdf. 

5:59p- rt hip hurts, rt ear throbbing & intermittent ringing, feet freezing – I’ve had socks on all afternoon

Stomach cramping

11:10p- feet finally warmed up, rt ear throbbing, rt toothache stabbing, low back throbbing feels like I was punched in back low blow on both sides, stomach cramping, esophagus feels like pills got stuck, rt side of face hurts, hands achy and swollen, feel bloated, legs hurt like I walked 5k without training. Rt ear feels like I need to sleep on a warm cabbage leaf. 

Overall it was a good day. 

Lightning Strike Recovery Journal Entries 2019 Feb 27-28

Feb 27

8:45a- woke at 6:30 muscles spazing in legs. Back throbbing. Headaches. Spring is in the air my sinuses are amuck. Neck and chest hurt when I cough. Co-op today for kids. They are so excited they want to be there early! For the moment, I choose to be thankful for God’s faithfulness and mercies for they are new every morning. 

1:00- co-op went well today. Bunch of families out sick. I enjoy the US Geography class. Kids learning states and their capitals. I was able to do the game with kids today. Had fun. 

The class really stretches my brain and gives headache. Have to rest a while when I get home.

Feeling weak, rt hip throbbing, tailbone throbbing, headache, rt arm hurts, hands swollen and achy, neck hurts, shoulders tight, pain in left center of chest. 

Cat nap lasted about 10 minutes if that. Received call from Jakob. Got cut short because Joe was calling him. Figures.

9:51p- Jakob called back later. Needed help with his taxes. Unable to comprehend all he’s telling me. He said just him being able to talk it out with me helped. It probably would be better if I could see what he’s talking about. It was nice to be able to talk with him bc it’s been a long time since we talk that long. I miss my Bubba.

I’m exhausted but awake. In bed by 9:30. Lower half of body throbbing and tingling. Upper left side of chest throbbing. Rt shoulder hurts. Thrush still there. Headache. Dr apt tomorrow. Left shin & foot going numb feels weird.

10:15p- arms stinging

Feb 28

5:51a- woke at 2am & 5am. Woke from unsettling dream (only thing I remember is that I had argument with best friend and I was driving down wrong side of road thinking I was on right side). Muscles randomly twitching thru body, tears escaping my eyes, headache, need to get some sleep.  

7:42a- pain is great today…must be dreary weather. Nervous about Dr apt. Need to have him fill out paperwork for atty. Don’t recall being asked any of the questions before. Lord, I need thee every hour!

8:45a- Dr apt. Bp 113/69 hrt 69 weight 198 temp 97.7

The nurse, Joseph, had never met lightning survivor. Struggling remembering how old I am. I think it’s irrelevant, but they keep asking me. Still trips me up everytime. Mom had to explain why I had trouble remembering. Jospeh (I can remember his name bc it’s my husband’s name☺)

Saw someone familiar in hallway but I couldn’t place why I knew him. Told nurse that he looked familiar but I have no clue why. Dezirae kindly reminded me that he was from my TBI group. Oh, but I still don’t remember his name. 

When mom explained why I had struggle with memory. The guy got excited. He thought it was cool but not cool I was injured.  I told him I understood – it’s cool from a medical aspect. He never met a lightning survivor so he asked for my story. 

Thrush has improved but I have to wait one week then take 2nd round of medicine. I’m sick of medicine. 

12:05p- Dr didn’t fill out paperwork. Atty said not to worry. They’ll build case on medical records.

Chest in between shoulder blades just below chin just popped. Ouch! Feet are freezing!

7:25p- sharp pain left center of chest

Lightning Survivor Journal Entries 7-9 Dec 2018

Dec 7

7:00am -Joe scared me awake around 6:30. Woke me up from bad dream…

Chest hurts, rt side cramping, headache (wish I could get rid of them for good). Muscles twitching in left side.

11:30a- got stressed over typing up Dezirae’s Bible quiz & both kids needing my help at the same time. Needed to pick up my rx at pharmacy. Told Joe I needed some therapy & I’m going to the Thrift store. Found a few Christmas presents. Rx ended up being more than I expected. Back home before Joe had to leave for work. 

1:42p- getting chilling sensation at base of brain down back of neck & left ear – second time today

11:50p- had a decent day not too much pain unless I was doing too much. Vaccumed under part of bed. Had to have Jordon move bed back even though it was on wheels bc my back was hurting. Hurt my rt arm trying to reach object under bed. Had to have Dezirae get it out for me. Frustrating bc I used to be able to rearrange & deep clean my room in one day. Not anymore. It’s been over a year since my room was deep cleaned. Now I have to do it in spurts. Oh bother.

Headache.  Stuffy nose. Muscles randomly twitching in legs. Skin itches. Eyes watery. Tailbone just popped. Low back aches. Rt hip hurts. Feet freezing though I have socks on. Neck aches. Upper back stinging needle pain. Wide awake. Ringing in ears.

Dec 8

12:11a- stabbing pain in center of rt thigh. I need a new doctor specialist. Need one that cares enough to learn with me or try to research answers.

1:57 still wide awake

9:20a- so much pain!!! Rt arm & hand numb but tingly, swollen hands & pain. Upper back stinging needle pain. Low back throbbing. Feet tingly and pain. Upper arms ache. Stuffy nose..trouble breathing. It’s raining outside so I’m sure that’s part of it. At least my toes are warm. Oh, the pain.

2:27p neck is all knotted and hurting. Headache won’t go away. Bp is 100/73 at least that’s good. Last time I remember seeing it that low was before children. Yes! 

11:30p turned in bed caused extreme painful cramp in right side couldn’t move for a few minutes

Dec 9

8:00a woke with headache. Neck hurts to turn. Tired of headaches

9:30- having trouble playing Christmas hymns today. They’re gonna be the death of me so frustrating. Lord, please send us a pianist that can play better than me. Eyes blurry. Toes freezing. 

2:00p took kids to Bayou la Batre Christmas parade. Went into store while waiting for parade to start. Parade was kind of cute and short. Been a rainy month so all others had been rained out.

3:30p – sharp stabbing pain in center of chest. Tensed up and wanted to hunch over from the pain but knew I couldn’t bc iz driving. Oh in need of neck massage. Neck muscles so tight shoots pain down neck and body. I’m so tired.

9:18p – center of chest stabbing pain. Chilling sensation at base of neck and shoulders area.

Lightning Survivor Journal Entries 4-6 Dec 2018

Dec 4

10:00 tbi mtg (therapeutic recreation svc- Suzie , Bunny, Misty)

Played apples 2 apples

1:00p – recvd upsetting letter from mtg co. Joe trying to get me to make decision about going to Jackson with him. It’s stressing me out. 

2:11p – my brain hurts. I’m exhausted. 

2:50p – weird icy sensation inside both ears and head

6:22p- its 72 degrees inside but I’m freezing!!! Not feeling very well.

10:00p – Joe came home gave me kiss said that I feel warm and look like I don’t feel good. Told him I didn’t.

Dec 5

10:30a- not feeling well. Muscles twitching randomly thru body. Fingers throb and tingly. Legs ache.

If I turn too far to the right or left too far my sides cramp up painfully.

1:00p- Joe was sweet and stopped by store on his way home from hunting. He got sprite and ramen soup for me. He got a deer. Yeah!

7:50pm – starting to feel like I’m freezing again!!! Must have a virus or something. Not done much of anything today.  Goose bumps everywhere. I’m still in my pj pants, fuzzy socks, & a sweater – still freezing.

10:23pm – painful chilling sensation in center of chest – weird bc I’ve done nothing today. Second thought the only productive thing I’ve done was print and cut letters for bulletin board.

Decided to post to blog today. Every time I work on it my eyes get blurry and I get a headache.

I have mixed emotions looking back. I’m glad I heed advise to journal my days bc I don’t remember alot of things. I’m sad because I wish I could remember without the journal. I’m thankful for the support my family has been to me. 

Current medications/supplements:

Propranolol, Zyrtec, Calcium, Magnesium, Probiotic, Turmeric, Naproxen, Flexeril, Melatonin, Edarbyclor, Alpha Lipoc Acid, B Complex, MSM, B12 melt tabs.

11:33p- still awake-even after taking Melatonin. Center of chest throbbing. Headache. Body aches. Fingers hurts. Low back aches. Rt hip aches. Shoulders hurt. Trouble getting comfortable.

Dec 6

8:48a – rough night woke every couple hours. Dream of lost things…last lost thing was my keys. I just had them to open trunk of car, but when I was done they were no where to be found!

Joe woke me up at 5am because he couldn’t find his uniform pants. I wrote note and put it by coffee pot. He didn’t see it yet. Didn’t know it’d take an hour for them to dry. Ugh! So much for trying to be nice. I think he thanked me for trying to take care of him.

Woke to feeling like my skin was crawling with ants on top of head. Not a good feeling. Whole body stiff and hurts. Neck aches. Headache. Stuffy nose. Face hurts. Muscles in legs twitching.

5:00p asked family to help with decor at church. Joe helped me with taking bulletin board down. He also help me put up red foil for backdrop. Traced manger silhouette onto poster board and cut it out. Bulletin board finished just in time for church to start.

7:23p- I am hurting!! Center of chest throbbing pain with center tingling. Neck throbbing and tense. Eyes blurry. Brain foggy.  Chest feeling icy. Exhausted. 

10:43pm – skin itches all over almost feels like ants crawling all over me.  I hurt all over

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