LS Journal Entries: 28-30 April 2021

April 28

Bible Reading: 2 Kings 20-22

Woke to much pain throughout body.

April 29

300 woken by intense burning pain in arms, hands, legs, and feet. Sinuses severely congested. Bad headache. Had to take tylenol and 1/2 Benadryl to get some relief.

Took couple hours to fall back to sleep.

700 woke thinking I overslept. Still in much pain. At least headache has eased a little.

Bible Reading 2 Kings 23-25, Psalm 51

1200 worked on completing Jordon’s grades and submitting them for graduation. Brain is tired, legs below knees tingling and burning, feet & ankles freezing. Need to rest.

Just went on trip last weekend and haven’t been able to rest and recoup. I’m hurting quite a bit, but praise I’ve not had a migraine since I started taking a Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA) supplement.

Dezirae and I finished up at Lawana’s house for her daughter, Gaynor, this week. The Estate Sales people take over now. It’s seams surreal and bittersweet.

We were able to lead a teenager boy to the Lord during counseling last night. Praise the Lord! I’m hoping he will ring the bell in church tonight.

Today devil is fighting thru some people that know better. The natural man wants to reach out and touch someone, but I know I can’t.

It’s all just catching up and hitting me at the same time. Lol. I’ll be okay just need a day to rest and relax.

Was supposed to attend another funeral tomorrow, but Joe is letting me off hook and will take Jordon with him instead so I can rest. He’s even going to cook dinner for me tomorrow

11:00p Praise! The young man that got saved rang the bell in church tonight.


April 30

700 saw Dezirae off on her trip with Grandma, cousin, & aunt to see her Great Grandma.

Legs below knees to ankles burning, stinging, throbbing pain. Feet cold and tingling. Eyes watery. Sinuses congested.

Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 1-2

In much pain and feeling very lethargic today. Thankful to be able to rest today.

Went back to bed until 10am. Probably could sleep longer but won’t.

Thunderstorm began about 11am. Glad we postponed Jordon’s pics.

500 Joe cooked Bbq ribs , mixed veggies, and tator tots.

723 researching benefits of Gaba

“various lifestyle and genetic factors can throw GABA out of whack” what about traumatic experiences like a lightning strike? Hehe.

930 going to bed. Exhausted and did hardly anything today.

In so much pain, stinging burning throbbing pain throughout body. Low back throbbing burning. Took Gaba – 1 capsule – to calm brain and nerves. Hoping it helps.

Taking tylenol to ease pain so I can get some sleep.

Tummy hurts from eating sugary foods today. Ugh! They are not my friend.

Thankful for…

  1. A caring, loving family
  2. To be alive
  3. Even on bad days, I can put my trust in Him.

Lightning Strikes Journal Entries 12-13 June 2019

June 12

8:00a- woke in a sweat like I broke fever

10:00a- letting kids go with Mom & Holly to the beach. I’m still wore out from y’day. Having trouble moving. I ache all over.

11:00a- worked on typing up my journal notes for February 2018. I know I need to post to blog but my brain has been taxed by buysiness lately it doesn’t want to be on computer. I’ll try more tomorrow.

12:20p- knowing kids were on way home decided to do it scared and take a shower while no one home. Thankfully, I didn’t fall, but quite wore out. It hurts to wash my hair or bend over to shave. Bathing has become such a chore. I don’t usually take shower/bath unless Joe’s home in case I fall. Feeling like I accomplished a feat today. 

4:00p- starting birthday dinner for Dezirae. Moving very slowly today. 

6:39p- Just finishing up eating dinner. Had to ask for help in preparation. Couldn’t open the green bean jars.  🙁 tourniquet feeling on lower left leg to foot with numbness most of day. Feel so lethargic. Forgot to take D.E. today – that helps me feel halfway human with a little gumption (not word I’m trying to think of).

7:00p- decided to take slo-o-ow walk with Joe, Dezirae, & Holly. Met part of new neighbors family. Need to make them some bread. Talked with other neighbor a piece. Thankful for the stops to catch my wind.

10:00p- my babies leave in am on excursion with my Mom & sisters. I’m gonna feel lost without them. My eyes are leaking already :(. Praying for their safety and hoping they have fun. They’ve been a BIG help with my being physically challenged now. They deserve a break.

I hurt all over. Low back throbbing, rt hip throbbing, neck hurts, toes hurt, feet cold (had socks on for hours), legs throbbing, head hurts slightly (that’s odd for me – it’s usually pounding by days end). 

Still need to do my exercises trying to get motivated. 

11:15p- upper back & shoulders burning, center of chest throbbing, ankles burning.

When I breath deep, I’m feeling fluttering in left chest. Feels weird.

Muscles randomly twitching throughout body

June 13

5:00a- babies left for trip this morning! I’m full of emotions – nervous, scared, worried, excited, proud, etc.

4:15p- entire back is tingling, lwft lower leg tourniquit feeling, rt ear hurts, tired

4:51p- started getting ready for church. . .out of breath just getting dressed. Both arms are throbbing after trying to fix my hair and makeup (Dezirae helps me fix my hair now). Lower left leg is now becoming numb. Headache. Need to rest in order to finish.

6:28p- rt hip throbbing – putting ice cold water bottle on it to see if it’ll help

Neck throbbing, tired/lethargic contemplating drinking coffee to see if it’ll ease tiredness and headache. One cup shouldn’t hurt.

So-o-o the half cup of instant coffee gave me some energy, but didn’t touch headache. Brain feels swirly & trouble focusing. Started to play intro to one of hymns for church and forgot the tune. Tried playing notes anyways to fuddle thry but it sounded aweful in my ears. I apologized explained reason and started intro at beginning of chorus. Ugh!

10:13p- I’m exhausted and hurting. Rt hip throbbing, legs throbbing, lower lft leg tourniquit tighten feeling with some numbness, knees ache, hands swollen and achy, neck aches, headache, sharp pain rt hnd, feet cold, lft foot tingly

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