“I’ve Fallen & I Can’t Get Up” by Jeanne Dion Nichols
Patience and Pride by Diana Marie Weinert
Make the Rule; Keep the Rule – Molly Audiss
Working in The Rain by Wendy Robinson
Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 13-15 December 2019
Dec 13
9.00 overslept. Forgot to set alarm. Whole body hurts. Nightmares
9.05 read Bible on phone. Upset bc I forgot my scripture journal at church with my study Bible. I have to improvise until tomorrow.
11.00 mentioned to Joe and Jakob that I feel like I need to go back to school for home ec. They’re reply no you don’t your cooking is 100xs better since the lightning strike. Funny how they’re perception is different than mine. I wasn’t talking about cooking. I was talking about everything as a whole bc I feel like I’ve forgotten how to do a lot of things.
On our way to make hospital visit & run some errands.
4.30 I’m exhausted and hurting. Need to lay down a while. Feels like my brain is on sensory overload and needs to shut down in order to process.
7.00p Wow! I didn’t think I’d sleep for two hours. Feel like I could sleep longer, but if I don’t get up now I’ll be up all night.
A friend shared following info with me.
Dec 14
1am still wide awake.
7.30 overslept. Brain feels groggy and dugh what am I suppose to be doing?
It’s a rainy day and I hurt all over. Headache.
8.00 almost forgot to make the biscuits for breakfast. Got them done in nick of time. Also able to friends pkg ready to mail.
8.45 center of chest hurting, I’m tired
9.00 letters not going on board like I wanted. Rearranging letters multiple times now I must take break to finish in little while (muscles fatiguing & I don’t want center of chest to hurt more.
10.15 Joe having us ladies stay back to finish decorating for tomorrow. Thankful for the help.
11.00 lower back throbbing like toothache. Trying to finish up bulletin board. Dezirae offered to finish it up for me thankfully. Now sitting to rest back.
1.00 Dezirae got called to work today. Joe offered to take her.
2.00 I’m exhausted, hurting all over, and need a nap. Going to lay down for bout an hour. Hoefully, it’ll give me energy to do what I need to get dpne for church Christmas dinner. Foubd recipebto cook corn casserole in crockpot…which makes things easier on me. Yay!
10.00 apple crumble in oven. Taking shower. Wore out and out of breath. Showers are like a work out now. Whew!
Dec 15
6.30 woke at 2.30a with sharp pain in side
Read Bible before getting up. Looks like I’ll be able to finish a couple days early. Yay! Next year I want to work on rememorizing scripture. I’m starting to remember things more…that’s big deal for me. Grant you I still have ways to go. I may be working on recovery for rest of my life but I still want to continue to progress.
10.45 got really dizzy all of a sudden. Room spinning. Head feels weird inside…filling up with heavy fog causing pressure on brain?
10.50 comforting a distraught soul. God is working on hearts. Lord please help us lead them to You always.
11.40 woah! I’m sure Christmas program was cute but it was much a do for my brain. My head hurts and is quickly fogging up -almost to point it’s hard to make sense of things. Brain needs a nap but it won’t happen for another few hours.
12.30 talking with visitors at lunch. I purposely repeat their names out loud so I can remember their names. It’s important to me so I want to try to make others feel important too. While talking with them I could remember Mom & Grandma’s name but stumbled on daughters name ( now that I’m trying to recall I remember daughter & grandma’s name but not mom’s ugh!) Anyways, my tiredness became apparent because I messed up on saying what ingredients I put in the no bake fudge cookies. Talina graciously explained that I was struck by lightning and mess up what I’m trying to say sometimes. We had good laugh bc I said I put flour in them when I meant sugar. Then she said it’s not why she got struck but what she’s doing with it and being a witness for the Lord. It may seem odd to say but not sure how to word but it was a proud momma moment for me. Get it that she was talking about me – but that she came to my defense but also that my light for Jesus is shining through. I’m making an impact for my Lord!!! Thank you, Jesus.
3.30 finally home and crashing. I physically cannot push anymore. It was good day but a bit much for my brain to handle.
5.23 woken by a phone call. Didn’t plan on sleeping that long, but could sleep longer. So tired & wore out.
9.30 Dezirae & I made peppermint bark for our movie day tomorrow at a friends house.
Low back intense throbbing. Rt hip aches. Rt ear & jaw throbbing. Pins & needles sensation in arms, back, & legs. Lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingling. Exhausted.
Good day at church. Had 25 total. PtL! It is being made apparent that I need to start a ladies Bible study next year. It’s time my vision takes foot. That’s not right says my brain but I cannot think of proper verbage. Hopefully y’all get it. Need to pray and ask God what Bible study to start. It will start slowly once a month. Now to figure out what day and time. As long as God leads, I need to follow and obey. It doesn’t mean I’m not scared nor do I feel adequate, but I know where God guides He provides.
Webster Definition:
1: moderation in action, thought, or feeling: RESTRAINT
2a: habitual moderation in the indulgence of the appetites or passions
b: moderation in or abstinence from the use of alcoholic beverages
KJV Dictionary Definition:
TEM’PERANCE, n. L. temperantia, from tempero.
1. Moderation; particularly, habitual moderation in regard to the indulgence of the natural appetites and passions; restrained or moderate indulgence; as temperance in eating and drinking; temperance in the indulgence of joy or mirth. Temperance in eating and drinking is opposed to gluttony and drunkenness, and in other indulgences, to excess.
2. Patience; calmness; sedateness; moderation of passion.
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2
As we learn to walk in the Spirit, we allow Him to have control and not our flesh. The fruit of the Spirit temperance is not about self control but rather submitting to the Sovereign control of our Lord Jesus Christ. Temperance is self discipline.
Every aspect of our lives need to be yielded to the Spirit’s control including our thoughts (Proverbs 15:26), desires (Romans 13:13-14), speech (Psalm 19:14, Proverbs 29:11), appetite (Proverbs 23:2), sleep (Proverbs 6:9-11), finances (Luke 12:15), entertainment (1 John 2:15-17), emotions (1 Corinthians 10:13, Proverbs 16:32), etc. We develop temperance as we practice to live and walk in the control of the Holy Spirit.
With the control of the Holy Spirit, may we exhibit that He is granting temperance to us in all things!