Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 28-29 January 2021

Jan 28

544 startled awake by what I know not. Got up only to feel sharp stabbing pain in left foot when I stood. Lost balance. Used restroom. Checked house. Went back to bed as head is pounding – migraine. Background light on phone too bright though turned all way down. Think I’ll sleep it off.

930 still have migraine. Took Excedrin migraine. Closing eyes another half hour.

1000a headache is easing.

Goals today: deep clean master bath, begin gathering info for taxes.

100p yay  lunch date with Joe

300 completed documenting info for phone bill last year. Shower & toilet has been cleaned & trash emptied. Still have sink, walls, mirror, & floor.

Lost balance rehanging shower curtain liner and almost fell. Head hit curtain rod catching me from falling. Whew!

Out of breath. Arms fatigued out while hanging curtain. Ears ringing. Headache. Dizzy. Need to lay down a piece.

Joe & I agree on colors for auditorium.  Still not sure how far on accent wall due to odd shape in front.

Freezing cold. Joe says my skin is ice cold. Neck hurts. Headache slight. Sinuses congested. Exhausted. Rt hip hurts. Skin itchy. Reduced my milk to 1% seems to be helping. Hands ache. Periodic shocking stabs randomly through body making me jerk. Trouble with losing grip and dropping items. Shoulders ache. Nerves a bit stingy thru body.  Eyes look like I’ve been punched in face.

Took night meds, C, Zinc, melatonin, & naproxen.

Jan 29

730 eyes blurry. Having trouble reading Bible this morning. Head hurts neck stiff. Legs throbbing. Hands ache. Tummy hurts. Sinuses congested. Thirsty. Low back throbbing.

Recvd email about immunity. According to Dr Josh, a dysfunctional immune system can be an underlying cause of issues like:

  • Fatigue
  • Respiratory problems
  • Musculoskeletal pain
  • Poor digestion
  • Elevated stress levels
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Depression
  • Poor sleep

930 phone apt with neuropsychologist went well. Not exactly comprehend all that was said, but I’m improving well.

In summary, I now have normal brain for my age instead of smart brain (I’m not really liking “normal”). Scores were all over the place from superior to below normal. Do have some signs of depression, but that’s to be expected considering all I’ve been through. No doubt I have had a TBI, but doing good in recovery. She was amazed at how well I am recovering from the brain injury. She said our brains are designed to heal themselves to a certain extent.

Asked her about trouble with playing the piano. Exercises to overcome coordination difficulty with brain and hands at times. She said just keep trying. With all the difficulties I’ve encountered from my LS injuries, I most likely will never be like I was before. I needed to focus on my strengths and not so much on my weaknesses

Need to figure out how to improve my comprehension.

120 shivering. Brr! It’s 65°. Raised rt arm above head to put sweater on. Right side torso cramped horrible stop me in my tracks.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 26-27 January 2021

Jan 26

Every fiber of my being is screaming in pain! Bad thunderstorm passed through last night. Will have to take rx pain med to get about today. Sinuses severely congested. Post nasal drip causing cough. Headache.

930 received call from nurse. My retest came back negative. My theory worked! Now do I keep my quarantine or what? It isn’t over until Friday. Hmm?

1130 Joe picked up grocery order from Wal-Mart. 2nd time I’ve done it this way. Both times had several substitutes. Not happy but I can live with them. I still prefer in person shopping only doing this way due to quarantine. got very dizzy. Had to sit a spell til it calmed down.

200 went with Joe to pick up Jordon so I could take his car home. Stopped at Ulta for Dezirae. Just that little bit wore me out. Had to rest for a while when we got home. Gonna have to work on building back up my stamina.

Made dinner – taco stroganoff. Used Instapot to brown beef, saute onions, & melt cream cheese. It has been big help. Loving this God given thoughtful gift. Exhausted. Sat to catch breath and rest a bit before serving dinner. Guys came home from hunting as I sat down. Joe sweet enough to serve me. Told him just a little bc I’m not feeling well at moment. Kinda of feel like I took several steps backwards with this covid junk.



Jan 27

Been awake since 7:30. Rough night. Restless. Severe indigestion and much pain made getting comfortable near impossible. Fell asleep sometime after 2am.

Woke exhausted and hurting much. Headache. Eyes watery.

Coughing ensued around 8am. Applied Vicks to feet again. Took morning meds plus Tylenol Sinus.

Researching treating pain naturally. Came across following that seem to be worth researching further.

I have found on my own trials that the more C I take the less I hurt, but I haven’t figured proper amount for self yet. Going to try to learn more about juice fasting.

Folded and put away load of clothes. Wash load. Put load in dryer. Another load in basket to fold. Don’t have any more energy. Feeling weak and dizzy. Need to rest a while. Dezirae working on schoolwork.

Laying down while listening to rejoice radio.

Forgot to open curtains. Dark in room. Went in room to do something don’t recall what. Forgot the fan was near end of dresser near door. Bumped into fan almost fell and in trying to catch myself I knocked the tv & DVD player onto the floor. Ended up yelling Oh no! Dezirae came to check. Told her I was okay and attempted to tell her what happened except forgot what to call item under tv and called it a vcr instead. Picked them back up and checked to make sure they were still working. Thought I broke them. Ugh.

Dezirae helped with dinner. I couldn’t get the chow mein cans open. Cooked rice in Instapot.

After dinner, I was so wore out that I ended up crashing on couch for about an hour. Now will be up for a while.

Headache eased. Tired. Sinuses getting congested. Rt ear hurts. Skin feels itchy. Cold but no fever. Low back hurts. Rt hip throbbing. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling & numbish to toes. Lft foot freezing while rt foot is just tingly & firey pins & needles. Neck sore. It cracked several times today when I turned it too far to side. Collar bone cracked couple times today each time causing moderate pain in chest lasting for about an hour.

Upon taking night meds discovered I forgot to take morning meds. Ugh. Took additional C, zinc, & a melatonin. Taking naproxen to ease pain for sleep. Also applied sleep lotion.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 22-23 June 2019

June 22

7:00a- slept good last night. Still tired. Low back, neck, & rt hip throbbing.

11:45a- had to take it slow on visitation…moving head wrong kept making me wobbly even with cane…almost lost my balance couple times (if it weren’t for cane I would’ve fallen)  

2:00p- guys went to Jackson. Dezirae & I watched Hallmark movie. I fell asleep for about half hour. I was tired.

202p I’ve managed to perplex Dr’s once again. Throat culture came back negative – meaning I do not have thrush. While this is good news, it doesn’t explain the lesions on my tongue and down my esophagus.

6:00p- had parents over for dinner. Chicken, rice, peas, & rolls. Enjoyed fellowship.

10:57p- neck throbbing, low back & rt hip throbbing. Feet freezing. Lower left leg tourniquit tighten feeling with slight numbness. Center of chest hurts. Feeling wobbly and uneasy. 

June 23

11:26a- can’t figure out why some days it’s harder for me to focus on things than others especially when it comes to playing piano. Rt side started cramping and rear end become painful while playing piano. Wonder if there’s a way to pad the bench tactfully. Have headache causing unlevel feeling. Rt hip aching. I finally have nails painted. Funny how a little thing can brightn your attitude. Center of chest & upper back hurts/aches.

11:55a- rt leg cramping. Sharp pain in rt neck & shoulder

1:45p- need to lay down for a piece…feel lightheaded like I’m crashing

4:00p- tried hanging tapestry by myself

6:30p- realized while playing piano (attempting to anyways) that I forgot to put my shoes back on. Lol

10:44 – just took tick off Joe. Jordon stung by wasp twice. Applied baking soda paste. Keep eye on him…he seems to be okay. Noted tick bite in calendar told boys to check themselves. 

My eyes are burning. Bright lights bothersome. Pain level a 7 or 8. Did too much with putting letters on bulletin board and hanging tapestry. Couldn’t finish tapestry…had to ask for help bc lifting arms above my heart cause intense pain in arms, neck, shoulders, and chest.

11:40p-still wide awake in great pain

Lightning Strikes

I have a new appreciation for Lamentation 3:22-23 “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed…”

I was struck by lightning on Tuesday, July 18, 2017.  The meteorologists called for rain that day, but it was a sunny day.  I was sitting at the kitchen table working on our laptop when all of a sudden I heard an extremely loud clap of thunder.  Our daughter saw a blue streak of light come through the house and I was being zapped!!!  Our middle son felt a light zap through his earbuds as he was on the computer in the living room, but he’s had no lasting effects from it.

We later found out that lightning had struck the ground not ten feet outside the back of the house.  It side flashed and came through the house hitting me on my left side!  We screamed!

I lost control of my left hand and dropped the cell phone.  The left side of my body was immediately numb and tingling.  I had an enormous headache, my chest hurt horribly, it felt like I was being stung all over at the same time, and I was disoriented.

My husband came home from work and took me to the E.R.  The ER Doctor admitted that he had never treated a lightning strike survivor and had to google internet to find out what to do.  They ran tests (EKG, bloodwork, and Xrays) to check my heart for damage.  Everything seemed to be okay.  After several hours, I was sent home.

The next couple of weeks were a blur for me.  I am struggling with side effects that could either be temporary or permanent.  I am not bouncing back as fast as I’d like, and my thoughts are often quite scattered.

I am thankful that the Lord spared my life “because His compassions fail not.  They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.”

We are asking prayers for complete healing and relief of pain that I now experience on a daily basis.  Hug your loved ones because you are not promised tomorrow.

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