April 1
7:00a- got so hot in middle of night sometime that ended up throwing covers off me. Out from under and I’m cold again. Slept hard but I’m still tired. Thankful that it’s spring break this week.
Dawned on me that I remembered to plan for Spring break for school but it didn’t even cross my mind to plan any activities. Ugh! One day kids want to possibly go to science museum and thrift store.
If all goes well we will go to church to start painting floor in SS room this afternoon. Next step this is. Goal is to make it a sheet music floor. Only can handle physical exertion is short spurts.
7:30a- Keep wondering…What if my “brokenness” is about who it might help rather than me. I remember sincerely praying Jabez prayer months before I was struck. Proof is in prayer closet on wall.
I know I’m still trying to heal and always trying to heal, but what if my journey to healing is about reaching that someone who needs Jesus too?
Song on my mind…
Something beautiful, something good All my confusion He understood
All I had to offer Him was brokenness and strife But he made something beautiful of my life![🎶]()
What if my “brokenness” is about who it might help rather than me? God can use our “broken pieces” for His glory if we just let Him.
Lamentations 3:22-23; Isaiah 41:10; Psalm 46:1; Psalm 147:3; Romans 8:28
9:13a- Entire body aches, hands and fingers swollen and achy, low back throbbing, rt hip hurts, burning freezing sensation in center of back, feet chilly socks on.
Sipping hot tea with honey, thieves, and colloidal silver. Tongue is looking better and throat hurting not.
Apple pie oatmeal for breakfast. Recipe suppose to be for 2 but can make it serve 3.
12:00p- Joe called to let me know that he talked with head Dr at clinic. Not happy with his response. Dr said he would talk with the Dr about situation. Joe said not good enough. Needs at minimum to write letter of apology to wife. Dr said he’s not doubting that he said it.
1:31p- Joe called to let me know that Dr I saw Friday called him a little bit ago and apologized!!! I will not see him again, but at least he apologized.
2:00p- At church working on updating SS room floor. Today’s task: paint the floor.
3:15p- Heading home. Floor painted. I’m hurting all over. Feet swollen. Hands and fingers swollen and achy. Low back aches. Toes tingling. Time to rest a piece.
5:30p supper with apple crisp made
7:00p- pushed myself and walked up to end of road and back. I’m done for day. I hurt all over.
8:45p- sharp stabbing pain under right eye. Head feels flush but feet are freezing.
April 2
4:30a- woke to Joe rubbing my back. Felt so good. Fell back to sleep.
8:30a- I’m exhausted and hurting all over. Having hard time waking up. Just want to sleep pain away. Eyes blurry.
Rt hip throbbing, low back throbbing, hands swollen and achy, neck hurts, legs hurt, muscles in back and legs sporadic twitching/spazing, feet ache (at least their warm right now), toes tingling, rt ear aches
10:51a- I just want to cry!! Trying to add recipes to menu on blog and accidentally deleted everything!!! Now I have to figure out how to recover and I don’t even know where to begin.
It’s taken me a year to get this far. Lord, please help!!
12:11 recovered lost info watching youtube video. Recipe added to blog…now to figure out how to get it to show up under the right category. Ugh!
12:30p- Figured it out but couldn’t tell ya how I did it. Thank you, Lord!
1:00p- Dezirae going out with friend and her mom for afternoon. Taking Jordon to Thrift Store. Hunting for a suit.
3:00p- He found one. Yeah!
3:30p- on to Wm to get dog food and key made. Walked behind buggy to get exercise. I’ll probably feel after effects later.
9:00p- was going to bed but kids wanted me to watch movie with them. I’ve got the munchies…first time in forever.
10:30p- I’m so tired. I didn’t remember half the movie.
Hands and arms ache, feet chilly and achy. Headache. Rt ear aching little. Low back throbbing. Rt hip aches. Legs hurt. Toes ache. Neck hurts. Fingers tingly.
April 3
4:30a – woke to Joe’s cold hand rubbing my back. The gentle rub feels so good but the stinging needle pain in legs and arms not so much. Stuffy nose, neck & upper chest hurt.
5:30a- stinging needle pain increases, muscles randomly spazing in legs, shoulders hurt, hands swollen and achy, chin itches
7:17a- slept thru alarm. Strange dream…
1:15p- walked in Wal-Mart behind cart to get a few items. I’m tired. Need to rest.
3:00p- went with mom to produce market. Walked behind buggy. Came home and Dezirae helped put items away.
5:00p- pizza for dinner. I don’t have energy to push anymore. Crashed in living room for two hours.
7:45p- feel so weak and could sleep longer. I hurt all over.
10:50p- there is a connection between your brain and your gutt! Need to print info and give to my Dr’s.
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