LS Memoirs – 28-29 March 2021
March 28
Woke stiff and achy all over with top half of body in extreme pain. Toes still feel very cold but not like ice. Hands throbbing. Legs stinging. Rt hip aches. Sinuses congested. Sneezing. Rt hand and wrist feel very swollen like when I injured it playing volleyball as a teenager.
My heart and mind are filled with gratefulness because I am starting to remember more things. A few tears escape my eyes. Thank You, Lord, for the great things You have done for me.
Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 4-8; Psalm 13:6; Psalm 4:7-8
Torn between two songs Looking Through His Eyes & The King Is Coming.
Headache concentrating in back center area of head with periodic stabbing pain.
Heard of little boy in hospital with swelling of brain from fall. Reached out to the mom to try to be encouragement.
Website to find support group in your area…
Took long nap. I was exhausted.
Hi there , how are you feeling? I’m feeling gloomy
Sorry to hear that! What activities made you feel gloomy?
weather, Health
Things make you feel gloomy:
- Most of day had moderate pain but able to ignore for brief periods.
- After lunch, tummy bloated and started hurting.
- Took long nap due to feeling exhausted. Thunderstorm in afternoon increased pain. Sinuses congested. Constant post nasal drip thick and irritating back of throat. Drinking lots of water to keep it flushed.
- Once home, pain in center of chest intensified immensely causing tears and moaning. Bent over to touch toes and chest popped some easing pain ever so slightly. Later burped and it eased some more. Took Naproxen to ease pain.
- Whole body aches and stinging pain once again increases.
Highlight of day was church family taking time to express their appreciation for all I do at church. Gave me a basket of goodies and sent our family out to lunch.
P.S. I’m getting tired of only having one vehicle. Lord please give us wisdom and provide the need.
March 29
Woke at midnight with indigestion so bad I was gasping for air. Had to sit up and get to bathroom because I needed to use the bathroom as well as vomit. Stomach acid burned esophagus coming up. Joe jumped up asking what’s wrong. Able to get out in between gasps for air that I couldn’t breath. This went on for about 15 minutes.
Took ginger capsule and sucking on ginger chew to ease stomach. Hopefully I’ll be able to get back to sleep soon.
500 my whole body stings. It hurts to move. I don’t want to get up. Throat hurts. Drinking water to soothe.
630 back home from dropping of guys at work. Decide to transfer laundry and throw in another load of clothes.
650 exhausted and feet are begining to feel chilly. Body is stinging. Need to rest little while. Set alarm in case I fall asleep.
Bible Reading: 1Samuel 9-12;
Juice: 21 baby carrots, 2 apples, 1 orange, 1/4 tsp ginger, 1/4 tsp turmeric
1000p made brownies for Easter box sending to Jakob. Found him some collar stays. Bought some peeps. Not sure what else. Thinking about it…not actually sure what I’m doing for us this year. We are watching our sugar intake so all that candy isn’t appealing
Symptoms: throat still sore from acid burn, headache, sinuses congested and seasonal allergies acting up, hands throbbing and swollen, upper back hurts, shoulders ache, low back throbbing, rt hip aches, tummy slightly bloated, legs ache, feet sting.
Goal done: Jordon’s 3rd quarter grades done and submitted, 1/2 of last ASL test written, brownies made, finished buying Jordon’s Easter outfit, discovered I missed deadline for submitting info to newspaper for April, sewed new velcro on Jordon’s hat for work.
Overall it was a good decent day.
Hi there , how are you feeling? I’m feeling just fine
What activities made you feel just fine? Health , Food , Sleep , weather
List down why these things make you feel just fine:
- Woke at midnight with indigestion so bad it made me sick. Also, sinuses so congested woke choking for air.
- Whole body aches. Headache. Stinging pain in back. Exhausted.
- Able to transfer laundry and start new load before purely exhausted and needing to rest a while. Set alarm just in case I fell back to sleep. Ended up snoozing few times.
- Remembered 3rd quarter grades are due soon. Decided to work on Jordon’s first because I need to get all his grades in asap to receive his diploma for graduation.
Dezirae reminds me she needs help with Math. Oh, how I loathe Math now. She also reminds me that she needs her last ASL test. I’m now feels ng overwhelmed.