Lightning Strikes Memoirs 21-22 February 2021

Feb 21

700 woke to both arms and hands numbish & tingling. Low back & rt hip throbbing. Sinuses congested. Calves intense aching. Feet ache. Neck hurts. Hurts to move. Tongue looks like war zone.

Saw a commercial earlier in week that show how different ailment resemble…joints stiff and achy had on metal garb like tin man in Wizard of Oz. I feel like all of the people shown in that commercial sometimes all at one time.

It feels nice to wake up in warm house.

950 enjoyed hugs from the kids today.

1030 took spiritual gifts survey in SS. Vision and brain blurring and tunneling. Headache hurts. Not good mix for playing piano.

1130 piano playing was a mess today. Asked to be cameraman today. Discovered I can’t take notes and watch camera at same time. Ugh! Joe is a wiggle worm more than I thought.

Legs are stinging. I’m a wiggle butt this morn too. Can’t get comfortable. It hurts to sit in pews.

Our how our perception of ourselves vary different from others. Recvd complement on my hair and was told it always looks pretty. Earlier I told Jordon I was having a bad hair day bc it was fuzzy and not cooperating.

1230 As I was watching video on making carmel or colored popcorn in oven, I could actually smell the popcorn cooking. Weird.

1250 smelled the rolls were beginning to burn in oven.

627 I get frustrated at times during services bc I have hard time keeping up. Just dawned on me that we live stream. I can go back and watch again to get what I miss.

Oh man, I just realized I misplaced my notebook…probably left it at home.

930 feet are freezing and feel like ice.

1130 freezing sensation moving up legs. Rt foot to ankle. Lft foot up bottom of calf. Lower lft leg tourniquet tightening feeling extending with minor numbness and tingling. Headache. Hands throbbing & swollen.

1159 low back stabbing throbbing. Stinging burning pain in both legs. Neck hurts. Stomach hurts.

♫That name is Jesus Sweet Rose of Sharon Spotless and Pure Lamb of God He’s the Waymaker Miracle Worker Peace Maker…That name is Jesus, Sweet Rose of Sharon Spotless and pure Lamb of God, Jesus, the Lion of Judah The promised Emmanuel, God’s Son, Jesus my Lord and Creator Who witnessed and conquered the brave, Jesus this worlds only Savior, Jesus what a wonderful name♫

I’ll fall asleep with His name on my mind.

Feb 22

515a woke burning up like I was running fever but wasn’t. Sore & stiff all over. Sinuses congested. Thirsty. Ears ringing. No energy this morning.

800 read Numbers 28-30, Psalm 113:8, 1 Peter 5:8-10

Could’ve slept longer but need to get up. Exhausted.

200 while visiting with friend today, her legs gave out and she fell. Thankfully she didn’t hurt herself too bad but it’s concerning me. Able to tend to cut on arm and though it was a challenge get her up off floor.

400 I’m really feeling picking up friend earlier. Whole body hurts and costochondritis is trying to rear its head. Took Naproxen. Glad I have easy dinner planned – spaghetti.

500p received Dr notes from neuropsychological testing. Notes were intriguing until I got to the part she thinks I’m depressed and needs a therapist. Yet she said I had a good support system. Some of notes seemed contradictory. Apparently I’m still pretty smart even above average in some areas though it perplexed her that my response time, attention, and comprehension is below normal. But I have to keep in mind that they can only compare me to the average of others my age and education level. She verbally admitted I had a TBI but her notes don’t indicate it. Frustrating. Gives some answers but poses more questions.

What part of the brain controls comprehension? Wernicke’s area?

What damage causes regular headaches & migraines?

700 I’m exhausted and hurting. Ended up resting on couch rest of night.

1000 exhausted. Whole body sore like I did hard workout. Arms & hands ache.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 28-29 January 2021

Jan 28

544 startled awake by what I know not. Got up only to feel sharp stabbing pain in left foot when I stood. Lost balance. Used restroom. Checked house. Went back to bed as head is pounding – migraine. Background light on phone too bright though turned all way down. Think I’ll sleep it off.

930 still have migraine. Took Excedrin migraine. Closing eyes another half hour.

1000a headache is easing.

Goals today: deep clean master bath, begin gathering info for taxes.

100p yay  lunch date with Joe

300 completed documenting info for phone bill last year. Shower & toilet has been cleaned & trash emptied. Still have sink, walls, mirror, & floor.

Lost balance rehanging shower curtain liner and almost fell. Head hit curtain rod catching me from falling. Whew!

Out of breath. Arms fatigued out while hanging curtain. Ears ringing. Headache. Dizzy. Need to lay down a piece.

Joe & I agree on colors for auditorium.  Still not sure how far on accent wall due to odd shape in front.

Freezing cold. Joe says my skin is ice cold. Neck hurts. Headache slight. Sinuses congested. Exhausted. Rt hip hurts. Skin itchy. Reduced my milk to 1% seems to be helping. Hands ache. Periodic shocking stabs randomly through body making me jerk. Trouble with losing grip and dropping items. Shoulders ache. Nerves a bit stingy thru body.  Eyes look like I’ve been punched in face.

Took night meds, C, Zinc, melatonin, & naproxen.

Jan 29

730 eyes blurry. Having trouble reading Bible this morning. Head hurts neck stiff. Legs throbbing. Hands ache. Tummy hurts. Sinuses congested. Thirsty. Low back throbbing.

Recvd email about immunity. According to Dr Josh, a dysfunctional immune system can be an underlying cause of issues like:

  • Fatigue
  • Respiratory problems
  • Musculoskeletal pain
  • Poor digestion
  • Elevated stress levels
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Depression
  • Poor sleep

930 phone apt with neuropsychologist went well. Not exactly comprehend all that was said, but I’m improving well.

In summary, I now have normal brain for my age instead of smart brain (I’m not really liking “normal”). Scores were all over the place from superior to below normal. Do have some signs of depression, but that’s to be expected considering all I’ve been through. No doubt I have had a TBI, but doing good in recovery. She was amazed at how well I am recovering from the brain injury. She said our brains are designed to heal themselves to a certain extent.

Asked her about trouble with playing the piano. Exercises to overcome coordination difficulty with brain and hands at times. She said just keep trying. With all the difficulties I’ve encountered from my LS injuries, I most likely will never be like I was before. I needed to focus on my strengths and not so much on my weaknesses

Need to figure out how to improve my comprehension.

120 shivering. Brr! It’s 65°. Raised rt arm above head to put sweater on. Right side torso cramped horrible stop me in my tracks.

Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 4-6 December 2019

Dec 4

7.50 woke from nightmare. If only I can get my subconscience calmed so I won’t have nightmares anymore. I diffuse lavender at night.

Face hurts. Whole body aches. Rt hip hurting. Need to look for new chiropractor that won’t charge a lot. Probably could use an adjustment.

Looked in mirror. Rt eye very swollen. Started taking zyrtec again.

9.00 Jordon still coughing & snot green. Called Dr. Apt at 10am.

10am Dr confirmed sinus infection. Rx, nasal spray, and cough rx called in.

11.00 Mom called to see if Dezirae could help her babysit today. Dropped her off at place.

11.45 begin to process pumpkin for puree. Think I’ll dehydrate more for powder again. Wow! Pumpkin powder will last up to 5 yrs stored in cool dry place. 1 large pumpkin produced about 2 cups of puree. Woah!

12.45 bloody nose. Head pounding. Lights bothersome. Exhausted.

Need a nap. Not feeling well – feeling weak. Probably need to eat something.

7.59 able to help an LS pal find a TBI group near her by reaching out to my TBI coordinator for info. Thank you, Lord!

10.48 just finished pt exercises. Short of breath. Tired but awake. Arms sore. Rt hip throbbing with sharp stabbing pain in buttocks. Low back aches. Headache. Congestion starting to ease. Toes tingling. Feet hurt. Hands ache. Center of chest aches. Both legs ache. Lft leg tingling from knee down. Neck and shoulders tight and sore.

Dec 5

8.00 overslept guess I needed sleep

Headache. Ears ringing. Neck throbbing. Tingling sensation down spine. Whole body aches. Chest aches. Sore all over. Lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some tingling in lft foot. Had nightmare.

Read Bible. Several psgs. John 10 made song pop in head ♫little lamb little lamb little innocent lamb I’m gonna serve God til I die…♫

3.45 left for church early to

8.00 face feels flushe*b6

Dec 6

12.49a having trouble with sides cramping horribly. Headache.hands hurt. Neck hurts. Feet chilly.

Think I finally fell asleep around 2am. took that long for cramping to ease.

6.00 hear noise I couldn’t recognize. Fell back asleep

7.00 woke to turkey crowing.

8.00 decided to read my Bible not going to fall back asleep.

10.00 Joe begins processing ducks. Stayed outside with friend to be a support…cringed at sounds, only able to handle it so long until smells made me nauceous. Had to go inside

11.30 remembered that I needed to check on SS pkg. Called company. Kept getting hung up on after automated system said it was having technical difficulties. Googled another number to call. Pkg to arrive soon.

12.30 helped friend wrap ducks for freezing. Never thought I’d ever do this. Yuck!

2.00 everyone chatting in livingroom. It’s too much for my brain to process all at once. Getting very sleepy. Dozed off several times.

4.30 guys decided on pizza

Lft side cramping again. Center lft chest hurting. Neck hurts. Shoulders tight & stinging. Still sleepy. Wish I had more energy.

6.30 face is flushed. Balance seems to be really off, but so far been able to catch myself. Have to get up from sitting position more slowly.

10.30 can’t sleep…in much pain from head to toe. Brain racing. Stinging needle pain in feet & toes. Neck throbbing. Stinging needle pain with periodic cramping in entire back. Legs burning aching. center of chest lft hurts. Rt jaw & ear aches. Indigestion.

Recvd email from Dr Mark Hyman about a recent podcast (not quite sure what a podcast is or how to retrieve one yet, but one day I will).

“PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injuries: A Functional Treatment Model”


Interesting articles like these help me understand the significance of my many facets of unknowns regarding post LS injuries. I think I’ve always wanted to know the why’s and how’s of understanding things. Still do it’s just a little more challenging now due to learning curves and memory issues from the trauma and TBI.

Lightning Survivor Journal Entries 28-30 November 2018

Nov 28

7:00am- woke to slightly bloody nose. Neck is hurting. Chest hurts when I yawn. Broken sleep last night. Woke at 3am not sure why. It’s 33 degrees outside & I’m freezing.

9:53am- still have headache. Please go away!

11:25am- eyes are hurting. Loud noises hurting head. Headache getting worse. Thirsty. Feet freezing (have socks & boots on inside). 

Traumatic brain injury info

12:10pm- Christmas play practice went well. Now having Christmas co-op luncheon. It’s amazing how much sound effects the brain. Wearing sunglasses inside to keep headache from becoming migraine. Sitting on sideline until crowd for food subsides. Don’t want to have meltdown.

Friend, Melina, told me she saw a video about someone getting struck by lightning wanted to know if I had that type of scarring. Told no but I do have scar on head though not sure if it’s the entrance or exit wound. Let her feel the indentation.

8:01pm- rt hand going numb & tingling

Lower back is throbbing

Nov 29

1:36 am – my lower back is killing me!  Decided to help with dishes. Now I’m regretting it!! Still have headache but its eased maybe. Missing my hubby. Him & buddy went hunting. 

He’s been such a trooper through all of my ordeal. I’ve been very moody at times and he’s been so gracious most of the time. 

Rt leg hurts, rt hip & thigh ache, low back throbbing, neck hurts, limited turnability in neck

8:18am – woke at 7:30. It’s chilly and hard to get motivated to get up. Neck is throbbing. Rt hip aches & rt leg hurts when I try to sit indian style. 

Bloody nose at 8:15am. Wish I could figure out what’s triggering them. 

Still have a headache.

1:00pm- had to type up biz mtg minutes for church, but had to look up verbiage bc I wasn’t computing how to word it. Took me long time. Brain started feeling squirly and eyes were blurry and tunneling. Joe said he could tell bc my eyes were starting to look glossy.

Nosebleeds after Concussion

You need to get couple of blood test done which include CRP, RF, CBC, BT, CT, INR. That should help.

CRP – checks for inflammation

RF – Rheumatoid factor

CBC – Complete blood count which checks overall health

BT – Bleeding time which checks how quickly your blood clots to stop bleeding

CT – cat scan??

INR – International Normalized Ratio 

Test for blood clotting time (for those using blood thinners)

Info on Traumatic Brain Injury


I was sitting on my chair in livingroom trying to relax. All of a sudden my right thumb started burning. I looked at it and it was turning white! It’s burns like crazy & feels like it’s on fire!  I’ve tried rinsing with water. I have not done any cleaning today. I don’t know what to think.

Went over to mom’s for help. Joe at church. Rinsed with cool water. Made me drink glass of water. Still burning. Rinsed some more. Applied aloe vera. Soaked in egg white. Starting to look a little better but still burns. Rinsed in cool water. Soaked in egg white again. Rinsed again. White ash look gone. Not burning like before. Tender to touch. 

Joe came home & checked counters. They’re dry. Joe smelled bleach on some of drinking straws. Possibly my straw had some & didn’t realized it.

Applied Lavender oil to help soothe. 


Hands tingling, headache, neck hurts, exhausted, can’t sleep, low back throbbing 

Nov 30

5:17am woke just before 5am. Center of chest is hurting. Headache. 

6:30am decided to get up since I wasn’t sleeping. Made door draft stopper for front door. Washed load of clothez. 

10:00am- bloody nose

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