Lightning Survivor Journal Entries 1-3 Dec 2018
Dec 1
7:45am – couldn’t fall asleep until after 2am. Woke at 7am thinking I was late.
11:15am – I’m exhausted. Can’t keep my eyes open. Gonna lay down for a bit.
12:45pm fell asleep for 1.5 hours
6:00pm – made dinner (cheesy beef empanadas) my back is throbbin like a toothache now. Joe cooked the veggie. Had trouble grabbing things & ended up dropping things. Ugh!
6:45pm – nosebleed
9:30pm finally finished bulletins for tomorrow. Head hurts. Had to keep taking breaks bc my eyes felt crossing
9:51pm decided to change nail color on toes. Had trouble reaching toes to do so. Toes are freezing! Lower back still throbbing. Need to figure out stretch exercises to strength core. Tire but wide awake.
10:20pm cramping in left feett & toes ouch!
10:34pm crampung in rt butt cheek area. Tingling sensation in hands.
Dec 2
7:09am very rough night…up every hour or so. So tired. Ears ringing. Nose itches. Neck hurts. Hands tingly. Eyes crusty. In bad mood…not good today is church.
11:00am getting hugs & kisses from the kids at church brighten my day especially when one of them says, “You’re my favorite.”
2:49pm musclez twitching in buttocks area. Toes freezing
3:35pm decided to make majority of Christmas gifts this year. Neighbor gave me a large bag of materials. Started with making coasters. I have ring marks on my table. Like having ice in my cold drinks. To combat I’m making coasters. Decided to make them into presents for Christmas. Have made 4 sets so far. Figured out how to recover potholders. Now making my Mom matching potholders
Dec 3
12:55am still awake. I’m tired of journaling my symptoms but I know I need to. Headache. Rt hip hurts. Periodic muscles twitching throughout body. Need some sleep. Low back hurting.
2:30am woke in a sweat. Had bad dream. Head hurts.
8:00am woke every couple hours. Bad dreams. Low back throbbing. Hands ache and tingly. Eyes blurry. Neck throbbing.
10:00 went to try to see white pelicans at langan park. It was a chore but worth every step. Upper back stinging needle pain. Rt hip hurts. Low back aches. Legs feel heavy. Slight headache.
11:35pm feet went numb. Low back throbbing. head hurts. Fingers hurt. Legs ache.

Journal Entries 25-27 November 2018
Nov 25
6:54am- woke the first time at 5am went to rr and back to bed.
Woke 2nd time at 6:30am. Taking shower was such a chore. Every inch of my chest feels really swollen and throbbing. Head hurts. Thought hot shower would help. I don’t think so…now I’m out of breath and chest feels tighter. Neck aches and sharp pain shoots down back if I move too far in any direction. Might have to ask dr for steroid shot if still hurting by Friday. So tired of hurting all the time. Right now just want to drop my sword and cry for just a while. 🙁
8:00am – I’m gonna have to find $ so I can go back on the propranolol. I’m tired of having headaches twice daily. I don’t like the potential side effects are but until I can figure an alternative I’ll have to take it for now.
Trying to find remedies for yeast overgrowth & balance hormones.
10:30am- Talina tagged me in a post about lightning strike survivors. Made me cry. The article explains what I have trouble explaining.
This explains what I have trouble explaining to folks about my lightning strike anomaly. Reading makes me cry all over again. There are some differences in my experience than what’s in the article, but it sure does help explain some of the after effects that I experience on a daily basis. I wish doctors would study it out enough to better help those who do survive.
I do thank the Lord that His mercies allowed me to live to tell the tale and that they are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23
How does one replenish the water that was zapped out of you?
11:41 rt foot itches like crazy!
6:15pm – my entire back is throbbing!!
Both hands and wrists so swollen that my loose bracelet iz making indentations in my skin.
Nov 26 – no entries
Nov 27
220a Found tiny bugs on floor by bed. Made me paranoid for a while. Can’t sleep
7:00am Took me long time to fall asle. didnt sleep long. Woke when Joe got in bed from working overnight. He was freezing! Couldn’t fall back to sleep.
Arms & hands were numb and tingly. Slight headache.
9:40am phone interview stressed me out. Lady seemed to be in hurry and didn’t want to give me time to write things down or ask questions to understand what’s going on. Have major headache now and don’t feel too healthy. Indigestion. Center of chest hurts.
11:00am started washing Dezirae’s linens, but had to wait for her to help exchange them between units. Had Jordon pull her bed away from wall so she could vacuum floor under bed. We put D.E. down. She’s been getting marks on her torso that kind of look like strawberry freckles. They don’t really look like bug bites. Precationary measures don’t hurt either.
4:30pm – have to take Jordon to basketball practice & play practice. I think I’ll take Dezirae with me to thrift store before we pick up items Joe asked me to get at grocery store. My favorite store is the bargain thrift store where it’s buy it by the lb!
Found some goodies. Went looking for materials to make door draft stoppers for our house instead of using our clean blankets. Found a dog bed I’m gonna upcycle. Dezirae found a Therapedic electric blanket throw. It’s every soft. Found a few other things too (material to use for homemade presents, binders, clip board, stainless steel mixing bowl, etc). Spent $15. I think we did pretty good!
7:01pm – Headache all day. Toes feel frozen periodically thru day. Center of chest hurts and feels icy periodically.
8:30 – took shower. That was a chore. Seems lately that most things seems to make me get out of breath. Chest is bothering me.
9:00p – decided to work on blog. Need to add couple more posts. I found yet another book I started journaling about my lightning strike in. Good thing I’m working on putting it all in one place. It’s too confusing to keep up with all.
Looking back at even a month after strike – I don’t even remember half of it all. My mind thoughts were sporadic a best. It’s amazing to make sense of it.
10:53p – just discovered I forgot to take meds last night.
Feet are freezing. Thankful for heating pads to warm them up. Neck hurts. Entire back aches. Fingers aches. Center of chest throbbing with sdporadic sharp stabbing pain on left side. Headache (just took migraine pill since others aren’t helping any – oh wait I don’t recall taking any rx pills today. Actually been scatter brained. Started to work on designing postcard invite for church christmas program and ended up finding a website that had christmas programs for free to download. Got 9 or 10 I think plus christmas color pages and activities. Probably saved over $300 for church. Yipee! I love saving every penny I can.
We wouldn’t have been able to survive this long without God helping me learn to live frugally. I’m enjoying the Proverbs 31 Bible study I’m doing with Dezirae right now. It’s pretty interesting.
Eyes are hurting. I have brightness all way down & night owl activated on my phone and phone is still too bright. Wish my headache would go away.
Probably should take a Melatonin and pain rx so i can get some shut eye tonight. Fingers aren’t working right…keeping hitting wrong button and habe to use spell correct. Ugh!
We have busy morning tomorrow. Oh wait I better set my alarm before I forget again dont wantvto wake up late. Need to change battery in key fob. one day I’ll get to it.
11:15 oh, bother. Indigestion has creaped in. Thankful for papaya enzymes.
1250a Joe & Dezirae went hunting. Got a small doe. Yeah! Meat for house.
Ache all over today. Random muscle twitching. Random muscle cramping in calves and thighs. Itchy skin. Hands numb and tingly when I awoke. Feet freezing ice cold for several hours this afternoon. Had to use heating pad couple times today.