Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 19-21 April 2020

April 19

7am oh, I hurt all over! Periodic sharp stabbing pain in rt side of chest kept me away most of night. Snoozed alarm…5 more minutes.

8am oh bother, I accidentally turned alarm off. Waking up late.

830 Joe & Jakob help me shuck beans for lunch. I hate waking up late it puts me in a rush and I don’t handle it too well. This is the day the Lord hath made I don’t want to be grumpy but it’s so hard. It’s hard not being grumpy when you hurt so bad. Headache bad.

1200 it’s really hard to play piano with bad headache. Everything is rubbing me the wrong way.

100 center of chest hurting more. Need to rest. Feel crash coming on. Need to lay down a while.

1145p I can feel the thunderstorm brewing outside. I can see the lightning flashing. Decided to check phone for weather report. Currently under tornado watch until 12:15am. Decide to go check TV bc news video on phone is freezing up. Three possible tornadoes in our area. I begin praying my church family is safe and okay.

Body is tense and I hurt something fierce all over. Center of chest throbbing. Neck throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Legs ache. Feet ache. Skin itches.

Taking deep breathes and praying til I fall asleep.


April 20

Woke with deep pain in bones all over. Took me a bit to get moving.

Took Rae to work – cleaning elderly friends house. I sat mostly to keep her company but did help some.

At some point while we were there Rae put my hair in bun without me knowing. I was unaware until she said something while we were heading to take my laptop to pc guy for repair. My CD drive quit working. Thankfully it’s still under warranty. Praise the Lord!

Checked on church people to see how they faired storm. Everyone seems to be okay.

Joe came home feeling like mud. Think he has sinus infection. It’s that time for it. Asked me to make him a Dr apt. Tomorrow at 9:45am. He wasn’t up to what I had for dinner. Back to drawing board. Took me an hour to ponder what else to have…ended up with steak tips & gravy over mashed potatoes n corn. Winner.

This momma one tuckered out cookie. I hurt all over but I feel good about myself bc we got to be a blessing to someone else today.

Whole body hurts. I’m exhausted. Sinuses congested. Forgot to take am meds. Hopefully I can get some rest tonight.


April 21

730 rough night. Fought for covers. Bad dream.

Whole body hurts. Arms and hands numbish and tingly upon waking. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Hands swollen and throbbing.

925 going with Joe for his Dr apt. Hard to believe people think they need to be tested for covid19 because they have diarrhea.

Dr was in good spirits. Joe has sinus infection. Call in rx for that and new rx for his back pain rx. She even asked me how I was doing. Struggled with verbiage to express what I wanted to say but able to reword to let her know I was improving but still had to be careful not to aggravate the costo.

1200 trip wore me out. Need nap then will go get husband’s rx

Nap interrupted. Someone asked me a question. Heard Rae say she’s sleeping. I guess I answered then then fell back to sleep for little bit. Woke tired.

500 took Mom to store with me and got parents few groceries to help them out.

Why do I feel so zapped of energy? I even took extra b12

Mom talked about taking D3 in conjunction with K2 to prevent bone loss.

530 pushed myself to make no bake fudge cookies. Rae helped. By time I got cookies on wax paper my back was throbbing a 9. Need to sit a while and rest. Glad it’s Raes night to cook.

1150 tired but wide awake. Brain tired too. Upper back & shoulders throbbing. Skin itchy. Finished one set of exercises. Feel like I’ve regressed in PT exercises. Need to work towards regaining stamina. Center chest hurts. Periodic muscle twitching in legs today. Feet hurt. Headache. Hands aching. Low back & rt hip aches. Sides cramp bad causing me to freeze up if I turn wrong. Not thinking straight. Trouble expressing thought & mixing up what I’m trying to say. Lethargic feeling. Chest popping.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 16-17 June 2019

June 16

7:00a – morning! Strange dream midst of Joe scared me awake. Put me in yucky mood. Ache all over. Feet hurt to walk on. Headache but it feels weird. Muscle randomly twitching thru body. Neck hurts. I just want to go back to bed.

8:00a- Joe sweet and put chicken in crockpot for me seasoned. Today’s Father’s Day but I’m not feeling it with kids not here. Glad Jakob’s here.

9:30a- balance very off today. Not feeling right. Let Joe know. Showed! me a storm’s coming

10:30a- taught Sunday School. Lesson was about Joseph’s brother visiting him in Egypt. Taught about kindness, forgiveness as God has forgiven us. (Eph 4:32). 

It began to storm with Lightning and thunder. Some of girls were getting scared. To be perfectly honest, I was too but I knew deep inside I had to be brave (I wanted to hide under table).

Reni asked ever so serious like, “Mrs. Melissa, I have question. What are we gonna do about the storm? I’m scared.”

I responded, “It’s going to be okay. We’re just gonna ignore the storm right now and focus on our lesson.” She said, “Ok” and smiled.

Kids just melt my heart. ❤ They certainly know how to help change your perspectives.  

12:00p- pain in lower back intense

2:50p- just finished lunch up with my Dad, Joe, & Jakob. Only able to wash part of dishes and get most of food put away. I’m hurting so bad! Need a nap. If it weren’t for it being Father’s Day, I’d stay in bed today.

4:00p- working straightening mission house up for next guests on 24th. Made 1 bed. Straightened out linens, & organized kitchen drawers. Back throbbing, out of breath, & exhausted. Have about a week to finish it up.  

6:00p- random hiccups

10:50p- I’m exhausted and really hurting all over. Hopefully, I’ll fall asleep quickly and stay asleep.  

June 17

9:45a- enjoyed being able to spend one on one time with Jakob this morning. Alone for about 5 hours. Took that time to rest, watch hallmark movie, and start planning lessons for school upcoming.

Washing dishes causes great pain in back and chest. 

Attempted to finish a split skirt pattern I started two years ago, but couldn’t figure out how to get started on next step. It was Greek to me. Perplexing.

6:00p- discussed with Jakob decisions he needs to make in near future.

11:59p- struggling to fall asleep even after deep breathing exercise. Keep hearing noises outside. 

Low back throbbing, rt hip throbbing, itching, hands swollen and achy, feet ache, lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness in lft foot, 

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 2019 Feb 16-18

Feb 16

8:30a Thankful that I have unlimited access to my Heavenly Father on a daily basis.

9:00a- Fell asleep just after midnight. Woke around 4:30 am in serious pain! Doze off and on rest of night. Terrible dream that turned crazy. 

Serious pain all over. Rt hip throbbing! Pain rate 9. Need pain rx to move much.

 11:42p- Treated kids to Marble Slab. Tasted a little of their ice cream but held back on ordering one for me. I’m trying so hard to get rid of this thrush. Joe not convinced it’s just thrush could be geographic tongue too. I’m confused. Just want it to go away. 

Ended up having a long discussion on my research about getting better. Didn’t understand what Joe was trying to say and took it the wrong way. All I want to do is get better. I’m tired of not being able to do things that I know I used to be able to do or think I should be able to. Joe wants me to stop stressing myself out trying to research what to do and allow my brain and body to rest so it can heal. I just want explanations of what’s going on. I guess I just need to learn how to balance it all.

Feb 17

1:37a- very rough morning. Woke with a migraine. I down spiraled from there. Overwhelmed by previous night’s conversation and not getting better. Tongue is getting worse again. I’m exhausted and tired of fighting it all. I’m discouraged but not defeated. Can’t seem to think straight or keep things straight.

Ended up arguing with Joe. Anxiety overtook and I did something dumb – getting out of car while it’s moving. Almost fell in process. I need help but don’t know who or where to turn. Keep quoting Lord lead me to the rock that is higher than I for thou has been a shelter for me.

9:45p- solemn day. Took two hour nap this afternoon. Joe actually had to wake me up. Took nap on mattress in nursery. I’m still tired. Trying to relearn some music for offeratory. Coming along slowly. Singing same songs repetitively is irritating to me. Just want to be held and told it’s gonna be okay. I’m so tired. 

Gonna call dr in am to see if they can test for strand candida and cost to see if we can get rid of this junk once and for all. 5 bites of ice cream and this much reaction is insane (tongue slightly swollen, difficulty swallowing, more rash patches on tongue, etc)

Low back throbbing, headache has dimished but not gone, exhausted, discouraged, hands swollen and achy, rt hip aches. 

10:55p- hands and arms went numb had to change position, legs throbbing, feet pulsing throb, blankets feel like lead, skin itchy. Took melatonin and pain rx

Feb 18

5:30a- long night. Up since 3am. Fell asleep close to midnight. I’m exhausted and in much pain. Rx didn’t do much. Can tell I’ve run out of MSM. Having more muscle pains and spasms. Odd how one thing can affect the whole.

6:24a- still an emotional basket case… tears leaking out of mine eyes.  I guess it’s worse when I don’t get much sleep. Gonna try to take nap before kids get up. Did Bible reading. Will do devotions a little later. I’m freezing right now. Need to warm up.

9:30 1/2 muscle relaxer knocked me out for three hrs. Got to get up. So sleepy.

11:57a- I’m so tired. Two loads washed. Jordon helped me finish making bed.  I hurt all over. Touched up walls in Dezirae’s room. I’m exhausted. Upper back stinging needle pain. Hands swollen and achy. So lethargic must lay down for a piece.

12:16p- Atty called. Court getting ready to schedule hearing. Atty collecting additional info to build my case. Sending me paperwork to take to doctor. 

4:11p- center of chest hurting with a chilly tingling sensation, stomach hurts, made dr apt for Thursday re thrush is getting worse again 10:00p- gotta remember to get more MSM. Muscle twitching in legs. Center chest pain increasing. 

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 2019 Feb 1-3

Feb 1

5:00am- gotta take my husband to work. It’s too early. 

6:00a- I already have a headache. 

7:00a- can tell I haven’t driven in a while bc my legs cramped up driving home. Wore me out too. Taking nap. 

Muscles in legs twitching horribly. Need to calm so I can sleep it off.

9:00a- oops! Slept longer than I planned. Need to check on kids. 

10:59p- day got away from me. 

Goals today were: write “thank you” cards, clean window, 

I’m exhausted. Legs cramping, neck & shoulders ache, rt hip hurts, cramping in lower abs especially when I cough, low back throbbing, gas, hands swollen and achy

Writing down daily goals and completing them make me feel better

Feb 2

7:25a- I hurt all over! Head hurts too. Body feels chilled. There are times I get tired of hurting all over all the time.

🎶It’s a good thing to give thanks to the Lord and sing praises to His name. 🎶 

*wish I could remember rest of lyrics

8:00a- having a rough morning. I’m a basket case. Tears flowing. 🙁  

Joe trying to get things going this morning but it’s just rubbing me roughly. Trying my best to mind my verbiage so to not cause argument. 

I don’t understand how I can go to bed happy and calm and wake up sad and upset.

Got a sweet message from Emma this morning that’s she’s praying for me.

9:15a- riding with Dad & Mom to visitation this morning. Radio going, Dad talking, Mom talking – I hear it all but none of it is registering. It’s all just scrambled noise – too much going on to focus on one thing. Crazy!

10:00a- chilly tingling sensation in center of chest. Toes tingling and cold with sensation moving slowly to cover whole foot.

🎶Who can cheer the heart like Jesus, by His presence all divine? True and tender, pure and precious, O how blessed to call Him mine! All that thrills my soul is Jesus, He is more than life to me; And the fairest of ten thousand In my blessed Lord I see.🎶

10:33a- gotta get my brain out of fight & flight mode. All my anxieties and fears come flooding to the forefront!!! Praying constantly for protection!!! Beehives (I’m allergic), big dogs (I’ve been attacked -thankful my husband was near to get mean dog to let go of my foot!). Go boldly (I’m a chicken right now). Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world (good thing bc I’m a feeble soul). One possible prospect.

I’m an overcomer. With God’s help I can do this.

12:22p- made pasta salad for lunch. Dezirae helped me cut the black olives up. I’m resting now. Legs throbbing! Neck hurts. I’m tired. 

10:05p- rested by watching a movie after lunch. Spent rest of day doing bulletin, monthly prayer list, printed nursery schedule & procedures list to laminate, made chili & rolls for dinner. 

Legs are throbbing and sore. Two days left of nystatin oral rinse and thrush is still not completely gone. Don’t know what to do. 

I didn’t know that echinacea can keep candida at bay. I need to start that regimen back up – 3 weeks on 1 week off

Feb 3

7:00a- Upon waking, my lower legs throbbing as if I had worked out heavy and hard for a long while. Rt hip throbbing. Hands swollen. 

I’ve forgotten what piece I was gonna play for offeratory today. Know I didn’t write it down. Ugh!

I’m determined it’s still gonna be a good day.  

Tongue feels funny. Check in mirror. Thrush is worse than yday all because I gave in and ate three yeast rolls for dinner! This is ridiculous. I’m tired of not feeling well. I’ll ask my wellness friends for suggestions.

– Oil of Oregano, Echinacea, Grapefruit seed extract, 

9:00a- practicing hymns for today. Ugh three sharps are not my friend. Started trying to play and asked the Lord to help. I cannot explain it but was able to transpose to flats and play that one song.

I think forcing myself to keep playing piano has actually helped my brain. 

Brain feeling foggy and blurry already. Wish I could get someone to explain the how’s and why’s of this injury. I may look normnal but I’m far from it on inside.

Shoes I’m wearing are killing my legs! I may have to be a country chic and go barefoot for services. I can’t torture myself this way. They aren’t even heals. I don’t get it. 

11:00a- checked on food to see how it’s cooking in crocpkot. Discovered that I forgot to plug it in!!! I dislike when I do that. It’s frustrating. Plugged it in and on high. Hope it works but got feeling it won’t be ready.

12:30p-  food is nowhere near ready. Guess we’ll have to back up and punt. Decided to go to store pick up fried chicken & a few groceries. Kids big help getting it done quickly. 

2:15p- I’m exhausted. Need to rest a while. 

9 :57p- cat nap lasted about 15min. Hard to sleep when you hurt so much. Chose to do some work around church. Trimmed up the roses bushes. Typed up some things for Joe. Had Jordon & Dezirae to each help do something too.  Had good services today. 

Had lunch for dinner. Surprised Joe tonight.  Legs still sore and throbbing. Lower back aches. Rt side hurts. Hands swollen and achy. Rt ear hurts. Parts of skin crawling. Feet hurting.

Lightning Survivor Journal Entries 1-3 Dec 2018

Dec 1

7:45am – couldn’t fall asleep until after 2am. Woke at 7am thinking I was late.

11:15am – I’m exhausted. Can’t keep my eyes open. Gonna lay down for a bit.

12:45pm fell asleep for 1.5 hours

6:00pm – made dinner (cheesy beef empanadas) my back is throbbin like a toothache now. Joe cooked the veggie.  Had trouble grabbing things & ended up dropping things. Ugh!

6:45pm – nosebleed

9:30pm finally finished bulletins for tomorrow. Head hurts. Had to keep taking breaks bc my eyes felt crossing

9:51pm decided to change nail color on toes. Had trouble reaching toes to do so. Toes are freezing! Lower back still throbbing. Need to figure out stretch exercises to strength core.  Tire but wide awake. 

10:20pm cramping in left feett & toes ouch! 

10:34pm crampung in rt butt cheek area. Tingling sensation in hands.

Dec 2

7:09am very rough night…up every hour or so. So tired. Ears ringing. Nose itches. Neck hurts. Hands tingly. Eyes crusty. In bad mood…not good today is church. 

11:00am getting hugs & kisses from the kids at church brighten my day especially when one of them says, “You’re my favorite.”  

2:49pm musclez twitching in buttocks area. Toes freezing

3:35pm decided to make majority of Christmas gifts this year. Neighbor gave me a large bag of materials. Started with making coasters. I have ring marks on my table. Like having ice in my cold drinks. To combat I’m making coasters. Decided to make them into presents for Christmas. Have made 4 sets so far.  Figured out how to recover potholders. Now making my Mom matching potholders

Dec 3

12:55am still awake. I’m tired of journaling my symptoms but I know I need to. Headache. Rt hip hurts. Periodic muscles twitching throughout body. Need some sleep. Low back hurting.    

2:30am woke in a sweat. Had bad dream. Head hurts.

8:00am woke every couple hours. Bad dreams. Low back throbbing. Hands ache and tingly. Eyes blurry. Neck throbbing.

10:00 went to try to see white pelicans at langan park. It was a chore but worth every step. Upper back stinging needle pain. Rt hip hurts. Low back aches. Legs feel heavy.  Slight headache.

11:35pm feet went numb. Low back throbbing. head hurts. Fingers hurt. Legs ache.

White Pelicans at Langan Park 2018

Journal Entries 22- 24 Nov 2018

Nov 22
6:30a – took melatonin around 1:30 bc I was still wide awake.
Woke with rt hip throbbing, low back throbbing, base of neck achs, both ears ringing, chest hurting, hands swollen and achy, stuffy nose.
Took cinnamon rolls out of fridge and set in warm oven to rise. Guys are out hunting. Praying they get a deer or two. Jakob’s bday is today.

Revlation 12:10-11 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Thankful that we have the power to overcome any obstacle in our lives. God is so good!

821a Signed up for free video course “Hacking your Healthcare”. Starts December 10th. Its about learning how to work with your doctor to get the healthcare you need.

Dr. Hyman explains how you can use your own doctor (no matter where in the world you live) to harness the power of Functional Medicine and tackle the root causes of chronic disease.

Discover how and why illness occurs and chart a path to holistic health. Don’t wait for the medical system to fix itself—transform your own healthcare, now!

8:50a Thanksgiving tradition…homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Thanking the Lord for bread machines to help me do the tough part. Learning to find ways to make life a little bit easier these days and still enjoy homemade foods. 😊

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls. Yum!

9:00am – took some cinnamon rolls over to mom & dad. Short of breath walking across street to their door.

10:50am – short of breath, chest throbbing, low back & rt hip aching. Have to rest in between items I’m cooking for today (cinnamon rolls, sweet potatoes in crockpot – had help, crescent rolls now rising)
Have already used heating pad on back & chest. Will have to take pain Rx to continue thru rest of day.

10:53pm – had a decent day. Upcyled two of Mom’s potholders for her. I enjoyed doing it. May start doing as hobby – sewing. Currently working on making coasters for Christmas. Learned I can make broth from neck and gibblets. I used to cook them up for dog. Now can do both.
Both legs hurting, rt hip & upper thigh throbbing, low back aches, feet cold, head & skin itchy some, rt wrist & arm swollen and achy, base of neck aches – if turn too far sends shooting pain down torso, periodic ringing in ears.

Nov 23

8:30am – fell asleep sometime after midnight woke one in the night I think.
I’m hurting all over. Rt elbow throbbing. Rt hand and arm swollen to elbow and throbbing. Fingers freezing. Neck & back aches. Neck feel swollen especially on rt side. Low back aches.

1005a Registered to watch EO class & get free e-booklet about balancing hormones.

This masterclass uses Essential Oils to help you get 10x the impact. This sample pack isn’t required, but Essential Oils are remarkable because they take seconds to work. And when combined with the Masterclass techniques, you get instant results.

Their sample pack includes 4 of the most popular oils for women’s hormones:

Peppermint: boosts energy, fights fatigue, creates instant focus, cools hot flashes

Wild Orange: boosts mood, enhances focus, clears brain fog

Lavender: promotes sleep, reduces anxiety and mental chatter, calms stress,

Bergamot: known as the “oil of self-love,” calms negative thinking, promotes, confidence, self-esteem, provides general hormonal support

11:00am- went to help my Mom make phone call reminders for her work so it wouldn’t take so long. Had some trouble bc I kept mixing up numbers, but managed to make half calls while she did other half.

12:10pm – took Mom the pot holders I recovered for her and downloaded cc cleaner on her computer.

10:30pm – spent most of afternoon with two younger kids organizing & putting up Christmas decorations.
Back is throbbing. Left elbow is swollen and throbbing. Fingers & toes frozen. Muscles in legs cramping. Neck and shoulders ache. If I bend neck too far it sends sharp pain down back. Headache off and on. If I feel headache starting and start to suck on a peppermint it seems to ease it some.  

Nov 24
3:30am – woke at 3:00am. Guys going hunting. I’m wide awake presently. Rt hip & rt elbow throbbing horribly! Face feels swollen. Chest aches & feels bruised. 
7:00 woke again at 7am to hearing what I thought was a vibrating phone. I can’t find where it was comimg from. Ugh!  Now out of breath.
Both hands numb and tingly. Chest hurts. Upper back aches. Neck aches. Slight headache. Wish whatever keeps buzzing every 5 minutes would stop!
9:44am -low back hurting. Had to sit and rest. Chilling sensation at base of neck down spine and spreading through upper back. Oh, how I wish a dr or someone could ecplain this to me!
If I could only figure out simple exercises that would cause me undue pain and be beneficial for my increasing stiffness. 

1050a not saying I have this but exercises may help alleviate my increasing neck pain and other upper extremities pains and symptoms:
Neck stretch exercises can help to moderate the impact of the condition and alleviate pain or feelings of stiffness. However, they will not cure cervical spondylosis.

8:28pm- I’ve had to ice down my elbow twice. Swelling and pain a bit much. If I do anything at all, it swells back up like I’ve sprained it.
10:21pm – it’s 70 something degress in house & I’m freezing! Slight headeache. No nap & wide awake. Fingers and hands ache. Rt elbow throbbing. Feet freezing. Rt hip aches. Neck aches. Skin randomly itchy.

Journal Entries 16-18 Nov 2018

Nov 16

Well today didn’t exactly go as planned.

I intended on canning pumpkin to make pies, cakes, etc for the holidays & beyond.
Around 8:30am, I started cutting up the pumpkin, but after cutting off top and 3 chunks I started hurting horribly. Had to ask my daughter to help cut rest of pumpkin up in chunks.

Prepped jars, lids, water, & supplies. Got pumkins cubes in jars and pressure canner wouldn’t seal & leaking water. Ugh!

Ended up calling my mom for advise. We ended up changing out every possible part. All the while praying for help.

It’s 11:55 pm. I still haven’t figured out the problem. I’m beyond pain, exhausted, ready for bed. Hopefully, I’ll get a decent amount of sleep.

Did I mention that both kids are sick too? Thankfully, one is on the mends while the other is just coming down with it.

Thankful tomorrow is another day & the Lord’s mercies are new every morning.

Finally got it to seal after turning lid around, but rocker still won’t jiggle.  I’m perplexed, beyond hurting, exhausted, over it all. Decided to give up for night. Lid on canner got stuck and wouldn’t come off!!  Ugh!! After following internet suggestions to no avail, I ended up unscrewing one handle to get lid off.  My entire body is throbbing!!! Center of chest hurts like the dickens. Been using pain rub all day & taking more pain rx than normal. Stomach muscles hurt deeply. Back throbbing. Stuffy nose. Toes clod (cold).

Nov 17 – no entry

Nov 18

1202a Took me all day to make sweet potatoe pie & pumpkin dump cake for tomorrow. Bulletin almost finished. Waiting on proof. Have to finish printing in morning. Lord we have needs please supply. Legs are throbbing. Stomach innards aching off and on all day. Hands ache. Rash on left hand worse. Feet cold. Using heating pad to warm them up. Extremely tired. Skin dry & itchy. Female itch bothersome.

1120a Having neck issues. Hurts to turn too far either way. Bones pop easily. Constant pain at base of neck. Swollen lymph node on sides of neck. Dry skin. Headache. T rouble focusing especially on faster tempo song. Stomach inards hurt. 

251p Multitasking  is nearly impossible. Can’t hsrdly (hardly) see straight. 

3:00 feel like I’m gonna crash. Need to lay down for a while.

6:24 that was long nap. Woke with headache & cold.

11:10p chest hurts with sporadic icy sensation. Feet cold. Pain at base of neck worse. exhausted. Fingers tingly. 

Journal Entries 1-3 Nov 2018

Nov 1 2018

1:30 woke in extreme pain. Took naproxen

5:30 woke in more pain

7:00 stormy weather tornado warning power went out hurt  so bad it’s hard to move rain rain go away you make my body hurt

750 Days like this cause extreme pain in this earthly body!! Thankful to be alive and for His tender mercies (Lamentations 3:22-23). Looking for the blessed Hope of His appearing.

10:30 still no power. Joe wants to go to church to check on things there. Contacted church people to make sure they’re all okay. They are.

11:00 – heading to church…surprised at damage around us in even our neighborhood. Two neighbors mailboxes were either knocked over or completely missing. Branches and debri all over the place. We had limb knocked down & Jordon’s BBall goal mangled😢 just in time for bball season. 

11:30 – arrived at church. Trim on mission house messed up some but fixable. No other damage. Worked on bulletin board for a while. Took me two hours just to take it down and put up a fall border…worked until pain got more than tolerable then took break until it subsided. Now to decide what words. Tried to lay down in nursery to rest, but remembered the broken brain docu series…tried for a while to watch & take notes…had trouble with feed as well as understanding words being said…had to repeat sections several times to get what was being said…ran out of time. Ugh!

11:53p- in lots of pain…stinging needle pain in upper back, feet freezing, neck hurts, neck cramping when I yawn, fingers stinging, eyes watery, low back throbbing, legs feel thight, headache, sharp pain in tip of tongue Took night supplements, naproxen, and melatonin. Hope to fall asleep not only but also stay asleep. I’m exhausted. 

12:43 3 things I’m thankful for Christ’s love for me, my family, my salvation

Nov 2 

I didn’t fall asleep till after 1:30 a.m.  woke up at 8:15 tired right arm was numb left hand was tingly legs all back hurts exhausted whole body hurts nose stuffy  eyes watery hot  but my feet are cold my tongue hurts horribly  melatonin last night but didn’t fall asleep until shortly after I thought of three things I was thankful for time to see what the day will bring

8:50  checked my tongue in the mirror it has weird round white looking circle e bumps  and it hurts really bad.

10:00 coconut oil pulling to help heal my tongue.

10:39 friend called to ask question ended telling her about tongue suggested theives or clovers. Brewed cup of hot tea with thieves. Enjoyed immensely. Pain diminished almost immediately 

12:00 took walk with sister, mom & kids enjoyed talking with neighbors. Came home and sat a while to rest. 

4:45 went to friends house for dinner date. Enjoyed the sweet fellowship. Benefits of red raspberry herbal tea It’s leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals B,  C, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron,  and more.  benefits include… balancing hormones, ease menstrual discomfort, aids in digestion, treats cardiovascular issues, boosts immune system, reduces inflamation, etc.

11:23 I’m tired and hurting. Back is throbbing. Rt hip aches a litre. Hands swollen and achy. Slight headache. Light nosebleed. 

Nov 3

7:00 – slept good last night. Don’t hurt as bad today. Tongue still splotchy, but doesn’t hurt as bad. 

10:00 soulwinning  today we went today we went to the area of Pecan Festival today we went to the area of Pecan Festival to pass out tracks.  was able to walk but then had to sit on the ground to rest because my right hip started throbbing and legs started feeling like LED balloons

1:00p  I’m  exhausted feel like I need to crash for a while I’m going to go lay down for an hour or so  ringing in my left ear eyes hurt right hip throbbing extremely exhausted

2:00  nap only lasted half an hour

3:00  kids went with grandma and Aunt to a Trump  rally in Pensacola I decided to sweep the front porch now I’m out of breath and exhausted. Worked on bulletin for a little bit

6:20 Joe came home from work. We went on dinner date. I enjoy when I get Joe to myself for a little bit. Tried to go on hospital visit bc someone had emergency surgery today, but we’re told no visitor’s right now. We’ll try again another day. 

12:00am shouldes hurt, jaw hurts, chest hurts especially rt side, rt hip throbbing, low back aches, hands hurt 

Journal Entries 21-22 October 2018

October 21

700a – Joe scared me awake!  I dislike that because it jolts all my nerves and makes me hurt like crazy.  No sure how to explain it but almost feels like every nerve ending in my body is on fire!

Woke with a headache, my whole body hurts.  Section in between left index and thumb swollen with red eczema looking itchy patch.  Feeling kind of unstable & dizzy.  Nerve have been over stimulated this week.  Knew I’d have some side effects, but it’s been worth it.

10:45a – asked Yanna to be my helper at church – keep eye on trash cans in bathrooms and empty them when needed and the toilet paper to let me know when it’s getting low.  Joe also asked her to help keep his trash empty.  She was happy to help.

11:43a – feeling very weak.  Had trouble focusing on offertory and keeping place…messed up even though I’ve practiced all week.

12:13p – I have pushed too much…need to collapse for a while…gonna sleep on floor in nursery.  Heart beating hard, feel faint, head wobbly, whole body hurts.

2:00p – Joe came to check on me.  I’m laying down but not asleep.  I didn’t hear him come in and he scared me causing me to jump and scream.  Heart pounding hard.  Nerves screaming & stinging throughout body.

205p – TBI symptoms/injuries

6:00p – evening service – I’m so exhausted and hurt horribly, but glad I can be at church.  Joe reviewed Dr Stringer’s sermons:  1. Hope & the Lord’s mercies, 2. Bitterness,  3. What does it take for revival? 4. Harvest, 5. For, 6. Patience/Don’t Quit.  That was a big help to me.  While I struggled to take notes to help me try to stay focused on messages, I still have trouble remembering what was said.  Right now I’m working really hard on remembering the kid’s names at church (there’s 10 altogether) and even then I still have trouble telling the twins apart.  Everybody else seems to be able to tell them apart but my brain is struggling.  At least they all know I love them and that they are important to me. 🙂

October 22

I am currently attempting to read a book that includes a 12 week companion Bible study.  It is “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World” by Joanna Weaver.  I am currently on chapter 3.  It takes me much longer to read things these days.  A couple of reasons, one I have trouble looking at words on pages for too long without them going blurry.  Second, I have to not only read it slowly but also repetitively to comprehend what I’m reading.  I have trouble remembering what I read.

This hurdle had really hindered my yearly goals of reading so many books.  My last yearly goal before getting struck by lightning was 12 books (that’s one a month).  Sadly, I was unable to meet that goal in 2017 because of my injuries.

It’s not gonna stop me.  Though it is quite a hurdle right now, I still plan on eventually working to achieve that goal one day.  Anyways, I foud encouragement in chapter 2” “Lord, Don’t’ You Care?”  On page 21, there’s a section that gives strategies for fighting discouragement.  I’ve think that it’s good enough to use for just about any circumstance in life. 

And the LORD, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8

11:16p – decided to look for a larger purse at the thrift store (my husband gave me $ for my birthday).  My sister, daughter, and niece came along too.  I don’t usually go anywhere by myself these days as I get turned around and lost easily.

The first store didn’t have any purses that I liked.  I decided to look through the clothes.  Nothing.  I’m quite choosy on styles and colors.  Looked through a double rack for my sizes by I could only manage a few minutes and my arms have had enough.

I told my sister that that was enough for me.  She asked why?  I told her that just that little bit made my arms sore feeling like I had worked out for 30 minutes or so.  Wow!  I’ve lost a lot of muscle strength since my strike.  It gets quite frustrating at times especially when I dwell on the facts that prior to the strike I could lift 100lbs give or take easily, but now I can barely lift 20lbs without it causing much pain and grief.  I try not to dwell on the pasts of what I used to could do.  These days I try to focus on what I can do and make new goals to accomplish.

Journal Entries 19-20 October 2018

October 19

Huge praise!!! But for the grace of God, my blog is now live! I’ve been working on it since April. Trying to figure it all out is still like learning Greek to me, but as I am able I will continue to add to it.
It’s my healing journey from being struck by lightning.

Watch this 8-part series on how to strengthen and heal your brain. It’s completely free and 100% life changing.

October 20

I’m tired of journaling my symptoms but I know if I don’t I won’t remember when things happen plus it helps me track my progress

6:30a  – woke in much pain…I hurt all over.  My hands feel like their on fire.  They are throbbing so.  Random shooting pain in my legs.  Headache.  Low back aches.  Arms ache.  Neck sore on rt side.  Rt ear randomly  ringing.

9:36a-I do not want to get up today, but I have lots to do…prepare food to put in crockpots for lunch at church after soul winning, etc.  Lord, I need Your help to move today.  Thinking about fudging on my caffeine free diet just to have energy to go.  Took my meds this am, but I still have no energy.

9:47a – Thought prayer answered today.  I prayed for one pumpkin.  God had two pumpkins given to us.  PTL!!!

11:30 – didn’t put water in crockpots – food not cooking.  Have to cook items on stove.  Cramp in rt side of neck trying to turn gas off on stove.

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