Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 28-29 January 2021

Jan 28

544 startled awake by what I know not. Got up only to feel sharp stabbing pain in left foot when I stood. Lost balance. Used restroom. Checked house. Went back to bed as head is pounding – migraine. Background light on phone too bright though turned all way down. Think I’ll sleep it off.

930 still have migraine. Took Excedrin migraine. Closing eyes another half hour.

1000a headache is easing.

Goals today: deep clean master bath, begin gathering info for taxes.

100p yay  lunch date with Joe

300 completed documenting info for phone bill last year. Shower & toilet has been cleaned & trash emptied. Still have sink, walls, mirror, & floor.

Lost balance rehanging shower curtain liner and almost fell. Head hit curtain rod catching me from falling. Whew!

Out of breath. Arms fatigued out while hanging curtain. Ears ringing. Headache. Dizzy. Need to lay down a piece.

Joe & I agree on colors for auditorium.  Still not sure how far on accent wall due to odd shape in front.

Freezing cold. Joe says my skin is ice cold. Neck hurts. Headache slight. Sinuses congested. Exhausted. Rt hip hurts. Skin itchy. Reduced my milk to 1% seems to be helping. Hands ache. Periodic shocking stabs randomly through body making me jerk. Trouble with losing grip and dropping items. Shoulders ache. Nerves a bit stingy thru body.  Eyes look like I’ve been punched in face.

Took night meds, C, Zinc, melatonin, & naproxen.

Jan 29

730 eyes blurry. Having trouble reading Bible this morning. Head hurts neck stiff. Legs throbbing. Hands ache. Tummy hurts. Sinuses congested. Thirsty. Low back throbbing.

Recvd email about immunity. According to Dr Josh, a dysfunctional immune system can be an underlying cause of issues like:

  • Fatigue
  • Respiratory problems
  • Musculoskeletal pain
  • Poor digestion
  • Elevated stress levels
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Depression
  • Poor sleep

930 phone apt with neuropsychologist went well. Not exactly comprehend all that was said, but I’m improving well.

In summary, I now have normal brain for my age instead of smart brain (I’m not really liking “normal”). Scores were all over the place from superior to below normal. Do have some signs of depression, but that’s to be expected considering all I’ve been through. No doubt I have had a TBI, but doing good in recovery. She was amazed at how well I am recovering from the brain injury. She said our brains are designed to heal themselves to a certain extent.

Asked her about trouble with playing the piano. Exercises to overcome coordination difficulty with brain and hands at times. She said just keep trying. With all the difficulties I’ve encountered from my LS injuries, I most likely will never be like I was before. I needed to focus on my strengths and not so much on my weaknesses

Need to figure out how to improve my comprehension.

120 shivering. Brr! It’s 65°. Raised rt arm above head to put sweater on. Right side torso cramped horrible stop me in my tracks.

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