June 28
8:00a- acutually had a pleasant dream first time in I can’t remember how long. Woke two muscle spasming randomly in body, headache. I think my muscles are stuck in the state of spasm
845a- folded two loads of clothes that have been sitting for 2 days. Why do my arm muscles have to burn so much when folding clothes, upper back muscles throbbing, headache more intense. Need to lay and rest until burning subsides. Going to work on my PT exercises.
5:14p- PT went well. Blair encouraged we’re moving in rt direction. Stopped at Walmart to get few things but they’re remodeling dairy section. Frustrating! Decided to go to Rouses. Severe thunderstorm rolled in. Now stuck at store. Tried to warn people it wasn’t safe to be near the windows while it’s lightning. I know first hand bc I was struck by lightning. They paid me no mind. Ugh! Called Jordon to make sure he’s ok. Told him to unplug computers. Trying not to freak out. I need to go to my safe place. Muscles tense. Back muscles burning. Legs and feet throbbing. Muscles in legs spazzing. Rt hip throbbing.
Texted Joe to let him know what was going on. Told me to stay safe. He texted several times to check on me.
My phone started acting up and wouldn’t send textes back to him. He started getting nervous if I was safe.
He called once off work to check on me. Tried turning phone off and on twice to no avail. Deleted last two apps downloaded – no avail. Finally updated apps (hadn’t thought to do that in a while). Finally texts went through.
6:00p – When he got home, he gently scolded me telling me I needed to overcome my fears of storms. I can’t let them control my feelings. Not exactly what I wanted to hear but knew it was true. I used to be the strong one. I used to be fearless knowing Christ was by my side, but now I have allowed fear to overcome me. He suggested I start quoting scripture when I get scared. He then gave me big hug and kiss and told me he loves me.
I on the other hand just wanted to be held and assured that everything was going to be okay. I did not like hearing the truth bc it hurt. But I know I need to get a grip. The struggle is real. How does one overcome? By leaning on the everlasting arms of Jesus and allowing Him to be your shelter in times of storms. I know all of this. Relearning how to practice and apply it in daily life is what I must do.
June 29
7:00 scared myself awake in midst of nightmare – dreamt something was ripping my big toe off – I jerked awake b/c I literally felt sharp pain in rt toe like it was being ripped off. Severe pain in toe for several minutes after waking.
After came aware of surroundings, noticed Joe was holding me. I felt relieved and sense of peace knowing he was near me. Thanked the Lord for him.
7:45a- soulwinning cancelled due to thunderstorm
8:00a- morning PT exercises
8:26a- headache, watery eyes, sensitive to lights, whole body aches, hands swollen and achy, muscles randomly twitching thru body, neck hurts. Need to get up. Need to figure out breakfast.
8:45a- getting up for day lost my balance and fell into dresser. Hit my left arm. That’s going to be a bruse.
9:23a- strawberry lemon coffee cake in oven. I’m exhausted. Rt elbow throbbing.
12:56p- cut my rt ankle and don’t know how. It hurts & burns. Hmm?
3:50p- wore out. Laying down a piece. Keep jerking myself awake.
8:00p- apparently when I tripped earlier kicking the step stool in kitchen (peripheral vision not quite right yet) I sprained my rt foot…now it’s little swollen and throbbing like toothache. Propping it while working on bulletin.
11:59p- intense pain thru body. Stinging sharp pain in rt hand and wrist. Low back & neck throbbing. Eyes watery. Sneezing. Left lower leg slight tourniquit feeling with some numbness. Rt hip throbbing intensely. Trouble getting comfortable. Taking muscle relaxer.
This might help you understand what’s going on or possibilities to expect since your strike. Read it at your own pace. Don’t try to tax your brain too much right now. Rest is important for recovery.
June 30
7:00a- woke thinking we overslept. Trouble getting moving…whole body aches.
I can hear birds singing in the tree tops in the distance outside. They sound wonderful.
♫ It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and give prasies to His name in the morning we will shew His love…♫
1:28p- my brain feels like it’s being tossed to and fro on a stormy sea – really hard to focus. I’m exhausted and hurting. Need to take nap.
4:00p- laid down for over an hour never fell asleep but rest was helpful.
Hung 2 tapestries in fellowship hall. Began decorating for 4th July. Worked on scripture journaling theme for July and posted.
8:00p- Reni tickled me so today. She wanted to sit with me in church tonight again. I was holding hands in lap. She looked at them and told me I looked just like her Mom. I chuckled (we look nothing a like) and asked her why she thought so. She replied “Cuz of your hands. They look like my mom’s.” I said, Ok. Thank you and love you too. She made my day.
11:25p- I’m exhausted and hurting. Hands tingly and numbish. I’m freezing. Joe said my hands feel like ice. Pain rx wearing off and it doesn’t feel good. Brain feels taxed. Feel like I spent all my energy plus some today. It wasx good day though.
Lower left leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingling. Low back hurting. Neck hurts. Noises irritating. Lights bothersome.