Two Journeys: One Heart – Memoirs May 8-9, 2022
LS Memoirs December 25-26, 2021
LS Memoirs
Dec 25
630 slept all night. I hurt from head to toes – muscles and nerves burning prickly pain. Feel like I’ve been beat up. Hurts to move. Esophagus doesn’t hurt anymore. Indigestion seems to be gone.
2 John 1-Jude 1; Isaiah 9:6; Job 19:25
Song: I’m dreaming of a white Christmas
Breakfast cooked (cinnamon rolls, hash, & bacon). Dezirae helped make the angel eggs, peeled potatoes for crockpot while I made the pumpkin pie. Burnt my thumb and finger accidentally grabbing oven rack. Lavender oil to rescue. Later tried to eat piece of hot bacon and dropped it because I used burned fingers. Joe picked up the piece of bacon and ate it. I had melt down.
Joe & Dezirae prep turkey to cook in oven.
1010 I need to crash for a bit. Exhausted and hurting.
10:40 Joe’s crossbow fell in closet making loud noise which scared awake cause me to scream
1120 woke abruptly from nap thinking I overslept
1200 muscles spasming and twitching thru body. Took colloidal silver.
Laid back down for a minute and ended up waking an hour later.
I’m so exhausted and have no energy. Nerve pain not as intense as before.
Christmas dinner at 2pm
Exhausted. Tired. Nerves stinging needle pain. Muscles ache deeply. Rt hip throbbing. Low back aches.
Tourniquet tightening feeling in lower left leg to ankle.
Night meds taken plus half a Benadryl and half a pain Rx. 2nd dose of colloidal silver.
Dec 26
Exhausted and hurting all over.
Revelation 1-3; Luke 2:28-32; Revelation 5:5
Looked up ideas for using leftover turkey for lunch today. Turkey Casserole. Put it together, but add-libbed a bit using items I have in pantry.
My lower back is throbbing intensely. Need to sit for bit then finish getting ready to go.
Informed I needed to sing special just as church started. Thankfully I found the song I was going to sing last week during Sunday School. Nervous and need to use restroom. Not good combo.
Able to get high note first time through. Second time throat started hurting and my voice cracked at the high note. I wanted to choke but able to hold it in until I went to bathroom after I was done.
Muscles sporadically and randomly spasming and twitching thru body.
120 rt hip throbbing intensely. Headache. Exhausted.
400 working on planning meals for week – use Pinterest, email, and internet for ideas. I look up to take break. See the guys walk in from outside but they’re blurry and my eyes cross. Jordon chuckles and asks what’s the matter. I explain. Brain feels foggy. Accidentally left my planning notebook at home frustrated bc I’m struggling to remember what needs to be done next.
600 the Christmas Carol’s songbook I put together this year the verses don’t match hymns that are in our hymnbooks. This causes song leader to sing different verse than others are. It’s so frustrating to my ears.
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 15-16 January 2021
Jan 15
1228a still wide awake. Brain hurts but not slowing down. Light sensitivity. Took Excedrin migraine. Night meds taken plus extra C, Echinacea, & zinc.
The added stress on my brain from the neuro testing last week really did a number on my immune system and overall health. I knew I’d be down for days from pure exhaustion but I didn’t consider how it would affect me physically. Ended up sick like my husband. I’m praying its not Covid…feels more like a bad case of the flu.
Still waiting for results of Joe’s covid test. Quarantining stinks but then again I haven’t had much gumption this week either. It’s hard enough fighting to recover from LS let alone top it with flu like symptoms and a sick hubby. Yuck! This too shall pass.
it’s hard…extremely hard…especially when you’re in midst of it. Reminding myself…
Psalm 73:26-28
My flesh and my heart faileth:
but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.
For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee.
But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works.
I haven’t felt much like Bible study this week either being frankly honest but I have kept up with my Bible reading & devotional app.
Read Genesis 46-50 & Psalm 119:25.
Need to work on adding next Scripture journal to blog. Have it partially finished. Maybe I’ll have energy to work on it tomorrow.
Chilling burning sensation in between shoulder in back radiating thru shoulder blades to mid back region. Cramping in let abdomen center chest area…hurts painfully.
Diffusing thieves in room to disinfect the air.
800a woke to bad headache. Muscles twitching randomly thru body. Eyes sensitive to light. Entire body stiff and achy. Sinuses congested with slight bloody nose. Taking migraine rx to ease head pain. Chilling burning sensation that starts at base of neck travels down spine to mid back.
1220p Received call that Joe tested positive for Covid. Whole family must quarantine for 14 days. Ugh! I have to go get tested now.
100 something feels weird in my eye. I take my glasses off to discover the nose piece fell off my glasses. Ugh.
1000p just spent half hour looking for my glasses repair kit (Jordon was helping me stay on target). He found $10 in one of my old wallets. Cool! Dezirae comes to see what we were doing only to remind me that I had one in my purse. Screws were too big. Ugh! Now I’m flat exhausted.
Getting bouts of nauceousness.
1120 drinking hot chammomile tea in hopes it’ll help me sleep tonight. Taking 2nd dose of C, Echinacea, & zinc. Tylenol sinus for the sinus headache & night meds.
Jan 16
1145 whew I slept a long time. Must of needed it.
Woke to feeling like my arms and hands were about to explode. Burning stinging sensation thru body. Head hurts. Woke from strange dreams …
100 a friend dropped off a large pot of wedding meatball soup. It’s so delicious!
Low back & rt hip is throbbing like an infected toothache!!! It’s hard to move.
Chronic back pain
630 asked family if they wanted brownies. Joe told me I wasn’t cooking bc I needed to rest. Asked Jordon to make some cookies.
930 applied pain patch to lower back.
1100 patch area starting to burn some. Not sure if that’s supposed to happen or not.
1130 sat to use restroom and lower back snap crackles and popped! It hurt but I am able to move little better. Lower rt back & but area throb intensely. Why does it have to hurt so much!
I’m not taking it anymore. I’m going to bed. Maybe my body will wake in better mood and less pain tomorrow.
Ate on the soup all day and still have a lot left. It was big help as I was in no shape to cook at all today.
I hurt so bad I can’t even lay on my back in bed!! Attempting to lay on stomach.
Took pm rxs, zinc 50mg , C 2k mg, Tylenol sinus.
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 25-27 December 2020
Dec 25
1130 bahaha just discovered the asparagus got left out and is already rotten. Have to back up and punt. I’m exhausted and getting grouchy.
330 finally able to lay down. Tummy hurts. Family picking up house while I lay down.
Invited two guys for Christmas dinner. Both were very appreciative for the food and fellowship.
Overall had a good day. I’m hurting something fierce and need some sleep.
Dec 26
730 rough night. Woke several times. Whole body aches deeply stinging to bones. Headache. Woke from strange dreams. Tummy hurts. Nerves sting deeply all over body. Type of pain that’s not easily ignored and makes it difficult to move. I’d rather sat in bed all day, but I know that can’t happen today.
1200p Joe took me on a date. I suppose our waitress was having a bad day bc her service was horrible. I enjoyed the company though. I love spending time with the love of my life.
Kids went out to have fun at mall. They came back with gifts for Joe & I. Fire Stick for Joe & necklace for me.
8p family went to see Christmas light at Colonnades. Gave family in middle a thank you and some homemade orange marmalade. He look surprised we brought them a gift.
Jakob proposed to his girlfriend. She said “Yes”.
1155p attempted to braid hair. Hands cramped quickly making it difficult to finish. Arms cramping and fatiguing out. Intense chore. I miss being able to braid my own hair without pain or assistance.
Dec 27
630 woke from strange dream tired (I was actively either pursing something or being pursued. Not sure which.) Whole body aches. Minimal pain in feet upon standing. Low back and upper body hurt the most. Sinuses congested. Lots of nasal drip down back of throat.
815 sudden allergy attack almost made me puck. Took Tylenol sinus and nasonex. Feel weak and exhausted.
1000a in a very sarcastic mood. Don’t know why. Lol. Enjoy seeing the kids today. Supposedly one of the kids school bus driver knows me. Name seems familiar, but I don’t know if that’s good or bad.
11a trouble focusing on music. Brain feels overtaxed and tired
1150a suddenly exhausted and sleepy
236 upper body and arms sting. Need a nap.