Lightning Strikes Memoirs – 26-27 November 2021
Lighting Strikes Journal Entries June 27-30, 2021
Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 12-13 March 2020
March 12
730a need to modify exercises. Trouble with muscles cramping during night. Upper body hurts something aweful. Low back throbbing. Rt hip throbbing with pain shooting down leg to thigh. Headache. Feet hurt and tingling. Calves throbbing.
0900a took 3 vitamin C 500mg each
1040a able to weed flower bed (just outside under back window 7ftx1.9ft area) trim rose bush, and plant an aloe plant. Never mind I need a long break now and I feel like I just did an intense workout. But thanks be to God to be able to do the little things. I haven’t been able to do gardening of any type since lighting strike (that’s two and a half years, people!). This is huge accomplishment for me!
#thankyouLord #Philippians 413
0430 running behind going to church. Stopped at store to pick up something for dinner. Boy, its busy as if holiday. Half to walk behind buggy. My legs are throbbing.
0720 I’m exhausted. Trouble with coordination playing piano.
Upper back and chest throbbing. Face itches. Feel like I did too much. Headache. Having difficulty following conversations…only catching few words here and there…makes conversation not making any sense.
Calves throbbing. Short of breath.
1136 center of chest stabbing throbbing pain. Overdid it today but it felt nice to be outside for a while. Headache. Legs throbbing. Low back aches. Rt hip aches. Feet chilly and tingly. Neck muscles really tight. Tingly sensation down spine. Took 2 Tylenol for headache.
1143 chest pain has become sharp to point of taking breath away!! Tried to touch does pose to get chest to uncatch/pop. No pop but pain eased a tiny bit. Might be a long night. Lord, please ease pain and help me sleep.
March 13
1143a sudden painful spasming cramps in rt side of abdomen. Ugh!
1200p Most of body has stinging needle pain and I am suddenly very sleepy
5.30 came home from running errands and crashed on bed. Fell asleep for almost two hours. Woken by strange noise- discovered that it was my phone ringing. Lol.
0632 attempting to order more vitamins.
“Very high doses of vitamin C provide prompt and profound pain relief” -Andrew Saul
Recommended daily allowance for magnesium is 350mg for men and 280mg for women.
“Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body” -National Institute of Health
Magnesium fact sheet
Magnesium deficiency can be related to factors that cause migraines. Suggested taking 300mg twice daily will help prevent migraines.
926 let side stomach is cramping horribly. Low back throbbing intensely. St wrist and forearm ache and hurt to move. Sitting on heating pad.
Disclaimer: Visitors who use this Site and rely on any information shared do so at their own risk. This site is intended for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never ignore professional medical advice.
Lightning Strikes – Journal Entries 19-20 Feb 2020
Feb 19
0700 think I hurt worse today. Strange dream turned frightening until I pressed panic button on key faub. Police arrived and I was safe. It hurts to move. Whole body hurts. Nerves everywhere tingling. So tired.
1230 taking Jordon to Dr. Low back throbbing and I’m tired.
Jordon impressed Dr with his injury that she had two other people come look at it and the x-ray. It’s gross to me. Had her show me how to clean and wrap it. She wants it immobile. Shared Joshua 1:9 with nurse.
Referring to hand specialist. Nurse got us in right away.
200 Ortho apt at 2.15. Rt hip throbbing burning. Vision starting to blur with all the paperwork I had to fill out.
0300 finally in room. Girl had Jordon take bandage off. Waiting for Dr. Frustrated. Girl asked questions she should’ve known answer to if she would’ve read paperwork I just filled out.
0530 Dr is concerned with possible infection right now. Jordon is being referred to hand specialist next Wednesday to check the nail bed for possible surgery to close gap in nail bed.
0930 at drs apts most of afternoon for Jordon. Wiped out, exhausted, and hurting all over. Headache. Congested. Bloated – only ate one meal today – ate one plate and still feel stuffed. Going to bed early. Taking extra Vitamin C and Echinacea to keep immunity up. Applied Pain EO rub to chest and neck. Took pain rx.
Vitamin C & Zinc good for wound healing.
Oddly enough a lot of articles don’t tell you how much to take.
“How much vitamin C is an effective therapeutic dose? Dr. Klenner gave up to 300,000 milligrams (mg) per day. Generally, he gave 350 to 700 mg per kilogram body weight per day. That is a lot of Vitamin C.”
Feb 20
0630 oh bother! My Costocondritis has decided to flair up. Woke in severe pain in chest. Back shoulders and rt hip throbbing as well. Took pain rx to ease pain. It’s raining.
0700 pain rx not helping. Decided to try pt exercises & deep breathing.
Now to figure out how much ginger is adequate to heal heal.
1,000 milligrams equals 1 gram
This helps because I never really know how to answer. Though I’m in chronic pain it varies. Today pain is moderately strong to severe at times. I never want to say a 10 because that means I need to go to hospital and I don’t want that if I can avoid it.
“Missing in Action” – Coronavirus hit our home
I apologize for being incognito for a while. I had testing done at the beginning of the month (January 2021). The additional stress from the testing put me down for a few days. I will share information about the testing in a later post.
A week later the coronavirus hit our home which put our family in quarantine for two weeks. I got hit the worse, but am slowly recovering. Thankfully, none of us had to make a hospital trip. A positive note is that we’ve hopefully developed the antibodies.
We took lots of Vitamin C, Zinc, & Echinacea, while staying hydrated. Several friends dropped off soups, stews, and food to help keep us going while quarantining. One friend even bought us a can of disinfectant spray to kill the virus. What a blessing!
I’ve seen several people saying that they did odd projects around the house to utilize the time at home. We must have had a moderate case because none of us had the energy to do much of anything. For us, it was like getting a bad case of the flu – including but not limited to: sinus congestion, cough, fever, headache, lethargy, muscle aches and pains, sore throat, smelling funky smells that aren’t there, etc. It was weird for me because some of those same symptoms I deal with on a regular basis already due to my lightning strike injuries. I am finally starting to feel a little better and am looking forward to working on attempting to catch up on things around the home.