Lightning Strikes Memoirs 2021 February 12-14

Feb 12

700 so much pain!!! Feel like I received a beat down. Head pounding. Whole body throbbing.

740 Joe was sweet and brought me hot tea. Said it was his thank you for doing awesome job trying to keep him calm thru the frustration of fixing the car. Awh!!

Read Number 7, Psalm 40:8

750 discovered it’s raining outside. Praying for Joe as he borrowed a car to go renew his license and exchange the part.

800 Two (2) weeks ago I started limiting my sugar intake more. Seriously reduced sodas. Began drinking smoothies or juices for breakfasts. Drinking more water.

I’ve noticed less abdominal pain and less bloating feeling. I’ve even been pushing myself to do more around the house and walk more instead of using wheelchair except on days my legs feel really weak and wobbly. Stepped on scale this morning… I’ve lost 10lbs!

1150 recvd call from Joe. Car is fixed!!!! Hallelujah!

1100p very lethargic feeling all day and it hurts to move much. Kept dosing off and on today. Hopefully get good night sleep and feel better tomorrow.

Skin hypersensitive. Sheets feel like I’m laying on gritty pebbles and it’s irritating me. Head pounding. Took night meds plus naproxen.

Trying to get comfortable. Rt hip popped loudly. Ouch! That hurt.

Feb 13

1045 can’t believe I slept that long. Nightmares. Deep bone and throbbing pain all over. I hurt worse than yday. It hurts to move. Bad headache. Can tell I haven’t taken much vitamin C or calcium lately. Need to remember to keep saturation levels up.

500 the loud booming music from cars hurts my brain and bones!


1000p costochondritis feels likes its fairing up. Center of chest feels caught and hurts like the dickens!!! Moved to uncatch it popped few times. Headache. Whole body hurts. Tired

Feb 14

700 tried to grab alarm to snooze but couldn’t control hand nor close it to grip and dropped my phone. Whole body hurts, but not as bad as yday. Feet feel like stepping on broken glass. Sinuses congested.

740 throat is swollen. Had trouble swallowing morning meds & vitamins. Not sure what I ate yday to cause it to flair up.?

Hands are so swollen my ring on my left hand is cutting circulation off. Eyes feel heavy and I even took extra vitamin for energy.

1115 vision starting to get cloudy while trying to focus on the sheet music. Wish I knew how to explain exactly…vision gets cloudy/blurry but I can still see right in front of me, but the peripheral vision begins to enclose like a tunnel. The vision in front gets to be like I’m trying to look through a sheet of water. Still get easily distracted by noises around me but am getting better at channeling my attention. Center of chest pain increasing. Throat hurts. Sinuses calmed down.

900 chilling burning sensation at base of brain traveling down spine down back. Lights bothersome.

958 I’m freezing. Literally shivering in bed. Glad I don’t live up North bc I’d be a popsicle. Lord, please protect those in winter advisery weather keep them safe and warm.

Throat still swollen. Difficulty swallowing. Almost choked on night meds. Took naproxen & 1/2 Benadryl to see if that’ll help. Center of chest throbbing stabbing pain. Lips chapped. Headache. Hands swollen & throbbing. Whole body deep achy pain. Sharp pain inner side of elbow area. Very tired. Stuffy nose. Sinuses congested.

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