Lightning Strike Journal Entries – July 4-10, 2021
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 13-19 June 2021
Lightning Memoirs – 7-9 April 2021
April 7
700 bloody nose is precursor for a migraine?. Woke with migraine! Took relpax. Laid back down.
Whole body stiff and achy. Sinuses congested. Lft hand numb and tingly. Low back throbbing. Calves ache like I worked out too much. Feet hurt and tingly. Thighs ache. Vision blurry.
Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 8-12;
7:40 applying ice to back of head for migraine relief.
757a Taking 1 ginger capsule.
Migraine began easing within 20 minutes of taking ginger. Thank the Lord.
1000 attending funeral today have mixed emotions…sad because I’ll miss her…peace knowing she’s not going to suffer anymore and I’ll see her again someday. Frustrated bc of certain people’s fake facades knowing how they’ve been acting behind the scenes. Honored that the family wanted us to take part in the services. Anxious yet happy bc I’ll be seeing people we’ve not seen in a while.
Moderate headache. Neck hurts. Lights bothersome. Hands throbbing. Low back throbbing. Rt hip aches. Legs mid-calf and lower feel like they’re wrapped up tightly in barbed wire. Legs pulsating stinging throbbing pain. Eyes hurt. Tired. Brain is mush. Not speaking right…
April 8
330a woke with brain going 100 miles per hour. Keep trying to pray but my thoughts are too loud in my head. Head hurts.
My body stinging throbbing. When ever I heard the rumbling of the thunder it makes my nerves tense up and the pain increases.
Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 13-15;
4:18 electricity flickered just before lightning
700 finally fell back to sleep. Slept about an hour.
1200 took me over two hours to balance checkbook even with computer help.
530p headache increases and nose hurting then all of a sudden it starts bleeding
600 vision feels like it’s getting blurry and I’m getting really sleepy.
750 I’m having hard time keeping awake. Eyes are heavy. Head hurts.
April 9
500 woke to a migraine and a thunderstorm.
Took relpax. Can’t sleep. Whole body stinging.
Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 16-18
600 still wide awake. The pain is relentless and will not be ignored.
900a Dr apt. Computers are down. They’re having to do things old school – write it down on paper. Lol.
Bp 115/74 w211. Drs scale registering that I’ve lost 9 lbs. Yay!
Dr slowly coming around. Glad to hear of my improvements. Is okay with my experimenting with PEA and CBD oil w/out hemp. Blood work drawn and urinalysis. Rxs refilled. Says she’ll reduce the Dexilant from 60mg to 30mg. Follow-up in 6 months unless something comes up with labs.
350 homeschool Mtg with new cover school for next year went well. Dezirae excited. Ran errands for church. Stopped for treat at Marble Slab. Allergy symptoms as soon as I finished my ice cream. Definitely a milk intolerance. Still a nice treat.
Home and exhausted. Jordon sweet to help me out of vehicle so I don’t twist my knee again.
Lft knee hurts on top of everything else hurting. Migraine has eased but still have slight headache. Need a nap.
Laid down for about an hour. Didn’t fall asleep for long maybe 20 minutes.
Dezirae made dinner clam chowder and grilled cheese. Probably not a good choice with all that dairy products but it tasted good.
800 decided to take hot Epsom Salt bath. Soaked for an hour. Tired and ready for bed but indigestion is horrible and tummy hurts on top of everything else. Ugh.
♫ In the dark of the midnight have I oft hid my face
While the storm howls above me, and there’s no hiding place
‘Mid the crash of the thunder, Precious Lord, hear my cry
Keep me safe till the storm passes by
Till the storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more
Till the clouds roll forever from the sky
Hold me fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand
Keep me safe till the storm passes by ♫
As the thunder roars this morning, this song comes to mind and I’m thankful that my Lord keeps me safe amidst the storms in life.
LS Memoirs – 26-27 March 2021
March 26
700 woke to nerves twitching randomly thru body quickly…felt weird. Did some deep breaths to get them to calm down. In doing so I fell back to sleep until alarm went off.
Whole body stiff and achy. Hands and feet throbbing. Rt hip aches. Stinging pain is mild.
Bible Reading: Ruth; Psalm 43:3
900 Chiropractor appointment. Dr did master points reset for accupuncture. Couple of needles hurt going in with one shooting pain to toes lft side. Another tickled so I burst out laughing. Dr asked if I was ticklish. Told him I didn’t know I was there.
16 needles (1 in top of head, 2 in back of neck either side, 1 in center of shoulders, 4 in back -2 mid way & 2 lower, 2 at outer back of knees, 2 above inner ankles, 2 at inner wrists, 2 in hand between thumb and index)
130 back home and exhausted. Need nap.
Homemade pizza for dinner. Used bread machine for one crust. Back severe throbbing by time done with pizzas. Had to sit a while.
650 went for walk in neighborhood with Rae & mom. Made it to Sassy (neighbors horse up the end of the road) and back home. I was done for sure after that but I did it.
Tummy feels really bloated and hurting.
Low back throbbing, hands ache, rt wrist swollen and achy, headache, rt hip aches, feet ache, stinging needle pain just in upper body region. Improvement is good.
Checked my tongue in mirror after I brushed my teeth. My tongue almost looks normal…just a small patch of white in middle.
March 27
650 woke to agonizing pain in hands, arms, and back, and bad headache. Feels like I was beat up bad.
Joe sweet enough to massage areas with eo pain relief rub. It helps take edge off.
Bible Reading: 1Samuel 1-3; Psalm 43:3;
Weather – raining off and on all day
Exercise – decided to go do some Easter shopping. One child had bad attitude so that child didn’t get anything. Another child found shoes finally. All the walking wore me out and made legs throb exponentially. Ended up sitting on part of store’s furniture bc I couldn’t stand any more. It led to a lady asking why I was hurting. Was able to give my lightning testimony. Lady said it gave her the chills. Invited them to church. One of Ladies, Christy, works in Grand Bay Pharmacy. Said I should stop in and say hi some time. Told her I would.
Watched movie called Walk By Faith. It’s about a young man with Sickle Cell Disease. He embarrassed and gets tired of having disease. Made to do report in school on the disease and paired with guy he doesn’t like.
Took Epsom Salt bath to ease pain in legs ended up out if breath. Had to rest a while afterwards.
Feet feel like their frost bitten frozen but Joe says their not that cold yet. Whole body hurts. Hands throbbing. Lower left leg from chin to toes tourniquet tightening feeling squeezing hard with tingling sensation. Low back aches. Random muscles twitching thru body today. Skin itchy. Sneezing. Headache.
LS Memoirs – 7-9 March 2021
March 7
Woke at 2:20am with severe stomach cramping and diahrea.
Exhausted. Burning aching pain all over body. Tummy hurts and feels little bloated.. Arms ache. Rt hand and wrist swollen and feel sprained. Sinuses slightly congested. Feet tingle and burn. Legs throbbing.
♫I will cling to the Old Rugged Cross and exchange it some day for a crown.♫
Bible Reading: Psalm 139:23-24, Deut 24-27, Psalm 77:6-15
Breakfast: 3 oatmeal energy balls, Apple juice
Got dizzy getting ready for church. Had to sit a bit. Out of breath.
By end of music service my head is pounding, hands throbbing, legs burning throbbing, feet chilly, brain fogging, rt hip throbbing
Not feeling well. Joe sweet to order pizza for dinner bc I’m not up to cooking.
Symptoms: feet freezing, lft leg tingling, headache, low back throbbing, very sleepy, Charlie horse cramping in abdomen – ouch!!!
Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with tingling. Legs pounding throbbing. Upper back and hands stinging. Brain foggy and blurry. Distracted easily. Body having trouble regulating temperature – cold then warm then freezing all the while skin cool to the touch.
March 8
500 decent nights sleep. Weird dreams.
Arms & hands go numb while reading Bible. Severe stomach cramping, rt ear hurt, sinuses congested, post nasal drip tastes aweful.
Bible reading: Deut 28-29, Ps 50:6, 2 Cor 1:3-4, Philippians 4:12-13
Goals today: wash linens, straighten & declutter pantry, help Jordon file taxes, plan meals for week.
Symptoms: dizzy at times – must stop and focus on specific thing until it eased or close eyes momentarily, stabbing, low back pain – must lay on belly until it eased before can do something else, took rx for pain, hands throbbing, brain blurry, headache, slight stuffy nose, severe abdominal cramping pain periodically, rt ear hurts, back itches
March 9
445 woke to muscle spasms and being hot. Didn’t take pm meds. Exhausted and irritable. Nerves twitching thru body and skin itchy all over.
Bible reading: Deut 30-31, Ps 40:11-12, 2 Timothy 1:9-12, Acts 16:12-16, 40
Goals today: plant tomato seeds, hang mini blind, take care of sick son, Ladies Bible Study tonight.
Planted tomato and pepper seeds, mini blind too short, difficulty getting Jordon Dr apt but God directed steps to new Dr who saw him today. Confirmed sinus infection and ear infection. Antibiotic called into pharmacy quickly. Bible study went well. Ladies excited about Secret Sister Ministry.
Symptoms: muscle spasms, temperature fluctuating, nerves twitching, headache, sinuses congested, exhausted, low back throbbing, brain foggy, vision blurry, dizzy, lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness and tingling to toes, feet freezing and icy cold, rt ear aches, skin itchy, whole body aches, nerves feel like their crawling, shoulders ache.
Drank sleepy time tea.
Three things I’m thankful for…
- Able to get Jordon seen at Dr’s and diagnosis confirmed
- God’s protection on highway
- My Mom understands what I’m going thru and experience with the TBI part of my injuries.
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 17-19 January 2021
Jan 17
1210p gently trying to stretch out my sciatica pain as I can endure the pain while trying not to cry . Trying to find position I can sleep in.
945 very rough night…hardly slept at all.
1140p tummy gurgling like crazy. Low back & rt hip throbbing but not as bad as yday. Coughing much. Trying to stay hydrated. Continuing to take Vitamin C 4k mg, Echinacea 2 capsules, & zinc 50 mg. Night meds taken.
Diffused thieves oil in house most of day.
Muscles throughout body sting. Stuffy nose. Mild headache. Exhausted. Weak.
Jan 18
1045 woke to both arms severely numb & tingly. Back throbbing. Headache. Still tired. Strange dream. In a strange land searching for something I know not what. Ears ringing. Sinuses congested. Low back throbbing.
Feels like cough is in chest more. Need to up my vitamin C.
1230 Son has problem with history books not matching up. Student book is older than lesson planner. It’s frustrating both of us. Him bc I’m not making sense though it makes common sense in my head. Me bc I’m having difficulty verbalizing the easy fix and Joe has to interpret for me.
Now my brain hurts like crazy. My vision is blurring. Sinuses contesting more making me cough more which in turn make my whole body hurt worse than it already does. Need to go rest a piece so I can attempt Bible Class with the kids.
900 just finished making bed. I’m wore out, hurting, and exhausted. Rt wrist & forearm throbbing with sharp pain shooting up to rt shoulder. Entire back has burning sensation like it’s on fire! Chin feels numb suddenly. Strange. Need to rest awhile.
1000p decided to eat pickle. Burned my tongue. Ouch. Tummy hurting now. Pickles are not my friend right now.
Muscles are twitching randomly through body. Doesn’t feel good.
Jan 19
1200a tummy hurts bad. Bloating.
1220 coughing fit ensues. Feels like I’m trying to cough up a lung. It hurts whole body. Took 2k mg vitamin C and night meds.
1000 woke from strange dreams to feeling like my cover weighed like ton of bricks making moving very difficult. Not good feeling to wake to.
Received phone call from Dr office. Confirmed I have covid too. Not allowed back in Dr’s office until I get a negative test result. Can’t get another test until 14 days from start of symptoms and am symptom free. That’s going to be fun game bc some of my symptoms I had prior to covid due to the LS. I’ll continue he to keep Vitamin C saturation high until I feel better. It seems to be helping with some of nerve pain too bc I haven’t taken much rx pain meds last couple days. We’ll see. God is in control.
650 pushed all I can today. Made Dezirae a birthday cake. Biscuits n gravy for brunch. Ordered pizza for dinner.
Cough seems worse but quiets after I take C
I’ve reached saturation but continue bc of the cough. Don’t want to get pneumonia. Hurt all over. Feet freezing up to chins. Nerves sting.
1150 cough keeping me awake. Took 2 TBS Delsym. Applied Vicks to bottom of feet & chest. Applied Nasonex 1 squirt each nostril. Took zinc 50mg, C 2k mg, & night meds. Sucking on hard candy to soothe cough until rx kicks in. Hopefully, I’ll fall asleep soon.
Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 19-21 December 2020
Dec 19
Woke to extreme pain! Whole body stings. All muscles and joints stiff like they’re rusting. Low back throbbing. Hands and arms numbish and tingling. Massive headache. Lights bothersome.
Need to stretch it out to get moving.
Decided to take most of day to rest. Much pain today so not able to do much today anyways.
Washer quit working altogether. Appliance store won’t have any more until Monday afternoon. Can’t afford a brand new one. Praying for God to provide.
Center of chest has been popping off and on all day. Now it hurts horribly. Need to take anti inflammatory. I’m limited in my function so I don’t get what’s triggering it. Maybe changing dryer vent to indoors yday but I didn’t do any lifting or lift arms above head. ???
Headache moderate. Hands swollen and throbbing. Shoulders ache. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Legs ache. Feet freezing.
Trimmed two inches off my hair before showering. Couldn’t stand it anymore. Showering still a chore. Arms cramping. Slight dizzy spell. Legs felt weak. Need socks on feet. Sharp pains in tummy area periodically today. Tummy muscles spasming.
Dec 20
Woke tired and hurting. Bad headache. Tummy hurts. Feels very bloated. Ugh.
Had fun helping in nursery today. Trying to teach little one to use ASL for please and thank you. He’s slowly getting it.
Trouble following music today. Brain/ vision feel blurry and swirly.
1215 Joe says my face is flushed & red. Felt forehead to see if I had fever. No.
Left side of chest hurting. Exhausted. Feet freezing. Nerves sting. Sinuses congested. Face starting to feel like it’s on fire.
Took two hour afternoon nap. Could’ve slept longer but pain was too much. Sharp pain in left side chest starting to concern me. Tried to tell Joe but it didn’t I come out right. He in mtgs for couple hours. Feeling worse. +
Dec 21
Woke at 6am from strange dream. Dreamt I was getting a strange deep tissue massage on lft side. Woke during dream feeling like I was sleeping on fluffy cloud and felt rested and relaxed.
Whole body aches and stings. Both arms numbish and tingling.
Decided to put up some canning jars. Ended up cleaning out fridge. Wrapped 90% of presents. Need couple more presents and all will be well.
800p went outside to look for the “Bethlehem Star” with family. Two hands width away from partial moon. It’s in our southwest sky. It’s been 800 years since it was last seen!
Tickles my funny bone bc in Bible the Wise men looked for star in the East, but it’s in our southwest sky.
1030 trying to finish reading bible passage for today – Revelation 12-17. Page on Bible app looks as if page is rippling as I scroll up making it difficult to read. Making me dizzy.
Have bad headache. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Neck hurts. Muscle spasms in tummy. Legs ache. Feet hurt. Exhausted. Hands swollen and throbbing. Skin itchy. Back feels clammy yet chilly freezing sensation. Lft chest hurts..