Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 01-03 Jan 2021

Jan 1

100a arms and hands stinging burning. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Need some rest.

700a woke from weird dream and exhausted. Trying to escape something?

Whole body stiff and achy.

800a I get to wash clothes today. That is my goal for today.

430 info was posted on support group page today –

930 exhausted and hurting all over. Overdid it, but it was so worth working towards getting caught up on wash today. Sudden feeling of allergy attack. I’m beginning to wonder if I’m becoming lactose intolerant again. Tummy feels bloated and hurts. Took Tylenol sinus and going to bed. I have bad headache.

Dezirae & I worked little on planning her sweet 16th bday party.

Feel like I’m about to crash.


Jan 2

155a woke in severe pain!! Also feel like I broke a fever.

600a it hurts to move so much I just moan but I really want to cry

Joe gently rubs my back. It feels good.

830 body feels weird…my back feels like it has a fever, my feet are freezing, my head feels chilly, low back throbbing aweful, tailbone feels out of place and bruised.

Strange – went to use restroom and low back popped. It hurt but low back pain not as intense though it’s still throbbing maybe 8 instead of 9.



Jan 3

1215a finally going to bed. About choked on my night meds. Feel like one is stuck in throat. Ouch! Sinuses acting up all of a sudden.

130a awake to use restroom. It hurts to move. Applied pain rub to lower rt back region.

330a pain awakens me. I’m so tired.

530a must have been moaning in my sleep. Joe starts rubbing my back but even that hurts. I’m not telling him bc I don’t want to hurt his feelings.

630a alarm frightens me awake as I just fell back to sleep. I want to throw it across room. Today would be a day I’d be highly tempted to stay in bed. I will take pain pill and push on through Christ alone.

730 Joe sweet being by gathering items for lunch.

900 on way to church, Joe remembers we are having missionary today. Ugh! I didn’t remember nor prepared. Positive note we will take them out for lunch and I not have to cook. Thank you, Lord.

230p back at church I need nap feel crash in coming. Tummy hurts. It always hurts after I eat. Has to be a reason but I don’t know why.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 28-29 December 2020

Dec 28

800a woke to horrible pain in low back and rt hip is killing me. Drains me of energy. Trouble moving. No pain in feet. Slow moving today. Hands and arms numbish & tingly. Very thirsty.

1000a need to look for exercises to help with flexibility and tightening core muscles – I mean strengthening.

Found YouTube video about 6 exercises everyone should do

Tone & Tighten

Real fitness for real people

6 exercises you should do daily

  1. Chin tuck
  2. Neck & Upper back extension
  3. Doorway stretches
  4. Lower back extension stretch (cobra)

10 second hold, repeated 10xs, 2-3xs daily

  1. Tall knee hip flexor stretch

20 seconds hold, repeat 3xs, 2-3xs daily

Both sides

  1. Hamstring stretch

20 second hold, 3xs, 2-3 xs daily

1050 TBI coordinator wants to do in home visit tomorrow. At least right now they’re doing outside visits only bc of covid and the social distance rules.

145p burned my index finger on air fryer. Applied mustard to ease pain. Ouch!!! That hurts!!!

315p decided to go to store to get items needed for dinner tomorrow.

600 I’m feeling the exercising in my chest. It’s hurting something fierce. I hope I didn’t agitate the costochondritis. Need to sit still and rest a while.

930 decided to try hoverboard with kids holding each hand. Jordon hollard, “With your balance Mom No!” I told him I just wanted to try but with their help. I couldn’t balance too well and it only wanted to move backwards. I think I ran over his toes. Ouch! If kids weren’t holding my hand I would’ve fell on my face. Epic fail!!! Lol. At least at this moment I know I cannot ride hoverboard.

1000p finally remembered to pay phone bill. It was 6 days late. Ugh! At least there wasn’t a late fee.

1150p low back pain is extremely intense. Upper torso stings mildly. Neck hurts. Brain hurts. Headache. Tummy didn’t hurt as much today but still hurts some. Hands ache.

Dec 29

6a exhausted. Woke feeling as if I walked a marathon without preparing. Ankle to top of head hurts. Arms numbish & tingly. Low back throbbing.

830 having trouble getting moving today. However, I did finish reading my Bible for the year today.

945 exhausted and very lethargic all day. Worked on year end review in segments until brain started fogging and hurting. Sinuses congested headache. Easily agitated. Tired but not falling to sleep yet.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 22-24 December 2020

Dec 22

Tummy hurts, urine darkening, low grade fever, general feeling of unwellness. Think I may have start of uti. Indigestion.

Headache, eyes watery, sinus congestion, random numbness and tingling in arms & legs, muscles ache, nerve pain, feet chilly. Going to bed early 930

Dec 23

Crazy day. Joe got off work early so he and Dezirae could leave sooner to go pick up Jakob & Bri for Christmas at our house.

Shortly after they left I went to pick up Jordon from work and do the grocery shopping. Took about hour and half even with Jordon helping. Walked behind buggy bc no wheelchairs. My rt hip is killing me!

I’m exhausted and in much pain. Suppose to be a thunderstorm some time after midnight. Nerves sting thru body. Nerves in legs also feel like on fire! Skin itches. Headache. Neck hurts. Lights bothersome. Low back throbbing. Feet sting.

Took night meds and naproxen 500mg.

Dec 24

245a woke to strange noise. Soon learned it was thunder and lightning. Nerves jumped into fight or flight mode. Emergency notice on phone indicates we are under tornado watch until 11am. Make me feel uneasy. Got up and checked house from inside. Praying for God’s safety. “What time I am afraid I will trust in thee” begins to repeat in my head.

I’m so tired. Think I’ll try to fall back asleep. Rt hip screaming pain. Lft arm & hand numbish & tingly.

Rain eased around 8 or 9am. Whole body throbs.

Took shower and noticed some how I skinned my knee recently and don’t remember doing so?? It’s bleeding and needs a bandaid. Made it longer in shower before arms started cramping and giving out. Progress is good. Still wore out after shower. Have to rest a bit before moving on to next project.

Enjoying being home alone today. Pacing myself so I can enjoy Christmas day. Finished the Hawaiian.salad. worked on picking up house more. Made pumpkin cheesecake. Dinner in crockpot. Worked on bulletin some. Listen/ watch Christmas movies. All of that wore me out to near passing out. Laid down about 230.

Joe & gang arrived home around 3pm.

755 trouble keeping place while playing Christmas hymns. Frustrating. Face feels flushed and hot. Headache.

1157 in bed before midnight save three minutes. Haha. I’m exhausted and hurting from head to toe. Cinnamon rolls in fridge for morning. Plan on getting up around 7am to do personal devos before activities begin. I forgot to grab the manners and customs book at church for my Bathsheba study. Did remember everything else though. Back stinging. Head pounding. Hands & rt hip throbbing. Random muscle spasms in tummy. Tummy not hurting as bad. Started taking AZO cranberry & C capsules for possible UTI. Already starting to feel better.

Discovered that three of my prescription meds cause weight gain. I’m tripled wammied. Ugh

Thank you, Lord, for Your sacrificial gift.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 16-18 December 2020

Dec 16

Slept pretty good though had several weird dreams

Can’t seem to keep my days straight lately. Prepping for church Christmas party but randomly thought today was Tuesday instead.

Need to help Dezirae with Math. I do not like math anymore. That makes me sad and frustrated. Gonna have to slow down the lessons bc she’s not getting it. She really needs a tutor.  Two math lessons has given me a headache, blurred vision, and made me very tired.

1200p retrograde amnesia?  Center of chest lft side burning and aches through to left shoulder and upper back.

800 Christmas party went well. My sausage peppers wontons were a hit. Out of 58 there’s only 13 left. I’m exhausted. Back & upper shoulders stinging. Body aches.

822 I’m done for the day

1030 exhausted and hurting all over. It’s chilly in house. 39° outside. Shivering in my skin. Neck hurts. Congested. Eyes watery. Head hurts with throbbing pain on rt side. Low back throbbing. Tummy aches. Feet throbbing. Muscles randomly spasming through body.

Dec 17

800 slept hard. Several strange dreams I couldn’t get out of. Whole body fiercely aches deep to bones. It hurts to move. I could sleep longer.

Read Deuteronomy 29-31

Hands and arms keep going numb and tingling. Low back throbbing. Sinuses congested.

930 took morning meds and 1/2 dropper cbd oil subliminally. Decided to wash boys clothes. Ended up trying to clean up their room a bit in hopes that Jakob will be able to come home for Christmas.

1030 Mom came over to help me pick up the house some. I was grateful.

1200 exhausted and ready to rest a while.

200 decided to work on blog a little while. Bad headache ensues. Neck hurts. Low back throbbing. Thinking feels blurry & foggy. Put dinner on in Instapot. Laying down for little while to rest back and brain.

530 face feels flushed and hot. Neck hurts. Headache moderate.

700p face feels like it’s on fire. Mentioned it to Joe. Joe says it looks like it feels hot bc it’s really red. Trouble focusing playing piano. Hands throbbing and starting to feel hot.

Exhausted. Trouble thinking straight. Whole body stings and burns with pain. Skin itchy all over. Crashing.

Dec 18

3a woke tired and exhausted. Tossing and turning. In much pain and can’t seem to get comfortable.

7a woke to use restroom. Exhausted. Whole body throbbing in pain. Eyes leaking .

8a need to get out of bed and heat the house up to take chill off. It’s 57° inside/and 39° outside currently. Will turn venting around on dryer to help heat inside. Ended up cleaning behind dryer. Took me longer than expected. Putting purification oil in the water base to purify air and make house smell good.

1100a chest and body hurting strongly. Overdid it.

1120a temp now 63° inside. Mid & Low back icy burning sensation.

430 exhausted. Need to rest a while.

1050 night times are tough. Just as I’m laying in bed and beginning to relax my nerve start hurting worse to sometimes almost makes me want to scream.

Bad headache most of day. Seen few pictures of what a migraine sufferer may see. It was weird to see bc that is what I try to explain when I say my brain and vision feels like it’s blurring. Apparently, I’m having migraines more often than I thought.

Whole body itches. Tummy feels so bloated it might explode. Gas bubbles keep moving back up my esophagus. It feels really weird but funny sounding too. Not sure how to explain the nerve pain tonight…l I e a million nerve fiber endings are exploding and shooting sharp needles thru my skin from inside out. It’s rather unnerving (not correct verbage but the correct word escapes me right now). Rt hip throbbing. Random muscle spasms thru body mostly legs and sides. Hands swollen and throbbing. Congested. Chest center aches.

Night meds taken. CBD 25mg sublingually.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 13-15 December 2020

a woke in extreme pain!!! It hurts to think about moving. Woke to Joe rubbing my back. It feels good. Joe kindly gave me a massage with pain relief rub. It eased pain slightly.

Joe kindly gathered everything together for taking to church for our church family Christmas dinner. I’m moving slowly today. Joe had Dezirae help me roll my hair. I was in a hurry so after my arms rested a little. I told her to go get ready and I’ll finish. Took morning meds & pain rx.

200 morning services went well. I’m exhausted and wore out. Body is stinging throbbing. I need to crash.

500 Joe woke me from nap. Could’ve slept longer. I feel so weak, exhausted, and hurting.

1030 watched couple movies with family. Hardly moved. Headache. Extremely fatigued. Whole body throbbing pain.

Night meds taken, cbd capsule, and pain rx.

Night meds include: propranolol, magnesium, turmeric, zyrtec, fish oil, & vitamin c

Dec 14

600a woke to sharp stabbing pain in chest!! Applied pain roller liberally to cover chest. Laid back down. Eyes heavy and having hard time keeping them open. Fell back asleep.

As eo pain rub began working it almost felt like menthol working…like when you suck on menthol cough drop except in my chest. Weird but felt good.

700a chest pain has eased but whole body hurts and it’s hard to move. Standing feels like walking on egg shells. Ouch!

Read Revelation 7-11.

Washed three loads clothes. Had kids carry basket to clothes line and I hung two loads.

Decided to order 4×6 family photos to put in Christmas cards. Found 50% off coupon. Yay! Love finding deals.

Messaged Joe’s siblings to verify their addresses. Quickly learned that I’ve been out of the loop for the past three years. Kind of frustrating but funny too. I thought his one brother was still working on his house. Learned he’s been done for four years. Ouch!

600p took kids Christmas shopping. Store didn’t have what I wanted to get my person. Bummer. Had to look for something else. Had fun spending time with Joe. Had to get his input for 2nd gift for kids. Still have no idea what I’m getting him for Christmas. What he really wants is out of our budget. Also got the food items I needed for finger foods for our church family Christmas party on Wednesday. Want to attempt making Sausage Pepper Wontons. Looks simple. We’ll see.

830 I’m wore out. Legs are wobbly and throbbing. Walked behind buggy in store. Periodic sharp shooting pains in legs.

1030 remembered I was suppose to work on Christmas cards to put in mail tomorrow. Started working on them. Getting sleepy. Whole body aches moderately fierce. Only got 1 load clothes folded.

Night meds taken, pain rx taken, cbd capsule taken, eo pain roller applied to chest.

Dec 15

Joe called out today due to migraine. Whole body stiff and achy upon waking. Feet hurt to stand on at first.

Busy day. Dezirae had dentist apt. Next she treated us to get our nails done. Saw that Coffee monster was practically next door so I treated us to drinks. Stopped at Dollar Tree on way home.

Exhausted and hurting from running around decided to rest while watching movie. Only I had trouble sitting still bc of caffiene. Chose to work on cutting out thank you notes and bookmakers. Decided to make homemade breads

In much pain. Past. wore out.+

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 10-12 December 2020

Dec 10

600 slept pretty good last night. Feet feel like I’m stepping on broken glass. Body feels like it’s ridden with arthritis. Hurts to move.

Brain seems fairly alert right now. Haven’t felt like this in long time. Going to take advantage and work on blog.

650 practicing hymns before service. Brain blurring. Too many notes to follow. Hand, brain, and keys not coordinating. Headache intensifying.

740 feeling really sleepy all of a sudden. Ears ringing high pitch.

800p center chest starting to hurt bad. Overdid it at church working on putting up new bulletin board. Ugh. I felt half way decent and wanted to get done what I could. Low back throbbing bad too.

1045 exhausted but awake. Moderate headache. Took pain rx. Neck hurts. Back aches. Low back throbbing. Hands ache. Legs ache. Feet & ankles throbbing burning. Ear ringing has stopped. Throat feels swollen. Tummy hurts.

Also have had periodic feelings of being zapped as if being electrocuted. It last about a minute or two each time. Has happened handful of timea today. Weird.

Night meds/vitamins taken.

Dec 11

700 having had time waking up. Strange dreams. Eyes feel heavy. Headache. Neck hurts and has tingling burning slight chilled sensation. Shoulders are sore. Arms and hands numb and tingling – rt arm more prominent. Back throbs. Low back throbbing. Rt hip aches. Legs hurt and have random muscle twitching. Feet throbbing with numbness and tingling. Stuffy nose ( that’s now a constant first thing in am). Very thirsty with yucky metal taste in mouth.

In essence, I hurt all over this morning.

900 On Wednesday, I started drinking a breakfast milkshake with milk, D.E., chocolate syrup, chia seeds, & ice. I’m not usually hungry in mornings anyways. I find it easier to just drink something. Anyways, I have lost 3 lbs and 1 inch off my waist so far. Yay!

11a chiropractor apt. Treating my costochondritis areas today. Holy cow! Pressure points really hurt! Drew tears . Acupuncture – needles in both sides base of neck, both sides of upper chest, both sides of upper arms, and both wrists. I think total of 8. The one in rt wrist hurt the worst – felt zap all way to tip of index finger.

Adjusted wrists, neck, & upper back, & shoulders. Used adjusting tool to tap and adjust front of chest area – 4 spots.

Told him about the icy sensation in center of chest that radiates thru to back and it’s actually ice cold to the touch. He said his first thought was raynouds syndrome. Hmm. Interesting. Told him about my thumb turning white with no explanation and that neurologist mentioned raynouds but didn’t think so bc it only happened once.

Explained that reynauds doesn’t happen regularly and usually only in cold weather.

Told him icy sensation occurs when I lift my arms above my heart any length of time. It’s only been that way post LS. Checked shoulders out. Had me lift my arms slowly to ceiling. Pressed on upper back and shoulder areas while I raised them. Shoulders are fine. Feels it might just be a weakened muscle issue and need to work on rebuilding strength. Thinks it shouldn’t hurt to continue to use the muscles when I have icy sensation but to just rest as needed and gradually work those muscles to increase strength. He was surprised that I used to be able to lift 100lbs. Said I was a strong person. Lol.  Can now only lift 10lbs without hurting myself. Have 90 lbs to go. I’m to go back in three weeks.

1027 I’m exhausted and hurting. Feel like I had a fight and lost.

Had to preserve a pumpkin today. Able to cut it in chunks. Got 1/3 of it processed and started wearing out. Had to figure something else out that was easier. Ended up canning the other 2/3. Had to ask for help with dinner – homemade pizzas.

Upper body throbbing horribly. Arms and hands throbbing. Low back throbbing. Legs ache. Fingers stinging. Skin itching.

Pm meds taken. Pain rx taken. Cbd capsule taken.

Dec 12

700 oh! I hurt something aweful. Feels like I was beat up badly and can hardly move. Lft side of throat hurts. Bad headache.

It feels as if it’s going to rain but weather on phone says its not.

100 play practice went ok. People don’t seems to have much Christmas spirit.

300 had to stop at store supplies for tomorrow’s Christmas dinner. Started feeling lightheaded midway thru shopping. Joe helped get us checked out. He’s a sweetheart.

400 I’m exhausted and feel a crash oncoming. Need to go lie down for a while.

530 crashed for more than an hour. Probably could have slept longer. Have no energy.

1150 whole body stings. Hands throbbing. Low back burning throbbing.  Lft lower leg from 2″ under knee down to toes tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness and tingl8. Feet cold.  Lft foot feels like it’s freezing but only chilly to touch.  Shoulders stinging.  Exhausted.  Feel warm.

Lightning Strikes 4-6 December 2020

Dec 4

300 woke in extreme pain!!! Sharp stabbing pain in center of chest generates thru to back. Arms & hands burning throbbing.

Applied Vicks to chest & pain eo roller. Took pain rx. I just want to cry loudly :(.

Heated up heating pad to apply to chest. It hurts worse to lie down.

Sinuses acting up too. Took Tylenol sinus. Rt ear throbbing. Thunderstorm not helping either.

Took me over an hour for pain to ease enough that I could get comfortable to lay flat on belly to fall back asleep.

830 overslept but needed the sleep. Low grade fever gone. 98.3

1100p had decent day as long as I didn’t try to lift my hands/arms above my heart. Back on anti-inflammatory meds to ease Costochondritis again. Guess it’s going to take longer than I thought this time. So not the direction I want to be going in.

Started feeling hot around 6pm. Took temp around 8p. It’s. 99.7 – low grade for me.

Could stress be a factor?

Headache, neck aches, back aches, mid back rt side feels seized up and crampy, st hip throbbing, legs ache, legs keep moving, skin itches, hands swollen and throbbing, feet tingling and throbbing. Tired. Upper back stinging. Muscles in back randomly jumping/spasming.


Dec 5

900a our family delivered blessing bags to our local police & fire dpts. Have to make 12 or 14 more bc the one fire dept much bigger than last year. The last we delivered to was also hosting a car show and bbq plate fundraiser for a local resident that has cancer. We walked around looking at the cars, talking with the people, and passing out tracts. Joe did most of talking.

12p Wore me out. Thankful we could buy bbq plates bc I was exhausted and hurting.

Lazy day mostly rest of say. Did manage to jell my marmalade and can it. Tastes scrumptious.

600p bout of runs with tummy hurting. Not sure what caused it.

11p exhausted, tired, and hurting all over. Had to be careful to not move upper body too much or it’d hurt worse. Rest is important but so hard when my mind says I have too much to do.

Let’s just say I hurt from head to toes. Headache, neck hurts, rt ear hurts, hands swollen & throbbing, back stinging throbbing, chest hurts – mostly deep pain with periodic sharp stabbing pain, legs ache, muscle spasms randomly, feet stinging throbbing.



Dec 6

700 woke from strange dream but I can’t seem to recall details. Slight headache. Neck hurts. Whole body aches. Feel blah be humbug today. Need to shake it off.

Joe offered to get lunch prepared for today. Thankful bc I’m moving slow today.

Decided to curl my hair. Had to ask Dezirae for help about 3/4 way through bc my arms tuckered out. That’s progress.

115 lunch was delicious. Ate one plate and I’m stuffed. Tummy feels overfilled. Exhausted and chilly. Feet cold. Put socks on.

300p have lots to do but I’m so tired. Need energy.

Had Jordon help me hang the garland around baptistry & put poinsettias on corners.

430 choir practice made my brain and vision start to go blurry and almost double. Bad headache.

1100 in lots of pain and exhausted

Lightning Strikes 1-3 December 2020

Dec 1

700 Guess what!? I was able to stand when I first woke up without any pain in feet. First time since LS. Praise the Lord.

Rt ear itches inside.

900a helped Dezirae with Math best I could. Gave me a headache and I had to rest a while afterwards.

1100p had decent day. Able to get three loads clothes washed. Two loads folded and put away.

Whole body aches. Headache. Low back throbbing. Chest aches. Arms sting. Sinuses acting up. Horrible indigestion. Taken three tums, eaten yogurt, taken 2 ginger caps. Shoulders sting. Legs ache. Lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling to feet. Lft palm stings. Exhausted. Going to sleep soon hopefully. Skin stinging needle pain. Feet tingly.

Night meds taken.


Dec 2

700a woke from deep sleep finally. Not hurting too bad – whole body aches. Upon standing only had sharp pain in left foot for short while.

Kids co-op Christmas party today. Decided to get veggie tray for party too but they were out of stock so got chips instead.

530 dinner was turkey stuffing casserole. Gave me severe indigestion! My sinuses acted up enough to need Tylenol sinus.rx. gerd rx, 2 ginger capsules, 2 tums, glass of milk. Feel like I’m gonna puke.

700p parents invited us to come watch a movie with them on their new tv. Still have indigestion bad.

930 I’ll be glad when I get my gerd rx. Can’t seem to shake the indigestion. Eating yogurt now.

11p still have bad indigestion. Water feels like it’s making it worse. Took another tums. Afraid to take night meds.

Rt hip throbbing worse than toothache. Low back throbbing. Back stings. Legs ache. Skin sensitive & itchy. Feet cold. Lft foot tingling. Lft arm & hand tingle.

Dec 3

Upon waking body aches, tired. Sharp needle pain in lft foot upon standing. Rt hip & low back pain has eased from night before. Indigestion greatly eased. Unsure if I should try to eat anything.

900a decided to try oatmeal for breakfast.

300p able to get caught up on bunch of little things for church. Need to rest a bit before getting ready to go to church. Tired and hurting good amount. Hands stingy throb. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Muscles periodic spasming in back. Feet cold though I have socks on. Legs ache. Headache.

354 out of breath just getting to the car

700 trying to play thru first song but couldn’t get the sharp so I stopped and found it in flats. Started to try to play it but song leader wasn’t paying attention and started talking before I finished first line. Ugh! He announced first hymn. I began playing introduction but didn’t even finish when he started singing. I threw my hands up and told Joe I’m not playing tonight. Got up and walked to my seat. I’m not fighting it anymore. The frustration magnifies my pain to unbearability.

Arms & hands stinging burning. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Brain fogged. Headache. Skin itches. Face & upper chest feels very flushed and hot.

Joe noticed from platform that I look flushed. Must be pretty red. Asked church to pray for me.

Joe felt my forehead after church. Says I’m burning up. Will have to take my temp when I get home.

Lightning Strikes – November 7-8, 2020

Nov 7

630 woke in extreme pain all over. Hands and arms sharp tingling pain. Back has sharp knife stabbing pains all over. Low back throbbing. Legs throbbing. Feet sting. When I stand feels like standing on broken glass. I just want to cry out in pain, but I know that won’t ease it. Headache.

Woke from nightmare.

740 sneezing causes stinging needle pain thru body

1020 feel like I’m about to pass out.

1030 told Joe how I was feeling. Told me to go lay down and he would pick up lunch.

630 my back is screaming pain. My tummy sorely hurts in muscle region. I’m getting grumpy. Going to lay down a piece.

1049 body screaming pain has eased slightly but still bothersome.

Headache. Eyes watery. Face itchy. Shoulders ache. Arms & hands stinging burning pain. Lower back throbbing. Thirsty. Ears itch inside. Legs ache. Feet tingle. Very tired but awake.

Had much trouble with verbage today. About half my conversations or more I had to repeat or reword what I was trying to say. Frustrating.


Nov 8

630 woke to arms & hands stinging & tingling. whole body aches. Hurts to move. Joe rubbed my back for a bit and massaged my feet. Massage on feet hurt but it helped to not hurt as much standing. Lost balance and started to fall. Joe caught me.

800am had to get Dezirae to help finish curling my hair. My arms fatigued out and started cramping.

1000 feeling bit dizzy.

1120 lower back chilling stinging burning pain – started at sides and moved to center of back.

1205 lft eye burning.

140 pulsating puffing windy feeling in left ear for 30 seconds. Felt weird. Craving stuffing.

330 had to run to store for few church items needed. Decided to take few goodie bags to give out. Everyone we gave them too said thank you.

620p lower back chilling stinging burning pain – started at sides and moved to center of back again. Very weird.

1000 skin hypersensitive. Hair keeps falling out of sloppy bun. It feels like sharp tacks scratching my skin. Hurts. Exhausted. Need sleep.


Nov 9

500 woke from strange dream to all my extremities in burning stinging pain.

630 washed load of clothes. Headache. Need to rest.

650 calves throbbing burning. Stinging needle pain in back

425 had to lay flat for couple hours bc entire back was stinging chilling burning pain and whole body throbbing. Couldn’t sleep but laying flat and resting helped.

430 realized that the info I had about new dentist & the text message to confirm was conflicting informatiom. Tried for 30 minutes calling dentist office to get info straight but couldn’t get an answer. Left msg. About to have panic attack bc I didn’t know where to take them in am.

500 Joe home. Explained situation. He helped me talk it out to calm me down. He recognized that voice mail had after hours number I could text. Took little bit but they replied with correct address which helped ease me.

It took me several months to get this appointment. I didn’t want to mess it up.

1030 stinging pain is back fiercely in back and in legs , hands, & feet. Exhausted. Face itches. Headache.

Took night meds & pain rx.

Tasks completed today: washed three loads clothes (two I had to hand wring bc washer only spins them out tempramentally. It causes much main though). Ran some errands for LM. Ordered checks. Balanced checkbook. Picked out activity for Ladies Mtg. Printed invitations for next month’s mtg.

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