Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 7-9 December 2019
Dec 7
8.30 very rough night…trouble falling asleep…trouble staying asleep. My whole body hurts! It feels like a storm’s coming through. Ugh!
Bible read. Scripture posted.
Worked on blog last night some, but couldn’t figure out how to retrieve timeline from Facebook on phone (usually do that part on laptop). Got thru June 2018. One month closer to getting caught up to present day. If only I could figure out parameters of schematics of tech side of the blog. It’s amazing I’ve gotten what I have. PtL!
Hiccups are annoying. Pain is at 8 right now. I’ll see if pt exercises help any. Getting moving eases pain a notch in some areas but not others. Sure could go for lavender Epsom Salt bath soak.
Sometimes I wish Joe would shut his phone off at night. It went off several times last night. Ugh!
11.40 turkey and chickens being processed today. Mixed emotions.
1.20 had to take some ginger. Getting nauceous. Headache. Whole body aches. Hurts to move. Chewing papaya enzymes too. Can’t take pain rx until stomach calms down. Ugh!
7.00 stomach still not right still feeling a wee nauceous. Indigestion burning esophagus. Took 2nd ginger capsule & 3 papaya enzymes. Face feela flushed again. Cheeks burning. Whole body hurts. Haven’t been able move much today.
9.20 indigestion burning. If I could puck (puke) I may feel better. Taking prevacid & nauceous dimenhydrinate rx
11.50 indigestion and nauceousness is easing
Looked up essential oils to help
Rubbed pain relief roller on back of neck and bottom of feet. Sniffed it few breaths as well. Hopefully I’ll feel better in morning.
Feet freezing. Random cramping thru body today. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Headache. Shoulders tight. Neck hurts. Center of chest popped couple times today just moving. Hurts horribly.
Able to order gifts for Joe & Jakob today. Will be shipped to house by 12/16. Check emails for updates.
Dec 8
7.30 snooze I hit for 15 min. Fell asleep sometime after 1am. Nightmares kept me tossing and turning. They didn’t calm until Joe moved closer to hold me.
What an encouragement to hear Joe getting a text out of the blue from fellow pastor (tw) telling him that he was praying for him.
10.00 visiting church with friends we’re staying with for weekend. Quaint & friendly, but I miss my church. Looking forward to being in our church tonight.
2.30 heading back home now. Already hurting. I enjoyed being able to discuss issues I’m challenged with post LS with friend that has some of same symptoms post her bad auto accident and be an encouragement to as well. Like the itchy skin could be a nerve damage thing. Or the trouble finding right words to express a thought.
5.30 rt hip throbbing with pain rt leg. Low back throbbing. Light headache. Face itches.
8.00 Joe treated us to McD’s for dinner so I wouldn’t have to cook. Only able to eat half my burger. Joe ate rest. Salt on fries tasted good. Odd. Haven’t had burger in long time. Yum! Ankles feel bruised.
9.00 got boost of energy when we got home. Wrapped first present for bulletin board & cut out other box shapes to wrap tomorrow. Need to have it up before next Sunday.
Started working on planning meals for week. Have few days done, but will need to get some groceries. Very low on veggies in house.
11.30p whole body.aches, low back throbbing, rt hip throbbing, feet tingling, hands ache, headache, stomach hurtz, tingling in ankles
It just dawned on me today that there’s about two weeks until Christmas. I’m no where near ready. Ugh! Not going to stress – one thing I’ve learned is that stress causes me much pain!!! Need to write out everything to do between now & Christmas and work the plan. Will definitely have to get help but what gets done gets done. I’ll try not to shed a tear for what isn’t done. Bummer I just remembered Christmas cards. Guess it might be shirt list. Prioritizing is key. I need a planning calender for next year.
Lord, please help calm my brain and give me restful sleep. Thank you for life, my friends, and family. Thank you for Your sacrifice at Calvary.
Dec 9
7.59p I’m wore out exhausted. Family watching the Christmas Great light.
It’s hurting my eyes and brain. Sharp pain shooting in rt elbow. Whole body aches. Took pain rx.
8.40 arms stinging. More tired. Feel like I’m fading.
11.22 pushed thru pt exercises. Feel like I just did rigorous workout. Whole body hurts. Cramping rt side. Rt hip throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingling. Skin itches. I’m hot. fingers, hands, toes tingling. Rt ear hurts. Deep muscle bones ache.