Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 13-14 May 2021

May 13

Broken sleep. Woke with both arms and hands numbish and tingling. Sinuses congested. Thirsty. Whole body stiff and achy. Legs throbbing. Tired. Surface of mid and upper back stinging. Low back throbbing.

Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 9-22, Proverbs 31:30

Interesting tidbit Solomon’s downfall possibly began when he started multiplying 666 pieces of gold in a year (9:13). Did the $ or the women turn his heart from God?

Slow moving today. Sorted pots and pans to take some to church to use there.

Decided I was hungry for Raisin Bran. Used 1% milk. Instant sinus congestion. Hope I can get this under control soon.

Try to work on blog and can’t find Joe’s laptop. I need it for the PowerPoint program. Ugh.

Legs hurt so bad they feel like they’re about to fall off.

300p taking 30 minute nap. I’m tired. Center of chest starting to throb with sharp pains keeping me awake. Remembered that I forgot to take ibuprofen today. Took some.

500 dinner didn’t cook right. Ugh. Have to cook the meatballs in microwave.

600 scatterbrained and having difficulty understand what people are saying. Having to make them repeat it several times.

700p rt hip throbbing. Head hurts.

Managed to get pkg in mail (which mailman didn’t bother to pick up. Grr!), & Homecoming postcards labeled and stamped.

1109o sharp pains in chest again. I’ve got to figure out how to remember to take the ibuprofen regimen consistently so I don’t have to go to Drs.


May 14

600 woke momentarily not knowing were I was nor what day it was. Center of chest sharp pain. Took Naproxen.

Whole body sharp achy pain. Sinuses congested. Arms throbbing like I worked out. Eyes watery. Headache. Very tired. Hands swollen and achy. Mouth dry and thirsty. Rt hip aches. Toes tingly.

Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 13-17, Psalm 139:13-14

400p put tea on to make sweet tea for company, but forgot about it. I burned the water.  So embarrassed. Lol. It was funny though bc Joe said he smelled bread. I said I wasn’t making bread. Then I smelled something burning.

930p neck popped. Rt ear clogged and ringing instantly.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 11-12 May 2021

May 11

800a woah I didn’t think I could hurt worse than last night. Feels like a combination of being beaten up exponentially and a rigorous workout. Every fiber of my being hurts.

Slept pretty good. Only woke couple times. One time woke to old hymn playing in my brain – one I hadn’t heard in a while. Can’t remember it now. Still tired and moving very slow.

Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 2-5, Ephesians 4:32,

A fellow LS survivor asks the question Why me syndrome? I’m not sure how to answer bc I’ve not asked that. I’m thankful it was me and not my children. I wouldn’t even wish the constant pain and struggles on my enemies.

I know God has a purpose and a plan (Jeremiah 29:11) and nothing takes God by surprise (Isaiah 41:22-22, Psalm 139:16-17, Romans 8:28).

Beginning to wean myself off the propranolol. Start by taking only 1/2 pill at night – this starts 2nd week of doing so. If all goes well, I’ll reduce more next week.

Also, alternating reducing bp rx. 1/2 pill & 1/4 pill every other day. Been doing that for 2 weeks. Bp is 122/74 hr 62.

AM meds: Edarbyclor (1/2 & 1/4 pill every other day), Propranolol, Dexilant 30mg every other day, Echinacea, B12, Niacin, C

Pushed myself to transplant tomatoes to container garden so I won’t loose them.

Need to go get my flash drives from church so I can finish end of year grades. Need to get Jordon’s diploma soon.

Another thunderstorm coming, I can feel it.

Twill be down rest of day bc when I hurt this bad moving body is difficult and painful.

250 just finished Jordon’s and most of Raes grades. Brain hurts, head hurts, vision blurring, neck hurts, body hurts, very tired, thirsty, hot. Laying down for 30 minutes or so to rest brain.

900 center of chest hurting like I was punched. Whole body aches but not as bad as when I woke.

1030 finally finished grades for both Jordon & Rae for this school year. What a relief. Now to work on planning next year and submitting enrollment form to new cover school.

Need to focus on planning graduation ceremony to which I’ve never done before. . Lord, please help.

Slight headache, neck hurts, chest pain in center that radiates thru to back, arms, shoulders, and hands ache, hands swollen, legs and feet stinging burning throbbing pain, periodic sharp stabbing pain in arms during day, ears ringing, rt hip aches, tired but awake, cotton taste in mouth

Night meds taken, 3 Tylenol for pain, 1 tsp Colloidal Silver in water, 1 tsp Colloidal Silver swished in mouth. Can’t believe the difference on my tongue.


May 12

700 forgot I set alarm. It scared me awake causing muscle spasms on rt side of torso and chest. Deep breathing to calm. Took 5 minutes or so. My body aches deeply all over. Feels like I was badly beat up. Hurts to move.

Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 6-8, Prob 31:10, 27-28

Balance check book and pay bills through this week.

1200 off to bid friends of MYSEAHOPE a fairwell as they are heading to St Vincent.

Dezirae got to help untie the ropes to help them head off on their voyage.

They gave me their van to help me get the therapy and treatment needed for my recovery. I wasn’t expecting that. It made me want to cry happy tears. I’ll miss them but pray for safe travels and that they’ll reach many souls for Him. Part of me wishes I could go.

3:45 center of chest hurting horribly. Heat pad on chest. Plus 4 Ibuprofen.

4:30 rt ear hurting. Ears ringing.

530 go to pick up van with Joe. I didn’t realize it had a moon roof that works! God is good. Talked with Hailey for while. She wanted me to sing to her several songs. Brain couldn’t think…only thought of few songs. She then requested Amazing Grace. She’s a sweetheart.

930 night meds taken. Tired but wide awake.

Whole body aches deeply. Hands swollen and throbbing. Rt ear hurts. Slight headache. Rt hip stinging throbbing. Stinging burning pain throughout body. Top of left foot feels like it was sliced with sharp knife but there’s nothing there. Center of chest throbbing with periodic sharp stabbing pain thru to back. Sinuses congested.

Thankful for…

  1. My own vehicle
  2. My family
  3. God’s grace

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 4-6 May 2021

May 4

Broken sleep. Woke at 3 to use restroom

5am, 7:15a, 7:35a

Still feeling weird and stinging needle burning throbbing pain increases. Eyes hurt. Headache. Sciatica pain eased some. Going back to bed. Ears hear sound of ocean like I’m holding conch shell up to them but I’m not. Sinuses congested. Sneezing.

Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 9-11, Psalm 30

Weather aware day… thunderstorming pretty bad. Under flash flood advisory.

Took night meds plus PEA & Gaba. Helps relax and keep migrai at bay.

May 5 

600a woken by thunderstorm. Nerves are screaming thru body. Woke from pleasant dream with song on mind (The Way of the Cross Leads Home).

720 had to wake Dezirae to go babysitting with Grandma. She overslept.

Sat in recliner looking up curriculum possibilities for Dezirae in fall.

Nerves stinging greatly thru pbody. Rt hip throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Cotton mouth. Skin sensitive to touch. Lower abdomen aches thru to back. Low back throbbing. Headache. Feet & legs ache.

Put load of clothes in wash.

Bible Reading: Psalm 32:8-10, 1 Chronicles 12-14

Worked on planning meals for week, chat with my sister, printed cards for Mother’s day.& Laminated them, washed few dishes, meandered through house doing odd chores picking up here and there (I know I did it but I couldn’t tell you what they were).

Had house to myself until around 3pm. It was nice and quiet – except I had radio on most of day.

Joe rubbing me wrong way today. Nothing he’s doing wrong in particular. I dislike when I get in this mood. Ugh! Lord, please help me think lovely thoughts.

Psalms 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

A/C is freezing up. Had to turn it off. I’m hot so it’s going to take a bit to fall asleep.

1030 don’t know where I put my charger for my tablet, but found different way to charge keyboard 4 tablet. I hurt all over. Center of chest hurts. Headache not so bad. Extremely tired. Stinging needles feeling randomly thru body. Periodic muscles spasming thru body. Low back throbbing. Arms tingly.


May 6

Didn’t sleep very well at all. I hurt all over. Headache mild. Feet feel like I’m stepping on broken glass. Stinging pain thru body. Lower abdomen hurts.

Song on mind: “In Christ I Am Forgiven”.

Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 15-17, Psalm 34:8, Proverbs 23:15-21

Sinuses congested. Tongue more covered in lesions.

Can’t find my flash drives. It’s hindering me know getting things done. Ugh. Frustrating. Later discovered that I mistakenly put them in SS teaching bag.

Tired. Hurting all over.

LS Journal Entries: 28-30 April 2021

April 28

Bible Reading: 2 Kings 20-22

Woke to much pain throughout body.

April 29

300 woken by intense burning pain in arms, hands, legs, and feet. Sinuses severely congested. Bad headache. Had to take tylenol and 1/2 Benadryl to get some relief.

Took couple hours to fall back to sleep.

700 woke thinking I overslept. Still in much pain. At least headache has eased a little.

Bible Reading 2 Kings 23-25, Psalm 51

1200 worked on completing Jordon’s grades and submitting them for graduation. Brain is tired, legs below knees tingling and burning, feet & ankles freezing. Need to rest.

Just went on trip last weekend and haven’t been able to rest and recoup. I’m hurting quite a bit, but praise I’ve not had a migraine since I started taking a Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) supplement.

Dezirae and I finished up at Lawana’s house for her daughter, Gaynor, this week. The Estate Sales people take over now. It’s seams surreal and bittersweet.

We were able to lead a teenager boy to the Lord during counseling last night. Praise the Lord! I’m hoping he will ring the bell in church tonight.

Today devil is fighting thru some people that know better. The natural man wants to reach out and touch someone, but I know I can’t.

It’s all just catching up and hitting me at the same time. Lol. I’ll be okay just need a day to rest and relax.

Was supposed to attend another funeral tomorrow, but Joe is letting me off hook and will take Jordon with him instead so I can rest. He’s even going to cook dinner for me tomorrow

11:00p Praise! The young man that got saved rang the bell in church tonight.


April 30

700 saw Dezirae off on her trip with Grandma, cousin, & aunt to see her Great Grandma.

Legs below knees to ankles burning, stinging, throbbing pain. Feet cold and tingling. Eyes watery. Sinuses congested.

Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 1-2

In much pain and feeling very lethargic today. Thankful to be able to rest today.

Went back to bed until 10am. Probably could sleep longer but won’t.

Thunderstorm began about 11am. Glad we postponed Jordon’s pics.

500 Joe cooked Bbq ribs , mixed veggies, and tator tots.

723 researching benefits of Gaba

“various lifestyle and genetic factors can throw GABA out of whack” what about traumatic experiences like a lightning strike? Hehe.

930 going to bed. Exhausted and did hardly anything today.

In so much pain, stinging burning throbbing pain throughout body. Low back throbbing burning. Took Gaba – 1 capsule – to calm brain and nerves. Hoping it helps.

Taking tylenol to ease pain so I can get some sleep.

Tummy hurts from eating sugary foods today. Ugh! They are not my friend.

Thankful for…

  1. A caring, loving family
  2. To be alive
  3. Even on bad days, I can put my trust in Him.

LS Journal Entries: 25-27 April 2021

April 25

I so hurt all over. It hurts to move. It lacks my motivation to move at all. Rt side of tongue feels swollen making swallowing difficult and painful.

Bible Reading: 2 Kings 12-14,

200p kids surprised me with Iris’s, card, & “hope” ornament for Mother’s day early. Ate at Mod Pizza after trying two other restaurants who had a problem sitting 8 people.

300 taking nap for an hour.

400 Joe wow me to get ready for church. I’m hurting horrible and exhausted.

Joe said I could stay back to rest for trip back home tomorrow.

Worked on devotional for a bit then laid down. Fell back to sleep and woke when they got back.

April 26

600a alarm sings. My body hurts and I don’t want to move. Snoozed alarm.

Bible Reading: 2 Kings 15-17

500 did fairly well with my anxiety while traveling until Jordon took over. Accelerating to quickly for my liking and having to apply the break often due to heavy traffic caused my anxiety to rise and yelling to ensue. Joe ended up telling me to be quite. I tried hard but it still came out some. Joe did coach Jordon with his driving.

530p made it home safe from KY. Every inch of me is stinging throbbing

April 27

In great deep pain to bones from head to toes raging! It hurts to move. Oh, if I could only snuggle in His everlasting arms of grace to soothe the pain while I cry a while.

Thankful that I can lay my anxieties and cares at His feet and leave them there.

Bible Reading: 2 Kings 18-19, Psalm 55:22,

Pain eased a little as I forced myself to get up and moving a little. Washed couple loads. Hung one load on line.

Juicing: Spinach, apple, mango smoothie. It was disgusting.  Forced myself to drink most of it. Cooked two scrambled eggs to get rid of yucky after taste.

Few chores at home: auto ins change, submit proof of income for Jakob’s loan. Gave me a bad headache. Had to rest my brain a bit.

Joe informed me of funeral to attend Friday. Now have to reschedule Jordon’s Senior photos again. Plus it’s suppose to rain all day Friday. Ugh .

Got excited when I saw how many blooms the rose bushes had. It’s taken 5 1/2 yrs to get pink roses to bloom that much.

930 horrible indigestion. Took 2 ginger capsules. Had indigestion after lunch too. Need to call pharmacy to check on rx.

Hurt from head to toe. Exhausted. Indigestion making it difficult to lie down. Sucking on ginger chew. Eyes watery. Sinuses acting up as if allergic to something I came in contact with or I ate. Low back throbbing. Rt hip hurts. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Stinging burning pain all thru legs and feet. Parts of skin itchy. Slight headache. Toes chilly and tingling. Hands swollen and throbbing. Neck hurts. Tummy hurts and feels bloated. Balance bit off today. Peripheral vision off a little too.

Thankful for…

  1. Roses blooming bountifully
  2. A loving family
  3. Jakob able to get a dependable car

Lightning Strike Journal Entries: 23-24 April 2021

April 23

700 broken sleep all night. Stinging pain thru body is great. Headache very slight. Eyes blurry and feel like they’re filled with mucus.

Sinuses congested. Hands and arms stinging throbbing and swollen. Legs throbbing stinging. Feet sting the most.  Low back throbbing. Neck hurts with chilling sensation down spine.

Bible Reading: 2 Kings 6-8; Romans 14:11, John 3:14-17

Went to college to see Jakob. Given tour of college. Chapel with Jakob. Guys got pretty loud so I had to put my ear plugs in to muffle sound in order to not get a migraine.

Ate lunch with Jakob at the college.

Dropped sister & kids off at hotel. Taking Jakob to get a car. I forgot how long the process takes. I’m so exhausted and hurting all over.  Almost came close to starting all over – payments higher than they expected bc they forgot about interest rate.  Jakob proud owner of 2013 Chevy Equinox.

Dinner at Cheddar’s restaurant. While waiting to get called in, stepped one step backwards not realizing there was dip in sidewalk lost balance and almost fell. Thankfully Joe caught me. Made rt hip hurt exponentially. Had to sit.

Took seemingly forever to get our food and I’m draining quickly. Let everyone know that I wasn’t mad at anyone I’m just hurting and pushed to max on my goings. Need to go back to hotel room and crash.

Slight headache. Neck hurts. Whole body aches. Legs & feet sting. Rt hip throbbing. Lft hip aches. Sinuses congested. Hands swollen and throbbing. Feet freezing. Exhausted. Starting to slur words and stutter. Difficulty thinking straight. Low back throbbing. Severe pain in lower rt abdomen. Stinging pain from low back to feet.

Thankful for precious time with family.  Jakob got a dependable car. Joe & I are having fun picking on each other and he still treats me like a queen.

April 24

700 slept fairly good. Dreams but don’t recall details. Whole body aches deeply and fiercely. Sinuses congested. Tummy hurts.

Bible Reading 2 Kings 9-11, Psalm 60:20

Going to the Ark Encounter today with Uncle Dale and Aunt Annabelle.

7:42 back in hotel room. I’m exhausted, face is hot, whole body hurting, low back throbbing, feet are freezing. Laying down to rest a bit.

1130 crashed for about hour or so. Woke in time to get ready for bed.

I’m exhausted and hurting from head to toes. Feet freezing. Stinging burning pain throughout body. Lower back and hips intensely throbbing. Sharp pain in lower rt abdomen. Sinuses congested slightly. Headache, but not a migraine.

Thankful for the blessed day and amazing adventure.

Enjoyed spending the day at the Ark Encounter. I was awestruck to see the life-sized replication of Noah’s Ark.

It was encouraging and thought-provoking to see and hear not only of the amount of Noah’s faith, but also of all the people involved in the coming together of this exhibit.

I even enjoyed challenging a random teenager to a race while I was in the electric scooter (I won ). We all had a great laugh.

I’m exhausted and hurting, but thankful for this wonderful opportunity!

Lightning Strike Journal Entries: 20-22 April 2021

April 20

Woke from strange dreams to whole body hurting. Feels like I was beat up. Hurts to move.

Bible Reading: John 14:16-18, 1 Kings 21-22,

700a text received stating it was my turn at tag office. I’m not there yet. Ugh!

730a lady being nit picky about bill of sale and title. Affidavit for both.

Thankfully able to get in contact with buyer and get them signed. Tag acquired.

2:30 finally home. Need nap.

Sleep for 30 minutes then Dezirae needing help with math. I’m tired of Geometry. It’s like Greek to me with only few rays of light here and there.

600 bday party for Tara. Family helps pick up prior. Glad Mom’s making the lasagna. I have very little energy left in me.

930p I’m exhausted and hurting all over. Going to bed. Praying I feel better in morning.

April 21

340 woke abruptly to severe stinging pain throughout body. Looked at clock and thought it was 6:40 forgetting that the power was out for while y’day. Scared Joe awake. He wasn’t to thrilled when he learned time was 3:40.

Trying to fall asleep, but pain is too loud.

Bible Reading 2 Kings 1-2,

April 22

4:30a I’m not ready to get up. It’s too early.

Woke feeling like I broke a fever. Whole body hurts. Stinging pain in legs and feet.

Bible Reading: 2 Kings 4-5

756 took me a while to figure out how to sign up for roadside assistance on my phone. Tried to apply a discount code but it doubled the price. Ugh! Had to keep starting over. Took me almost an hour. Head pounding by time I was done.

Tried to close my eyes to rest brain, bit the flashing through the passing trees is making it worse. Closing eyes makes it worse. Nose starts bleeding and I forgot to pack my natural supplements to help. Ugh

Trouble with lower back cramping about half way through trip to see Jakob. Tired but trouble falling asleep. Very jumpy. Joe keeps telling me to hush. Brain starting to feel like it’s out to sea – not good. Stinging pain thru body. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with some numbness to foot.

Lost balance and fell backwards into car.

Lightning Strike Journal Entries: 18-19 April 2021

April 18

700a Woke late. Forgot to set alarm. Whole body feels like I was beat up badly. It hurts to move. Moving slowly.

Bible Reading: 1Kings 15-17

910 realized we forget the vegetables. Ugh. Have to run back home.

1129a sharp paying in lft shoulder blade.   Center of chest aches.

Mom told me she was talking to chiropractor about me the other day. He told her that it was good to see my progress. When I first started seeing him, my speech was slurred and thought process was slow. I’m speaking more clear now and am looking better. Good news to hear.

Need to rest my brain a bit in order to function through tonight’s service. Listening to wholetones music to help calm and quiet my brain.

Center of chest feels like I pulled a muscle and bruised it too.

300 can tell I forgot to take the PEA supplement. My brain having hard time quieting. Head hurts more.

Lft knee bothering me making walking difficult.

April 19

500 woke tired and aching all over. Feet feel like I’m stepping on needles when I first stand. Hands throbbing. Thirsty. Tongue coated in white again with lesions. Think I need to perdue food allergens testing in near future. Slight headache.

Bible Reading: 1 Kings 18-20

600 remembered that I’m supposed to go renew license today and I haven’t gathered all the information yet. Have to get star on ID and need specific info. Ugh!

Transfer towels to dryer. Start another load laundry. Print list if required documents. Double check time office opens. Business hours still aren’t what they’re posted due to covid. Have to be there at 8am. Praying it won’t take long.

Info gathered. Have time for short nap. Praying all goes smoothly and quickly (well not too quick so I have time to process info thrown at me and I can respond accordingly.

Got in trouble y’day bc Joe asked me two questions during his sermon. One right after the other. I was attempting to answer first question but by time I could spit it out he asked second question. And it sounded as if I was arguing with him. Ugh!  Frustrating and embarrassing. At least, I made people laugh. Don’t remember the questions, but later when we were talking about the day something that was said reminded me and I let him know about it.

I may not sound or look like I’m struggling or in pain from the outside, but I do so on a daily basis. It’s frustrating to tears at times, but I remind myself that God is with me and He us my refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1).

Feet  freezing. Tourniquet tightening feeling in both legs from mid calf down to feet. Putting on socks to warm up feet.

545 burnt index knuckle on left hand getting dinner out of oven. My hand jerked hitting top burner in oven. Ouch!

600p sharp stabbing shooting pain in lower back right quadrant of head. I’m exhausted and done for the day.

1030 whole body hurts something fierce. Exhausted. Brain hurts and is foggy. Tourniquet tightening feeling in lower lft leg with tingling in left foot. Toes tingly. Bad taste in mouth. Tongue coated with white patches. Rt hip throbbing.

Lightning Strikes Memoirs – 10-11 April 2021

April 10

330a severe thunderstorm woke me again. Nerves on fire. Thunder & lightning making me jump.

400 woken by severe thunderstorm. Nerves are very tight through body causing extreme pain!!! Trying prayer and hymns in my head

600a finally fell back to sleep for half hour then alarm went off ugh.

Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 19-21; Psalm 80

900a thunderstorm suppose to ease by 10 or 10.30a. Men have prayer breakfast today. Mom, Dezirae, & I going out for girl’s day.

300p I decided to push myself while out shopping with Mom & Dezirae instead of using wheelchair. Wanted to see how it’d effect me. I’m exhausted and getting sleepy.

400p came home and went straight to bed. Set alarm for one hour but apparently I shut it off bc next thing I know Joe’s waking me for supper at 7pm. Not feeling too well… grouchy and hurting. Indigestion is horrible.

Pushing myself that much is not good idea. I’m hurting much all over, groggy, exhausted, grouchy, miserable.

724 Holly calls to chat. I’m still trying to wake up. I chat the best I can but not doing so hot. I hand phone over to Joe. She agrees with Joe I did too much today.

1100 gone to bed but still awake. Indigestion is horrible. Took gerd rx, tums, and ginger chew over last few hours. Finally easing up. I feel like I was beat up. Will definitely be using wheelchair on our trip to see Jakob. Took night meds plus pain rx.

Center of chest sharp throbbing pain.


April 11

500a woke to nerves in body screaming in pain! Center of chest throbbing. I think why’s the costo flaring up? Then I remember that I worked in garden couple days ago. Ugh. Did too much walking y’day and I’m paying the price.

Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 22-24; Psalm 77:13-15;

600 wish I knew how to turn off the alarm on the clock. I goes off just as I’m dozing back to sleep and wakes me all over again.

1100 sharp shooting throbbing pain in forearms to elbows while playing piano. It’s bad enough I want to quit playing but I continue bc I know that music is important in worship.

Brain is getting blurry and aching. Makes it difficult to focus and coordinate my eyes, brain, and hands. Feels like brain is starting to swim in a myriad of numbers and letters trying to figure out which way is up. Momentarily forget tune of song and make mistakes. My flesh wants to throw my hands in the air and quit, but my spirit is willing to keep trying. I say quick prayer saying “Lord help.” Quickly the fog begins to fade away and I remember tune and am able to correct myself though I still fumble in spots through music. Thank you Lord.

530 choir practice was a chore. Brain blurry and I feel cross-eyed. Balance is off. Unable to focus enough to do word find in bulletin presently.

600p Joe told me to take break from playing

Had difficulty singing hymns at first. I couldn’t find the right note. Closed my eyes to visualize the correct note but not working well. Looked up to see Joe signing to me to sit down. Apparently I started wavering when my eyes were closed and didn’t realize it. Once I sat down and gained stability, I was able to hit the right notes. Hmm? Wonder if there’s any correlation?

After church, Joe picked up dinner from Zaxby’s so I wouldn’t have to cook. I adore his thoughtfulness sometimes.

Brain hurts. Headache. Whole body aches deeply. Hands swollen and throbbing. Nose itches. Rt ear aches. Sinus drainage. Back aches and stings. Low back throbbing. Rt hip hurts. Legs ache with periodic stinging and itching. Feet cold. Toes icy. Joe’s arm feels like lead balloon. Tummy bloated and hurting.


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