April 19
7am oh, I hurt all over! Periodic sharp stabbing pain in rt side of chest kept me away most of night. Snoozed alarm…5 more minutes.
8am oh bother, I accidentally turned alarm off. Waking up late.
830 Joe & Jakob help me shuck beans for lunch. I hate waking up late it puts me in a rush and I don’t handle it too well. This is the day the Lord hath made I don’t want to be grumpy but it’s so hard. It’s hard not being grumpy when you hurt so bad. Headache bad.
1200 it’s really hard to play piano with bad headache. Everything is rubbing me the wrong way.
100 center of chest hurting more. Need to rest. Feel crash coming on. Need to lay down a while.
1145p I can feel the thunderstorm brewing outside. I can see the lightning flashing. Decided to check phone for weather report. Currently under tornado watch until 12:15am. Decide to go check TV bc news video on phone is freezing up. Three possible tornadoes in our area. I begin praying my church family is safe and okay.
Body is tense and I hurt something fierce all over. Center of chest throbbing. Neck throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Legs ache. Feet ache. Skin itches.
Taking deep breathes and praying til I fall asleep.
April 20
Woke with deep pain in bones all over. Took me a bit to get moving.
Took Rae to work – cleaning elderly friends house. I sat mostly to keep her company but did help some.
At some point while we were there Rae put my hair in bun without me knowing. I was unaware until she said something while we were heading to take my laptop to pc guy for repair. My CD drive quit working. Thankfully it’s still under warranty. Praise the Lord!
Checked on church people to see how they faired storm. Everyone seems to be okay.
Joe came home feeling like mud. Think he has sinus infection. It’s that time for it. Asked me to make him a Dr apt. Tomorrow at 9:45am. He wasn’t up to what I had for dinner. Back to drawing board. Took me an hour to ponder what else to have…ended up with steak tips & gravy over mashed potatoes n corn. Winner.
This momma one tuckered out cookie. I hurt all over but I feel good about myself bc we got to be a blessing to someone else today.
Whole body hurts. I’m exhausted. Sinuses congested. Forgot to take am meds. Hopefully I can get some rest tonight.
April 21
730 rough night. Fought for covers. Bad dream.
Whole body hurts. Arms and hands numbish and tingly upon waking. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Hands swollen and throbbing.
925 going with Joe for his Dr apt. Hard to believe people think they need to be tested for covid19 because they have diarrhea.
Dr was in good spirits. Joe has sinus infection. Call in rx for that and new rx for his back pain rx. She even asked me how I was doing. Struggled with verbiage to express what I wanted to say but able to reword to let her know I was improving but still had to be careful not to aggravate the costo.
1200 trip wore me out. Need nap then will go get husband’s rx
Nap interrupted. Someone asked me a question. Heard Rae say she’s sleeping. I guess I answered then then fell back to sleep for little bit. Woke tired.
500 took Mom to store with me and got parents few groceries to help them out.
Why do I feel so zapped of energy? I even took extra b12
Mom talked about taking D3 in conjunction with K2 to prevent bone loss.
530 pushed myself to make no bake fudge cookies. Rae helped. By time I got cookies on wax paper my back was throbbing a 9. Need to sit a while and rest. Glad it’s Raes night to cook.
1150 tired but wide awake. Brain tired too. Upper back & shoulders throbbing. Skin itchy. Finished one set of exercises. Feel like I’ve regressed in PT exercises. Need to work towards regaining stamina. Center chest hurts. Periodic muscle twitching in legs today. Feet hurt. Headache. Hands aching. Low back & rt hip aches. Sides cramp bad causing me to freeze up if I turn wrong. Not thinking straight. Trouble expressing thought & mixing up what I’m trying to say. Lethargic feeling. Chest popping.