LS Memoirs – 10-12 March 2021

March 10

Woke to numb & tingly arms and hands. Stiff all over.

Bible reading: Deut 32-34, Psalm 36:5, 1 Peter 3:15,

Juicing: 1 apple, 2 oranges, 1/2 lemon, & 1/8 tsp ground ginger

Goals today: work on blog, work on 3rd qtr grades,

Worked on blog little bit. Helped Rae with Math a little. Thankfully, she was able to figure it out. It made no sense to me. Crashed for an hour before picking up my meds and Joe from work. Felt like I could sleep all day. Wore out and exhausted. Folded two loads of clothes from Monday. Had Rae help. Didn’t get to 3rd qtr grades. Jordon starting to feel better.

Symptoms: headache, sharp stabbing pain at 4oclock on top of head, rt ear hurts, lower lft leg & ankle go numb, stinging burning pain in upper back, center of chest throbbing, exhausted, sharp pain shoot thru left forearm. Rain is coming bc my pain increases. Sinuses congested. Stabbing needle pain all over. Tummy hurts.

Took meds, 1/2 Benadryl and pain rx. Hopefully I’ll fall asleep soon. Takes me a while when I hurt this much.

March 11

500 woke at 2am I know not why. Took awhile to fall back to sleep. Fell asleep praying. Woke again at 445 from weird dream. Whole body stiff and achy. Moderate headache. Inner ears itch. Sinuses congested.

Bible Reading: Joshua 1-4, Psalm 15, Matthew 25:31-40

Center of chest hurting again. Stinging pain thru body after showering. Arms fatigued out in shower, but lasted longer than normal. Out of breath. Exhausted. Need a short nap.

Fell asleep listening to wholetones music on phone.

Juicing: Carrot Juice 1 carrot, 2 apples, 1/2 lemon, 1/8 t ground ginger

Goals: wash one load clothes, work on 3rd qtr grades, finish bulletin board

Rough day. Had difficulty keeping eyes where they needed to be. Pushed thru in spite of difficulty. Ended up royally messing up the kids weekly planners – somehow I ended up two and three weeks off frustrating kids. Whole process wore me out good. Decided to take lunch break to ease headache and blurring. Quickly felt crash oncoming. Sat in recliner told Rae I felt it coming and out I went. Out for 30 minutes or so.

After cat nap, got up and worked on correcting one child’s planner.

Symptoms: headache, brain blurry, brain foggy, eyes jumping, difficulty focusing, frustration, much pain, center of chest hurts, stinging needle pain thru body, legs throbbing, neck hurts, feet throbbing, lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling, bit dizzy and unbalanced, grouchy, exhausted, lack of energy,

March 12

Woke to whole body stinging, burning pain. I overdid it yday. Bad Headache. Sinuses congested. Took Advil Congestion & Sinus otc.

Bible Reading: Joshua 5-8, 2 Peter 1:4,

Juicing: not feeling up to doing it today. Hurts to move.

Later decided to make a chocolate milk smoothie with 1 tbs chia seeds and 30 drops stabilized liquid oxygen.

Stinging burning pain in center of back spreading to entire back in finger vein like feeling. Hands throbbing.

Received notice that LM had stroke last night and was admitted to hospital. Has some paralysis on left side.

Symptoms: bad headache, stinging burning pain all over, sinuses congested, lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling with numbness and tingling, rt hip throbbing, at one point in day top half of back was burning hot while bottom half of back was freezing cold, legs ache, tired and wore out, lack of concentration ability,

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 23-24 April 2019

April 23

11:25a- two loads of clothes (folded but not put away), 2 spelling tests generated, history test given – my brain and eyes beginning to feel scrambled

1:00- drop pkg for Jakob at PO. My Grandma treating us to lunch. Stopped at Mission Thrift store. Only able to walk outer paramater. Legs throbbing, hands and arms aching, feel like I’m about to crash. Need to rest a while.

4:30p- slept little over an hour. Wow! Could sleep longer so tired. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing.  Bruise on lft leg is healing but still swollen

6:00p- went to Mom’s to help my Grandma with her quilt. She’s suppose to be showing us but she keeps nodding off even though she took a nap. Think she’s eating to much carbs and sugars. Only about to complete one square until my rt hand swells to double in size and hurts too bad. If I decide to quilt on my own I’d use sewing machine instead of by hand. 

11:12p- I hurt something aweful. Neck hurts to move. Whole body feels swollen. Ugh!  Feet are cold actually I’m freezing. Don’t get it. Wish I could get some one to explain the science of it all to me. Maybe it’d help me accept it better. 

Lord, You know better than I. You know the way.

April 24

8:00a-Had headache so I checked my bp. It’s not that. Bp 105/72 hr 70 Middle of back stinging. Hands and wrists swollen and achy.

8:30a- ?

10:30- working on grading tests for school. It’s almost summer break time. I am so ready. My brain hurts and feels foggy.

2:00p- eating late lunch while watching movie. Do some movies kind of make you feel dizzy at times? Backgrounds that move too fast mess with my balance. What’s worse is I’m sitting.

4:00- trying to work on quilt. My hand eye coordination is way off today. Frustrating. Just gotta keep trying. Managed to get another square down.

6:00p- left leg from middle lower to foot feels weird again. It’s knid of numb but feels like it’s being choked. Not sure how to explain. Probably need to prop it up. Feet are getting cold.

7:00p- talking to Joe I open my mouth to answer him and in flies a gnatt! Yuck!! Now I’m choking!!! Not staying outside. Ugh! Feet are freezing. Under blankets I go. 

10:23p- neck is throbbing like toothache. Low back throbbing. Rt hip hurts. Feet freezing. Socks put on. Hands and wrists swollen and achy especially rt one. Left foot stingy tingles. Weird. Calves ache.

Need to email Neuro PT person about apt in May. Praying they can help me even a little.

Lightning Strike Recovery Journal 2019 Feb 25-26

Feb 25

7:30a – woke with calves throbbing and feeling like I got beat up 

10:00a- It’s apparent that we’re going to have to get our dog put down 😢 Gracie is very sick and suffering. Family had a boohoo moment. Will take her within next week. 

11:25a- Joe not work today. Decided for us to turn in taxes to cpa. Though I’ve been slowly working on them since December, I’m not ready yet. Took morning to try to finish up. Feel like I’m forgetting something but don’t know what. Dropped off at cpa. Explained I think it’s all there but not 100% sure. Stressing out!  Will call if they have questions.

11:55a- Headache. Brain fogging over and feels scrambled. Tailbone throbbing. 

2:15p- really need to lay down a while but have to run to store to pick up Dezirae’s curtains & one of my meds.

Tongue looks a little better this morning. Discovered the gluten free bread I’ve been eating sparingly has yeast in it. Ugh!

4:00p- decided I better take some D.E. so I’ll have energy for tonight. Invited to revival services at three different churches going on this week. Feels oddly nice to be invited places for a change. Doesn’t all make sense to me, but I’ll go with the flow. I trust my husband’s judgement.

11:00p- attended revival services at another local church. Guest preacher is Andy Gleiser. Name sounds familiar but I can’t place it.  It was nice visiting with people we knew. Felt like the popular kid for a change -odd but nice.

My legs are aching. Calves throbbing. Tailbone swollen and throbbing. Hands swollen and achy. Brain foggy. Toes hurt. Upper back aches. 

I enjoyed having Joe home today for a change. Even though I’m in pain and waiting to take next pain rx it’s been a good day. I’m glad my faith doesn’t depend on what kind of day my God is having. Whew!  

Feb 26

7;00a- finally fell asleep shortly after 2am woke at 4:30 back awake at 7a

Rt hip & low back throbbing

10:30p- went to food pantry today to get a little food to hold us over until payday. When we got home, we were getting food out of trunk. I forgot trunk didn’t stay up on it’s own. Dezirae let go as I leaned forward and the trunk came crashing down on my head!!  Ouch!! I cried instantly. Went to bathroom to see if it made a mark. No thankfully. I just want to go to sleep but know I can’t. Have to give quizzes. 

12:45p-Heading pounding. Need to lay down for a piece. Calves throbbing and legs feel extra heavy.

5:23p- think I’ll be okay eventually. Muscles twitching randomly throughout body. Calves ache. Back throbbing. Laying down to rest it momentarily. I’m so tired.

I can feel my muscles tensing up in thru my body. It doesn’t feel good. I can feel draining. It hurts so to lift my arms to do my hair usually have to ask Dezirae to help.

6:00p- need energy to attend revival services at another church in town. Not drinking D.E. because I was up til after 2am! Drank cup of coffee.

10:21p- enjoyed services. Guest Pastor was R. Ouellette (sp?). Revelations 3 not being lukewarm Christian. Went forward to altar to pray. Didn’t think it through. Knelt down to pray. It hurt to kneel so I ended up sitting on my butt. When it was time to get up, I thought to myself shoot didn’t think this through how am I gonna get up without making a spectacle of myself. Lord, please help. Thankfully, as I was getting up my precious husband swooped in and leant a helping hand. Brownie points for sure. Whew!

Tired but wide awake. Chest hurting, rt hip throbbing, feet and toes ache, suppose to eat lots of yogurt. Head hurts. Took muscle relaxer. Hopefully I’ll fall asleep soon. Hips hurt. Figure if I’m gonna hurt all the time I can hurt at church just as well as at home. Might as well enjoy the company of others while the pain isn’t too bad and I’m not so grouchy. I love singing. It encourages my heart so. I’m not able to sing much at our church bc of playing the piano. It’s okay cuz music sets the tone of service. I like hearing the people sing too. shoulders ache

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