Feb 27
700 woke burning up feeling like I’m on fire. Entire body stinging!!! Not today.
900 on way to church. Car behind us decides to pass us on right almost hitting us!!! Scared me so bad I screamed!!! It was so close I could have reached out window and touch it from inside car. Nerves are tensed up. Ugh! Thank Lord for safety.
I am so stressed and feel cranky. Joe kind enough to say we’ll just go home tonight for me to not he more stressed thsn I am. Too many things for me to focus on right now.
1200p I’m exhausted and need a nap. Nerves stinging in upper back. Headache. Feel like I’m going to crash.
500 birthday party went well though I forgot how to do a snowball fight. Made rules up as I went. Kids had fun.
900 bulletin done but I don’t have energy to print them tonight. Feel like in gonna crash again. Need rest.
Whole body hurts. Eyes watery. Headache slight. Hands ache. Fingers sting. Lower let leg tourniquet tightening feeling. Feet nunb & tingly. Brain feels like mush. Vision tunneling and blurred. How is it that my vocabulary is superior but my comprehension is below normal? That’s mind baffling.
Feb 28
600 woke to severe pain in upper body. Entire back throbbing. Both arms and hands numb and tingling. Lights bothersome. Neck throbbing. Feet nunb and tingly. Stinging pain in back and arms. Muscles in legs , ankles, and feet feel like they’re wound tight as a rubber band. Headache mild.
Joe decided to rub my back which feels relaxing.
100 found my clipboard. Left it in mission house. Had my Scripture journaling notes on it too.
600 brain hurts. Eyes blurry. Headache moderate. Hands swollen and throbbing.
Ring finger on rt hand feels like ants are crawling all over it. Keep trying to wipe them off but there’s nothing there. Ugh.
Center of chest hurting. Can tell I quite taking the naproxen.
1000p learned for definite sure that I’m allergic or sensitive to whole milk. Been drinking 1% milk and seem to do okay with it. Decided to drink glass of whole milk tonight. After drinking about half the glass I began choking like my throat was swelling. Sinuses instantly severely congested and sinus cavities hurt. Belly feels swollen and bloated as well. Headache intensified. Drinking water to flush it out.
Took night meds plus 1/2 Benadryl and naproxen rx. Bummer but good to know.
Toes and feet tingly. Eyes watery. Rt ear hurts. Exhausted. Lower let leg tourniquet tightening feeling from mid chin down to ankle. Legs ache. Severely congested. Center of chest throbbing.